Six Months Later

Kara and Diana were in a routine, as much of a routine as they could considering the life they led with dual identities, day jobs, and superhero activities. Things were always interesting, never a dull moment. Eliza was in full swing with baby duties, her house across the street from Diana and Kara had been built. Alex and Maggie had gotten married. Things were tame at their wedding after there had been many threats from Kara that people were on their best behavior.

Lena had helped Mon-El fix his ship, he had finally relented that the baby wasn't his and went back to the 31st century with Irma, even though she had left him. He was not who she thought he was. Sam and Lena had unfortunately broken up, she couldn't handle the fact that Lena had been with Kara and Diana despite her best efforts. Lena was a little heartbroken and sad but, her friends helped her through it.

Kara and Diana were in full swing with their superhero hero duties. National City had seen Supergirl and Wonder Woman team up many times to save the city from a threat. Diana refused to join the DEO because of her Justice League duties, and she thought it best to keep them in the dark on some of what the Justice League was up to. No government agency should have that much power. She had worked with the government when she first came to man's world and preferred to keep her distance. She knew that J'onn, Alex, and Kara were the exceptions to the rule. But she kept a close watch on them.

Killer Frost and Sara Lance had a good thing going. They had started coming around more after Sara learned that Diana and Kara had kept their promise and had given Diara her middle name. Sara to her surprise quite liked being an Aunt.

Weekly game nights were back a regular occurrence and fight nights had become a monthly thing. Life was good, Kara and Diana were happy. As Diara had grown she had kept her one brown, one blue eye, and her blonde her, her face had begun to look almost like an exact replica of Diana's outside of the blonde hair.

People didn't ask too many questions about who the birth mom was, when they assumed, they thought it was Diana and they had decided early on to never correct people and their assumptions. It was easier that way, there was a little gossip and debate at CatCo about how the baby looked like both of them. But it was just that gossip.

Kara and Diana did a better job of incorporating date nights into their routine. It only helped to resolve their bound after it's rocky restart. They were stronger together and future bound.