This story takes place directly after Jesse tells Cassidy he's his best friend, which happened in the episode "Gonna Hurt", the third episode of season three.
"How can you say I'm your best mate, after I told you I shagged Tulip!? I've been treating ya like shit, lately, and you still care about me! Even now, you're trying to get me to leave, because you think I'm in danger of being outed as a vampire. I thought you just wanted me to leave so you could have Tulip all to yourself, but you really care! Why!?" exclaimed Cass.
"Because I love you, okay!?" Jesse admitted loudly.
Cass had a surprised look on his face that slowly started to turn to a devilish smile.
"Aww, that's sweet. I love you too, mate."
"I love Tulip, too, but the main reason I don't like the idea of you two together is because I don't want you guys to run off without me, or something like that," Jesse bashfully admitted.
"Awwwww, that's so cute, mate!" said Cass teasingly.
"Shut up. You're both mine, and I don't know what I'd do if I lost either one of you," Jesse continued, with a slightly more serious tone.
"Uh, okay. You're scaring me a wee bit, now."
"I'm serious, Cass."
Cass was laying in his regular bed in Jesse's grandma's house. Jesse took a seat beside Cass as Cass was still lying in the bed. Cass had a slightly disturbed look on his face. Jesse grabbed Cass' face, his thumb on one side of Cass' beard and the rest of his fingers on the other side of Cass' beard, squeezing a tiny bit and causing Cass' lips to minimally pucker. Cass' expression was hilariously perplexed.
"You're mine, okay? Remember that," Jesse informed Cass.
Cass slapped Jesse's hand off of his face.
"What the hell, man!? You're acting like a right psycho," Cass proclaimed with his thick Irish accent.
"I'm just telling you how it is," said Jesse.
"So I'm yours, am I?" Cass asked a bit angrily.
"Yep. You and Tulip are both mine."
"What, do you wanna lock us up in a basement or something, ya lunatic?"
"No, I just love both of you."
"Hold on a minute. I know you love me, and you love Tulip, but isn't the type of love you feel for us quite different? I mean, you love her, and you just love me like a friend, but you're acting like it's the same. Do you really love me that much that you wanna claim me? I'm not that great, man. I'm just sayin'."
"Cass, I love you both in the same way."
"Well, then how come you haven't tried to shag me? I don't think you understand the different types of love," Cass said in a know-it-all tone.
"Cass, I would gladly 'shag' you, if that's what you wanted, but I know you don't roll that way."
"First of all, mate, you haven't really known me long enough to be knowin' how I roll, okay? And second of all, last time I checked, I haven't seen you lusting after any lads either, but you're sittin' here telling me you'd have no problem shaggin' me. I mean, what the hell, man? I'm right confused."
"Well, then I guess you don't know me that well either then, huh?" Jesse smugly said.
"Don't use my own words against me. You're acting like a weirdo. Just tell me how you feel about me, because I am just dumbfounded."
"I'm gonna put this as simply as possible: I love you, and I love Tulip. I would fuck you, and I do fuck Tulip, because you're both mine. I'm not saying I own you guys, but I feel very possessive of you two. I know it may seem strange, but that's just the way I feel, okay?"
"Now hold on. I never agreed to be 'yours'. Don't I get a say in this?" asked Cass.
"Not really," said Jesse frankly.
"Well, what if I don't wanna belong to you, or whatever, ya crazy person?"
"I'm hearing a lot of 'what ifs', and not a whole lotta definitive statements, which tells me you like the idea of belonging to someone, don't you?" Jesse deduced wickedly.
"No! Of course not. It's creepy."
Cass, still lying in the bed, his back propped up against the headboard, crossed his arms and looked away from Jesse.
"You think it's sexy, don't you, that I'm telling you what you are to me and not giving you a say in the matter? I know your type. As a vampire, you're so powerful and nearly indestructible, so you yearn to be challenged. You like it when I treat you like a little bitch, don't you?"
"Oh, shut your mouth. You're disgusting. You've got some kinda fetish and you need help. I'm telling you as a friend."
Cass was still in the same position, still not facing or looking at Jesse.
"Then how come you can't even look at me?" said Jesse cunningly.
Cass continued to ignore him and didn't even respond. Jesse grabbed Cass' face again and turned it toward his.
"You're my bitch," Jesse said while looking into his eyes with a stern expression.
Cass snatched away from him and faced a different direction again. Jesse started to chuckle, then he caught a glimpse of what was going on in Cass' pants. Cass' erection was only slightly noticeable, so he was probably hoping Jesse wouldn't notice.
"Wow, I could tell you liked it when I called you my bitch, but I didn't know you liked it that much," said Jesse, laughing.
Cass turned to look at him, with an angry look on his face, not knowing what the hell he was talking about, 'til he noticed where Jesse's eyes were directed.
"Oh, shit!" Cass exclaimed.
He quickly unfolded his arms and relinquished his pouting to cover his crotch.