Hey Everyone. Glad you guys liked the last chapter, like I said hopefully my uploads will be more consistent now. Anyway this chapter will include the other Konoha Rookies. So to save me time describing them just imagine them in their shippuden outfits…. Except for Sasuke as he'll have prison clothes.

Chapter 4: The life of a Cyber sleuth

Tsunade looked as the Konoha rookies with their Sensei's walked in, with Jiraiya entering through the window despite her protests. She then looked over each of the rookies and saw that each of them had a strange partner as well

Kibas was a bipedal dog with a black nose and claws, yellow eyes, a white belly and mane, and white tail tip, feet tips, snout, inner ears, and a yellow cross-shaped mark on its forehead. It wore a red bandana, white bandages on its arms, and red and black boxing gloves on its hands. According to Kiba its name was "Gaomon"

Hinatas partner was a strange hound with white fur and green eyes. It carried a weird ring on its neck, as if it were a dog collar. Hinata said her partner was called "Plotmon"

Shino's partner was a bipedal ladybug with four arms with grey talons at the end of the first pair. It had large, green eyes, mouth-like mandibles, and two yellow antennae reaching out from its head. Its elytra was covered with grey spines. It was red and brownish green in coloration with black muscle in the face, neck, the brachium of its arms, and its thighs. Shino's partner introduced itself as "Tentomon"

Ino's partner was definitely strange. It had the appearance of a flowering bud with a green body with stretchy arms and legs, and a pink head with a yellow leaf on the top of it, and a pair of eyes and a mouth which resemble three black dots. Ino called her partner "lalamon"

Shikamaru's partner was strange as well. It was based on a grey and brass gear with cog-like hands. Shikamaru muttered that its name was "Hagurumon".

Choji's partner was a little more normal. It was a cute bipedal canine with white fur that is striped with green on its collarbone, paws, and the tips of its ears. Its most prominent features was its long, frayed ears and the solitary horn on in its forehead. Like a dog, it has black toes and pawpads. Choji's partner introduced itself as "Terriermon".

Neji's partner was strange as well. It was a small flying creature resembling a guinea pig with light blue eyes, bat-like wings which could possibly be its ears, and a short, stubby tail. Its underside was a light cream color, while its back and head were orange. According to Neji its name was "Patamon"

Tenten's partner was a bipedal reptilian creature with red eyes, a tail, and three digits on its hands and feet. It wore a golden armor that covers most of its body, and a white cape. Its armor has a claw at each digit, a black losangle-shaped object in the tail, a small blade-like object on each knee, an orange "0" on its left shoulder pad, and a sword-like horn on its helmet. The horn emited a blue light on its blade, and it has a silver "20" on its left side. This creature introduced itself as "Zubamon"

Lee's partner resembled a skunk-like creature with nine tails, blue eyes, and long ears. It was red with a white underbelly and violet markings. Lee loudly proclaimed that his partner was Elecmon.

Tsunade looked at the jonin and saw that so far only Kakashi and Gai had partners. Gai's partner resembled a green turtle that stood on its hind legs. It wore a blue helmet and in the center of its stomach was a yellow circle.

"You called for us Hokage-Sama?" Kakashi asked to which Tsunade nodded "I called you all here because some interesting news has reached me….. Explain Mirei" The other occupants in the room looked confused until Mirei appeared in front of them, still phasing in and out. This shocked everyone except for Tsunade. "Good afternoon Konoha twelve….. or is it nine now?" Mirei asked with a smile "who are you?" Kakashi asked while keeping his guard up, Hackmon took a stance in case they were attacked. Mirei looked at Kakashi "Do not worry Hatake Kakashi. I mean no harm and even if I did…." Mirei put her hand on Tsunade's desk and the hand phased through it "I cannot directly touch anything here for the moment" Kakshi nodded and slightly relaxed with Hackmon doing the same "then why are you here?" Kurenai asked with everyone nodded "I bring news of one Uzumaki Naruto, which im sure everyone in this room is interested in" This got everyone's attention "Y-You know where N-Naruto-Kun is?" Hinata asked while squeezing Salamon in excitement "H-Hinata…. T-Too tight" Salamon said making Hinata loosen her grip while apologizing "YOSH! I told you Naruto-Kun's flames of youth were too bright for him to die so easily!" Lee shouted in triumph with Elecmon joining in "Lee. Only the civillians thought he was dead… no-one of us did" Tenten rubbed her head at Lee's shouting with Zubamon patting her leg.

Mirei coughed to get their attention "Yes he is alive. He was sent to a different world" Hackmon widened his eyes "So Naruto-San is in the digital world?!" Mirei shook her head "He is not. He is in a world parallel to this one that connects to the digital world" Mirei snapped her fingers and a screen appeared in thin air, to the shock of everyone. On the screen was a video of Naruto hanging out with his partners in Kowloon "That's Naruto?! It can't be…. He's not a midget!" Everyone sweatdropped at Ino's outburst "hmmm. A Dorumon? Now that's quite the rare digimon" Gaomon said with Tentomon agreeing "Also a Ryudamon. Naruto-San has some rare digimon" Neji looked to Patamon on his shoulder "Can you explain please?" Patamon nodded "The furry purple is Dorumon. They're said to be really rare due to the fact they're ancient digimon" Zubamon pointed at Ryudamon "The yellow samurai one is Ryudamon. They're just as rare as Dorumon" Salamon pointed her paw at Impmon "The one with the red scarf is Impmon. They're known as the biggest pranksters in the digital world" Everyone had the same thought at this information "Definitely Naruto's partner"

Kiba grunted "How come that lucky bastard gets 3 partners?" Everyone chose to ignore Kiba and looked to Mirei, who played a new video of Narutos battles while in the other world. Everyone was shocked as they saw Dorumon, Ryudamon and Impmon digivolve, with salamon cowering in Hinata's jacket at the sight of Icedevimon. "What was that?" Shikamaru asked his partner, to which Hagurumon answered "That was digivolution. It's when a digimon enters a higher stage and becomes even stronger" Everyone looked to the screen to watch Naruto conversing with Kyoko "That is his boss, Kuremi Kyoko. An associate of mine" Mirei answered the question someone was going to ask while pushing up her glasses


Sasuke kept staring at the prison wall. The once proud, arrogant backstabber had been reduced to nothing. He stared at the wall for most of the day and barely communicated to anyone. He thought back to what happened over the past few years. When he first got in the prison he had demanded to be released so he could fight Naruto again with the guards ignoring him. This had kept up for half a year until he decided to give up. After he stopped screaming he began to think back to his time in team 7. He began to realise that his constant rivalry with Naruto, while annoying at times, gave him motivation to train other than killing Itachi. He constantly saw how Naruto improved when given proper training and how quickly it happened. It made him feel inferior, the Uchiha prided themselves in being geniuses, but it seemed Naruto was the real genius with his rate of improvement. He went from the deadlast with only one skill to his name to someone who could defeat a tailed beast in the span of a couple of months. It infuriated Sasuke, seeing the rate of Naruto improving brought back memories of Itachi and their difference in skill.

