Izuku sighed as he made his 4th lap up and down Dagobah Beach's shoreline, the cool late summer water keeping him going as he panted. Today was the first day of the special training Aizawa was giving them, but of course he just had to lose his imagination for one day. Special Moves, attacks and actions ment to give you an edge over any villain and lead you to victory. Izuku had spent most of his childhood watching Heroes, so he had a pretty intricate idea of how a special move was supposed to look and work, but he hadn't spent much time thinking about how his own was supposed to work.

Looking up at the beach he took note of a couple classmates who had followed himself and Ragdoll to the beach, namely Tsuyu and Koda. Aizawa had been reluctant to allow them to leave the main group of them in U.A but accepted that Tsuyu would be better off in the ocean, Koda needed animals to work with and Ragdoll wouldn't accept chaperoning his students if it didn't include Izuku. So they were put on a bus, shipped off to Dagobah Beach and began to work on their moves. Izuku was acutely familiar with the entirety of the beach, remembering the trials of moving the trash that once saturated the beach.

Ragdoll had elected to stand back from them all, bringing out a beach lounger and a bikini to sunbath for a while. Koda was busy with his head in the water, a pair of swimming trunks on as he screamed into the water to see if he could speak to fish… That sounded crazy even though he knew the boy's quirk. Tsuyu was busy swimming alongside him much deeper but had surfaced to speak to him. He had thought that he had lost her at some points, but her figure was just becoming wavy. "What's up Izuku? Can't think of anything Kero?"

He turned with a sheepish grin, his hair maintaining it's insanity even though it was heavy with water. Tsuyu was in the swimsuit he remembered from earlier in the summer, while he had elected to use a pair of trunks like Koda. "Pretty much. I mean, my quirk is just super strength and my arm's are pretty busted up. I can't work at 100%, not as I am now."

She put a finger on her chin, a habit Izuku had noticed she did whenever she was debating on if something she was about to say was appropriate. "Well, I think there's a bunch of stuff you could try. Remember back at the USJ? That was pretty cool from my perspective Kero."

Izuku cast his mind back to that incident, trying to think of anything he did in particular that could be classed as 'cool'… "Remind me."

She giggled as Izuku blushed. "The finger-flick thing Kero? Where the villains were caught in a whirlpool?"

Izuku gasped as he remembered that moment, realising that it would be perfect for a move. "You're right! But how am I supposed to do that constantly…"

She shrugged. "You've been getting better at using your quirk right? Maybe if you were to use that Full Cowl thing you could make it weaker, but able to use it constantly Kero? Good luck."

With that she dove down again, intent on working on her own special move as Izuku pondered her words. 'I guess it wouldn't hurt to try, but I can't use my fingers like that again and I can't rely on my arms… WAIT A MINUTE…'

Timeskip, Two hours later.


Ragdoll, Koda and Tsuyu were watching in fascination as Izuku ran up and down the water, not the beach, but the water, creating tiny whirlpools as he went. The boy didn't seem to have any control over his speed as he put Jesus to shame in his 'walking on water' tactic. Koda turned to Ragdoll. "Um, should we help Midoriya-San?"

He realised that they weren't listening, instead electing to take out their phones and video their classmate and friend making an idiot of himself. Koda sighed and turned around to see if anyone was watching, despairing as he saw a small armada of people watching with their cameras raised to take pictures.

After about two more minutes Izuku finally managed to turn around, rushing onto the beach and drawing a massive line where he skidded to a halt. Tsuyu lowered her camera and ran over to him, acting as if she hadn't just taking a video of his greatest embarrassment. "Izuku Kero! Are you okay?"

He was face down in the sand, the soles of his feet looking as if they had been rubbed with sandpaper (no shit) as he gave no response. She knelt down next to him, mindful of the crowds of people. "Izuku! Are you oka…"

She was startled as he instantly jumped to his feet. "LEGS! THE ANSWER IS LEGS!"

There was no time to question him as he turned to her and excitedly put his hands on her shoulders. "LEGS TSU, LEGS!"

She blinked. "Legs?"

He nodded franticly. "Legs. Thank you for helping me think of legs."

She was caught off guard by a peck on the lips from the excitable greenette. Caught breathless, she didn't have time to respond as he ran off down the beach. Ragdoll and Koda caught up with her as Tsuyu held her hand up to her lips. "Asui, you okay?"

