Meeting the New Neighbors

Everyone was in front of Cq's house. Comyet, Asy, Decans, Ink, Cq, Error, and Fresh were greeting Geno home from the hospital. They were all about to head inside when they saw a blur hit the side of the house.

There, they saw what looked to be a human version of Error with visible signs of pixelization syndrome. The only difference was that they had peach skin, blue hair with violet streaks, black, red, and yellow gloves on, with violet tear marks. The next thing they noticed was the blood and some visible injuries on him.

After seeing them, Comyet, Asy, and Cq ran over to see if he was okay. The guy just got up and looked at them. They also noticed that instead of red like Error's eyes, they were aquamarine. He held up his hand so they wouldn't speak yet, as he rubbed the back of his head a bit.

"Daddy!?" Everyone looked as two kids ran toward the man.

Everyone saw two skeletons running towards their father. They were both wearing scarves, a hoodie-sweater, pants, and high-top sneakers. Everything they had was the same except from white, one's clothes would faded to an electric blue while the other fades to a bright yellow. The one with electric blue had gray shoes with lighting bolts of the same color. The other had gray shoes with yellow circles and bubbles on it.

The kids both stopped right before their dad and held each other's violet bone hands. They didn't get any closer to him and just waited for the guy to response. When the guy stopped rubbing his head, he looked down at his kids, then up at everyone behind them.

"O-oh, h-hello there! Do y-you perhaps l-live in this house?" the guy asked. They noticed his voice was a bit glitchy.

"Y-yes … we do, but are you alright? You're injured!" Cq said.

"Huh? O-oh, I-I'm f-f-fine! T-this happens a l-lot. M-my kids can't r-really hurt me. E-even if i-it l-looks bad," the guy said as the stuttering smoothed out.

Everyone was speechless. They couldn't believe that his kids, that were Error's age, hurt him. No one could comprehend it.

"Your kids did this to you!? WHY!?" Comyet yelled, only to cause the man to flinch and cover his ears. Everyone noticed that the guy's pixalitation syndrome was extremely server.

When it stopped, the guy dropped his hand and looked at everyone.

"Daddy, did you forget what we're doing?" The kid with electric blue asked.

"We're introducing ourselves!" The one in yellow reminded in a soft voice.

"R-right! W-well, my n-name is G-Glitch! T-These are m-my twin sons, Influx and Impulse." Glitch gestured to the one with blue, then the one in yellow.

"Why would your kids attack you? Were you just … training?" Asy asked. The other kids began to get closer to see the new family before them.

"Uhm, n-not quite. T-this may s-sound strange t-to you, b-but it's more o-of a medical condition," Glitch says. "We moved i-in a week ago, a-and just finished unpacking. We just wanted to greet our new neighbors!"

"Oh! Well it's a pleasure to meet you! I'm Cq, and these are my boys Geno, Error, and Fresh," Cq gestures to each of them. "This is Asy and Comyet. They come over often."

"Hi there," Comyet waves. "This is my son Ink."

"Hi, it's a pleasure meeting you!" Ink says loudly.

"Hi, I'm Decans. I'm a friend of Fresh."

Before anything else was said, Influx grunts and gripped his head in pain.

"Flux? Too much?" Impulse asked.

Influx looked at his brother and nodded lightly. Everyone began to look curious and worried for Influx since he was showing a lot of pain.

Glitch had a soft look on his face. "Impulse, you know what to do. When you're done, both of you head in the house. Understood?"

Influx and Impulse nod lightly, while the others watched on in confusion. Glitched walked away a bit until he was standing in the direction of his house. Then he gave a thumbs up.

They looked at the twins and saw that Influx's left eye had an electric blue electrical sparks, while Impulse had bright yellow pulsing from his right eye. Then Impulse let loose large yellow energy slashes head towards Glitch, who accepted them with open arms. The attacks made contact and sent Glitch flying until he hit the side of his house.

After Glitch landed, the twins quickly ran into their house. Everyone quickly rushed over to Glitch as he got up.

"Are you alright!? Why did you just take that powerful attack!?" Cq asked as she tried to check his injuries, but Glitch stopped her.

"As I said before, it's a medical problem they have," Glitch says. "They don't attack unless it's serious."

"Why would they need to do that?" Geno asked. "I've never heard of a medical problem that requires someone to attack people."

"That's the thing. This is the first of its kind," Glitch says. "Well, at least in this case it it. You see, my son Influx has a very unique soul. It's able to continuously gather soul energy from other souls. Do you see any problem with this?"

"Ya, Glitchy ma' man," Fresh spoke up. "Too much energy gatherin' and I assume Fluxy bruh can't burn it quick enough?"


"Then Fluxy 'ere could end up 6 feet under if da energy ain't released. Am I right?"

"Smart, but I expected as much from someone who can't feel yet," Glitch says surprising everyone. "But yes, if Influx doesn't release the excess energy, he could die."

