Chapter One: Something New, Something Quirky

A/N: Fun times. This is not edited and I'm tired.

Disclaimer: I have no ownership of Naruto or the Percy Jackson series.

"Bolded because probably a god or a titan. Oooo."

Chapter One START

Pain. Suffering. Loss.

Triumph. Victory. Success.

One rift in space took away a blond shinobi, permanently removing him from his home and causing ripples throughout the new world that not even the gods would prophecy of.


One Naruto Uzumaki was in pain. Traveling through the rift was not exactly a pleasant experience. No, it was quite the opposite; those thirty seconds were the most torturous moments of life he had ever experienced.

Naruto could feel his head bursting…figuratively, but also quite literally. The painfully loud sounds of explosions in his ears – blood finally moving around as a proper fluid - only deafened his heightened senses did not help him recover from the torture he had just escaped for the second.

'Breathe! Breathe! What in Kami's name was that?' Naruto mentally panicked as he touched his body all over, making sure he was in one piece. Mentally attempting to stabilize himself, he forced himself – extremely forcefully – to take a deep breath. It didn't help much, but at least he was no longer mentally panicking. He had never even imagined that someone had access to a space time technique, so being thrown through one was quite the ride and mental stimulator for questioning.

Once he had regained his bearings as best he could, the blond swiped the sweat from his brow and took a seat on his ass, completely wiped out. Mentally, he would need at least fifteen minutes to say 'nope, that never happened.' But by whatever Kami deemed holy, he prayed that whatever had happened in the portal would never, ever, happen again. He had been down in the dumps before, but that pain was ungodly. Simply thinking about the whole ordeal was giving him a headache. He rubbed at his temple and gave out a sigh.

'Deep breath, Uzumaki Naruto. You've been through worse…I think. And you've never had anything bring you down in life, so what does thirty minutes of pain mean to you?' The headache grew in pain. 'Quite a lot…that was probably the worst thing I've ever gone through. Did the Fourth Hokage have to go through that kind of pain every time he used his Hiraishin? I really doubt it, considering that the guy was basically a genius with seals. Probably put a seal that nullified pain…and worked with the whole time aspect of the travel. I was in that realm for way too long to be useful in a fight again. Why am I thinking about this stuff anyway? Let's think of better things! Like Hinata-chan, and Sakura-chan, and good ol' Hatake Kakashi, the lazy bastard he is…and ramen!'

Fifteen minutes later, Naruto decided that he had spent enough time sitting around and recovering and getting to scouting around the area. He had pushed the thought of the mental torture away and was now fixated on three things. One: why was he here, wherever 'here' was? Was the teleportation a mistake or on purpose? Two: who used the teleportation? Three: If someone used any form of space time in their ability, how did they use it? Was there a way to reverse engineer it in a way that he could comprehend to make it into his own technique? And if not, could the culprit even send him back to Konoha?

Well, even if the subject in question couldn't, it was far too dangerous to let someone that could teleport people at free will just roam around freely. He'd be forced to fight the person into submission, if it came down to that.

With that thought filed away, Naruto wasted no more time exploring his direct vicinity. The first thing he noticed was that all around him, people in a completely different style of clothing were asleep in strange positions all over the road, as if they were set under an illusion or put to sleep against their will. It wouldn't make sense otherwise. Also, there were weird…locomotive things that had people inside that were moving at about an inch per second.

Everyone around the area just seemed completely given in to Morpheus' sweet gift of rest, many condiments and foods spilled to the streets.

'Is this a daily thing or is something more going on? Look underneath the underneath time!'

The blond rubbed his eyes – that hurt – just to make sure everything was actually the way he was seeing it. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion…and then the platinum haired teen looked up.

"…What in Kami's name are these tall buildings…"Naruto was in absolute awe and amazement of the giant skyscrapers, towering far above him. He couldn't help but lgape as he took in the formidable structures, hundreds of times his height. It kind of reminded him of the first time he ran into the Kyuubi or Boss Toad, except on a much, much larger scale. Piqued, he began running up the tallest skyscraper in the vicinity with chakra carefully spread across his feet, rising up a thousand feet in hardly ten seconds. Once at the top, a huge breeze struck him and his hair flowed viciously to the left.