Only one word crossed her lips as she stared out at her crush. "Legs…"


Nobody had seen much of Izuku after the… Incident. Tsuyu had kept her mouth shut to their classmates, but Toga had figured out as much as she needed from her demeanour and Koda's reluctant willingness to tell her. Everybody had seen the videos on the internet, but nothing much had come of it except some chuckles and passing comments when they saw their classmate coming in at 11pm. Tsuyu was often gone at the same times as him, but when the behaviour was raised to Toga during gossip she just grinned, stating. "I mean, I don't blame him. A tongue like that…"

That kept them up at night.

Aizawa had continued to allow the three students to train at Dagobah under the watchful eye of Ragdoll but pulled them back after another two days into their 5-day course when he saw the tomfoolery going on online. Izuku was still scarce even in the gym, but people had seen him in the corner, bouncing around the pillars of rock like an overexcited pinball.

On the final day, everyone was in full swing. Mina was busy with her sticking acid, Aoyama was using his laser to shoot down falling debris, Kirishima had begun headbutting rocks to break them, all in all it was a glorious mess. Toga was the talk of the class though. Her quirk was suited to getting her hands dirty, a bad quality for a hero, but a certain Engineer had managed to pull through for her. Her new rig consisted of sowing needle sized darts which connected through near microscopic tubes back to her, designed not to do lasting damage. If she wanted, she could instantly mimic an opponent with just one hit or deliver a paralysing poison by coating one of the darts. She had wanted to keep her original villain costume, but after seeing some of the designs Mei had presented to her she acquiesced pretty easily.

The former villain was now sporting a suit stylized to look like a vampire while still being manurable. There was no skirt, instead opting for a conforming suit which incorporated the rig into her waist belt. Some of the guys, namely Kaminari, had made a pass at her but she just laughed them off with an insult to their manhood. Honestly, she wasn't sure what Izuku was up to. He had, of course, met with her at dinner to top off her blood but they never really talked much considering she was drinking the entire time and he ran off when she was finished.

That's what lead her to train just next to his area on the final day, practicing her throwing technique until she was able to hit 3 targets simultaneously. She had heard him mumbling to himself loudly but couldn't get a good view of him as he was constantly jumping around above her. Toga heard a small sneeze to her side and turned to see a wall with a slight discolouration, which turned into the curvaceous form of Tsuyu climbing on the wall. "Oh, hey Toga-chan, Kero."

Toga blinked before asking. "Tsu? What was that?"

Tsuyu waved her off, getting back onto two feet as she responded. "My new move, Camoflage. I'm also working on a poison but I don't have the stomach for it yet Kero."

Toga nodded and held up three needles, fanning them deftly as she said. "I'm getting better at using these things, but I don't really have a feel for how they work against someone…"

They stood in silence for a moment before Tsuyu just sighed and held her arms behind her back. "I'll do it, Kero. Just… Please be gentle."

Toga smiled at her sweetly, with no malice but a hint of reluctance. "O-Okay Tsu, I promise this won't hurt a bit."

Before Tsuyu could close her eyes and brace herself, she felt a quick sting in her arm before it dulled considerably. Blinking, she looked up to see a carbon copy of herself, suit and all, standing infront of herself. "Man, Mei was right about this suit! This is better than the geezer could ever make!"

Tsu put a finger on her chin, wondering what to say before sweatdropping when Tsu-Toga mimicked her and her typical hunch. "Um Kero, what can you do?"

Tsu-Toga let her tounge fly out, taking a lick of Tsu's cheek. The girl in question blushed as Tsu-Toga said despite the lolling tongue. "Depends how advanced your quirk is. Remember, your body is mine for now. I know everything, and damn girl you feel good."

They were interrupted by a cough from a voice both of them knew quite well, and both turned in sync to look at Ragdoll and Izuku looking at them in confusion. Their mutual crush looked between them for a while before asking. "Um, what's going on?"

Tsuyu said calmly. "Just helping Toga-chan with her training, yourself Kero?"

Of course Toga went for another route. "Testing out some new ideas for the bedroom, you like?"

Ragdoll 'pfft'd as Izuku lost all semblance of dignity. Tsuyu didn't make the situation any better by putting her finger on her chin thoughtfully and saying. "Doesn't sound like a bad idea… Kero."

Once they had sobered up they talked about their progress, Izuku staying silent about his new upgrades on his leg guards as they compared notes. Eventually they heard a voice call over to them. "Hello Young-Midoriya! I trust you have been well."