Sasuke was interrupted from his thoughts by a bright light, which made him cover his eyes, and the the sound of two voices "Oof/ow." When his vision returned he saw, to his shock two strange creatures looking around the room.

The first one was a strange reptilian creature standing about 3 feet tall, and had ash black skin and light green eyes. It also had flattened forearms with broad, three-clawed hands. Its legs and arms seemed to be very vascular. Its tail was stubby, and its head and snout were almost as large as the rest of its body.

The second was a brown-eyed white-skinned lizard in a black pelt with white markings and black claws. A black horn protrudes at the top of its head and its belly was yellow with unusual white markings.

The fur covered creature smacked the other one in the back of the head "I told you not to touch the portal!" The other creature growled "Hey we're both okay! Plus I think we're in the human world" They both then saw Sasuke and looked ready to fight "who are you Human! Where are we?" The fur covered one asked "S-Sasuke Uchiha" Sasuke's voice was hoarse from not using it for over a year "We're in Konoha… in a prison" The two creatures stiffened "So why are you here? I remember reading that only bad people go to prison" The reptilian one spoke up as Sasuke looked away "Because im a traitor" He then began telling the two his story.

Meanwhile with Naruto

"Kamishiro Yuuko…" Naruto frowned as he stared up at the ceiling of his bedroom. "I thought you looked familiar… but what brought you to the agency? Why ask us to look into Yamashina Makoto? Are you looking into EDEN Syndrome too?" He reached out his right hand and stared at the Konoha symbol printed on the back of his glove and sighed. "I know I'm not the only victim. You know someone, probably a family member, who's had it for eight years after all…" He curled his fingers so that his hand made a fist. "I think I understand how you feel but…" He brought his arm down over his face and sighed. "There's so much I don't understand…"

Impmon spoke up from his digivice "Hey Naruto… I've been meaning to ask. Why is the symbol on your glove so important to you?" His other partners nodded as they were curious as well "I guess its time I tell you guys" He then told the digimon his story. About how he was originally from another world, how he was an orphan hated for things beyond his control, becoming a ninja, His first mission outside the village, his nindo, the chunin exams, finding Tsunade, Sasuke's betrayal and his banishment before ending up in this world. After his story was over his digimon had shocked looks on their faces "Guess im a freak in over worlds as well" Dorumon shouted at him "Don't call yourself that! You're not a freak, you're a guy who was dealt a really shitty hand and had to make the most of it" Ryudamon nodded "Indeed. Naruto-Dono is the kindest person I know" Impmon chimed in "Yeah, you saved me and showed me not all humans are assholes, you're the best guy I know" Naruto smiled and wiped the tears from his eyes at his partners words "I will say this though… your story would make a very interesting TV show…. Maybe a good few seasons of an anime" Dorumon said with a grin as Naruto chuckled "Thanks guys…. For everything"

He rose to his feet and grabbed his goggles from the nightstand. After a quick cup of ramen, Naruto checked to make sure he had his key and wallets before closing the door to his room. As he slipped on his shoes, he noticed Kyoko was calling him.

"Ah, Kyoko-san. I was just about to—" he paused when he saw the detective was currently on the phone with someone else. He locked up his apartment and started for the station as he patiently waited for her to finish.

"Hmm, you just barely succeeded, then?" she asked the other line. "I haven't received any information from the assistant at this detective agency. Please get back to me with the information as soon as possible." Kyoko finally put down the receiver before turning her attention to Naruto. "I know it's your day off today, but something just came up."

"Alright," Naruto nodded. "Does it have to do with EDEN Syndrome?"

She shook her head. "You're not a police detective so at times like this you should just do nothing."

"But, Kyoko-san, I—"

"Anyway, moving along, I need your help with something else," she quickly cut him off. "I've put it on the whiteboard. You can take this one whenever you like. Come to the office when you're ready."

"Why not just give it to me right now?" Naruto suggested. "It'll save me the trip."

"Huh? You didn't understand what I meant?" Kyoko shook her head at him. "I can't tell you here… That's pretty much a rule, you know," she sternly stated.

"Client confidentiality, right?" Naruto smirked as he looked at the street around him. "Alright, I'm coming over now," the detective's assistant nodded.

Client: Kuremi Kyoko

Place: Kuremi Detective Agency

Details: This is a personal case… Help me with Matayoshi's case without being noticed. Discretion is required.

Naruto frowned at the note but accepted it anyways. He tucked it into a new folder and reported to Kyoko for more details. "So what's this case about?"

"It seems that a criminal calling himself the 'Mysterious Digital Face' has tipped the police off about his planned crimes. He told the Shinjuku Matagi—a cop who loves Shinjuku—that he was going to steal top secret police information," Kyoko briefed him.

"Eh!? That's pretty bold…" Naruto blinked at that. "But how does this involve us?"

The detective smirked. "This is of course a situation for the police to deal with. They've put Detective Matayoshi of the cyber crime investigation unit in charge. Such dramatic incidents tend to hurt the pride of the police force…"

"Ah… I see where this is going," Naruto crossed his arms.

"If the criminal manages to steal the data and gets away, the blame will fall on Detective Matayoshi," Kyoko nodded with a grim expression on her face. "If that's the case it will be a hard blow for us…" She smirked up at her up-and-coming assistant. "So, I need you to help Matayoshi with his investigation covertly. Do you understand what I mean by 'covertly'?"

"Well, I know the definition of the word, but…" the blonde male brought his gloved hand up to his chin.

"Huh? You have a question?" Kyoko crossed her arms.

"What exactly do you mean by 'covertly'?" Naruto asked. "I mean, this is Detective Matayoshi we're talking about. He'd come to us if he really needed help, right?"

"Matayoshi isn't very good at this kind of thing," Kyoko shook her head, "so I asked him privately if he needed some help… His response was 'This is a matter of pride for myself and the force!' and refused… But I'm not going to let this go so easily," she seriously stated, "so I would like you to support him 'covertly'."

Dorumon gasped "Like a ninja!" He said while smirking at Naruto, making him groan. Kyoko tilted her head at his outburst "I suppose so…" Ryudamon shouted at this "Unacceptable! I refuse to be associated with cowardly ninjas!" Ryudamon quickly realised his outburst and gave Naruto a look that read "No offense meant" Impmon laughed at this "Smooth, way to go ya walking period drama" Ryudamon growled at Impmon

Naruto decided to quickly change the subject "So who is this 'Mysterious Digital Face'?"

