Copyright notice: I do not claim ownership of RWBY, all rights go to Rooster Teeth Productions


RWBY: Unsung

Chapter 1 (Prologue)-Black April

Location: outskirts of Xuan Loc, Long Khanh 21 April 1975

(Hải's pov)

Six years… almost into seven years I have been fighting now… I'm tired.

Many of us grunts have had a hard time coming to terms with the collapse of Military Regions 1 and 2. The 3rd Corp is all that remains, standing in the way of hundreds of thousands of Communist troops keeping them for walking right into the capital. Sài gòn... my home… it will all be lost if we fail here. Xuân Lộc was all that was left… now in the hand of the Communists. Less than thousands of us now remain, on retreat, back to Sài gòn and no support from the Americans over the horizon, against a hundred thousand of them with dozens of tanks.

Regardless, I'm still alive and I can keep fighting... it's all I can do...



"Command?, someone?, anyone?"

The desperate ARVN Radio Operator's voice seem to have fallen on deaf ears, unable to get in touch with other ARVN elements. On a truck riding to Sài gòn , the soldiers sit in deep thought, frozen, unable to decide on what's next for them and the thousands of soldiers and refugees along the road. With nowhere left to go, all they can do is go home. Hours have passed by when they finally arrived at Biến Hóa Airfield.

"Where is everyone?" said one confused Airborne Soldier.

"We may be all that's left…", claimed another soldier, a remnant of the 18th Division that fought at Xuân Lộc.

"There may be more of us somewhere around the city, last I heard General Hung and the 5th Division are still fighting in An Loc" one Marine stated.

"Look there!" One Soldier pointed at a group of RVN Air Force Pilots.

One Pilot calmly walked towards the large element of ragtag soldiers. The Pilot was an Officer, a Captain. Seeing as he was the only senior NCO left, Sergeant Hải approached the officer.

"Sir", Hải Saluted the Officer, who then returned the salute.

"What's the situation as of right now, sir?" he asked fearing for the worst.

"Well.. only a handful of Army Generals remain, our aircraft are not of working order, communications are cut off and the Communists are closing in, we are on our last limb here."

"Have you contacted the J-G-S before comms went out?"

"I have tried more than once, no one was picking up."

"So we have no one to lead us."


After the conversation, Hải went to address the few Rangers who remained and other soldiers who came with him, many of which argued amongst one another about what to do next. Some argued to surrender, others wanted to leave the country with their families in tow, but Hải was getting ready for a fight. He took his empty magazines and a few ammo cans with him, loading his own mags one by one. The some troops who were bickering, had stopped and took notice of what he was planning on doings. A few began to join him loading there own rounds for their standard issue M16A1 Rifles chambered in M193 Ball ammo, what's left of them anyways. Those who joined Hải, prepared to fortify their positions getting ready for the coming onslaught.

A Few Days Later… 29 April 1975

It was a long night for the ARVN soldiers. Their entire country was on fire. Weapons at the ready, they fought on, with what little they had left. Some of their comrades had already left the country, others chose to stay. The sounds of sporadic gunfire and explosions gripped the outskirts of Sài gòn in the nearby provinces. With no one left to lead these men, they fought back independently.

"There's too many! We have t- GAHH" a Soldier screamed before falling to the ground, his body, lifeless.

Sergeant Hải led his men, regular soldiers, Airborne, Marine and Rangers, in an attempt to hold the city outskirts, however wave after wave of enemy troops continued to overrun their positions, supported by tanks.

"FALL BACK!" he ordered, trying to reorganize his men, who were low on ammunition, some even engaged in hand-to-hand.

The enemy soldiers noticed Hải and proceeded to fire upon him hitting him several times causing him to fall on his back, he was down, but not out. Unable to fight back any longer, he crawled his way to the nearest building, badly damaged, and close to collapsing due to it having no structural supporting. As gunfire continued to rang out all over the area and fighting resumed between the Communists and ARVN remnants,

Hải Was left at the mercy of his enemies who had advanced on his position with looks of caution, because of his status as a Ranger making him both feared and respected. They were more or less fearful when seeing the front of his helmet, a Black snarling Tiger with a demonic image. He did the unpredictable, reaching into his grenade pouch pulling out his M67 Hand Grenade.

Quickly crawling over to the nearest pillar supporting the building, keeping it from falling apart. Hải propped himself on the pillar, an explosion would be all it took to bring it all crashing down around him, determined to take his enemies all down with him, eliminating as many as he could.

"One Grenade should be enou-*coughing*

He was finding it difficult to almost breath and keep himself awake. Close to being completely unconscious Hải pulled the pin, released the spoon and Grenade allowing it to decide his fate, as the enemy closes in, everything fades to black…

A/N: Here it is, the first chapter of Unsung. I am open to some constructive criticism so let me know what y'all think of this chapter, it will help me out in the long run. This is a prologue, so it's kind of short. I put some thinking into who I wanted as my OC for this story, other stories I have read had an OC character from Earth who were reborn, teleported, died in their world, ranging from teenage kids who have seen RWBY and got sucked into it, to soldiers who went through an anomaly and ended up in RWBY. Some of the many stories I have read, one of them that inspired me was called 'Solipsism' by Wahs which I highly recommend y'all go check it out and so I wanted to give this idea a try. I wanted to pick a foreign Soldier from an Army that no longer exists, a forgotten Army and someone who was also a man out of time, so this came to mind. The next part will take place in the RWBYverse and won't be the generic "Oh I landed in the forest near Beacon" or cliches commonly found at the beginning of most RWBY FanFic stories out there. This story will be taking place in Volume 2 of RWBY so stay tuned for the next chapter.

P.S. I've also thought of doing a fanfiction story with the GATE anime with the ARVN replacing the JSDF and the Saderan Empire reimagined as more of a British/French Empire during the height of their power as Imperialist from the 18th-19th century, their conquered territories being Colonies and having weapons like muskets and Bayonets instead of Roman Legionaries with spears and Shields, of course there will still be mages and fantasy creatures as well, this is just another idea I had in mind for a fanfiction story.