Izuku turned to see All Might walking towards him with a smile, waving thoughtlessly as though he hadn't walked into a warzone of superheroes. Luckily, they were far enough away from everyone for there not to be any danger. "All Might! What's up?"

Toga changed back into her original form as the former no. 1 explained. "Well, it's simply a visit to see how you have been doing with… Your quirk!"

Izuku nodded as Toga smiled contentedly. She had already heard the tale of One for All, and how Izuku had been chosen to inherit the sacred torch. "Just fine sir, I've been thinking about how I've been using it and I…"

He felt somebody whisper into his ear. "Legs are dumb."

Eyes widened, pupils dilated, and buttocks clenched Izuku didn't take a second to charge Full Cowling and begin to pinball off the wall. Everybody turned to where he was standing to see Ragdoll struggling to contain a laugh, which they all joined in on.

Eventually Izuku calmed down, jumping back down to the ground and petulantly ignoring Ragdoll. The woman tried to coax him into speaking with her with an apology and a couple promises but he didn't relent, causing her to pout sadly. All Might gave his final thoughts on the new style, complementing Izuku on finding his own way before walking off to talk to Jirou.

Ragdoll gave up trying to reconcile with Izuku, saying goodbye to Toga and Tsuyu before walking over to stand with Aizawa and Ectoplasm. Aizawa smirked at her and asked. "What's wrong?"

She glared at him, knowing full well that he was teasing her. "Shuddup, I don't like the cold shoulder…"

He scoffed before turning back to the class, watching vigilantly as Bakugo destroyed a rock with a targeted blast and causing some rubble to tumble down the cliffside. "Well, that's your fault isn't it?"

Ragdoll pouted again, weakly refuting. "It was just a joke… Not that you'll ever need to worry about that though eh loverboy?"

Aizawa boredly looked at her, no sign of emotion in his eyes except boredom. "What are you talking about?"

Ectoplasm piped up. "Shota, we all know that Mandalay visits Ragdoll on the weekends. But against common logic, after we see her leave Ragdoll's dormitory she walks up towards the male dorms. Do you honestly think we cannot put two and two together?"

They might have gotten a reaction out of him if they were in the presence of his… Friend, but in his current state the teacher just sighed. "You act like that's something to be worked up about, Shino and I go back a long time and we're just friends. You, on the other hand, Ragdoll, cannot go a day without checking up on Midoriya."

Ragdoll grinned and put her hands on her hips. "Hey, I'm a fully grown woman in a sea of insane people. Also, I wanna see if I can get Izu-kitten to join the Pussycats."

Before Aizawa could stop him, Ectoplasm asked "Why?"

A large, sinister grin stretched over her face. "Why, costumes of course! Keeping him tied down, fitting him for a marching band uniform, getting him a tail…"

The two men fell green at the thought. Aizawa grimaced at the thought of having Shino dress him up in the Pussycat's uniform and suddenly felt a duty to keep Ragdoll away from Izuku, a duty as an educator of course. "Moving swiftly on…"

They all turned to see Nezu standing there with an older man and a woman in a police uniform with a rifle. His face was hardened, well kempt facial hair greyed and suit perfectly laundered. Nezu pointed up to the man and said. "Aizawa-Sensei, please meet Mr Winters and Caitlyn. They will be working with us as representatives of Institute."

Winters nodded to him as Caitlyn looked out over the class, examining each of them until her eyes landed on a certain greenette. "Midoriya…?"

They all turned to her and she explained. "Oh, I recognised one of your students, apologies."

Aizawa waved her off and turned around, shouting. "Midoriya! Get over here!"

The student said goodbye to the two Tsuyus before charging Full Cowl and jumping from rock to rock down. He skidded to a halt in front of his teacher and asked. "Um, what can I help you with."

He turned to allow him to see the two visitors, which caused Izuku to perk up. "Ms Caitlyn! What are you doing here? Also hello Mr… Winters!"

The old man appraised the young student imperiously for a moment before saying. "Hello Mr Midoriya, as I understand it you and Caitlyn share a shallow history?"

The student nodded terrifiedly as Caitlyn cleared her throat and said with a slight smile. "Yes sir, we had a run in concerning the discrepancy in our engineering department. As I recall it, he was roped into one of Heimerdinger's experiments."