"Perhaps he was inspired by the 'Multifaced Criminal' Ranpo Edogawa and got his name from that," the detective shrugged. It seemed that Naruto was hiding something but decided it was unimportant for now "Back then, the mysterious man who inspired terror and madness in children… Kogorou Akechi was his name. His rival was a group of young detectives."

"I've never heard of him," the teen shook his head.

"You don't know about it because it was a bit before your time… Actually," Kyoko wore an amused smirk, "even people in my generation are too young to know about it." Naruto sweatdropped "among a few other reasons" he thought before speaking up again

"I see… And the 'Shinjuku Matagi'?"

"I had never heard that phrase before either," Kyoko admitted. "It's most likely a nickname of some sort. At the end of the day, the kanji used may be spelled 'Detective' but it reads 'Cop'. 'Matagi' means 'bear hunter'."

"So a cop who works as a bear hunter?" Naruto pieced together. "Damn. He sounds badass" Dorumon chimed in again

Kyoko shook her head at him as they was getting off topic. "Please get to work as quickly as possible."

"Alright," he smiled. "But where should I start?" he asked himself with closed eyes.

"Huh? You want to know what you should do?" she smirked. Naruto opened his eyes and stared at her curiously. "This is about stolen information from the police, so try going to and asking groups of thugs on the street for information."

"Right… that makes sense," her assistant sheepishly laughed.

"I'll try and find out what was said in that tip-off. You go to Kowloon and ask around," Kyoko crossed her arms.

In Kowloon

Naruto spoke with every hacker he encountered as he journeyed through Kowloon's second level. He didn't discover much until he met a whimsical hacker wearing an oversized blue cap who seemed as though he had information on the Mysterious Digital Face.

"Yeah, of course I know!" the boy nodded.

"Really?" Naruto's eyes widened. "Please tell me everything."

"Yeah, the 'Mysterious Digital Face' is a hot topic around her at the moment," the hacker smirked, looking around Kowloon. "The cops were asking me the same kind of questions earlier."

"The cops?" the detective's assistant frowned.

"Wait, are you asking around about him too?" the hacker suspiciously eyed Naruto. "Well I'm not saying nothing to no cop," he crossed his arms. "Cops and hackers are enemies, you know?"

"Hey, come on," Naruto gave the hacker a convincing smile. "I've got Digimon, don't I? That makes me a hacker, right? You can tell me."

He eyed the Digimon following Naruto before giving up his information. "This incident must be particularly embarrassing for the police. The criminal admitted to the crime before committing it. I know a hacker who hates cops more than anyone… Maybe that guy is the Mysterious Digital Face…" he said, pulling his cap down over his eyes.

"Do you know where I can find that hacker?"

"Huh? You want to know where that hacker is?" The whimsical hacker shrugged. "He hangs out in Shinjuku a lot. He's a fiery, moody, shady kind of guy. Cop or not, you're gonna wanna question him." With that, the hacker walked away.

"Thanks!" Naruto called out to him before calling Kyoko. "I just found out that there's a cop-hating hacker in Shinjuku."

"I just got the information from the tip-off warning," Kyoko nodded with a pleased smile. "It brought me here to Shinjuku, too. One way or another it looks like our criminal is in Shinjuku… Go find him as soon as possible!" she directed her assistant.

"Understood!" Naruto nodded before cutting the call. He turned towards the logout zone, but blinked when he saw a middle-aged man in a long green raincoat coming towards him.

"Huh?" Matayoshi smiled at him. "Oh, you're from Kyo-chan's office, right?"

Caught already!? Naruto's eyes widened. "Detective Matayoshi…!"

"Hey, what's with the 'Oh crap!' look on your face!? Did Impmon cause trouble again?" the old man frowned at him, ignoring the "Oi" from the prankster digimon. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm just a curious teen checking out Kowloon," the blonde nervously chuckled. "There's nothing wrong with that… Anyway, why are you here?"

"Huh? You want to know what I'm doing?" Matayoshi raised an eyebrow at the boy. "I'm on the trail of the Mysterious Digital Face. I've come to EDEN to ask around about him."

"You did, huh?" Naruto looked around Kowloon. "Oh… so that's what the rumors about a cop-hating hacker being in Shinjuku was about…" he thoughtfully stated.

"Huh?" Matayoshi crossed his arms and frowned. "You say you think that hacker who hates cops is in Shinjuku? A hacker who 'hates' cops, you say…" He took a few seconds to think it over before suspiciously frowning at the red-haired boy. "But how do you know that?"

"Like I said…" Naruto sheepishly scratched his face. "I was around catching rumors" He scratched his cheek as his partners started whistling while refusing to look Matayoshi in the eye

The Cyber Sleuth didn't think the veteran detective bought his lie, but Matayoshi definitely didn't push him any further than that. With a smile, the old man nodded to him. "Hmm, okay, well thanks for the info…" He turned around to leave but shook his head. "If Kyo-chan is getting you to do something, I want to know what it is."

"Eh!? But I'm not—"

"This is a matter of police pride!" Matayoshi cut him off and pulled his cap down. "It's mine to take care of!"

Naruto frowned as the man walked away. He brought his hand up to his chin and closed his eyes. "Pride or not, you can't force yourself to do everything alone…" the teen muttered to himself. He shook his head and opened his eyes. "Anyway, let's look for the hacker who hates cops in Shinjuku."

In Shinjuku

"Looks like you've arrived in Shinjuku," Kyoko stated.

"Um… Kyoko-san…" Naruto frowned as he confessed something to her. "So while I was in Kowloon, I saw Detective Matayoshi…"

"Huh? You met Matayoshi while you were asking around Kowloon?" She didn't seem all that upset as she brought her hand up to her mouth. "I see, you told him about the information on Shinjuku," she guessed. "If Detective Matayoshi solves the case by himself with that information, that'll be great. Just to be sure, please continue your investigation in Shinjuku."

"Understood," the boy nodded as he started for the downtown area of Shinjuku.

Naruto talked to the hacker loitering the street, but frowned when he didn't have much information to share. Soon he spotted a police officer so quickly approached him to see if he had seen anyone suspicious around.

"A hacker who hates cops?" the officer asked. "I saw this guy. He didn't look like a hacker but he really hated cops…" he recalled. "He was whispering something hateful about cops by the access point to the station courtyard…" The officer shook his head and smiled though. "But I don't really think he hates the police… I mean, come on, we are soooo cool!" He pulled his hat down as his smirk grew. "Someday I'm definitely gonna…" he quickly stopped speaking and cleared his throat.

Naruto frowned at how odd the officer was, but he shook his head since the man at least gave him something useful to work with. "Well, thanks." The red-haired boy turned back towards the direction he came from. "All right. Let's go to the access point in the station courtyard."

