Well hello there, just opening a story! This will be my first attempt at writing a Star Wars story sooo bear with me!

I will be focussing on getting a few chapters out quickly to get into the story! Also chapters will become longer over time!

DISCLAIM: Still poor. I actually only own the phone I am writing this on. So no fancy George Lucas and fancy characters for me!

Please let me know how you feel about this in the comments and review! Ideas are also welcome "wink wink."


3637 BBY / Korriban / Valley of the dark lords.

Korriban, a barren world soaked in the dark side of the force and also the homeworld of the sith is known for its bloody history full of battle and betrayal.

And ofcourse for being the homeworld of the sith and housing the sith acadamy, a pyramid like structure situated in the valley of the dark lords in wich sith acolytes are trained in the dark side of the force by relentless teachers to become dark lords.

One of these students is a red skinned lethan twi'lek called Lyz who has passed the acolyte trails and has become a full fledged apprentice to a dark lord known as darth Atroxa, also a lethan twi'lek, just before a set of events are set in motion that will change her life... Dramatically.


A teenage lethan girl stands in the middle of a rock plateau overlooking the valley of the dark lords. She wields a curved grip red lichtsaber in her right hand and moves it into a blocking stance as suddenly blue lightning flies at her and forces her to defend herself.

She feels the raw power behind the lightning as she gets overwhelmed and breaks it off by rolling to the side.

'What did I tell you.' A steady feminine voice reaches the ears of the young lethan twi'lek.

'You told me to hold my ground whatever the cost.' Lyz responds slowly while she gritts her teath.

'Disobidience will be punished, you know that.' The voice continous as suddenly a bolt of lightning flies at the sith apprentice.

Lyz quickly blocks it with her lightsaber in a reverse grip and slowly pushes it back using her anger to fuel her power.

'I just want to master sith lightning!' The young lethan shouts angrily as she manages to block the lightning from her master.

'Good, finally some improvements.' Her master replies.

Darth Atroxa walks towards her apprentice with a steady pace and quickly looks over her appearance. she is developing quickly she thinks as she looks at the young lethan in front of her.

She wears a black tight fitting long sleeved body suit, with a hood on her back and wears black boots. Her head is uncovered, exposing black swirl like markings covering her head and lekku.

Bright blue eyes stare back at Darth Atroxa.

She is still not as tall as myself though and not nearly as femine, darth Atroxa thinks as she reaches her apprentice.

Lyz herself stares at her master as she gracefully approaches. Her master has always been a rolemodel for her, she is powerful, beautiful and wise.

She wears sith robes and a black headband. She has her lightsaber at her belt on the right side and has even more black markings than her apprentice covering her exposed skin.

'Now...' The sith lord says, before she suddenly blasts her apprentice with lightning.

Lyz knows the feeling of electrocution after years of enduring it and she knows she deserved it after disobeing her masters orders, but that doesn't take away the fact that it is still very painful. Even at low power she falls down to the ground, wrinkling in pain.

But not for long.

The lethan apprentice slowly gets up, dissapating the lightning with a snarl and a swing of her lightsaber.

Her master looks approvingly at her.

'Now it is finally your turn to harnass the power of sith lightning, you may proceed.' Darth Atroxa says to her apprentice with a small smile like nothing happend.

Lyz slowly extends her hand and takes a deep breath savoring the moment she has been waiting on for years.

'Now harnass your feelings for power! Use your hate, your anger..."

The young lethan feels the pain, the pain of her masters lightning burning in her mind, all the anger she endured when she got frustrated by long tedious training sessions and the pain from training saber scorchmarks on her skin.

Drawing from the dark side, her normally bright blue eyes turn yellow and she feels the raw power coursing through her veins creating sith lightning and forcing it outwards.

The lightning hits a nearby cliff face scorching the bare dead rock.

This has drawn most of Lyz's her power as she pants heavily, her master coming up to her and laying a hand on her back.

'That is what you call power.' The older lethan says to her as she slowly, almost motherly rubs her apprentices back.

'The power... It felt great.' Lyz slowly says as she straightens her back.

'Now let's get back to the ac...' Her master gets broken off as suddenly a loud explosion sounds in the distance before a tremor rocks through the earth, almost knocking over master and apprentice.

Lyz stares at the horizon looking for signs of the explosion. Then she feels a wave of worry radiating off her master.

Looking back at her master Lyz sees her staring at the sky.

When she adverts her eyes to the sky above her, her body freezes. The sky is black with warships.

The comlink of her master suddenly beeps before a tense voice enters her ears.

'Hundreds of unidentified starships have entered the system... We are under attack.'


Well that was that! Please leave your thoughts and reviews down in the comments! Soon things will start to get... Interesting.

Sorry for my terrible english...!

PS: Lethan twi'leks are kinda fancy.