Winters h'mmed before nodding and extending his hand to the young boy. "I see, it is a pleasure to meet someone who caused Caitlyn to give such glowing reviews about."

Caitlyn spluttered as Izuku clasped the man's hand, and he could see a glint of mischief in the old man's eyes as he said. "Likewise sir, what brings you here? Institute business?"

He let go and motioned at the rest of his class as Ragdoll glared at Caitlyn, who was somewhat returning the sentiment. "Examining the current stock of heroes in training of course. I hear you have done research into our agency?"

Izuku nodded, and Nezu looked on happily at the participation. "Yes sir. Institute was established twenty years ago as a government sponsored Hero Organisation and Special Operatives branch of the Armed forces. Over the years it has grown into a somewhat all-encompassing Hero Agency for Britain, allowing taxes and payment to be consolidated. From what I hear, you are currently engaged in a large scale operation in the Scottish Highlands against the terrorist Jinx who hasn't been sighted in weeks."

An eyebrow was raised on the old man's wrinkled forehead. "Oh? And what do you think of the situation with Jinx?"

Izuku grimanced, forgetting about the adults with eyes on him. "She is a 20 year old villain, quirk: Hex-Savant. Using a material that is exclusive to British territories, Jinx is able to create most anything out of it considering it's omnipotent usefulness. She destroyed one quarter of Manchester, half of Dublin and was last sighted attempting to rig a bomb to go off in Aberdeen which was projected to destroy 4 buildings and kill 300 people."

Winters nodded as Aizawa grinned satisfied, glad that his student was so studious. "I see you really know your stuff then. I'm certain you're aware, but we must require the utmost discretion in the matter."

The boy nodded solemnly before Winter's began again, now looking at Aizawa. "You seem to be a good teacher, it is a pleasure to meet you Mr Aizawa."

Aizawa nodded before turning to Izuku again. "Midoriya, you can go back to training now."

A small cough interjected and they all turned to look at Caitlyn. "I was wondering what you were practising as a technique?"

Izuku grinned and motioned down to his legs, now adorned in metallic guards. "Working on a new way of fighting, I call it Shoot Style."

She nodded, obviously impressed as Ragdoll fumed at the woman. "I see. Perhaps I could test the limits of this 'Shoot Style'? Perhaps a small wager?"

There was a resounding call of disapproval from the other teachers before Izuku grinned and nodded. "Name your terms."

Caitlyn grinned, bringing up her rifle. "I have a single magazine, 6 rounds, all stunning bullets. If you dodge all of them, I'll take you in for an internship. I win, you offer yourself for one of Heimerdinger's test drives."

Mr Winters felt Nezu tug at his leg and ask. "Arcturus, why are you so lenient with your bodyguard? This seems wholly inappropriate."

He smiled, his lips cracking upwards at the corners as he said. "Because we want him to succeed, and Caitlyn is one of our best marksmen. I doubt he will succeed, but there is no loss for us if he does."

They turned back to see that most of the class had gathered around to watch them despite Aizawa's protests. Ragdoll had given up, sitting to the side dejectedly as she watched Izuku smile while ignoring her. 'Who the hell is this woman? Butting in like a… Butt.'

Nezu cleared his throat before calling out a countdown. Izuku's body lit up in green lightning, Caitlyn looked down her scope, aiming for his center of mass. "3, 2, 1… Go"

Izuku jumped as hard as he could, letting the dart fly through his legs before twisting in the air to avoid the follow up. He turned his head to see Caitlyn still aiming at him, her finger close to twitching on the trigger as he bounced off the roof to avoid another dart. '3 down, 3 to go… Come on!'

They continued that dance for another two darts, but he realised something as he looked at Caitlyn again. Her face was twisted into a calm grin, and his heart sank when he realised she had been holding back. He was in mid flight, her finger was hovering over the trigger, but a strategy came into his head. It was crazy, but it might just work.

Bouncing off a rockface, he didn't jump off in the direction he normally would, but instead aimed straight for her. The trigger was pulled, the dart flew, it was a centimetre from his face…

"Um, is this a tie?"

The dart had hit him right between the eyes, and the stunning agent instantly got to work but it was to late to dodge him. He barrelled right into her, bringing both down to the ground with a crash. Once the dust had cleared Class A could all see their resident pinball draped on top of the strange hero, completely rigid as they were both on the ground. Winter's began to chuckle as most of them began to crack up at the scene while Caitlyn tried to push the boy off to no avail.

