Chapter 25

Laxus landed nimbly in front of the eclipse gate, opposite of where Zirconis crouched at the palace entrance.

He had been moving with the Thunder Legion to assist Wendy take on the green dragon when he felt the distant pulse of Praesidio magic. Then, the next thing he knew, Abi was screaming overhead. He didn't think twice and immediately took after the airborne woman. It took three flash-steps to catch her. Now, Abi was curled in his arms, trembling and clutching at his shirt with fear. Before he could look down to see if she was alright, his grey eyes met Zirconis's reptilian gaze.

Zirconis seemed to recognize that Laxus was a Dragon Slayer. He towered above the surrounding structures and swished his tale angrily, smashing through a block of houses. Laxus locked his jaw and snarled instinctively. Just like when he saw the fire dragon, Atlas Flame, his adrenaline spiked and he bit back the urge to immediately attack the colossal green beast. The blonde man knew Dragon Slayers carried ancient instincts like enhanced senses and sensitivity to motion. However, Laxus had never experienced such raw aggressive energy before. Looking at the dragons erased almost every thought.

"Thanks for bringing her back to me, I was worried I'd lost another voluptuous little morsel!" Zirconis's powerful voice carried a casual tone, as though he and Laxus were old friends. The dragon cocked his large, gleaming scaled head to the side and spread his lips wide to reveal massive jagged teeth. Was the green beast… smiling? The sight was so disturbing, the blonde man surpassed a grimace. Each fang was the size of Laxus. The green dragon stroked a long scaled whisker beneath his chin.

"Just drop that juicy little appetizer down right here and I might let you get away. I hate going to the trouble of chasing my food, anyway." His slitted eyes peered down at Laxus, who gripped Abi a little tighter, despite himself.

"Take it from me, monster, she's way more trouble than she's worth." The Dragon Slayer sneered up at the beast.

"Mmm, you really know how to flatter a girl," Abi told Laxus sweetly. She patted his shirt softly and leaned her head against his chest. Annoyance flared inside him, breaking his focus. The Dragon Slayer scowled. He looked down at her to tell her now was not the time to piss him off, but his grey eyes widened at the sight in his arms.

"What the fuck, Abi?!"

Laxus dropped her on the ground as though she suddenly caught fire. The Dragon Slayer took a few steps back and tried to control his breathing. The Praesidio looked up at him in utter surprise and outrage at her unceremonious ejection.

"Why are you naked?!"

"Why did you drop me?!"

Abi's eyes bulged indignantly and she looked over her body, "You're only just noticing this?"

"Sorry, I was a little more busy saving your ass, to look at it!" Laxus retorted, trying to keep his gaze on her face. His brain went a little bit fuzzy. Abi flushed with anger and she covered her breasts and crossed her legs. She glared at him from her spot on the ground, "Well, I didn't ask for your help!"

Good old-fashioned anger cleared Laxus's shock. Ungrateful little… He snorted in contempt and folded his arms beneath his dark jacket. He rolled his eyes and sneered, "Oh yeah, you were gonna' be just fine as a grease-spot on that bell tower."

Abi opened her mouth and shut it, clearly having no good response. She struggled up to standing and glared at him. Laxus didn't mean to look, but fuck. The Dragon Slayer grit his teeth and tried to stop his nostrils from flaring. She folded her arms and looked away, flushing red. "Stop looking at me, you pervert!" Abi exclaimed, her teal eyes darting back at the blonde man.

"Excuse me?!" Laxus sputtered, and wheeled on the woman. Electricity sparked off his shoulder in his anger. How dare she? Why was she naked in the first place? He clenched his fists, "You're the one who's trouncing around the city, bare ass-,"

"HELLLLLOOO!" Zirconis slammed his foot down and smashed the castle's central fountain. He was clearly perturbed and disturbed that the pair found their argument more important than him. Water began to shoot angrily into the sky and spilled over the bricks. Abi and Laxus snapped their heads over to glare at the massive beast glaring at them. Water droplets began to splatter against the ground like rain.

Right. Dragon to kill.

