What's this? Two fics of the characters touching themselves? Well, I did Ruby in a ladybug situation, guess I figured I might as well do Blake too. Well, hope you enjoy it!

Being a faunus had some advantages, at least physically. Some people had tails they could use as an extra limb, some had horns, which were mostly useless except in self-defense, and others had a variety of traits. Blake though, had gotten feline traits, not uncommon but definitely useful. She could see exceptionally well in the dark, and more importantly she could hear and smell much better than a human. This was very useful, but not always an advantage.

The dorms in Beacon were anything but large, and small spaces meant lots of sounds, especially for someone with sensitive hearing. Of course years of experience meant she could tune out things like heartbeats and breathing at night when she needed to sleep, or the sounds of a shower running while she read. Sometimes though, there were a few extra things she didn't need to know about, but always seemed to.

It should have been a private thing, and she would have preferred to have left it to them, but she couldn't control it. She always knew when they'd done it. When Yang came out of the shower a bit more refreshed, the smell of soap a bit stronger than usual, or when Weiss took an extra amount of time 'doing her hair' in the bathroom only to come out with exceptionally clean hands. Blake thanked the gods for the bathroom door being so thick. The worst one though, that had to be Ruby.

Ruby wasn't like Weiss and Yang, she didn't use a door and the sound of a hair dryer or running water to cover up what she was doing. Instead she simply waited until she thought everyone was asleep. The curtain around her bed certainly kept anyone from seeing anything, and she was shockingly quiet, but she definitely wasn't used to living with a faunus. Blake could hear everything, the pants and gasps, the way her breath caught on occasion, the way her heart sped up, and at times even the sound of her fingers.

It was starting to grate on her nerves if she was being honest. Sure it wasn't every night, perhaps only twice a week on average, but it was getting harder for Blake to handle. She'd started to imagine it, what Ruby looked like, what she was doing to make those sounds. It made Blake want to join her, doing the same to the sounds and thoughts of her team leader. She couldn't do that though, not only because she'd never be able to look Ruby in the eyes again, but also because of what Ruby did. Once she finished, she always climbed down from the bed and went to the bathroom, presumably to wash up. That meant if Blake tried to join her, she'd be caught with her hand down her panties when Ruby jumped down.

Eventually though, it was just too much. She lay there, listening to Ruby pleasuring herself, her own body aroused by the sounds. Every gentle gasp, every soft moan, and on nights like tonight when it was exceptionally good even whispered words. Blake couldn't take it anymore. Letting her yukata fall open she slipped her hand down, sliding it underneath her panties to touch herself. She closed her eyes and rubbed gently, getting started. Before she could though she heard Ruby, her heart speeding up and her breathing getting hectic as she came. Blake almost whined out, hearing her get off and not having been able to herself. She stopped and lay still for a few minutes before Ruby jumped down softly and headed into the bathroom.

Blake stayed there, pretending to be asleep, contemplating what she had almost done. She'd been so close to masturbating to the sounds of Ruby doing the same. She needed to clear her head. When Ruby came back out Blake waited until she'd jumped back up to her bed and then silently climbed out and went into the bathroom as well, planning to wash her face and hands to clear her mind.

Stepping in and quietly closing the door behind her she walked over to the sink, bracing her hands on it and leaning against it. She took deep breathes, inhaling through her nose and exhaling out her mouth. The intent was to calm down but instead she found something else happening. A scent reached her nose, too faint for a human to have detected, but just barely enough for her. She looked around, wondering what it could be.

Getting closer to the smell she noticed where she was. Each of the girls did their own laundry, and had their own hamper. The smell was coming from Ruby's. Opening it up she found a suspiciously laid out shirt on top, which she moved. Underneath was a pair of red panties with a dark spot on them. Unable to stop herself she reached down and picked them up. Holding them up to her nose she inhaled deeply. That was it, the smell of Ruby's arousal, tinged with the scent of roses.

She let out a shuddering breath. Ruby had always had the smell of roses about her, in fact when they'd first moved in Blake had to resist the urge to bury her nose in Ruby's hair and breathe deeply. Now she had that same desire, except she wanted to bury herself between Ruby's legs for more of this scent. Sometimes she hated her enhanced senses.

Quickly, before she could be more tempted, she put them back underneath the shirt and closed the hamper lid. Moving over to the sink she put her hands on either side of it and looked into the mirror. What was she doing? Was she that much of a pervert that she'd go around digging through hampers? No, she wasn't. She shook her head and ran some water, splashing some on her face and then turning it off.

If only she could turn herself off as easily as the water. Unfortunately it wasn't quite that simple. She was still feeling the heat inside of her. Her body wanted to be touched, and her mind could only think of one thing: Ruby. So many times she'd listened, heard her touching herself. She knew it would be an awkward conversation to bring up, her getting caught, but was there perhaps more to it? Had she let this go on because she wanted to keep listening? She couldn't deny getting somewhat turned on every time she heard it. She even became somewhat excited on the nights when she expected Ruby was going to be enjoying her own company.