As soon as he got to the access point, he noticed a suspicious man standing right by it. He carefully approached him, but the man already noticed the teen. "What is it?" the man asked him. "You got somethin' you wanna ask?"

Naruto nodded. "Yeah, I'm—"

"What the!?" the man frowned at him. "Who the hell are you!? You think you're so important! You asking around? You're a cop, right?"

Caught off guard by the man's temper, Naruto quickly shook his head. "Not at all! I'm—"

"You're just hiding behind the power the state gives you!" the man accused the detective's assistant. "Tyranny! Cruelty! This is a violation of my human rights!" With a yell he suddenly accessed the network terminal.

"It looks like he's run from the access point to EDEN," Naruto frowned. "Let's go after him!" He quickly held out his hand to the terminal and traced the man's signature directly into Kowloon. When he landed, Naruto quickly lifted his gaze and saw a Digimon at the man's side.

"I hate the police!" the man yelled. "I hate them! I haaaate theeem!" He shook his head. "Questioning? Bicycle registration number? I don't have time for that!" he crossed his arms. "I need to get home. My favorite anime show is about to start!" He looked towards Naruto. "Am I really that suspicious looking? Am I really that shady? The police are the enemy! The police are the enemy!"

"Calm down! I'm just here to investigate a hacker for the police." Naruto frowned as the man didn't seem to be listening. He also didn't appear to be a hacker with a Digimon. Rather, it was just like when Growmon possessed Mephisto-san. Still, if Naruto wanted to get anywhere in this case, he'd have to take out the Digimon before him.

The yellow Digimon glared at him. "You… you're the cops' Kowloony? So, you're their little lap dog!" He swung one of his whip-like arms towards the boy but was suddenly knocked away by Dorugamon "You guys sure are getting faster with digivolving" Naruto said with a smirk. Ginryumon and IceDevimon looked ready to join in but Naruto shook his head "Let Dorugamon handle this" The other two champions nodded and reverted to their rookie forms. The Vegimon swung one of its whips again but Dorugamon caught it in his mouth and used it swing Vegimon over his head before tossing him away "Power Metal!" Dorugamon fired a large metal ball that hit the Vegimon dead center and made it burst into data, making the man come to as Dorugamon reverted to Dorumon.

"Whoa!?" the man flinched. "Oh, what…" He looked around his surroundings in confusion. "Where am I!?"

"You were possessed by a Digimon and brought to Kowloon," Naruto explained.

"Huh?" the man frowned. "Possessed by a Digimon? I see," he shook his head. "I can't remember…"

"Do you know anything about the criminal stealing police data known as the Mysterious Digital Face then?" Naruto asked, bringing his hand up to his chin.

"Hmm?" the man crossed his arms and shook his head. "Mysterious Digital Face? He stole secret police data? What are you talking about?" Naruto lowered his hand and studied the man as he explained himself. "First off, I'm not a hacker… I admit I hate the police, but…" he sighed. "I was born with a strange, suspicious vibe so everyone always mistrusts me and treats me like their enemy."

"That's… unfortunate…" Naruto knit his eyebrows together. Dorumon chimed in "Yet hilarious" Ryudamon smacked him in the back of the head

"Anyway, I don't know anything about the Mysterious Digital Face!" the man cried.

Naruto sighed and let him go. "Sorry for bothering you then," he apologized. As the man walked away, Naruto closed his eyes. "Where did the investigation go wrong?" He frowned to himself as he tried to retrace his steps. "I did everything correctly… but—" He opened his eyes when his Digivice began beeping. "Uzumaki Naruto here," he quickly picked up.

"Did you catch the criminal?" Kyoko urgently asked. She didn't even wait for her assistant to answer before relaying more instructions. "Okay, just bring the criminal straight to the station and don't let Detective Matayoshi see you…"

"Uh… About that…" Naruto shook his head. "It seems as though we found the wrong guy."

"Huh?" the blonde detective blinked at him. "He wasn't a criminal, just shady?" Kyoko shook her head. "I see… That's a pity…"

"Sorry…" Naruto apologized. "I think I messed up somewhere along the way." He looked up towards the detective and noticed she was smiling. "Huh? You're not upset with the results?"

She shook her head as she calmly kept her cool. "There's nothing to be done for it. We just need to do the investigation again. Please come back here."

"Understood," he nodded before hanging up. He didn't move though as he began frowning to himself. "Ah…" he sighed. "If I can't even solve a simple case like this on my own, how am I supposed to find the information necessary to get my body back?"

Outside the terminal

Naruto looked around as he came out of the Shinjuku terminal. He tensed up thought as he heard Matayoshi calling out to him. "Hey, you! What are you doing here?"

"Detective Matayoshi…!" the boy nervously turned around.

The old man laughed at the flustered boy. "Surprised, eh?"

Naruto crookedly smiled. "A bit…" He paused when he noticed the police officer from before behind the detective. "Huh? Who's that, Detective?"

"Hmm?" Matayoshi turned to look at the man following him. "You want to know who this is? This is the infamous 'Mysterious Digital Face'! I just arrested him!"

"Eh!?" Naruto's eyes widened. "Wait, are you sure!?"

"Huh? How do I know?" Matayoshi sternly frowned. "This guy isn't a real policeman. He's just a normal guy in a costume."

The criminal in the uniform smiled at the older man. "Just what you'd expect from Detective Matayoshi… You've truly earned the title of the 'Shinjuku Matagi'…"

Matayoshi crossed his arms and shook his head. "Right from the start, I never thought the criminal who did this hated the police. 'Shinjuku Matagi' was my nickname over ten years ago…"

"Ah… I see…" Naruto stared at the captured criminal.

"The person who knew this must have really liked the police…" Matayoshi nodded. "No, he'd have to be a complete fanatic. When I was going around Shinjuku asking about this and I ran into him, it came to me instinctively. When I looked into him I found out he wasn't a real cop."

"Then who is he really?" Naruto asked.

"He's a hacker who aspired to be a member of our cyber crime squad of the police, but kept failing the entrance exam. He broke under the pressure and admitted it when I cross-examined him."

Naruto raised an eyebrow at the smiling criminal. For some reason, the man didn't seem all that disgruntled at being caught. Instead the man slightly pulled his cap down. "Wow. Japanese police are truly excellent to be able to find me out so easily…" he chuckled. "So now I will get to spend all day every day with these policemen… Well, I guess that's not so bad…" he laughed.

Naruto opened his mouth to speak before shaking his head. I should just leave it at that… He turned back towards Matayoshi. "So what now, Detective?"