"Enough squabbling— it makes me hungry!" Ziconis ordered, slowly walking towards them. Each step punched through the pavement and shattered the windows on the castle. Abi and Laxus began to back up slowly, bristling at the terrifying monster. "You humans with your petty arguments, you act as though it's the most important thing in the world! "

The green dragon spoke with his gaze trained on Abi. Something tightened inside Laxus's chest, and his hands tightened into fists. "Abi, get out of here," He growled between clenched teeth.

"And if I don't?" She asked, glaring venomously at the dragon. A muscle in Laxus's jaw twitched and he resisted the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose. Electricity began to spark around his feet, and he wasn't sure if it was from her pissing him off or Zirconis closing in. He kept his grey eyes on the colossal green beast, noting how his scaly leg muscles drew tight, like a coiled spring. Laxus lowered his brows and forced his shoulders to relax. He was here to kill a dragon, not to babysit a nudist kleptomaniac.

"That wasn't a request."

"Like I've ever listened to you," Abi snorted, and her dark magic flared with her temper. Her magic licked at the air around her, and the sensation made the hairs on Laxus's forearms rise. He growled under his breath, and glanced over at her in annoyance. Fuck. He grit his teeth as both his eyes and thoughts strayed again. The Dragon Slayer glared at Zirconis and tried to cool his libido. How was he supposed to focus on the fight, when he could barely focus on Abi's face?

Suddenly, Zirconis lunged forward and swiped at the pair with a huge claw. Laxus flashed backwards to avoid the dragon.

"Just put some clothes on, woman!" Laxus growled in exasperation. Abi rolled on the ground, narrowly avoiding the beast's green talons.

The blonde woman came up in a crouch, a few yards away from him. "I'll get right to that," She shouted over to him, "Let me just grab the clothes I've been hiding this entire time."

The Dragon Slayer snarled in annoyance and melted into electricity, moving to blast the jade dragon behind his front leg. Zirconis snarled and batted at him, and the electricity danced around his claws, leaving the dragon unfazed. Why the hell is she sticking around? The dragon slayer resisted the urge to strangle the blonde thief because strangling her would require him to look at her and looking at her when she was naked caused him to—

Laxus quickly touched down on the ground beside Abi. He threw his jacket on the ground and glared at the blonde woman, who glanced at him in surprise. The dragon slayer grumbled under his breath and began unbuttoning his silk shirt. He put quite a lot of anger into releasing each button. This is my favorite shirt. But the blonde man couldn't damn-well focus with Abi trouncing around naked, pretending to be Lady god-damn Godiva.

"Why the hell are you stripping?!" The Praesidio glanced at him out of the corner of her eye incredulously. She blasted a ray of pure magic energy at Zirconis, which bounced harmlessly off the green scaled, humanoid torso. However, she did sneak a or two glance at the dragon slayer's exposed, bandaged chest.

"Laxus! We've come to help you!" A voice called from up above. The Dragon Slayer froze and looked around for the source, eyebrows knitting together with confusion. His grey eyes landed on Wendy and Carla, flying from the city. Mirajane wasn't with them, but he assumed the take-over mage had found other battles in the city. Wendy landed a few feet away from the pair, a bright smile on her face. She opened her mouth to speak words of encouragement, but her eyes grew wide with confused horror as she looked between the naked thief and the stripping dragon slayer.

"Wh-what's going-"

"I hardly think this is the appropriate time to engage in such things, Laxus!" The white cat barked indignantly. Laxus's fingers froze on a button as he opened his mouth to explain the situation. Carla slapped her paws over the blue-haired girls eyes and her fur turned almost positively red. Abi turned beet red as she turned looked at the child, and Laxus flushed.

Laxus all but ripped the silk purple button down off his body and threw the fine shirt at the thief. It hit her in the side of the head and she glared at him, swatting the shirt down.

"Voyeur." Abi muttered as she pulled the large purple fabric over her shoulders. It felt to the middle of her thighs, like a frumpy dress. You're welcome.

"Nudist," Laxus snarled back, and turned to face Zirconis.

