Chapter 7

The phantom lifted off the ground with a grace I had not noticed that we were airborne until the pilot announced how long until we reached our destination. Beside me stood Thana, appointed my personal bodyguard. Thel stood near the side hatch with four guards to protect both of us. It was a tense ride rumor of impending war the talk of the day in Vadam keep. We are headed south to secure the support of another state I dare not try to pronounce the name. Landing after our flight; the area lined with honor guards for another kaidon who looked a bit taller than Thel. Both aliens walked up to each other.

I followed the group down into the keep. Stuck between Thana and the four guards. Thel and the new leader talked in their own language until we entered a medium sized room lined with tables on each side. Our party was directed to sit on the right. After everyone was seated I pulled out the device and set it to record the conversation. The kaidon stood first and addressed the leader of the state.

"Thank you, Rtesa. For allowing us." He pointed to me then himself. "To meet you here in your state to discuss the future we all strive to achieve. Lasting peace with humanity and the support in case others have doubt of this continued peace."

The larger Sangheili sat across from us. He was decently a foot taller than Thel and larger. I hoped this would be a success my meetings with the Vadam elders gave me more to think about with how things worked on Sanghelios.

The political structure fascinated me. Thel once informed me of an attempted coup the night he was made kaidon. Watching the meeting I only interjected when either male inquired on the human postion. I stood to my feet and surveyed the eyes of this states elders. They didn't seem pleased to see me which I wouldn't blame them. I was the first human they most likely had ever seen. My guess only having learned of us from their human-hating leaders. Coughing into my fist to clear my throat to answer one of the elder's questions.

"Yes sir, our people are willing to share technology maybe if that sharing is mutual."

One of the elders narrowed his reptilian lids. I could tell he wasn't amused by what I explained throughout the meeting. Their leader looked between the assembled parties. His large frame turned and he pointed speaking Sangheili to his people and explaining the same to Thel. A four-fingered hand clasped my shoulder, smaller than any male but enough grip to dislocate the bone with ease. Thana moved me out of the room. Thel and his guards followed in unison.

Standing in the corridor I crossed my arms an unspoken demand in my eyes. Thel looked me over and sighed shaking his elongated head. "A break to discuss matters. I feel another angle is needed if we are to win his favor. Rtesa was and always will be a stubborn Sangheili. A tough nut to crack as humans called it."

My mouth upturned at the corners in a smile. How long has he been in contact with humans? Asking about it only a shrug was my answer. I'm sure he will reveal what I asked in due time. Before I could respond footfalls announced the not very subtle sound of an approaching alien. I saw this one looked quite young, well compared to the six around me. The male spoke to Thel and we moved back into the main room to our original places for the meeting.

The large male re-entered the room and took his place once more. I eyed him seeing he looked quite pleased with himself. Maybe he had a plan of his own I mused in my mind. Thel began by speaking to the other in their native tongue. What I could piece together was finding a way to crack the shell, so to speak. Thel looked my way landing the spotlight on me. I moved around the table to the silent protest of my bodyguard. In view of all involved within this stone chamber.

"Yes, we can provide your people with the assistance needed in any conflict. I have been recently informed a war could be costly unless the balance can be tipped in our favor." I explained to Rtesa making an emphasis on the 'our' in my statement. He looked me over clearly annoyed by my overt smugness. Reading minds was not a human ability but I wish I had it here. He spoke among his elders whispering and eyeing me coldly. Returning to my place next to one annoyed female. I shrugged hoping maybe he will see reason and let the UNSC assist in the rumored war, though I didn't have a clue if they themselves wanted to help in a war when we just finished up one of our own.

Thel spoke breaking the one-sided conversation. I could hear the impatient annoyed tone laden words. Both aliens spoke to each other seeming to have forgotten about me. Good, I could feel the sweat build on my back. An agreement must have been soon reached because the same hand ushered me to the doors. Walking along towards the exit then once outside I was moved to an out of the way spot by Thel.

"You left an impression. Your boldness to stand up for what you believe in has been enough. Though he is, as I said, stubborn. A quality we all have and show with pride."

I chuckled under my breath, nervously. As the phantom hovered in the air my mind on what would happen next. Back towards Vadam, an alarm whined throughout the phantom. Sudden maneuvers threw me and the other passengers to the cold metal deck. A flash of light, the air heated, sweat on my back returning in waves. I tried to brace for impact but only found myself in the secured grasp of my bodyguard and then darkness.

My eyes fluttered open. A faint orange hue illuminated the high cracked and rough ceiling overhead. I sat up in a flash my body screaming in protest and a hand finding its way on to my shoulder.

"How do you feel?" I looked up at the rough face of Thel 'Vadam. A purple gash bled across his forehead. He looked relieved I was alive but also angry with the events that transpired. My eyes carefully swept the width of the cavern. Falling on a single figure, on her side, motionless near the fire. Her shadow cast high along the far wall. Was she dead or sleeping?

"W-what happened?" I asked Thel getting to my feet despite his protest on the matter. His armor, laden with cracks deep in the bronze colored chest plate. If he was in pain the discomfort masked well by his calm demeanor. Limping towards Thana she looked normal, what I could perceive as usual skin tone for their people, her eyes inched open gazing up at me caused a faint smile to cross her mandibles.

"You survived, thank the gods." Her voice was like sandpaper rough in pitch, broken with pain mirrored in her eyes, spoke volumes to me. The breaks in her skin dried with indigo blood. I could not tell who was worse, me, her or Thel.

The large male placed a hand on my shoulder. I moved aside for him. He crouched next to her and began treating the wounds once again. I sat on the other side of the warm glow. Watching through the dancing flames. Thel came to sit by me; armor plate and upper bodysuit came off revealing a dried gash in his chest covered by a purple soaked cloth. My eyes glanced at the large burned mark in his chest. It was an old wound, deep and made with a purpose by someone other than its wearer. He saw I noticed the injury replacing the armor after swapping the cloth with a fresh clean one.

"Placed upon me for my failure."

"Who shot at us?" I asked glancing between Thel and the flames dancing with our shadows on the high ceiling.

"I guess Rtesa wanted to play us for fools. Sealing his own fate by my blade."

I nodded and scanned our surroundings once again. Both Sangheili, I had to guess, gathered what supplies from the crash they could. A few carbines propped against the rocks near my right. Sounds of movement had my eyes snap to the dying fire. Thana stood up and made her way over to us. She walked with a limb each step equaled discomfort in her expression. I stood to offer help but she waved a dismissive hand in our direction. Thel and I sat back down watching the flames pop and crackle as they ate through the thick kindling.

"What is our next move kaidon?" Thana asked sitting on a rock with one of the three carbines clenched tight in her fist.

"With my death, our enemies are surely making a play to breach Vadam lands. We will meet them with open arms and fire in our eyes."

Footsteps echoed near the entrance Thana raised her weapon to meet this new threat but lowered it when a familiar voice pierced the darkness. "Kaidon of Vadam?" A Sangheili in full battle dress moved into the light of the fire.

"Rtas it is good to see you brother. What of Vadam keep?" Thel asked the battle-hardened veteran.

"She still stands over the battle. Scarred but holding fast. Rtesa and his forces have not made it inside. We managed to beat them back to the border."

The senior Sangheili stood after collecting the two remaining carbines and we walked outside to a waiting phantom. Flashes broke through the night in the distance. A column of smoke visible against the light of the two dominating celestial objects. Once on the phantom, we got airborne and made the best speed to Vadam.