Eventually Ragdoll huffed and stomped forward, grabbing Izuku and pulling him off. His body was still completely rigid, the dart having fallen from his forehead. Caitlyn stood up, nodding to Ragdoll before rubbing the area of her back she had landed on. "Well, that was interesting."

Aizawa sighed as he glared at the cheering class, signalling for them to get back to work. "This was way too predictable. Midoriya has a slightly suicidal streak when it comes to being in a corner."

Winter's eyebrow went up again. "You mean that he was able to detect when Caitlyn stopped holding back?"

Aizawa nodded, hiding a grin of pride. "Most likely. He has a history of pulling out a strategy for the sole purpose of sending his enemy off balance. If anything, he would have thought about how it would play out in a real situation."

Caitlyn nodded, finally finished rearranging her clothes as she said. "Assuming this was during a fight, there could have been other heroes present or civilians. It would have lead to him either buying time, providing an opening or outright knocking me out and letting Civilians contact the authorities. It wasn't sound, but it was the only option against a superior opponent. Anyways, we should allow Midoriya some time to rest and allow the agent to run it's course. It can last up to 10 hours depending on the size of the target, and this looks like a strong 8."

Ragdoll interrupted before anybody could object. "I'll take him!"

Nezu nodded, giving her the clear for taking him which she gleefully did. As she left Aizawa turned to Caitlyn curiously. "So, what are you going to do about that bet?"

The marksman smirked, looking at the boy being carried off. "Oh, that was an empty wager."

The teacher's eyes went wide. "What do you…"

A grin across her face told him everything he needed. "I heard from my brother about him when I asked, he's supposed to be a quick learner with a hell of a lucky streak. Considering that, along with him already being familiar with our Agency, it would be a simple matter to bring him for an Internship. I always intended to see if he would be worth picking up, and being an intern with us automatically entails being one of Heimerdinger's test subjects. Everything worked out and nothing was lost. Unfortunately, the knock from the fall along with the area my dart hit makes it possible that he lost all recollection of the fight."

The scheming grin on her face gave all of the U.A teachers the shivers, but they didn't notice a certain invisible frog girl on the wall, listening into everything. Tsuyu scrambled back up the cliff face to see Toga and Ochako watching the entire proceedings. Ochako took the initiative, asking worriedly. "What's wrong Tsu? What happened to Deku?"

She turned back visible before saying worriedly. "I don't know, but it doesn't sound like good news for Izuku Kero."

Toga grimaced, playing with one of her needles. "So what do we do? He ain't going into this without knowing what he's getting into, not on my watch."

They all stood around in a circle, wondering about what they were going to do to keep Izuku away from this Caitlyn. "You know, I think I have an idea. It might be crazy Kero, but I think I have an idea."

Toga and Ochako turned to Tsuyu, who was busy thinking. "What is it?"

Tsuyu looked up, her eyes dead serious as she said. "Mei."

Povchange Timeskip, savior of storytelling

Izuku groaned as he sat up, reflexively putting a hand to his head as he tried to stave off the stinging in his brain. He looked around, in the relative darkness to see that the room had mostly been decorated in pastel greens and yellows. Small manga cats covered the walls, while the bedding he was in appeared to be covered by a massive cat head. 'Three guesses who this is…'

A small knock was heard from the door, and it opened to reveal Ragdoll in a set of pyjamas while holding up a green version of them. She said excitedly. "Izu-kitty! Come on!"

She bounded over to the bed, grabbing his hand and pulling him up before pushing the clothes into his arms. "Pix just got here! Come on this is gonna be great!"

She left before he could ask anything, leaving him in the room alone once again. He didn't really remember what had happened, but he must have been abducted by Ragdoll in his sleep for purposes of sleepovers… Is this legal? Probably. Shrugging off his hero clothes he got into the light-weight green pyjamas and walked out of the room, hanging the old clothes over a chair. The light was uncomfortable but he could see a common room along with three other figures. Ragdoll preparing various snacks at a kitchenette, Pixie-bob lying on a sofa with a remote in hand while scrolling through a movie streaming service along with Midnight browsing through her phone on a bean bag.

Pixie-bob noticed him come through the door and grinned. "Hey Midoriya! Long time no see!"

He waved back awkwardly as Midnight looked up, licking her lips dangerously before saying. "Nice to see somebodies up, eh Bigshot?"

