Chapter One: Ranger's Second Chance

Stephanie remembered back to the phone call that she made to Ranger five months ago. She knew that she had to get back to him somehow. She had been on and off the road for five months now. She had just past the sign that welcomed her to Atlanta Georgia.

"This is my one shot to get a message to Ranger." She thought to herself. She drove for another half an hour. She saw a hotel called the Blue Inn.

She went into the lobby of the hotel, "Hi there, I would like a room please."

"Of course, mam, we have a small one bedroom available, but the charge is 75.00 a night." The clerk told her.

She handed him the Rangeman Credit Card. After the card cleared she took the keys went to her room and unlocked her door.

She entered the bedroom and locked the door. She looked out the window that was on the other side of the bed. She put a hand on her baby's bump.

"I hope your daddy gets the message I sent him and fast. We need him to rescue us." She said to the baby. She felt the baby kick "Are you agreeing with me little one" She smiled at that.

She then thought back to the day she found out she was pregnant. She had just left the doctor's office and was walking to the car. When someone came up behind her and shoved a rag in her face causing her to lose consciousness.

When she woke up she was tied to a pipe in a cellar. She was able to get to one of her pockets where she had hidden a pocket knife that Ranger had given her. She managed to get it out and cut through the rope binding her hands. Once she was free she silently crept up the stairs and managed somehow to get outside.

She saw a payphone across the street. She rushed over to it and dialed Ranger's cell number.

"Babe, where are you?" He asked in a nervous tone.

"I don't have a lot of time Ranger I have to get out of town. I am also Pregnant there are some guys after me I have to go bye." She hung up on him.

Ranger looked at his phone, "This is big trouble" He called Rangeman.

Tank answered on his cell.

"Hey boss"

"Tank we got trouble Babe is on the run and she is pregnant."

"Okay boss we will find her" Tank told him.

Five months later and Tank finally had some good news, he found her. In Atlanta Georgia.

He picked up the phone and called Ranger.

"Hey, can you come to my office I have some news" Tank told him.

"Fine I am on my way." Ranger hung up and Tank looked at his phone. "Thank god we found you Stephanie maybe now we can have the old Ranger back" He thought to himself.

Ranger stormed into Tank's office and slammed the door.

"Ranger you need to shave you are growing a forest"

"I will shave when I have Stephanie home with me. Now what have you got?"

"Boss, I think we found Stephanie. She used a Rangeman credit card to a hotel in Atlanta Georgia."

"What is the name of the Hotel?" Ranger asked.

"The Blue Inn. I have a jet ready for you. Tank told him.

"Good, you are coming with me let's go and get Bobby to we might need him." Ranger stammered then left the office.

"Lester, tell Randy in Atlanta to get to the Blue Inn and help Stephanie." He barked. Bobby came up to Tank and Ranger.

"We got a lead to where Stephanie is, and we three are going now" Tank told him.

"Let's roll" The three of them left Rangeman to get to the Jet.

Meanwhile in Georgia, Stephanie was asleep when the door came crashing open. She saw Lula being held with a gun to her head and there were a couple of men behind her.

"Hey white girl, I knew I would find you. These men want to have a word with you." Lula told her friend before she was knocked unconscious.

"the famous Stephanie Plum, time to go. You are our key to getting Ranger." One of them told her. They grabbed her arm and yanked her off the bed hard. She was trying to fight back but was not having much luck. They made it to the car and were struggling to get her in when Randy and Roger from Rangeman pulled into the parking lot.

"Boss, look over there" Roger said to Randy.

They saw two guys trying to put a pregnant Stephanie in to a car.

"Let's go, you go to the right and I will go left. We take care of them and grab Stephanie." Randy said to Roger.

They got out of the truck and split up. Randy was the first on the move. He went behind one of the guys and grabbed him in a head lock slowly but surly the guy went to the ground.

"Hey Stephanie," Roger said as he came up to her.

"I knew that Ranger would find me" She yelled. She stomped on one of the guy's foot as hard as she could and made a run for it. She ran right in to Roger's hands. The other guy was on the ground hugging his foot that she stomped on.

"Lula is unconscious and in the hotel room" she told the two of them.

"Right, and you're pregnant" Roger said in shock.

"Yes, and if you want to be alive when Ranger gets here. Then you better bring me to Rangeman." She stated flatly.

"Yes, of course" Roger saw Randy trying to help Lula, and said "Randy pay the hotel for Stephanie's room."

"It is all ready done boss," Randy said shaking his head.

"I already did that; how do you think Ranger found me." Stephanie said with a huge smile on her face.

"Let's get these creeps loaded up and get these two back. Ranger, Tank and Bobby will be glad to see them." Roger told Randy.

"Ranger is coming here" Stephanie was shocked.

"Yes, they are coming to bring you back to New Jersey" Roger told her. The rest of the trip back to Rangeman was silence.

When they got Steph to the hospital, Roger waited until he was convinced that she was fine. He called his boss to let him know that they had Stephanie and that she was finally safe.