And then his eyes widened immediately in shock and revelation, as his heart sunk like a rock.

There was no way he was home. Not anywhere near Konoha…and definitely not in the Elemental Nations either.

'What in Kami's name is going on here?'

All around him, there were gigantic, towering buildings just like the one he stood on, except they were varying in size and decorum. The majority of them did have windows that reflected rather harshly in the afternoon light. Looking further beyond, he saw a large mass of water – a river – underneath a multitude of long, metal bridges that were empty and void of anything. But buildings stood everywhere; tall, short, cultural, interestingly shaped…you name it, there was one for everything. Naruto pondered in his wonder if there was an upside-down house.

'That'd be cool…I'd just stand on the ceiling and I'd see everything normally.'

Moving past the childish thought, Naruto kept his scrutinizing gaze on the city. It felt like a well-used organ, just like home. There was a structure and reason for everything, it seemed, and he was struck by nostalgia.

'How do I get home…oh! I can summon the toads!'

Excited by a prospect that could work, Naruto set to work and performed the necessary hand seals before shouting –

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning Technique)!"

A seal of kanji that Naruto would recognize anywhere spread over the ground in a radial direction outwards, away from his hand.

'It's working!'

A second later, a poof of smoke and…nothing. Naruto scrunched his eyebrows.

'Maybe more chakra?'

Fail. Naruto began to feel his hopes disappear into the wind that had just picked up.




No show.


And the trend continued, with Naruto inputting more and more chakra until he was at a quarter of his reserves, sweating heavily from both exhaustion and mental frustration. The summoning technique was a complete failure. But if he couldn't get into contact with the toads, that meant that he was in a completely different plane of existence currently. On the verge of hyperventilating, Naruto took another calming breath and tried, for the life of him, to figure out this whole situation. Everything he came up with seemed impossible, with each thought becoming more ridiculous than the previous.

'There's no way some ghosts had a resentment towards me, and then used some kind of space-time technique, with more emphasis on time, to send me to another dimension that had no connection to the toads, right? Edo Tensei? That doesn't even make sense! And how could that rift send me so far from Konoha in the first place? If I can't even call upon the toads, I'm so far that my location is probably…impossible to reach for them, even with seals…for Kami's sake…'

Naruto began to cry, crumbling to the ground as he felt defeat wash over him. He had just received the adoration of the village, and he could literally feel the possibility of Hokage in the grasp sometime in the near future. His goal was right there. It was right there! All that work he had put in blew up in smoke, much like the failed summoning techniques minutes before. Seventeen years of existence, and only a few days of peace and comfort with the people he loved and trusted with hardly any negative emotions directed at him. He had cherished those days so much; he felt like it was his reward for putting in so much work.

'And now…they're all gone. There's nothing. What's the point? All the effort to becoming the greatest ninja in history just went down the drain. My future was ripped away from me. How is this fair? How…how is any of this FAIR?!'

Naruto, deep inside of himself, felt anger bubbling up as his fists clenched in fury. Rage gripped him as molten anger rushed through him, coursing through his whole body thoroughly. At this moment, Naruto cursed Kami. He cursed all the gods, and the unfairness of his life. And cursed how, when he had just won over the village to longer see him as the fox, he lost it all.

'Wait…where is the Kyuubi's chakra? When I get upset, he always manages to slip out some chakra, but now…I don't even feel anything coming from the cage. Am I…free?'

That thought of separation from the fox took away all of the rage and replaced it with euphoria. Positivity and optimism was one of the teen's strongest assets.

'So what if I'm in a completely different world? Unlikely; if I'm ever separated from the bastard, then I die and he gets free. I'm not dead, and I don't sense any malicious chakra roaming the earth right now, so I guess he's still stuck with me. Bah, I'll figure this whole thing out later; first things first, where the hell am I? For now, let's survive!'

Much more energized and relaxed, Naruto took a meditative position at the center of the roof and prepared to use Sage Mode. A minute later, the tell tale signs of the technique working showed on the body. Orange pigmentation around the eyes and a deep sense of serenity and calm spread out from Naruto. A moment later, he opened his eyes, revealing to the world his yellow eyes with a horizontal bar set in the middle of his iris.

