Work in progress.

Disclaimer: Should I stop doing this...? I do not own the Persona series or Highschool DXD.

(April 7—2010—Wednesday)

(?—Velvet Room—Morning)

(BGM: Poem for everyone's souls)

Sakato opens his eyes and saw the familiar blue ballroom.

The short man with the long nose sat on the other end of the table with his hands clasped together. There is no sign of the maid, Victoria, if he recalled.

The 17 year old look around and saw her cleaning the place, elegantly, he might add.

"It's nice to meet you again, Sakato-sama. I assume your talk with Minato-sama has gone well..." The creepy old man grinned.

"Igor." Sakato acknowledged. "Why am I here so suddenly?"

As the blackette said that, the man's grin widened even more.

"Forgive me if I surprised you, that was not my intention." He said. "I called you here because

(April 7—2010—Wednesday)

(Kuoh Academy—Class 3-B—Lunchtime)

The white Wildcard was awakened from his needed slumber by someone shaking him and calling his name.


A.N: To those who likes this story. Thank you for sticking by and I hope this story continue to meet your fancy. To those who dislikes, I'm sorry. I did realize the appearance of my OC disturbed you to no end, but I'm trying to mix and create an original story here, for me, Fanfiction is not just a place to write about a character, it's also a place to imagine your own story. I saw a couple of good OC stories with an original plot, and I admires those authors for it. Besides, weren't canon and existing characters like Minato an OC as well? What about Harry Potter? Isn't he an original book character? They were created by people and manages to be adored and admired by us, fans. So why can't I create one as well? It doesn't matter if you dislike this story because of my OC, I want to create a good plot for everyone to read and enjoy, so please, leave me alone.

P.S: My OC will only be paired with my own OC.

... words.