"Well, it feels like catching this guy is its own reward, but…" the old man shook his head. "Well, I suppose that's enough." He stuffed his hands into the pockets of his raincoat and flashed the teen a grateful smile. "I suppose I should thank you for your help…"

"What do you mean?" the boy knit his eyebrows together. "I… didn't really do anything," he said, a bit disappointed in the results of his work.

"I was only able to catch him because you gave me important clues," Matayoshi said, patting Naruto's shoulder. "You helped me save face…" the old man nodded. "I thank you for that. Please pass my regards on to Kyo-chan and tell her I'm sorry for worrying her."

"Sure thing," Naruto nodded.

Matayoshi turned around and pulled his cap down. "Oh, and tell her she chose a good assistant. I look forward to seeing what type of 'specialist' you'll grow into," he laughed. "If you ever need assistance, don't hesitate to ask for it whether it's from me or Kyo-chan, eh?"

"H-huh!?" the teen stared at the man with surprised blue eyes. "U-uh, yeah! I-I will…!" Naruto managed to stutter as the detective escorted the criminal away. The redhead watched them leave before finally smiling to himself. He crossed his arms and closed his eyes. "Doggedly and with all your might, exhibit endurance like hard black iron…" Naruto opened his eyes and smiled. "I just need to keep my cool, right, Kyoko-san?"

Kyoko wore a wide smirk as Naruto finished delivering the news of the arrest to her. "Right, so the Mysterious Digital Face was safely brought to justice?"

"In the end, yeah," Naruto chuckled.

"You've managed to preserve the honor of the police force and of Detective Matayoshi," Kyoko gave him a satisfactory nod. "Good job. I suppose we should reconsider our low opinion of Detective Matayoshi now…" She took a moment to go over the entire case. "We tried to support him covertly at first, but… We weren't able to find the criminal by ourselves… He is an elite detective… That gut instinct of his… That's one of the greatest gifts you can have…" She became quiet for a moment as she further considered something. "Still…" she began with a smirk, "The 'Shinjuku Matagi'… 'Matagi' means a bear hunter, a person who can use the footprints and smell of a bear to track it down and move in for the kill." She nodded to herself and chuckled. "Of course, it's the perfect nickname for Detective Matayoshi."

"Alright, but what about Mysterious Digital Face?" Naruto curiously asked. "There really was nothing mysterious or digital about the actual culprit in the end."

"I think the real 'Multifaced Criminal' was sort of a fan of the police and private investigators. He's probably the first ever hot-cold personality type," Kyoko hypothesized with a shrug. "The same can be said with the actual culprit here."

"So their fascination with the law turned them into criminals?" the teen shook his head and sighed. "I guess there really are people of all types."

"You're one to talk about interesting personality types," Kyoko smirked at him. "But that said, you did a good job today. I made the right choice in giving this case to you. It seems you learned a lot from it."

"What do you mean?" the teen nervously asked her.

"Hmm… I'm sure you already know what I mean," she said, her smirk never wavering for a second. "You're my assistant after all." Kyoko shook her head as she returned her attention to another case she was working on. "Now, didn't you have plans earlier? You're free to complete them now. It is your day off after all."

"Actually," Naruto shook his head as he picked up the folder on her desk, "I think I'll stay and help out. You seem to have a lot on your plate, Kyoko-san."

"Oh?" Kyoko curiously looked up at him. "Are you sure you don't have a pressing matter to look into on your own?"

"Hm?" The blonde male gave her a small smile and shook his head. "It's not something I should rush into alone. Besides, you're working these investigations by yourself, right, Kyoko-san? I want to help you as much as I can. Like you said, I am your assistant. You shouldn't have to do this all on your own if I'm here."

The detective proudly smiled at how much he was able to grow after just one job. "If that's the case, I'll be relying on you then, my dear Watson."

The next day

As she sipped her new coffee blend, Kyoko frowned at the draft that suddenly blew through the room. "Why in the world is it so cold inside Broadway?"

"Hm?" Naruto looked up from the stack of case files he had been reorganizing for her. "Is it? I think the temperature is fine."

She frowned as she studied her half-cyber assistant. "So not all physical laws hold with your body…" she mused. Kyoko shook her head as she sensed the office dropping another half degree or so. "Is something wrong with the AC? If you're not doing anything, find out what's going on," she nodded to him.

"But I'm—" Naruto paused when she coolly stared at him. He nervously chuckled and set the files aside. "Alright then. I'll have a look around when I go out for lunch. It's probably nothing though. I seriously don't feel anything different."

As he exited the agency to take his lunch break, Naruto saw a girl standing outside Mirei's consultation room shaking. "Brr…" the girl shook her head. "The back entrance is so c-cold… It's a little better here at least…"

Naruto frowned when he didn't really notice anything, but if a normal person thinks so, he might as well check it out. When he arrived at the back entrance, he looked up to the blond boy that usually took a break in the area and saw him shivering too.

"Whoa!" the other teen shook his head. "It's f-f-freezing in here! Did the AC break or something?" The boy looked towards the vents with a frown.

Naruto followed his gaze and blinked when he noticed something strange about the vent. Is that a digital distortion of some sort? He carefully approached it and blinked when his Digivice received an incoming transmission. "Huh…!?"

An image of a pale, brown-haired girl came up on the display. She didn't say anything, but she did seem a bit dreary. After a while, the transmission ended.

Naruto frowned. "Her voice cut out." He looked around again but noticed the distortion was gone. "I wonder what's up…" His Digivice rang again and he quickly picked up, thinking it was another transmission. To his surprise, it was Kyoko.

"Me again," Kyoko nodded to him. "I've got a new case for you. Why don't you drop on by so we can talk?"

The blonde knit his eyebrows together as it looked like he would have to forego his lunch break today. "Alright... If it's a case, I'm heading back now" Naruto sighed "oh sweet ramen…. We'll have to be apart today…" His digimon bowed their heads at this "No man should have to suffer like this" Dorumon stated

Client: Broadway Management

Place: Broadway

Detail: There is something wrong with the air-conditioning in Broadway. Find the cause.

Naruto blinked at the note in his hand. "So, how does this warrant an investigation?" he asked as he turned towards Kyoko.

"From what I gather, the air conditioning inside Nakano Broadway is on the fritz," she told him. "It just keeps pumping in cold air constantly and nobody can switch the heating on."

"Okay, but shouldn't that be a job for an electrician? Or a mechanic of some sort?" Naruto crossed his arms. "It's just a problem with the cooling system, right?"

"The thing is," Kyoko shook her head, "nobody can find anything wrong with it and the businesses are at a lost on what to do." She smirked as she saw it click together in Naruto's mind. "That's where we come in. People aren't getting much work done, so I told them to leave it to us! If we can get to the bottom of this mess, I'm sure they'll just love us forever for it!"