Izuku blinked before asking. "Bigshot? What happened?"

Midnight giggled evilly as she said. "Don't remember? You challenged Caitlyn the Deadeye in a test of speed. Seriously, what were you thinking?"

As he sat down on the sofa he asked. "Caitlyn the Deadeye? You mean the Hero from Institute?"

She nodded, explaining. "Yeah, that Caitlyn. Her quirk is insane, Critical. It's supposed to let her slow down her perception for a couple seconds at the expense of massive amounts of energy and fatigue. Her rifle skills are legendary in the hero community. Snipe is her brother, but he just got instinctual aiming."

Izuku pondered that for a moment. 'Ms Caitlyn is that talented? I'll have to apologise to her the next time I see her, she must have seen it as an insult.'

Ragdoll walked back over excitedly, holding multiple bowls of popcorn and other snacks. "This is gonna be awesome! What've you got Pix?"

Pixie-bob grinned up at her as she said. "No fuckin clue cause the title's font is stupid, but it looks pretty good. Supposed to be a horror flick about some cruise ship."

They all nodded and got into comfortable positions, but somehow Izuku ended up with Pixie-bob's head in his lap. Ragdoll caught his eye and grinned supportingly, flashing him a thumbs up before the title card rolled. Surprisingly, Izuku enjoyed the movie despite the uncomfortable feeling of Pixie-bob jumping every time there was a jumpscare. Ragdoll was struggling to contain her laughter as Izuku shifted uncomfortably while Pixie-bob tried to get as close as possible, hiding her eyes from the screen.

Eventually the climax of the action began, causing Pixie-bob to begin to shiver in fear. It was kinda funny to Izuku, but it was also kinda weird when she cried out while looping her arms around his midriff. Midnight and Ragdoll laughed as their student tried to pry the woman double his age off of him. Eventually he gave up, turning back to the movie with a sigh and not noticing the rougish grin Pixie-bob had adopted at her success.

The movie ended, and Izuku went to pry off Pixie-bob but began to panic when he saw she had fallen asleep. Ragdoll laughed and turned the lights back on, revealing that she was looking pretty fine considering the movie. "Pix, get off him! He's like, half your age."

Midnight butted in with a dangerous smile. "Nothing wrong with it Rag, I'm not hearing a no in any case."

Izuku tried to push her off to no avail, only succeeding in making her tighten her grip. In his efforts he noticed that her clothes were becoming dangerously strained, causing him to stop and look at Ragdoll with pleading eyes. She shook her head with a mischievous grin as Midnight yawned dramatically. "Well, I should probably get going myself. Thanks for the invite Rag."

Ragdoll grinned happily at her before moving over to her own room. "Likewise, g'night Midnight. Izuku, don't do anything I wouldn't."

She flicked the lights off again, leaving with Midnight and leavingIzuku with the sleeping Pixie-bob. He looked down at her with a sigh, realising he wouldn't be able to escape without inviting her ire. Resting his head back he sat in the quiet, the only sound being Pixie-bob's snoring as he dreaded the sleepless night he was about to have.


Tsuyu knocked on the door of the development studio as Uraraka and Toga kept vigil over the corridors, terrified that a teacher or guard would appear to bust them. Tsu has assured them that it was all a part of the plan, but the dangers associated with it were great.

The door opened ominously, mist swirling at their feet as they peered in. They saw a figure sat on a veritable throne of scraps and inventions. Toga could make out her pink hair hanging down to her shoulders, covering her eyes as she fiddled with a spanner. The figure looked up to the three, beckoning them in quickly before the door shut. "I've been expecting you three. I know what you want, and I have it."

Tsuyu gulped before saying. "Mei, do you think you can help us out with this Kero? We're willing to help you out in return with something."

Mei grinned, grabbing a random invention from her pile and tossing it between her hands. "I want in. I've heard about this 'Heimerdinger' guy and he ain't going to butt into my market. In return, I reckon I could get some 'upgrades' done to your rooms and costumes. Now then, shall we begin?"

All three gulped as Mei went over to the Spare Costumes closet, grabbing their costumes and a notepad and pen. This was going to be a long night…

AN: Late, but holy shit I've lost all ideas I had ever since the filler recently. I'm probably going to get another chapter out and then I'll be off to America to see Two Heroes and re-writing this mess from that point. Either that or I just give up and begin to write exclusively Izuku, Mei and Melissa. See you next blue moon lads.