'That was lot…faster than I was expecting. The meditation stage usually takes two minutes and thirty seconds, but that was hardly a minute. Maybe there's a drawback? Either way, let's see what the layout of life looks like!'

Tapping into his abilities, Naruto felt the life force of the many individuals in the city, almost all of which seemed to be very normal civilians. Only a couple thousand felt out of the ordinary in the amount of power, and maybe ten or twenty out of those were reaching levels he felt surprised by, and they were all almost together, except separated in two large, concentric camps.

The more powerful sources that he felt were easy to get a general location from, but it certainly confused him. A few of them were in the sky, two were on the ground level, and another just reeked of death below the earth.

'It's not chakra, though. Not a world of ninjas, it seems.'

Honing his senses closer to the mass of concentrated, elevated powers, Naruto noticed a fleeting source that seemed to be flickering in energy between low and high. It was definitely one of the sources he recognized as unordinary…and he was dying. He narrowed his eyes in the process of changing his focus solely to the flickering energy source and locked on.

'Time to gain some information about this world!'

Naruto jumped off the roof and free fell, caution thrown out of the wind. He had this, easily. Once he was near the ground, he created a Kage Bunshin (Shadow Clone), which grabbed the original and threw him closer to the scent of iron. He repeated this process of summoning and throwing until he felt that he was directly on top of the smell. Casually landing on the streets far from his original position, Naruto checked his surroundings immediately, as if it were an innate process as his transformation wore off.

"You *cough*…you can jump pretty far. I must be dying," a weak, raspy voice croaked out. Naruto whipped his head to the voice and found himself staring at a teen his age donned in complete bronze armor, with black hair and blue eyes, and blood covering the rest of his body. The blond nearly teleported to the teen, kneeling over to him with a worried expression, his eyebrows scrunched up.

"Are you okay?" The teen coughed out blood in response and gave Naruto a confused smile.

"Ah…I must really be dying, haha. I can't even understand what you're saying." This time, it was Naruto's turn to give the dying teen a confused expression. He couldn't comprehend the language. "You sound like Ethan Nakamura…" the teen coughed out more blood before continuing. "…Yea…you sound like Nakamura when he curses in Japanese sometimes."

Naruto gingerly cupped the teen behind the head and propped his body up before the boy coughed again.

"Where do I go to help you?" The blond asked as he pulled out some bandages from his pouch and began getting to work on the boy, ripping some of the material with his teeth. The teen's armor was in the way, so Naruto quickly created a clone to stabilize the position of the dying demigod prior to removing the armor. Immediately after, Naruto went to work with heavy concentration.

"By the gods, I am really dying. There are two of you, haha-" He coughed from the laughter, spewing out more blood. The clone of the blond gave him a stare that he clearly registered as 'stop talking and don't laugh.' But he wasn't sure, so he kept talking in his foreign tongue. "My name's Roy Michaels, and I had the curse of having two first names…kinda. By the way, you said… 'doko', which is 'where', I believe?"

The blond and his clones' eyes lit up with recognition from the word, despite the terrible accent. The two looked at each other quickly before the clone nodded and took over the bandaging procedure.

"Yeah! Which camp…if it matters? Just give me the basic information!" Naruto shouted desperately, a slight glimmer of hope in his eyes .

"If you could take me back to the camp, that's directed to your left," Roy rasped out, his voice getting weaker. The teen barely managed to raise his right arm and point in the proper direction. Naruto nodded and immediately picked up Roy, who groaned but otherwise didn't complain. The clone finished up the last of his bandages and ran off in front of the original before finding another skyscraper to conquer. He wanted to gain more information of the land.

Meanwhile, the blond took off, using some chakra to create six more clones and run off in any direction except backwards. If they found anything of value, the clones could just pop themselves and give the memories back to the original.

Feeling a tap on his shoulder, Naruto looked down and saw Roy point to his left. The blond gave a curt nod once he realized what the black haired teen meant and made way by turning a corner as smoothly as he could.

'I do know how to get there, though.'