"So you intend to use this case to up our reputation…" Naruto crookedly grinned. "You made me skip lunch for—" he paused when his Digivice rang. "Hello? This is Aiba Naruto speaking." He blinked when the dreary girl from before appeared on the display. "Huh? You again?"

"Huh? You keep getting transmissions from someone?" Kyoko curiously hacked into Naruto's Digivice to see who it was. "Hmm… Well, isn't she a cutie," she teased her assistant.

Naruto smirked at that. "Oh, so you think so too? I don't think she's my type," he chuckled. "Then again the women in my life right now are gorgeous…" While he did not feel any attraction to Kyoko as he saw her as a sister figure like Tsunade and Mirei was a bit too mysterious for his taste he thought back to Nokia and Yuuko. Nokia was like Ino, she was loud and abrasive… but he knew that Nokia was always honest and true to herself, something he liked. Then thinking of Yuuko, If Nokia was like Ino then Yuuko seemed similar to Hinata, except with a bit more backbone. He quickly shook his head "Think of cute girls your age later dammit!"

Kyoko ignored his action before she noticed something strange about the transmission. "The white noise in this is really bad. I can't make out what she's saying. Where's this coming—" she shook her head when the call came to an abrupt end. "Damn, it cut out."

"The first time she contacted me, it was around the area where it was the coldest," Naruto told the detective.

"What? You're saying the same transmission came in where it was cold?" Kyoko took a moment to think things over. "Hmm… We might be closing in on the cause. If so, our next step is to resolve this thing, plain and simple."

"Yeah, the sooner we do it, the sooner I can grab a bite," Naruto groaned as he placed a hand over his stomach. He shook his head since now wasn't the time for that. "So what do you need me to do this time?"

"I'm going to see if I can figure out the signal's origin. You ask around about the air conditioning," she nodded to him.

"Understood!" he nodded. Naruto paused for a moment. "Wait… I can probably grab some ramen from upstairs along the way. Lunch problem solved! RAMEN!" He screamed as he ran with his digimon cheering in triumph.

20 minutes later

Naruto patted his stomach as he walked away from the ramen stall, leaving a pile of 30 ramen bowls, he wanted to eat more but he had a job to do. Luckily the owner of the stand told him to ask the owner of K-Café about information. On his way there he bumped into a black haired boy wearing a blue hoodie coat, both quickly saying "sorry" before continuing walking. The black haired boy he bumped into looking at him for a sec "guess he's in a hurry" He then looked at his watch before panicking "Oh crap! If I don't hurry it's the Meme-Tan for me" The black haired boy began sprinting

Naruto went up the stairs towards the fourth floor and turned the corner to get to K-Café. When he saw the line leading into the small establishment his face slightly fell. Crushing the used napkin in his hand, he shook his head before forcing his way into the small café.

"Sacchan!" he called out to the part-time maid. "Is the master available? I need to ask about Broadway's cooling unit!"

Sacchan quickly pulled the detective behind the counter. "Boss, Aiba-kun's looking for you!"

The raven-haired man nodded as he heard. "You wanna know how the AC broke? Beats me," he shrugged. "I have no idea. It's odd. We don't have a central unit anymore, so how could everyone's AC go out?"

"Central unit?" Naruto knit his eyebrows together.

"Huh? You don't know about the central unit?" The owner smiled as he happily shared the information with the young teen. "Back when this place first opened, there was a big underground unit that controlled the AC for the whole building. Sure feels like the old central unit going out. The way it worked was that every store circulated that cool air up to their stores with fans."

"Underground?" Naruto tilted his head to the side as the building design didn't make any sense. "Why was there a central unit underground at all?"

"Well, that was to refrigerate a certain something," the owner laughed. "What do you think it was?"

"Ice cream?" the blonde wistfully answered.

"It was Japan's oldest vacuum tube computer!" the man exclaimed. "Can you believe it? The room that computer was housed in was right here in Nakano!"

"Eh…?" the teen crossed his arms. "Is it still here?"

"Sad to say, I have no idea what happened to it," the man shook his head. "There's nothing left to it anymore. And even if there were, there are no records remaining. Nobody remembers where it was either. The room itself might as well be an urban legend."

"But it really did exist, right?" Naruto confirmed.

The man shrugged as he didn't really know either, despite explaining it all to the boy as thought it was all true. "I can tell you one thing though, it's really cold…" He broke into a sleazy chuckle. "Although it's done wonders for coffee sales today."

"Well, thanks for the information," Naruto smiled. He wrestled his way out of the café before noticing Kyoko was trying to reach him.

"I've figured out where that signal came from, so get back to the office when you can, all right?" she told him.

"I discovered a few things too," he nodded. "I'll be there in a few minutes."

Kyoko frowned when she noticed a noodle on her assistant's face. "Were you eating on the job again?"

"It was technically my lunch break when you sent me to work," Naruto pointed out with a shrug. "I got hungry."

"Well in that case, you must be thirsty now," Kyoko nodded. "I'll prepare some coffee for when you'll get back." She cut the transmission before Naruto could say anything else.

Naruto weakly laughed to himself as he slowly made his way back to the office. "Oh, how cruel the coffee gods are…" Dorumon spoke up "Can I have your instant ramen packs if you die" Naruto frowned "No. I'll carry them to my grave" He spoke with all seriousness before laughing a little.

Back at the office

"Nice work with your investigation," Kyoko complimented her assistant as he choked down his coffee. "Now what have you got to report?"

"Apparently, Broadway used to house Japan's oldest vacuum computer. It's in a room hidden somewhere in the building, but it's related to the building's central cooling unit." Naruto grimaced as the coffee's aftertaste was lingering a bit longer than he wanted to but continued. "If we find that room, we might be able to fix the AC."

"Hmm…" Kyoko brought her hand up to her chin pensively. "This is the first I've heard of that computer room. But with that information, it's all starting to click for me now."

"So you know where that room is?" Naruto asked.

She nodded her head. "Like I mentioned before, I've figured out who the girl in those transmissions is. Her name's Yuki Fuyume. She was a breakout idol from a few decades back."

"But the girl is a bit too young, isn't she?" the boy knit his eyebrows together as he brought his gloved hand to his chin.

"What we've been seeing… the avatar on the screen is her when she was in her prime as an idol," Kyoko explained. "Somebody is therefore using a terminal inside Nakano Broadway and broadcasting her likeness."

"So… you're thinking a hacker or a Digimon," Naruto concluded.

Kyoko crossed her arms, proud that he was able to figure out that much. "And the signal seems to be coming from the fourth floor. Looking at the map, its right inside a wall at K-Café."

"That narrows it down to a Digimon," the Cyber Sleuth nodded. He looked up in surprise though. "Wait… If that's the case… how am I supposed to access a wall!?"