Wendy's flush started to fade and she sniffed at Abi, her eyebrows knitting together in confusion. "Weren't you in that cell earlier?"

Abi opened her mouth to respond, but Zirconis roared and stamped his foot in anger at the group's inattention. "Seriously?!" the green dragon demanded, glaring at Laxus. For some reason, clothing Abi seemed to have deeply offended Zirconis. The beast continued complaining, "Come on, I just stripped that little juicy morsel! Ugh, humans are so dumb. I hate eating men, but I might make an exception in your case!"

Laxus's brows shot up, looking between Abi and Zirconis. So he's the reason why Abi had no clothes. A bit of anger flared in Laxus's veins for some reason. But the klepto could wait. It was time to get serious.

"Listen up, you overgrown lizard," The dragon slayer barked. Laxus stepped away from the thief, who was busy buttoning up his shirt and dodging Wendy and Carla's questions. The jade dragon sat up on his haunches and clicked his teeth in predatory interest, like a cat about to snatch a bird.

"I don't think we've been properly introduced," Laxus stared up at the dragon as he walked, allowing his combat instincts to resurface. Electricity surged around his body, and his blood boiled with power. "My name is Laxus Dreyar. I'm the lightning dragon slayer of Fairy Tail." Each step he took, thunder rumbled in the distance, a storm coming closer to the palace. Ozone filled the air and the dragon slayer's grey eyes turned gold. "And I came here to do just that. I'm puttin' you down for good, pervert."

Laxus melted into his electricity and materialized before the Dragon's massive jaw.

Electricity engulfed his arm and Laxus roared as he punched the side of Zirconis's face. Thunder boomed at the blow, and the dragon snapped his head to the side and grunted. He roared angrily, rubbing his jaw and batting where the dragon slayer flashed moments ago.

Laxus twisted and materialized to the side of Zirconis's torso and slammed a fist between the ribs of the dragon. The green humanoid beast lurched and swatted at the blonde man again.

A bolt of electricity cracked overhead, and Laxus was back where he stood moments before, rubbing his knuckles.

Damn, my body hurts. Exhaustion tugged at his bones. After that grueling fight with Jura, Laxus's magic energy was more than a bit worn out. Zirconis slammed down on his front legs and sent a shockwave through the earth. The dragon let out a deep chuckle and raised a scaled eyebrow at the dragon slayer.

"You're out of your league, insect. That was no more than a tickle."

This was gonna be a long night.

Laxus lowered his brows and gave the dragon a toothy grin, "Oh don't worry, sweetheart." Electricity ran through his unruly blonde hair, "I'm just warming up."

The Dragon Slayer sent a barrage of raging bolts toward Zirconis. Lightning engulfed the dragon, racing across the green scales. But Laxus could feel that his magic was not penetrating the thick dragon hide. I thought dragon slaying magic was supposed to work against the damn things. He narrowed his grey eyes and pressed his lips together. Zirconis shook himself like a wet dog and scattered the lighting across the courtyard. The electricity cackled and traveled up and down the nearby castle and trees. He growled down at Laxus, more from annoyance than pain.

The dragon towered over him, and Laxus met the beast's bloodthirsty gaze without fear. The blonde wizard stood with his back to the street entrance, facing Zirconis and the Mercuius palace. Hunger clawed at his stomach: what he wouldn't give for an electric line right now, or some support magic. He glanced over at Wendy and Abi. The thief had slipped away from the blue haired mage, but her scent lingered in the air. Abi was somewhere in the area, but where?

Laxus had much bigger, scaly problems to deal with at the moment.

Wendy seemed to know exactly what he was thinking. She closed her eyes and a pale blue magic circle illuminated beneath her feet and Laxus's. Wind circled around her and she clasped her hands together. "Sky Dragon Vernier!" The blue haired girl opened her eyes and spread her arms wide, casting the spell over the area.

A cool, powerful feeling of power and adrenaline coursed through Laxus's veins. He grinned, feeling the healing magic empower his own. His senses sharped and his power resurfaced. All around him, magic, screams, and roars filled the air. The sensations of different powers were almost overwhelming.