(Location: Camp of Kronos)

Ethan Nakamura was not one to be described as a weak individual, neither in physical prowess nor mental fortitude. As the lieutenant of Kronos himself, it would be a difficult task for many to even call him anything but skilled, considering that he was one of the few that could battle Percy Jackson in weapon combat for longer than a minute. He was methodical, smart, and an amazing strategist, which was why he was employed as a lieutenant in the first place.

But most difficult of all would be to argue against the fact the child of Nemesis had style. It was a huge facet and a surprisingly large part to why Kronos even let Nakamura into his tent filled with superiors.

Black hair that ran over his left eye, with an eye patch just for clarification that he was not emo, Ethan chose to wear the simplest of armors. Brown shoulder pads, a light bronze chest plate, and dark black gloves that stopped just over his knuckles. Underneath, he preferred a long length tunic navy blue shirt and black joggers. As for shoes, he modeled, in his words, in 'only the spiciest boosted shoes.' A strong hatred for Suhpreme, and quite the love for any shoes with extra boost in the sole, especially A-deed-ass, the teen was a fashion model with a strong sense of balance, and all would agree. His most memorable quote was when one demigod asked why Ethan always went out in missions in his most recognizably wealthy and stylish clothes.

"Traitors got to have style. That way, more people join in."

Many of the demigods on Kronos' side merely said in response, "You're not wrong, lieutenant." Those that were recruited by the young Japanese demigod recalled that they, too, were intrigued by his style when first meeting the sword and shield user.

And now, war would soon take place. In an a few hours, the next day, or whenever Kronos decided it was time to attack. And Ethan was prepared. This was the climactic moment in his life. Everyone – all soldiers, centaurs, creatures – they would see and bask in the glory of style. Balance in everything, style especially.

Ethan gave himself a mental pat in the head, thinking of the garments he had prepared in the wardrobe. He had spent months, torturing himself as he mentally fought over what clothes to model the day of the battle. It was as much a war in his head as it was to be in Manhattan. And then, he came across the revolutionary outfit one day as everything just came into his mind.

"Perfectly balanced…as all things should be," he mumbled quietly to himself as his one, lone eye widened as he dramatically walked towards the shirt that would fit his outfit perfectly. "This is it." He looked over to the cashier and saw no line.

'This must be a sign. Thank you, mother.' He felt a sense of content wash over him. Then, Ethan walked over to the cashier, and bought the shirt.

Now, it was not to say that Ethan wasn't cool. He was a very comfortable individual to be with and talk to, according to everyone that ever met him…excluding probably Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase. However, ever since his discovery of the perfect shirt, the demigods in the camp of Kronos all came to an agreement that the lieutenant had chilled out significantly and also never sighted the teenager having random moments where he would pluck his eyebrows violently in public, one by one, with hardly any emotion whilst speaking in his first language. Ethan dubbed it his angry face. Amusing, yes, but it was worth losing those few seconds of pure hilariousness if he would no longer take his stress on what to wear for the 'war outfit' on the warriors of Kronos. Ethan came close to being as frightening as Kronos when he hit his rock bottom emotionally over his choice of clothing.

Now that everything is set for the character of Ethan, we must now describe the turbulent events that immediately followed Ethan's thoughts. The young lieutenant first, as we know, gave himself a mental pat in the back. Then, he spent another ten seconds looking over the table filled with Expo Marker lines and writings on top of a map of Manhattan, imagining the plan of the attack in his mind. There was no way that Camp Half Blood and their allies would attack. They were practically glued to their position due to the location of the Empire State Building, and as a minor note, they were surrounded by far greater numbers. A strange hold would not work, as giving any more time to the enemy side would not prove advantageous. There were currently battles taking elsewhere that were distracting a few of the major gods on the opposing side. Either today or tomorrow were the most opportune times to attack. He would prefer the next day, so he could obtain information from his spy that he sent over to the enemy camp, reassess his plans, and then spread the revised plan to the ranks.

He would also be able to wash before putting on his 'war outfit', then. He'd be held from sleeping, washing, and changing for nearly forty eight hours due to the plans coming to life with Kronos and the other higher ranking officers in the 'take over Olympus' camp. He was the youngest one in the tent when the plans were discussed; he wondered why he never saw adult demigods prior to the meetings.

