Sirius and James' last year accelerated through the rest of winter and into spring with a not-so-careful balance between mischief and rule abiding, all under the watchful eye of Lily Evans. With James having maintained his position as Head Boy, he was more than willing to go along with the rules for once if it meant keeping Lily happy. I was surprised to see such a change in my brother and a little put off that someone could have such an influence over him. But if it kept mum and dad off my back asking about James then I was content to go along with it. Plus, Lily was undoubtedly the best thing to ever happen to my brother and I made sure he didn't forget it whenever he was being particularly bothersome.
But despite the regular antics of the Marauders and the hype from the seventh-years about their NEWTs, even including my boyfriend and brother who were actually serious about getting into auror training. It was only the sixth years then who were sitting in the Great Hall for a more informal study session. Max was talking quidditch to everyone who would listen while Fern was the only one actually invested in the book she had propped up in front of her.
"Adeline, might I have a word?" I looked up to see that of all people, Regulus Black had approached me and was looking expectantly.
Max scoffed and Blythe gave me a meaningful look but I shrugged and followed the Slytherin anyway. It was a lot longer than I was expecting before Regulus finally turned around to face me past the Entrance Hall and into the Transfiguration corridor.
"So, I guess I am to acknowledge your affiliation with my family now. I must say that even though Sirius has defiled the Black name, choosing a pureblood to date definitely staves off some of my mother's previous beliefs," Regulus was delayed in his introduction since Sirius and I had been dating for a few months now, but I figured it had something to do with constant pestering or maybe even a few howlers from his mother that prompted this exchange.
He was clear to the point but so was I. I didn't think of casting a hex or coming up with some clever remark. Instead, I took a point out of James's book and stepped forward, punching Regulus in the nose that sent him to the floor.
"Ah, bugger!" Regulus swore but quickly cast a charm to stop the bleeding from his broken nose. "Episkey."
"Sirius doesn't need your vile approval, and neither do I you pure blood mania coward!" I looked over him but missed his sleight of hand under his cloak.
"Conjunctivitis!" Regulus exclaimed and immediately there was a flash in front of my eyes that impaired my vision.
"Bloody coward!" I yelled after him, hearing Regulus's retreating footsteps before I heard several others come up quickly behind me.
"Oh Merlin!"
"What the hell happened?"
"I'll bloody well kill that cowardly snake!"
I heard Fern, Zelene, Wendall, Blythe and Max exclaim all at once.
"Is it bad?" I ran my hands gently over my eyes and gasped at how sensitive the swollen skin was around it.
"Did he hit you? You're really bruised around your eyes, can you even see?" Fern was talking more gently in front of me, always surprisingly the calm one in this type of situation.
"No, well not physically at least. He got me with a Conjunctivitis curse," I admitted, hating how I had so easily lost focus and in front of Sirius's welp of a brother no less.
Fern helped me to the infirmary while Blythe and Wendall held back Max from going after Regulus. Even though Blythe was leaning more towards Max's course of action, I convinced them not to. I think if I didn't look so defenseless being blind they might not have listened to me otherwise.
Madam Pomfrey was able to get the swelling down enough to see, but that bloody prat was skilled enough to leave marks. Both of my eyes were black as well as the bridge of my nose.
It didn't get any better when Sirius and James were the first ones I saw coming down for dinner that night. Sirius was of course the first to see, obviously noticing my bruised face despite the scarf Zelene let me borrow.
"What the fuck happened, Ly? Who the hell do I need to go murder?" Sirius's voice was deadpan serious, causing Max to crack his knuckles like he might be able to go after Regulus on Sirius's order after all.
"It's nothing. Just an antsy first year getting too riled up," I lied easily enough but Blythe of all people scoffed and immediately sold me out.
"This," Blythe gestured to my face, "was caused by your dear younger brother."
Sirius's glare turned murderous as he stared into my eyes that still wouldn't open properly all the way, making it difficult for me to match his beady stare.
"Regulus fucking did this?" James stepped forward and forcefully pulled my scarf down, causing me to wince as his knuckle grazed my bruising.
"Well I did punch him first," I shrugged, wanting to focus more on my hit rather than my face.
It was a sore spot for my pride but it seemed James and Sirius were no longer listening.
I grabbed onto Sirius's arm right as he went to follow after James who practically sprinted out of the Great Hall. Sirius pulled his arm from my grip and I stilled that Sirius really wasn't going to listen to me on this.
"Addie, he did this to you because of me! You could have gone blind or he could have used an even worse curse. I know what pureblood nonsense my mother fills his head with. If Regulus or anyone thinks they can take their anger for me out on you, I will put them in their place. I can't- Addie look at your face! I can't ignore this or let anyone get away with hurting the girl I love," Sirius's voice started in anger but dropped until it was just a hardened whisper.
All I could do was stand looking dumbstruck while Sirius sprinted off to chase after James. I could feel six sets of eyes on me from behind but I only continued to stare at the door where James and Sirius had both disappeared through. This was the first time Sirius had admitted he loved me, and I hadn't said it back.