"What do you say, Wendy? Let's take this monster on together."

Wendy nodded briskly, a determined look in her eyes. "Two dragon slayers are better than one."

He had to agree with the kid on that one. Laxus willed his mouth to grow hot. Magic danced on his tongue and power pulsed through his veins. Enough talk. "Lightning dragon roar!" He sent a hundred-thousand volts of lightning straight to the dragon's face. Wendy leaped in the air, following closely with her own assault: "Sky Dragon Wing attack!"

The barrage of spells hit Zirconis in the face and sent the dragon reeling. He took a few steps back and shook his head. He glared venomously at the two dragon slayers. Something shifted in the dragon's beady green eyes, and Laxus got the feeling they managed to really piss Zirconis off this time.

"I've had just about enough of this. I could spend all night playing around with those little girls, but I don't care for messing with guys." He spoke as though being a man were the worst offense someone could be. The dragon fixed his beady eyes on Laxus. "Women are just so much juicer. You're much too tough and stringy, but you've managed to make me angry, so I'll eat you, clothes and all."

Movement behind the massive green dragon caught Laxus's eye. A small figure was climbing up the Eclipse Gate. Anger clouded the dragon slayer's mind. Of course that's what you're doing. Abi teetered on the edge of a the triangular sun ray, reaching once more for the Morphos Lacrima. Laxus grit his teeth and breathed deeply. It would not be practical of him to strangle Abi during a battle. After. The thought was a comfort.

The Lightning Dragon Slayer gathered magic around his fists. Laxus's grey eyes focused on Zirconis's mouth, who continued to talk to the dragon slayer about how awful men tasted. The dragon slayer lowered his eyebrows and the corner of his mouth pulled up in a bitter smirk. This overgrown lizard would get what's comin' to him.

"You talk way too much, bub." Laxus launched a swift Lightning Fist against the beast. He slammed the powerful spell between Zirconis's beady green eyes. The dragon was cut off mid sentence and crossed his eyes in surprise. Thunder cackled overhead and Laxus's magic power blasted Mercurius, coating the air with static.

The dragon's scales glowed bright green from the attack and the electricity curled into a tight ball, before the charge turned negative and the attack reversed. The Dragon Slayer didn't have time to move as his own lightning struck him, sending him flying backwards. Laxus crashed into thick Mercurius walls and punched through the stone, splaying across the street. Heavy stones from the wall lay on top of the dragon slayer.


He groaned and struggled up, just in time to see Wendy and Carla fly overhead to attack Zirconis. The dragon reared up and swiped at the cat and the little girl. Carla dived down, but the side of his claw nicked with the cat's wings. Wendy and Carla screamed as they tumbled to the ground. The magic circle around Laxus's feet faded as Wendy lost her concentration. The loss of the amplification spell laid a heaviness over his body, as today's battles took their toll on both his magic energy and body.

Zirconis landed on all fours, claws entrapping the young girl. Alarm coursed through the blonde man. Laxus grit his teeth and pushed the massive stones off of his body. He needed to get there, now. Come on… come on! But his magic did not want to cooperate.

The green beast grinned and licked his lips as he looked down at Wendy. Slow, fat droplets of saliva rolled between the gaps in the dragon's bloodstained fangs and splashed onto the ground. Wendy whimpered with fear and shielded her face, unable to cast a spell due to the sheer terror of the dragon. Dread filled the blonde man's gut as he realized he wasn't going to make it. Zirconis leaned his head down to eat the child.

A shrill whistle streamed across the night. The dragon's bat-like ear swiveled backwards, and Zirconis turned his head.

Power exploded from the eclipse gate, and a blinding streak of pure magic struck the green dragon in the eye. The magic was nothing short of devastating. Zirconis howled in surprise and reached up to clutch his eyes. He toppled over backwards and crushed a row of hedges and stones.

