I'm really sorry this took so long, I just haven't been able to write much. Hopefully I won't be so late next time!



Dick's head was killing him although he couldn't remember why. He was sitting up and he was...tied to something? A chair? Yeah it must be a chair, his wrists were tied to the arms of a chair.

Dick didn't open his eyes yet, he wasn't ready to see who was waiting there yet. His head sank down further as he remembered what had just happened. They had handed him over, sure at the last second Bruce had tried to get him back in the car, but it hadn't worked. Zucco's men hit Bruce over the head and grabbed Dick and when he was turned around he had heard a gunshot. He heard his mentor's body hit the ground and he struggled and fought and screamed. Nothing worked, they had him in the car within minutes and a quick hit to the head had him knocked out.

He took a deep breath and he was fairly sure that if there was someone in here they wouldn't be fooled into thinking he was asleep. He couldn't bring himself to care though. Bruce and Selina had handed him over, Alfred had let them. And now Bruce...he might be dead. Dick had no idea what had become of his mentor, he didn't know if help had been on the way.

He squeezed the arms of the chair he was tied to and took a deep breath. He felt his eyes water and shut them tighter. He shook his head and took more deep breaths trying to avoid a full panic attack.

He heard a door open not far from where he was sitting and his eyes flew open. Two men brought in a table and set it directly across from Dick, not ten feet away. Then a woman came in and out setting food on the table. He couldn't help but be reminded of how hungry he was. The next person to come in brought a small bag and set it on the floor next to the table.

Dick narrowed his eyes, he wasn't stupid or naive, he was going to be seriously hurt before they killed him. He wasn't sure he wanted to know what was in that bag. The door shut and he was alone again.

He heard him before he saw him. Laughing, he was laughing. That man, if you could call him that, did not deserve to be happy.

The door swung open with enough force that it slammed against the wall. Zucco walked casually in with the same woman he saw earlier. Another man was behind them carrying two chairs. A third man came in with two plates and some silverware.

Zucco got situated and put food on his plate and the woman's. He gestured at one of the men to the bag and Dick tensed. Zucco noticed and laughed again.

The man who had come in with the plates walked over and unzipped the bag. He blocked Dick's view so he sat and watched carefully. The man seemed to be putting something together. He turned and revealed a video camera with a small tripod. He set it in front of the table and turned it on, Dick's heart sank.

Zucco took a few bites before addressing him.

"How ya been, circus brat?" He smirked at Dick, who didn't answer.

Dick just looked down at the ground.

"What nothing to say to Uncle Zucco?" He laughed again and the woman joined in.

Dick took a deep breath and swallowed. He didn't know how he was going to get through this, realistically he probably wouldn't. He didn't even know if anyone was looking for him. No, no he couldn't think like that. Sure, they hadn't told him what was going on, but they said it was to keep him safe. It didn't exactly...work out, at all really. But that didn't mean they weren't looking for him.

"Listen kid…" Zucco waited for Dick to look at him but Dick refused. Zucco growled and snapped his fingers.

The first man to come in with the chairs stalked over and took a fistful of Dick's hair. He roughly pulled Dicks head up so that he was looking directly at Zucco.

"That's better. Now...over the past few years, my life hasn't been very enjoyable. I don't particularly like being shoved into a prison sell and not shown any respect. And all of that is your fault. "

Zucco reclined on the chair, "So, I'm gonna make the remaining hours of your life hell. Capeise?"

Dick didn't dignify him with a reply.

"You were more of a talker last time I saw you." Zucco said, his voice suddenly dark. He nodded to the man and Dick received a swift backhand before his hair was released.

"I'm sure you're wondering if anyone is looking for you. The answer is probably no, after all Mr. Billionaire did get roughed up. I'm sure they're all more worried about him. But, if for some reason the police are looking, they won't find you here." Zucco informed him smugly.

Zuco laughed again, "And, after all, they did hand you over to me. Without a fuss."

Dick looked back at the ground. They didn't, not really...right? They must have had a plan, one that wasn't just to hand Dick over.

It was a while before anyone said anything. Zucco seemed to be occupied for the time being, and Dick didn't have a problem with that. He knew there was nothing about this encounter that he was going to like. He had to keep believing that help was on the way, that his almost-parents, as he had dubbed them, didn't just hand him over.

But...they hadn't told him what was going on. He had asked them so many times, he was so clearly frustrated and they had just brushed him off. They acted like he was a child and he didn't need to know what was going on. Clearly they had been wrong...or that was part of the plan all along.

No, no Dick knew better than that. They must have had a plan and it just go all messed up. Or maybe they had a way to track Zucco and Dick. Yeah, that had to be it! They must have a tracker.

Dick looked at himself briefly before discovering his school blazer was gone as well as his tie. He couldn't feel his phone or his wallet in his pocket either, although he hadn't expected to. And, other than the headache, he was relatively unharmed. He knew that wouldn't last very long, in fact, he probably had until Zucco was finished eating, Then he was sure he would be missing the times he only had a headache ailing him.

Dick took another deep breath in an attempt to settle himself. He glanced around the room taking everything in again and steeling himself. This was going to be a long night, a very long night.


Commissioner Gordon sipped a cup of black coffee while he listened to Harvey over the phone. They were still searching the area where Dick was taken, they knew Dick wasn't there but there might be clues around there somewhere.

"-can't find anything down here, Gordon. We're outta luck it seems. We'll have ta find a new angle. How about an APB?"

"We can do that in the morning if we need to. I want to have a little more time to look at this on our own. You know Bruce will put a reward out and people will call in to report fake things in the off chance that they will get something out of it."

"Right ...Well, have you considered the possibility of a mole?"

"Yes, it seems likely given the circumstances. But, we played this close to the chest. I haven't had a lot of time to think about all of this but it would have to be someone in on it from the beginning." Gordon set his cup down on a nearby table and pushed his hair back.

"The new kid maybe?" Bullock suggested.

"Maybe, we need to get to the bottom of this, but saving Dick is the priority. I don't want more people on this than absolutely necessary. It will minimize chances of another leak."

"Yher right. Should I... call for backup?" Harvey asked hesitantly.

Gordon couldn't really hide his surprise, "You mean you're gonna call the big guy?"

"I spose' if it'll give us a better chance...it might be worth lookin' into."

Gordon nodded, forgetting his long time friend couldn't see it, "Yeah, turn it on."

The commissioner abruptly turned around when a door banged open loudly, loud voices followed.

"I gotta go Harvey, good luck."

He clicked end on his phone and went to investigate.

"-but you can't! You haven't been discharged yet!"

"I don't care! We have our own doctor! I have more important things to do than ist in a hospital bed."

Just as Jim had suspected, Bruce had burst out of his room, already back in his clothes and was on his way out of the ER. Selina and Alfred right on his tale.

"Woah, woah, Bruce. Why don't you at least let them check you out first?" Gorfon tried to reason but even he knew he was wasting his breath. From the looks on their faces, Alfred, Bruce, and Selins had made up their minds.

Bruce glared at him, "No." he started down the hall then turned back for a second, "Call me if you have any leads!"

Jim didn't answer. He wasn't going to say anything, but he doubted they would find leads anytime soon. He just hoped they would get to the boy in time to save him. And, if the GCPD did have a mole, he hoped that it would be taken care of quickly.