Suddenly the words were heavy on my tongue. The worry that they were about to get themselves expelled right before graduation pushed to the back of my mind as I felt myself start to run after his frock of black hair.
"Sirius!" I shouted through the halls and thanked Godric that most everyone was in the Great Hall eating dinner so I wouldn't cause a scene.
Sirius was fit but my years of playing quidditch and training made it so I could easily catch up to him. Sirius slowed and paused, looking over his shoulder just as James disappeared at the end of the corridor. I knew he was headed towards the dungeons since Regulus hadn't made an appearance at dinner yet and I knew I couldn't hold Sirius for long.
"Ly, he can't get away with this…" Sirius started like he assumed I was looking for an argument.
But I shook my head and kept going until I crashed into him. His years of quidditch kept him on his feet but he staggered back a bit. His look of concern didn't hold as a smile took over his expression.
"What has come over you, Ly?" Sirius asked bemusedly.
"I love you too," I exclaimed breathlessly before I found his lips with mine.
I didn't want to make this some mushy display of affection since both of us were not ones for formal declarations. But after hearing Sirius' passing exclamation, it was strange how abruptly I felt the need to let him know that I felt the same. Sirius accepted the kiss after only a second of surprise and took advantage of the fact that we were in an abandoned corridor to snog quite prolifically before we both needed air.
"Now can I got avenge your honour, love?" Sirius beamed but I could still see the anger in his eyes.
I sighed and arched up onto my tiptoes to kiss his forehead.
"Just don't do anything illegal and don't blow your chances of auror training this close to graduation," I offered a rueful smile before letting go of our embrace and watched Sirius sprint off again down towards the dungeons.
It ended up that Sirius and James never told me what they did to Regulus and there were no physical markings that I could see to give it away. I assumed Remus and Peter knew but there were some secrets that were only Marauder savvy and I was more than willing to accept my role as willfully ignorant since I loved to able to plead innocent when asked by my parents. This did not mean however that danger and threat of expulsion didn't increase in probability all the way up until exams and the last days of school.
Not only were James and Sirius anxious to become aurors but the Slytherin gang were obviously gearing up to join the Death Eater ranks. It got so bad that none of us were willing to walk alone in the corridors after my run-in with one Regulus Black. That was why I was walking with Fern to the library after our final exam to help her return the mountain of books she had in her extendibly-charmed rucksack.
"Stop this at once, Severus!" Lily's shouts could be heard from the other end of the hallway.
I knew we were headed towards the Slytherin common room as we broke out in full throttle. I also knew not to hold my breath that whatever was happening didn't involve my brother. Fern kept pace beside me while we both took our wands out at the ready.
We took the corner at a sharp turn and I saw Fern freeze at the sight that appeared in front of us. A boorish looking Slytherin was blocking Lily, a new member among the Slytherin cronies who I didn't readily recognise, while Snape faced off a few paces away with James. I knew James' focus was torn between Snape and Lily and it looked like Lily might have been hit, with her lip split. This is how I could tell James was seeing red.
"James, please!" Lily beckoned frantically and even though James shook his head, his attention swayed for a moment just for Snape to take advantage of it.
I hadn't stopped like Fern did. Her automatic response being to freeze while mine was to run and fight. By this point I was almost beside James. Everything happened at once, James turning away from Lily to side glance at me just as the words left Snape's curled lips.
"Sectumsempra!" Snape shouted the unfamiliar curse and I couldn't stop to deflect it in time.
So I kept running and absorbed the curse with my body instead, instantly dropping to the ground as I felt my body being torn into pieces. I wanted to scream but all that came out was a whimper.
"Addie, fuck— what did that slimy bastard do to you?" James's voice above me was a mixture of hatred and fear.
I opened my eyes but the pain was blinding and all I could see when I lifted my arm was blood.
"James, this is a dark curse. We need to get her to the hospital wing or she'll bleed out and die!" Fern was direct, gaining control of the situation automatically.
Fern was always quiet and a little bit timid, but she was always the best to have around in terrible situations.
"Potter, what's happened?" I heard the familiar voice of McGonagall and thought maybe Lily had gone to get her.
I could feel my back soaking with what was presumably blood and my vision started to blur.
"Evans, help Madam Pomfrey!" McGonagall ordered but their voices were dimming.
I was angry Snape of all people had gotten the better of me, but I could only think that I was so relieved I had gotten to James in time.
"Addie, you idiot, it should have been me. It was meant for me!" James's whispers were fervent in my ear as he presumably walked beside me since I could feel myself floating, most likely at the hands of the school's matron.
I only hoped she stifled the bleeding so I wasn't leaking out down the corridors. Plus I didn't think I had much to spare at this point. Whatever spell Snape used, it was meant to swiftly kill its opponent.
I could feel James's shaky hand on mine before I finally fell unconscious.