Reaching up she ran a hand through her hair as she turned around and leaned against the sink. She'd always been able to get by before, but now, it seemed it was too much. Coming so close to touching herself, finding Ruby's arousal-stained undergarments, and knowing that meant she wasn't wearing any right now, it all added up. She needed some relief. Just one night wouldn't hurt.

Moving away from the sink she opened her robe and let it fall to the ground, leaving her in just her panties. Which she now realized were more wet than she thought. Reaching down she pulled them down and walked over to her own hamper, and then stopped. Turning she walked over to Ruby's and tossed them inside. She didn't know what prompted her to do it, perhaps she was intrigued or aroused by the thought of Ruby seeing them, or perhaps it was a sense of fairness for having found hers, but regardless she closed the lid and stepped back.

Walking over she seat down on the toilet, leaning back against it. In all honesty she was actually kind of tired, but she wouldn't be getting any sleep in this state. Her hands moved and began groping her breasts, massaging them soft and slowly. Moving in circles she let herself enjoy the feel of it, her palms brushing over her nipples with each movement. Biting her lip she let out a soft hum of enjoyment and began to move one hand down, slowly starting to ruby her slit.

She was taking it easy, as she usually did, enjoying moving slowly. She wondered if this was how Ruby started, slow and easy touching, or did she jump right into the firmer stuff and let her body catch up on its own? She could imagine it now, her laid out in bed, lifting that pajama top she wore and groping her breasts. A hand sliding down under her pants and starting to touch herself.

Blake took a deep breath and shook her head. She shouldn't be imagining that. There were plenty of books she could draw from for inspiration. The Sorceress' Secret, Ninjas of Love, The Tale of Lifts-Her-Tail, okay maybe not that last one. Poisoned Moonlight, that was a good one. The story of a young assassin who infiltrates an organization, only to find love in one of its members. It was the slowest of burns, chapter after chapter waiting for it to happen, but when it does...

The assassin takes her, ripping off her lover's shirt and throwing the smaller woman onto the bed. She climbed over and pulled the rest of her clothes off before pinning her to it and kissing her deeply. Blake could imagine it now, the two women, desperate and eager. She had always related to the assassin, who in her mind's eye was pinning her lover's hands over her head and kissing their neck while rubbing their dripping slit.

She pressed in firmer and picked up the pace, moving her fingers in a circle as the assassin did the same to their lover. She could imagine the way she would moan, gasping for air, adorable and sexy at the same time. She licked her lips as her own breathing sped up and she gritted her teeth to stop a low moan. In her head she saw them push a few fingers in and mirrored it, slipping two fingers into herself.

"Ohh Blake." She could almost hear them saying as she moved her fingers in and out of herself. Her other hand adjusted and she pinched her nipple between her thumb and forefinger, twisting a little.

"You like that, Ruby?" She asked in her head as she imagined kissing her way down to her breast, sucking on it and gently biting the nipple.

She lets out a soft moan as she pinches her nipple a bit further, mirroring the bite. She picked up the pace with her fingers, moving in and out of her faster. Then she let go of her breast and moved her other hand down, finding her clit and rubbing it as she did. "Yes..." She breathes out softly, panting heavily now. She was getting close, it wouldn't be long. In her head she kissed her deeply as she curled her fingers inside of Ruby, and she mirrored that action on herself, finally falling over the edge.

She gasped for air as her body tensed, her toes curling against the bathroom floor and her hips rising up a bit. For a moment she was caught in the pleasure of her climax, savoring the moment as she let it wash over her. Eventually she came down from it, relaxing against the back of the toilet as she removed her fingers from herself and let her arms hang at her side.

Somehow, it had happened. Even though she'd tried to avoid it, she'd still ended up thinking about Ruby. Too many pent up nights listening to her it seemed. Hopefully that would be the end of it. She wouldn't have to think about her like that again. No imagining what she did at night, no thinking of that cute smile, her perky breasts, those sexy thighs, that nice ass... crap. It was going to happen again. Somewhere along the way she'd realized just how attractive she found her.

Blake let out a groan and got up from the toilet, only to immediately lie down on the floor, the tile cool against her warm skin. "Ugh, how did it happen?" She asked herself. She was hot for Ruby, her team leader, her best friends little sister. It was a problem for another day though, for now she was at risk of falling asleep on the tile if she didn't get up.

Pushing herself up with a groan she moved over to the sink and washed her hands. After drying them she walked over to her hamper and pulled out a pair of worn, but dry, panties and put them on. She could change into a fresh pair after her shower tomorrow. Heading out she walked over to her own bed and lay down on it, pulling the blanket over herself. Then she heard something she didn't expect.

"Blake?" Ruby asked, "You up?"

"Um, yes." She says groggily. "I... had to use the bathroom."

"Oh. I'll let you go back to sleep then."

"Thank you, Ruby."

"No problem, goodnight Blake." she says.

"Goodnight Ruby." Blake responds before letting herself succumb to her exhaustion. Even her enhanced hearing wouldn't hear Ruby's following softly whispered words.

"I love you."

So that's another one done. Hope you liked it. If so, don't forget to leave a Review. Or if you really liked it, get one of your own, commissions are open and there's spaces left. Either way, thanks for reading and have a nice day!