Laxus pulled himself up and saw Abi, perched atop the eclipse gate. Her hands were pressed against the Morphos Lacrima in the center of the gate, and her eyes blazed white. You and that damn lacrima, Laxus thought to himself. A silence fell over the palace gardens and courtyard, as though the world were holding its breath to determine the fate of the dragon.

A low growl filled the night as the earth began to tremble. "You dare strike my beautiful face?!" The dragon picked himself back up and dug his talons into the ground, breaking the thick stones and ancient roots as though they were toothpicks. An ancient magic energy blasted the area, and Laxus bristled. This fucker was barely scratched from a hit by a morphos lacrima charged by the grand magic games?!

However, Zirconis's beady green eyes were not focused on Wendy anymore. He gnashed his teeth together and stared predatorily at the towering green and purple gate. The beast's right eye was swollen.

"You little brat!" He seethed. "Now you've really made me angry!"

Abi paled and pressed herself against the gate. The thief balanced precariously on one of the gate's dials, almost a hundred feet above the ground. Despite his rage, Zirconis approached slowly, beating his wings with each step. Wendy picked up Carla and fled back to the safety of the garden hedges, dodging the dragon's massive steps. Laxus dug his feet into the ground and braced himself against the wind's onslaught, watching as trees and palace shingles were ripped from their place. Instead of running, Abi turned and began beating her fists against the lacrima, desperately trying to free the orb from the gate.

"You should know I'm one of the smartest dragons around," Zirconis bragged as he slowly stalked closer to the Eclipse Gate, forgetting Wendy and Laxus. "I came to this time so I could get a little more variety in my diet, and I can tell you're just the rare dish I'm looking for, aren't you?" He licked his lips and hummed with anticipation. Abi paused, and Laxus could almost hear her hammering heartbeat across the courtyard. "I'm going to savor you, little girl, and eat you nice and slow."

Electricity illuminated Laxus's grey irises and his eyes burned bright gold. New power— fueled by a surge in emotions— filled the dragon slayer. Zirconis would not touch Abi. His canines elongated in his mouth and the skin on his arms grew tight as his scales threatened to come to the surface without his permission.

The Lightning Dragon melted into his lightning body and launched himself at Zirconis. Lighting cracked overhead and Laxus appeared, slamming down into the green beast's haunches. Laxus moved with his instincts, slamming his fists and magic against the joints and soft tissue. He moved around the dragon's body in a blur of electricity; his attacks did not penetrate the thick green scales, but they effectively gained the dragon's attention. Zirconis lurched in surprise and twisted around, swatting angrily at the Fairy Tail wizard.

Zirconis's comment caused an unexpected surge of aggressive protectiveness within Laxus. As the initial adrenaline died, the blonde man became aware of how his heart seemed to burn. Every fiber in his body charged once again with power. Something ancient inside him roared: mine.

Wait— what? The thought was so surprising, Laxus blinked. His instinct-induced rage stalled.

The dragon slayer's momentary pause cost him dearly.

Zirconis smashed the back of his massive claws against Laxus and backhanded the dragon slayer into the eclipse gate.

Pain exploded in Laxus's back as he slammed into the hard metal door. The broad-shouldered man fell to his knees. His eyesight swam and all the oxygen in his lungs escaped with his groan. The world became fuzzy, and oh god, it would be so easy just to lay here and sleep for a bit. The blonde man tumbled forward, catching himself on his powerful hands. Laxus's grit his teeth as the world twisted and faded in and out of focus. Stay awake.

Zirconis laughed as he towered overhead. "If you want to die… I guess.. eat you… clothes and all." The beast's voice went in and out. Laxus needed to move, but his body was so heavy. His reserves were absolutely drained, and he wasn't sure if he had anything left. The dragon slayer raised his head to watch as Zirconis lunged.

Laxus dug his fingers into the dirt and clenched his teeth: move, damn it. Move! But his body refused, and the Fairy Tail wizard knew it was the end of the line.

Suddenly, a figure dropped down in front of him.

Fangs sliced through skin and shattered bone. Laxus couldn't move as Zirconis extinguished the life of the figure in front of him. In that moment, the Last of the Praesidios died.