The detective chuckled to herself. "The whole thing has played out like a horror story, hasn't it? A long lost idol relaying her message from inside a wall…" She ignored her assistant's groans. "But with your report, it's all coming together now."

Naruto smiled at her praise but still crossed his arms. "But a wall?"

"We've uncovered a piece of Nakano Broadway history that not even the owner of K-Café as the go-to historian could claim to know. But enough talk," she smiled, rising from her seat. "It's time to head back to K-Café. I'll be coming along"

"Good, because I seriously want to know how I'm going to Connect Jump into a wall."

As they left the office, they spotted two students of Inoden walking past. One boy shook his head as he lowered his phone. "I got a message from a girl and when I answered it…" he shivered. "It got cold all of a sudden. It's the 'Snow Woman'! She's cursed us! It has to be her!"

His shivering friend shook his head. "I-I can hardly believe it… But it definitely has been really ch-chilly in here. I've got a bad feeling about this. Maybe I'll just go home…"

As they walked away, Kyoko chuckled to herself. "Heh, the Snow Woman. The MO sure does fit that folktale, though. Even the idol's name, Yuki Fuyume, means 'Winter Snow Woman'. Snow Woman herself shows up in a lot of stories from regions with cold climates. This is definitely the first time she's taken form as an old 80s idol. But it's pretty fitting for Nakano Broadway, all things considered," the woman continued to chuckle.

"But it's not a ghost… It's probably a Digimon…" Naruto seriously crossed his arms. "Maybe…" He sighed as he was still wrapping his mind over the whole wall thing. "Most likely…?" He shook his head and chuckled to himself. "I don't even know anymore…"

"Still, if we don't act quickly, she's going to damage this place's reputation," Kyoko reminded him, "so let's get a move on already."

"You're the one who was distracted first!" Naruto shook his head as he took off after her. "Kyoko-san!"

Naruto blinked as the crowd of people around K-Café let Kyoko into the store with ease. He didn't complain though as he quickly followed in after her. He nervously looked around as it would be difficult to do a Connect Jump without someone noticing. Still, they could probably just blame whatever strange phenomenon it was on the "Snow Woman". Maybe the ghost story would be useful after all.

The detective's assistant paused when he noticed Kyoko wasn't interested in talking to the owner, but was staring at a wall. He blinked too when he noticed she was staring straight at a digital distortion with a confused frown on her face.

"This is it…" Kyoko stated comparing the data from her pink-lens Digivice to the actual location they were standing at. "The transmission should be coming from the other side of here," she placed her hand over the distortion. She shook her head as she couldn't find anything suspicious at all. "Yet there's no door and there are no signs of the wall being tampered with… What's going on here…?"

"You can't see it, Kyoko-san?" Naruto asked while watching the light blue distortion flicker. She looked over to him curiously as he touched the wall. As soon as he did, his Digivice rang and the image of Yuki Fuyume appeared again.

"Another transmission…" Kyoko noted. "That just about confirms we're in the right spot, then."

"Of course, we are…" Naruto nodded.

Her eyes narrowed on her assistant. "I don't… I don't like the looks of this," she admitted to him.

"What!? Why not?" he asked. He paused when he felt a strange tingling sensation wash over his body. He quickly looked down at himself but was glad to see his body remained intact. He did notice, however, the sound of the AC kicking into high gear. "Huh…? Did the AC just go into full blast? Was that the idol's doing?"

Kyoko nodded as she crossed her arms. "It's like… she's noticed us trying to meddle with her… and now it's even colder. You're probably less… affected by her tricks thanks to your unique body."

Naruto shook his head. "I sensed something strange though…" he told the detective. He shook his head as he held his hand up to the distortion again.

"Oh, did you find something?" she asked.

"This entire time there was a digital distortion here," he quickly explained. "It looks like I'm the only one who can see it."

"I see…" she nodded. "So there's an entry point into cyberspace inside that wall."

"So this is how I'll Connect Jump into a wall," Naruto smirked to himself. He worriedly looked back at his shivering boss. "Kyoko-san…"

"Don't worry about me," she shook her head at him. "You go on ahead and get in there!"

With a curt nod, the Cyber Sleuth disappeared into the strange network.

In the network

Naruto made it into the deepest recesses of the network before he spotted the idol known as Yuki Fuyume. His eyes widened in confusion as there was no way any other human could have been here. He hurried over to her at once but noticed she had been expecting him.

"You… came…" she gratefully smiled at the blue-eyed teen. "Thank… you…"

The girl suddenly disappeared and in her place was a small cat-like Digimon that Naruto's Digivice quickly identified as a Wanyamon. "Please…" the Digimon stared at the boy with pleading eyes, "help… me…"

Just like the girl, the Wanyamon disappeared. Naruto looked around for any sign of the Digimon but he sensed another distorting wave crash into him. He frowned as it probably meant that Broadway was getting even colder.

He clenched his teeth together as he tried to come up with a way to fix the situation. "Alright… That Digimon called me here for a reason. If he wasn't the cause then something else is!" He flinched as a sudden chill washed over him. He brought his arms up to protect his face as chilling snowflakes flew towards him. "H-huh…? I feel cold…?" He carefully looked past his arms and saw a snowman-like Digimon running towards him.

"COLDER…" the Digimon breathed, its breath visible in the cyberspace. "IT'S NOT COLD ENOUGH! NOT UNTIL EVERYONE IS FROZEN!"

The snowman digimon was knocked back by IceDevimon. Naruto only sent him out due to his cold body being unaffected "Frost Claw" IceDevimon slashed the snowman and pushed it back but it quickly went on the attacks "ZETTAI REIDO PUNCH!" The snowman punched Icedevimon making him stagger "Icy Shower" Icedevimon fired icicles at the snowman but it seemed to barely hurt it "Icedevimon, he's ice as well! Try a non-ice attack!" Icedevimon nodded after getting hit again "Razor wind" Icedevimon flapped its wings and created a slice of wind that cut the snowman digimon in half and dispersed it into data.

Once the digimon was gone Icedevimon reverted to impmon and Naruto hugged him "Good job" Impmon chuckled and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. the Wanyamon they met before started hopping towards them

"Brr, it was so cold!" the small Digimon shivered. "Thanks for taking care of him! That was one nasty glitch!" He happily jumped into Naruto's lap. "You saved the day, really! You must have come over when you heard my voice, right?"

"Not really…" Naruto blinked at the Digimon as the creature affectionately rubbed his head against the boy's hand. "I came here to investigate as a Cyber Sleuth."

"You didn't?" the Digimon frowned. "You're a Cyber Sleuth working a case? I don't really get it," he shook his head. "But whatever," he chuckled, "all's well that ends well! Yukidarumon's rampaging really did cause so much trouble!"

"Yeah, it did," the boy nodded before knitting his eyebrows together. "But… uh… who are you?"

