Vergo and Aura's (Not) Son

Title: Vergo and Aura's (Not) Son
Rating: T
Fandom: One Piece
Summary: Vergo's crazy Yandere girlfriend claims that they adopted a boy that she totally didn't kidnap. Also, she totally didn't steal her deceased friend's will.

Doflamingo: 30 years old
Vergo: 30 years old
Aura: 32 years old
Law: 15 years old

Vergo had returned once again to inform Doflamingo of his findings. Surprisingly, Aura wasn't with him this time. "Where's Aura-san?" Baby 5 asked.

"She just disappeared," Vergo answered. "Usually she leaves several dozen notes when just going out to restock on supplies. I'm surprised that she didn't leave a single one this time,"

"Aren't you worried about your girlfriend?" Doflamingo asked, although he was glad that she wasn't around.

"She'll be fine; she terrifies even the Celestial Dragons," Vergo pointed out. "Besides, she's nothing more than a subordinate to me,"

"Wise choice acknowledging that Ver-chan belongs to me and only me," The statement was addressed to Doflamingo, though Aura was still not in sight. A few seconds later, the door was knocked off its hinges. Aura stood there and a familiar teen was tied up in seastone chains by her side. "Ver-chan, we now have a son!"

"I'm not your son!" Law snapped. "You're just some random crazy lady that kidnapped me!"

"Law!?" The Donquixote Pirates exclaimed.

Law froze for a moment. "You brought me back here!?"

"Ver-chan, meet our new son, Vergo Jr.!" Aura introduced.

"My name is Law and I'm not your son and sure as hell not Vergo's son!"

"It's Vergo-san!" Vergo slammed his fist down on Law's head.

"Vergo Jr. hit his head earlier," Aura claimed.

"You knocked me out and tied me up in seastone chains!"

"Vergo Jr. has a very wide imagination," Aura lied.

"I'm literally still tied up!"

"By the way, my best friend's will clearly states that I'm his godmother," Aura held up an envelope.

"That envelope says 'The Last Will and Testament of Donquixote Rocinante'!" Doflamingo gaped in shock.

"It's also unopened!" Law added. "How the hell does a crazy person like you even know Cora-san!? Wait, never mind, don't answer that. Cora-san's related to a crazy bastard for a brother,"

"Law, I can clearly hear you," Doflamingo pointed out.

Aura slapped Doflamingo. "Don't backtalk Vergo Jr.!"

A cruel smirk made his way to Law's face as he noticed Doflamingo back away, too afraid to fight back. "Hey 'Mama,'" He said in his cutest, childish voice he could muster and with large, puppy eyes. "Doflamingo hurt me real bad,"

Aura cracked her knuckles. "You dared to harm Vergo Jr.!?" Doflamingo did the most logical thing to do in this situation; he dashed out the door and ran for his life. Aura was hot on his heels. "GET BACK HERE YOU PIECE OF SHIT!"

Another Marine, a male with spiky black hair and light grey eyes, ran into the base. He was sweating buckets and panting like crazy. "Aura…give back…Roci's will…"

"The crazy lady's chasing Doflamingo," Law informed.

"Damn it!" The Marine groaned and collapsed to the floor. He lifted his head up. "You're Law, right?"

Law narrowed his eyes. "What if I am?"

"Roci told me to keep you away from Aura," He stood back up. "I'm Rei Alistair by the way, Roci's bestest friend of all,"

As he reached to unchain the teen, Vergo kneed him in the stomach. "You will stay away from Vergo Jr.!"

Everyone gave Vergo an 'are-you-****ing-serious?' look. "I'm not Vergo Jr.!" Law screamed.

"Hush son," Vergo covered Law's mouth with duct tape. "I will teach you to follow my footsteps and serve Doffy,"

"Oh my god, did you get high with Kizaru!?" Alistair exclaimed. "I told you that Kizaru ate the Drug-Drug Fruit and that his mere presence will cause you to be affected!"

"I thought that he ate the Light-Light Fruit?" Doflamingo asked the Marine.

"That's Kizaru causing people to hallucinate with his Drug-Drug Fruit!"

And thus, Law became Vergo Jr.