"Shouldn't he be in the hos-"

"NO!" Glitch cut Cq off. "My sons won't ever go to a hospital, ever!"

Everyone looked at Glitch in shock as he glitches until crashing. It only took a few seconds until Glitch came back around and sighed.

"Sorry," Glitch said. "The last time I took the boys to the hospital I … I almost had them taken away by scientists again. I … I-I c-can't …"

"It's okay," Comyet said. "Take it easy."

"Then how is Influx do okay?" Ink asked. "Does it have to to with the attacks Impulse does?"

"They don't always attack. Only if Influx is at his limit," Glitch explains. "Influx can only store so much soul energy. When it causes him pain, Impulse releases it. I taught Influx to channel the energy into Impulse to release it."

"Why Impulse?" Error asked. "Why can't he just release it himself?"

"There are two reasons," Glitch says. "One is that Influx isn't able to control his magic very well. In fact, it's quite dangerous with all the power he's packing in his soul. Impulse has higher control over his magic and is able to make it take any shape at will."

"What does Impulse do when there isn't that much energy to release?" Geno asked.

"I'll just tell you, it's quite the lightshow," Glitch says. He then moves over to grab his hose and turns it on. When the water started to pour out, Glitch let it wash over him. When Glitch finished, everyone noticed that all his injuries were nothing more than scars.

"How did you heal so fast!?" Asy asked.

"I was once in a war," Glitch answered casually. "I'm used to this stuff. It's another reason scientist want my sons and I. After all, my sons are only alive thanks to me."

"What do you-" Asy started to say, but then everyone gasped.

They saw a purple soul, or at least the remains of it. Glitch's soul was nothing more than a small arrow head. Then Fresh noticed something.

"Glitchy brah, are you part monster?" Fresh asked.

"Smart, my cool-cat Fresh," Glitch says making Fresh feel odd as his face heated up. Glitch returns his soul and pulls off his gloves and shocked everyone. Both of Glitch's hands were just violet colored bones. On his left hand was a blue circle cut out, while the other had a yellow one.

"I'm a human-skeleton hybrid. From the elbows and knees down, I'm all bone. I'm more skeleton than human on the inside. My mother was a witch and my father was a skeleton."

"So, then … your soul?" Comyet asked shakily.

"When my sons were born, they had incomplete souls," Glitch explains. "Their mother had already passed and I wasn't about to lose her hopes and dreams. So I cut my soul to complete their's."

"How are you still alive?"

"Ink! That's very rude!" Comyet said.

"No, it's quite alright Comyet," Glitch says. "You see, Influx inherited his medical condition from me. I'm alive because I absorb enough soul energy as if I hadn't cut my soul so small."

"Doesn't that mean you're at risk too?" Asy asked.

"Not at all," Glitch replies. "I have more experience and control than my sons. So it's not much of an issue."

"How'd ya know?" Fresh asked. "About me not feelin' and the 'yet' part?"

"Oh, I know a lot about all of you," Glitch says. "The soul says it all, and unfortunately I can't control this. You see, in the war, I sustained a head injury that made me sorta blind in my right eye. When I was sent back to the field, I learned I was able to read a person's soul."

"No way! That's so cool!" Ink says.

"It wasn't always cool. Especially when it's really invasive," Glitch said. "It's an invasion into one's life, Ink. I know everything about all of you and I would rather learn it from you than just reading you like a book."

"You're lying," Error challenged. "That's impossible."

"I defy impossible, Error," Glitch says. "I know you love your brother Geno a lot and worry about him every minute he's not around. You play with puppets and your magic strings. You love to look at the star and hang out with Ink and Geno. You hate your brother Fresh, but you don't know the truth about that day."

"Shut Up!" Error shouts as his voice glitches. "I don't want to hear your lies!"

"I see through people, Error. Everyone's true self and memories are hidden within the soul," Glitch says. "Geno could have died a long time ago, but his strong will allowed him to keep going. Asy survived torture and agony thanks to his sister. Comyet worries about Ink and how he interacts with others due to his unique soul color. Ink loves hang out with Error and making art. Cq has been working hard just to keep her family together as a single mother of three. Decans, I think I should talk to your parents if that's going on in your life. And finally, Fresh has a powerful soul due to the fact he's unable to access his emotions within them, but he'll use them eventually."

Everyone was speechless. No one has ever had such an insight within their lives unless they told about it. So seeing someone who can just look at you and know what's going on in their life just blew their minds.

Glitch saw them staring at him. He put his gloves back on and covered his right eye with his hand. He hated when this happened. He just hope they don't get mad at him since couldn't really control his Soul Sight.

"That's quite the feat Glitchy brah. How's me using my emotions lookin' like?" Fresh asked.

"It'll be a bit confusing at first, but at the pace you're going, you'll be fine," Glitch said, but thought for a moment. Then he asked a sudden question that sort of through them off a bit. "I have a question. Would you like to come in my house?"