"Huh? Who am I?" the Wanyamon blinked at him. "Uh, well… to be honest, I don't really know myself."

"Really?" Naruto curiously stared at the Digimon with wide blue eyes. He's actually… really cute… he thought as he began petting him.

The Digimon purred at the boy's actions. "I've been stuck asleep inside this wall the whole time, you see." He suddenly jumped out of the boy's lap when Naruto's Digivice began to ring.

"Hey," Kyoko greeted her assistant. "It's finally stopped blowing cold air here. Great job! You did so much, you must be tired. It would have been a real sad state of affairs if we'd somehow managed to freeze to death here in Tokyo, of all places."

"That's true…" Naruto laughed. "But, uh… Kyoko-san… I found something interesting." He showed her the Digimon that was now playing with his team. "He doesn't know who he is… and I kinda want to help him…" he said with a slight blush on his face.

"Hmm? You found a cat Digimon with amnesia?" Kyoko stared at the small creature with intrigue. "Well, you solve one mystery, only to stumble into another, it seems. Come back here and we'll look into it."

At the office

Kyoko studied the strange Digimon with great interest. "An amnesiac Digimon, huh…?" She shook her head and smirked to herself. "Every time I think I've seen everything, I get proven wrong yet again." She nodded as she addressed the Wanyamon. "I take it those transmissions with Yuki Fuyume were your doing, then?"

"Yep," the Digimon nodded. "I wasn't able to move around once Yukidarumon started going crazy, so I had to call for help somehow and I sent out those messages." He noticed Naruto frowning at him and laughed. "Well, I did come from a vacuum tube computer inside a wall!"

"So I really did access that old computer network?" Naruto blinked in surprise.

"Then that means that vacuum tube computer was really there behind the wall, this whole time…" Kyoko mused.

"I'd been asleep inside that computer for a reeeeally long time," the Wanyamon nodded. "I only woke up just recently. And when I did, I had no idea who I was or what I was doing inside that wall, so I decided to go and see what I could learn. That was when I stumbled upon an intranet connecting the vacuum tube computer to the rest of the building."

"Intranet…?" Kyoko brought her hand up to her chin. "You must mean the networking lines that only operate inside Nakano Broadway."

"Yeah," the Digimon jumped. "So as I was just playing around, that was when Yukidarumon suddenly appeared. He was originally a Digimon that was created as a result of a glitch in the air conditioning system. But he managed to use the intranet to sneak into the vacuum tube computer I was living in!"

"I see," Kyoko nodded. "It all makes sense now. That must have been why nobody could find anything wrong with the system when they checked it."

"So it was a job only we could accomplish," Naruto stated.

"Yukidarumon just went completely insane and wouldn't listen to me," the Wanyamon sighed. "Eventually I couldn't even move with all of that constant cold. It was terrible…"

Naruto sympathetically stared at the adorable Digimon. "How awful… I had no idea. A cute critter like you being bullied by a bigger Digimon like that…"

Kyoko shook her head at her assistant but crossed her arms as she considered the old vacuum computer. "It's hard to believe such an old computer was even still operational to begin with too… But its existence is probably a remnant of the centralized AC system the K-Café owner mentioned before. The wiring must have been hooked up pretty poorly for Yukidarumon to be able to wreak such havoc, then… And therein lies the root of how this all managed to happen. I imagine even our conversation right now must be going through that intranet, as well."

"Aw…" Naruto frowned. "If that's the case, you're bound to Broadway… I was hoping I could take you to EDEN… I want to raise an adorable Digimon like you…" His digivice beeped as his partners appeared on the screen "Are we just invisible?" Dorumon said with a growl as Naruto stammered and started ranting about how they're the best partners

"By the way," Kyoko continued to ignore the boy, "is there a reason why you… chose to appear as an idol in those transmissions?"

"Why?" the Digimon blinked at her. "She was just cute, I guess."

Kyoko frowned at the digimon. "Um?"

"Yeah, it's simple!" the cat-like creature agreed. "I just thought someone cute like her would make someone want to come in and help me! I picked Yuki Fuyume specifically because, well… she was amazing when she was really popular! She could sing, she could dance, and her looks… Fuyume had everything you could want in an idol!" The Digimon jumped up as he remembered something else. "Oh yeah! There was also a world's fair around the time her career was really starting to take off! There was such a long line for the moon rocks…" The Wanyamon paused and frowned to himself. "Wait… Why do I… remember that? I don't even know my own name…"

Naruto blinked at the Digimon. "Eh…? That's a lot of strange things to recall… What's up with that?"

"I think I get what's going on here…" Kyoko nodded. "It looks like we've uncovered a decades-old time capsule."

"Time capsule?" the Wanyamon looked towards the detective in confusion. "What's that?"

"Your memories aren't just raw bits of information," Kyoko explained. "They're more than that. They have a certain… humanity to them, let's say. I bet you're somebody's old 'memories', stashed away along with that vacuum tube computer you've been living in. That's what time capsules are for."

"That's what I am?" the Digimon wryly smiled.

"But, memories or not, that doesn't make you any less empathetic a creature to encounter…" she smirked, looking over towards her assistant who was still staring at the Wanyamon like a young child wishing to adopt a lost kitten. "Either way, this case is wrapped up now."

"Eh? Really?" Naruto frowned, disappointment apparent on his face.

"We'll look into what's up with this cat Digimon later," she reassured him. "Truly, there's no other place quite like Nakano," the detective chuckled.

"There really isn't," her assistant smiled as they bade the small Digimon farewell for the time being. He crossed his arms and smiled. "Well, this is one report I don't mind writing out…" The teen bounced up and down as he faced his boss. "I got to show off some awesome skills"

She chuckled at his enthusiasm. "And here I thought you hadn't been looking forward to the case…"

"Eh?" Naruto was immediately pulled back to reality and Kyoko noticed he was his usual self again. "I hadn't… But it did turn out to be a job that only I could complete due to the nature of my existence," he frowned.

Kyoko frowned at his lack of confidence in his position as her assistant. "Still," she smirked at him, in the hopes of cheering him up, "you have a real knack for getting us involved in a lot of stuff, so thanks for always keeping it interesting around here."

The blonde eased up at that. "Heh… Thanks, Kyoko-san…"

Back at Konoha

Tsunade smiled as it seems Naruto was happy in this new world. She was brought out of thoughts when Shizune walked in with news that surprised her "Sasuke Uchiha wishes to see you"

Tsunade entered the prison and saw, to her shock two creatures with the uchiha "Hokage-Sama" He said, his voice still hoarse "I wish to speak with you about BlackAgumon and BlackGabumon here…."

Hey soryy this one took a while. I'm still finishing off assessments for collage…. But I hope you enjoy this chapter