Spoiler alert: if you've seen the latest episode, I just wanna say, regarding Cass being bisexual, I totally called it in the first chapter, before that episode aired. Lol.
When Cass woke up the next morning, the first thing he thought about when he sat up in the bed was what had happened the day before. He didn't understand why Jesse was being so dominant or why he'd gotten an erection from the way Jesse was treating him. All day yesterday, after they'd had that interaction, Jesse had teased him. He constantly kept finding opportunities to whisper "bitch" into Cass' ear throughout that day. He kept making sexual jokes and just being really perverted in a distinctly aggressive way. Why did he have to get that boner? Now it seemed like Jesse would never leave him alone. He loathed the thought of having to endure another day of Jesse's harassment. Just when he'd finally mustered up the mental energy to consider getting out of bed for the day, there through the door came Jesse, of course, still in his underwear.
"Morning, Sunshine," Jesse greeted sarcastically.
"Ughh," groaned Cass before falling back slightly while sitting in the bed, causing the back of his head to strike the headboard. "What do you want?"
"Jeez, just saying good morning. Can't a guy say good morning to his best friend?"
"Yeah, sure, but you're not my best friend, are ya? You're my tormenter, all of a sudden."
Jesse genuinely felt bad. Of course, he had purposely been taunting Cass the day before, but to torment him was not his intention. He really did love Cass, and was quite frankly just doing what he could tell Cass liked. He went and sat up in the bed parallel to Cass.
"Oh, no. What are you doin'? Are you gonna molest me?" Cass asked.
"Look, Cass, I don't know why I've been so malicious since yesterday, but I wasn't trying to make you feel bad. I was just messing around. I think it's fun to mess around with you."
"But why are you being so mean to me? That's not really messing about."
"I'm just trying to turn you on. Don't you like it when I'm mean to you?"
"What do you want from me, Jesse?"
"I don't want anything, but I think you want something, and I'm trying to make you admit it."
"What the hell are you talking about!?"
"Don't worry. I'll get it out of you, 'cause you're my bitch," Jesse said bluntly.
"Oh, I'm a bitch, am I? Here we go with that again." Cass slumped down in the bed until he was lying flat and facing the ceiling. "Just go away, mate."
"Why, because you're a little slut?"
"Look, if you're gonna hurl random insults at me, at least have 'em make since. How am I a slut?"
"Because you're gonna suck my dick."
"Okay, I'm leaving."
Cass started to get out of the bed, until he remembered the reason he'd even stayed as long as he had. Like Jesse, he was only wearing underwear, so his predictable erection was way too obvious to get up right now. He'd never hear the end of it from Jesse if he saw.
"I thought you were leaving," said Jesse after Cass stopped moving and laid flat again.
"It's my bed. I shouldn't have to leave...well, technically, it's your gran's bed, because this is her house, but you know what I mean!"
"I've got morning wood. You wanna take care of it?" asked Jesse.
"Oh my god, Jesse. Are you just a complete pervert, now? I thought you only liked women, and now you just won't stop with the sexual innuendo."
"Oh, this is no innuendo. Now that I know you like being dominated, whether you admit it or not, I'm gonna give you whatever you want, which I suspect may be my dick, because I love you, so it doesn't matter if I'm attracted to men or not, because I like the idea of giving you what you want. You understand?"
"Not even a little bit."
"How about I show you then, huh?"
Jesse aggressively got out of the bed to go lock the bedroom door. He make his way back to the bed with his vision clearly focused on Cass. Cass was a little scared wondering what he was about to do.
"Uh, Jesse? What ya doin'?"
Jesse crawled back into the bed on all fours and hovered over Cass before getting a firm grip around his neck.
"You're gonna suck my dick now, okay!?"
"Get the fuck off of me!" Cass yelled.
"No, you slutty little bitch. You're my bitch. You know how I know? Because you're a vampire. You could throw me halfway across the room and I'm sitting here with my hand on your throat."
"Oh my god, just fuck it. You're turning me on so god damn much, right now. Just keep treating me like this," Cass whimpered.
Cass couldn't fight it anymore. He was absolutely sexually enraged by Jesse's dominance. Jesse had known Cass would eventually break from constantly fighting it. He had anticipated this exact moment.
"Do whatever you want to me. I'm your bitch," Cass said, face red from all the exhilaration.
Jesse started to think maybe he'd bitten off a bit more than he could chew. He was hovering over Cass, on all fours, hand on Cass' neck, but had no idea what to do. In his head, he knew from the moment he started teasing Cass that he would eventually break him and end up having to have sex with him, but he hadn't really planned out exactly what he was gonna do when the moment came. He'd never had sex with a guy before. He supposed it was the same as having sex with a woman, just minus one of the holes.
"Uhh," Jesse stammered.
"What are you waiting for, mate? I feel like I'm gonna have a bloody orgasm just thinking about you dominating me."
"Alright, I'll just, uh, take this out, I guess?" Jesse said unsurely before reaching into his own underwear and started to fiddle around.
After about thirty seconds of Jesse fooling around in his underwear, Cass started to become a little annoyed.
"Uh, what are you doing?" Cass asked, starting to come down from his sexual high while waiting for Jesse to get himself "ready".
"Just a minute. Stage fright. You know how it is."
Cass rolled his eyes, then pushed Jesse off of him.
"You're a bloody disappointment, you know that?" said Cass as he got dressed.
"Cass, I'm sorry. I don't know what happened. I got in the moment and lost all my confidence. I just didn't wanna do the wrong thing."
"That's the whole point, Jesse! You're in control. You're supposed to dominate me. That's what turns me on. Jesus Christ, mate. I mean, you find my sexual kink that I didn't even know I had, exploit it for two days until I finally break, and then you can't even perform? I've always been a little bisexual, but you're making me wanna stick to girls, mate."
Cass started to walk toward the door in a huff.
"Cass, wait, please. Maybe if you suck it a little, it'll perk up."
"That's not how dominant people talk, Jesse!"
Cass slammed the door behind him after leaving out. Jesse fell back into the bed to lie flat and cover his face with a pillow.