Regardless, back to present time. Nakamura, then, looked over to his outfit hanging on the side of his tent with love in his eye. Immediately afterwards, he suddenly heard a loud shout in Japanese that equated to –


- From the exact same location…coming straight for his tent.

Everything then progressed in slow motion. Ethan swore that he felt everything moving ten thousand times slower, also as if he were in a video with the 'Slowish Motion Dudes'. And then it unfolded…literally. The tent began to fold over as something crashed into his tent, exactly where his beautiful war outfit that had cost him thousands was hung up.

Ethan reached up for his eyebrows.


(Location: Outside Ethan's tent)

This is not what Naruto considered a fun time. He had ran so quickly with a coughing Roy in tow, held bridal style, that the boy wasn't able to keep up with the directions anymore, it had seemed. He had run straight line for nearly five minutes, but Roy was no longer pointing or laughing at what seemed to be his own jokes.

He knew he was approaching one of the centric masses of power. He felt it, as if they weren't even trying to hide their energy. Then, he heard them with his heightened sense. And then he saw them.

A giant cloud of arrows, he meant. Immediately afterwards, he was attacked by creatures that could only be described as darkness and shadows.

"You've got to be kidding me! I'm just trying to save this guy!" Naruto yelled, praying that anyone would understand as he used Iruka's famous screaming technique. It was not effective, if the continuing barrage was anything to go by. "Pleaaase~, just stop this, dattebayo!" He screamed again, in a show of acrobats as he flipped over simmering arrow set on fire with skillful ease…and proceeded to land right into a tent.

All around him, Naruto could percept the hostile emotions all around him switch from cautious hostility to absolute fear. Naruto used this opportunity to throw Roy at one of the teenage soldiers in the camp, who thankfully caught the boy and seemed to shout something that caused a shift in the circle around him. Roy was let down to the ground and appeared to be taken care of by what seemed to be a medic as they fed him a square object that seemed to have immediate effects.

And then Naruto felt it. Oppressive, unadulterated anger and anguish. Hatred and loss. Remorse for the possibly the most important thing in the world…gone in an instant.

"Are you kidding me?!" A voice from inside the tent bellowed out in Japanese. Naruto clenched his fists, prepared for a fight, albeit slightly surprised by the fact someone was speaking fluently in his tongue amidst the sea of foreigners to him.

Out of the tent came Ethan, eyes red and spit flying out of his mouth in a rage that Ares would be proud of. His sword was out on his right hand, and his left was already at his forehead, plucking his already threaded eyebrows with dexterity that would make gamers jealous.

"Who was it?! Who was it?!"

The circle around Naruto and the tent widened, leaving the blond teen directly in front of the fuming lieutenant, who was already on his other eyebrow. The blond couldn't help but let out a held in chuckle at the image of one of Ethan's eyebrows completely gone. He looked so bald.

Ethan whipped his head around, and zoned in on Naruto, who was hardly holding in his laughing fit. He marched up to the…disgustingly dressed teen and stopped just a few feet away.

"Was it you?!"

Naruto nearly flinched back at the venom in the words that he could comprehend. Considering that he had just took part in battle against Pein, that was quite the achievement. Then again, Pein never really let out any form of bloodlust. He was just powerful with his stupid eyes to boot.

"Was it me that did what?" Naruto croaked out in the same language, his eyebrows arched up in uncertainty. Ethan took another menacing step forward, and Naruto swore that the teen's lone eye glinted with murderous intent.

"Was it you? That. Destroyed. My. Beloved?!" On the last word, Ethan threw his sword at Naruto's face. The ninja dodged it with ease by stepping to the side and grabbed the sword by the hilt in one clean motion.

"I'm going to hold onto this for safekeeping, just saying, dattebayo," Naruto explained as he held the sword carefully in his left hand, his right hand just inches from his weapons pouch. So far, it seemed the circle around him was not imminent to charge. Despite that, he was extremely wary of all of the soldiers surrounding him, especially the one in front of him.

'Never too safe to be sorry. Twenty clones around the berth should do the trick…but he also seems to command attention and respect, considering that no one is attacking anymore. So maybe withholding any show of power is the proper action here.' Naruto paused in his thoughts, suddenly noticing that both of Ethan's eyebrows were naked. 'Oh Kami, I can't laugh here!'

"Not cool. And I think you got the wrong guy. I was running in with an injured 'cuz he told me to come here and your group attacked me! So I dodged and ended up jumping into your tent right now. I saved someone…so I don't think it's possible that I killed your beloved," Naruto reasoned carefully. Ethan's eyes lit up with metaphorical fire as the he pointed at Naruto with a clean index finger.

"It WAS you!" Ethan accused assuredly, completely skimming over the fact the blond had same 'jumped'. One jump. Ethan ran back to his tent, leaving Naruto in an awkward stand off for a few moments before the enraged demigod returned with…

"Your beloved is clothes? Really?" Naruto asked unbelievingly. Ethan's fury only became heightened at the incredulous tone, practically bristling from resentment. Naruto caught on to the increasing negative emotions seeping out. "I'll buy you some to make up for it. Sorry!" He added in an apologetic tone.

"Who are you? There's no one here I know that spoke Japanese other than me. Where's your armor? And what in the gods' name are those clothes you are wearing? They are a disgrace and besmirch all that is style and my eyes!"

Naruto frowned. He was cool with giving information if he'd be given information in return, but the attitude the teen was giving him really wearing him thin. Still, he'd prefer to get out of his situation without killing anybody or using enough chakra to scream in a circle the diameter of a mile that he existed.

"I'm Uzumaki Naruto! And I prefer to fight without armor and in these clothes, my preferred outfit since orange is a great color! Since you asked me a question, I'm going to ask you one." The blond paused, thinking for a moment. He knew for certain that he was not anywhere near the Land of Fire, or probably anywhere in the Elemental Nations. Wherever that damned portal took him, it had ripped him from his home to somewhere with tall buildings and vehicles that looked nothing like carts and wagons.

Ethan, despite his rage, seemed to allow Naruto to take his time to ask and waited rather patiently. Naruto hummed in thought and then simply asked, "What's your name?" in a cheerful voice, effectively surprising the lieutenant and breaking the majority of the tense atmosphere.

"I'm Nakamura Ethan, one of the lieutenants for the army of Kronos, the titan leading the war against the gods and eradicate those corrupt deities. Do you speak English, Uzumaki?" Much of the anger in his voice was gone as the methodical Ethan returned, realizing that the foreigner in front of him was possibly a danger. His sword was dodged and caught easily, and despite the careless ease that Naruto gave off, Ethan couldn't help but be extremely skeptical of this whole situation. He could be a spy, for all that the gods knew.

'This Naruto could actually be a spy considering that I just sent Roy over…Camp Half Blood maybe thought of the same thing? Annabeth's plan to send a Japanese demigod and land directly in front of my tent? Unlikely…that means that they had a layout of our camp, but they never left their station from the city. I also know all the demigods on our side, and he is a face I've never seen. I would recognize those clothes if I ever – wait, there's a simpler solution to this all.'

"I don't speak Eng-rish, Nakamura. And Ethan…that's a rather interesting first name you got there!"

Before Ethan could retaliate, everyone in the camp covered their ears as an ear-piercing screech echoed across the sky. Directly above the camp, a flying creature blitzed across their vision in the direction of the city, its huge wings flapping powerfully to create gusts of wind that shook all of the tents violently. Naruto's blue eyes gazed at the creature in awe, his mouth agape in surprise.

"You guys have a dragon summon? I've never seen one before."

"Sometimes, I really hate Kronos. We were supposed to attack tomorrow and I haven't even washed yet!" Ethan dropped his attention from the sky back to the teen in front of him. All anger seemed to dissipate from the lieutenant and only concentration and a strong-willed demigod soldier was left. "I am assuming you are a demigod and one of us starting today if you were able to make it this far into the camp without dying. I apologize for my ranks for attacking you. What you saw was not a dragon, but a drakon. Don't call it a dragon in its hearing range; it'll get upset."

"A dra…what?"

"Demigods! Soldiers of Kronos' army! Do not attack an individual dressed in a black and orange jumpsuit; he is with us!" Ethan ordered in a clear, echoing voice in the common language; that is, Greek. The whole camp gave one stomp as indication that he had been heard. "Set up your ranks and prepare to attack the city of Manhattan. Follow the plan and the mission, and we will win today!" Another stomp, and a roar of approval as their battle morale rose.

"Forward!" Another lieutenant roared with vibrancy in his order. The whole camp, encouraged even further, seemed to become even more alive with dynamic.

Naruto raised his fists and prepared to fight when he heard the camp roar to life. However, Ethan walked up to the blond and reassured him calmly, "No need for that; I have told them to be wary of you and leave you be. You will come with me. There is no one else here that speaks your tongue, and I am glad that you have returned our soldier. Buy me a new outfit after this war, and we will be well off, Uzumaki."

'So that's what the separation of the powers meant. There is about to be another war…and the cycle continues, it seems.'

Ethan swore that he saw Naruto frown for a split second, but he was already grinning toothfully and nodded cheerfully at Ethan.

"Ethan-san, could you tell me why you are having this war, though?" Naruto inquired, some sadness in his voice. The last memory he had of his home village was its half destroyed state despite the intensive measure set out for rebuilding Konoha.

Ethan just sighed, watching the action lay out before him. All of the demigods and monsters on Kronos' side were grabbing their belongings and were marching towards the city, determination in their eyes and strength in their march. Naruto saw a few monsters and humans give the respected lieutenant next to him nods as they marched past.

"I am unsure if you actually need of explanation, but I will do so to amuse you. We are unclaimed. We do not have a home, and the gods have been unfair. Lord Kronos, a titan that birthed many of the gods with Rhea, called for war against the gods and promised to give us a place of belonging once he destroys Olympus, the home of the gods."

"I understand," Naruto said, voicing his empathy. He placed a hand on Ethan's shoulder and continued, "I really don't know what side I'm fighting for, to be honest, but I'll help you so all of those that have no belonging and homes will have one. And I'm ignoring the negative emotions of the creatures and people that went past by us as emotions of regret or anger against the gods. But I want to know, since I can sense negative emotions. Why are you so upset?"

"Because Kronos went against the plans, attacked a day early, and now I can't shower or show the world my style."

"…Alright. Fair enough."

Inwardly, Naruto was comparing Ethan to Deidara.

Chapter End.


"I'm curious…how would you fight against a Cyclops, Naruto?" Naruto had told Ethan to drop the honorifics and the last name usage.

"A Cycle…bicycle - what?"

"A giant with one eye," Ethan expanded. "Its senses are rather dull, but it is a powerful monster that uses weapons equal to its size, and quite capable of destruction."

Naruto hummed for a moment, looking up to the sky with his eyes closed in thought, his forefinger and thumb on his chin to complete the detective look.

"Are they professional or precise?"

"No," was the immediate response.

"I'd squeeze a lemon on their eye then. Or stab it. But if I wanted to mess with the giant, then yea, I'd squeeze a lemon."

"…I see…" Ethan slowly drawled out, completely intending the pun. He mentally considered getting sunglasses to cover his lone eye. Pulling out his phone, Ethan messaged the group chat named 'Lord Kronos Bros Only', which was the chat of nearly five hundred demigods.

"I need someone to make custom made sunglasses for every Cyclops. Understood?"

Ethan allowed himself a small grin when he saw a text in blue that said, "Understood."

He only allowed iPhones on the side of Lord Kronos.

Idiots on the other side of the bridge; they could use the Internet without fear.

End Omake.

A/N: Too much talking, not enough information. I had this whole plan for this story pop up, but it was so difficult in my mind. So I just got to writing, and this is what came about. I'm not mad, but I did have a different idea.

It was supposed to be like a script, and it would break the fourth wall consistently. It's as if the whole story is in a set for a movie (because that's the whole idea). Like when Kronos dies, the actor would just…run off the set. It was a lot funnier in my head. I dunno.


KenzoXShuyita out!