Title: How the Hidden Love Broke

Summary: It started in an abandoned corridor during fifth year while they were having a nasty fight and it ended somewhere neither of them were ready for. Draco insisted 'flesh was flesh and it was only sex and this meant nothing.' But if that was the case, why can't he leave Harry's personal life alone?

Warnings: Slash, meaning boyXboy. sex and violence.

Pairings, Part 1: (Main)Harry/Draco, (some minor) Harry/CHo

Pairings, Part 2: (Main)Harry/Draco, (Minor) Blaise/Neville, (pre) Hermione/Ron

Author's Note: Contrary to what this first chapter implies, this fic will not be based on just sex. This is basically a rewrite of the 5th, 6th, and 7th books except with Draco directly involved in the main plot. It starts middle-beginning of the 5th book. All the main points will still happen, just not the same way. There will, however, still be a LOT of mature content and a lot of angst. There will be a happy ending.

Disclaimer: I am writing this for fun and not profit. I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters therein.

Part I- Year 5

How the Love was Built

Chapter 1- The Beginning

The second Harry's eyes locked on Draco Malfoy a sense of defeat washed over him. The world really was against him. He quickly straightened his back and faced Malfoy, his chin raised and his face defiant.

Harry Potter was in a foul mood. His head hurt, his eyes hurt, his legs hurt, but most of all his pride hurt. He was tired of people calling him a liar. Especially crazy ministry officials who claimed he was lying and gave him a detention while everyone else told him to just shut his mouth.

Oh, how he just wanted to be left alone right now.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" He asked. He received a disdainful look as if he was the one that was being bothersome. "Well?"

"I was simply walking by, Potter." Malfoy answered, one pale eyebrow raised. "Why must I want anything."

"Because you're you."

"Really, Potter." Malfoy rolled his eyes. "If anything, you should be the one explaining yourself to me. I'm the prefect after all." His smirk grew.


"And do you have a reason for wondering around the halls or are you trying to worry your precious fan group, so you may garner more attention for yourself." He paused delicately while Harry ground his teeth. "Perhaps you're pretending to be kidnapped so they'll believe you when you proclaim that another Dark Lord has risen, Hmm?"

"Why you little-," Harry shot forward, grasping the front of Malfoy's robes. "I'm not lying!"

"You know, Potter." Malfoy answered back, looking completely unconcerned as he was used to being threatened like this. "People who have to keep saying that over and over, usually are."

"Shut up." Harry snapped, slamming Malfoy back against the wall. He didn't even wince, just kept smirking into Harry's face as if he hadn't insulted him in the worst way. "Just shut up."

"Hit a nerve, have I?"

"You and your father are just the same, Malfoy." Harry said, and was finally rewarded with a reaction.

"You don't know anything about me or my father, Potter." Malfoy responded in a dangerous voice. Harry knew he was about to cross a line. He knew he should stop before he said something he would regret but the anger from Malfoy's previous words, from his situation in general was bubbling up around him. He wanted to hurt Malfoy. He wanted Malfoy to be hurt in return.

"You probably stay up late at night plotting ways to ruin people's lives." Harry said, his voice low and hoarse and entirely too close to Malfoy. "You probably think in your head 'what would daddy do' as you stand around torturing people."

He expected the punch. He did not, however, expect it to hurt as much as it did.

Malfoy let out a husky shout as his knuckles collided with Harry's jaw, sending them both stumbling across the corridor. He took a single step forward and punched him again. Harry had no idea where Malfoy's wand was, he didn't really know why he hadn't drawn it. Though he got the feeling that, like him, Malfoy wanted to hurt, wanted to be hurt.

It was sick. They were sick.

For the first time since he'd seen Cedric die, he didn't feel like he was dying inside.

He saw Malfoy's muscle's tense but before he could do anything, Harry lunged forward and tackled the other boy. Malfoy let out a weak yelp at his body collided with the ground, but his shock and pain lasted only a minute. They rolled over each other, exchanging punches between them

Somehow, Malfoy ended up on top, straddling Harry's waist with legs held down by ankles and feet. He had his slim fingers wrapped around Harry's wrists held firmly above his head and his forehead was pressed to Harry's chest, breathing heavily.

"Fuck." He said, his breath ghosting across Harry's torso, making his shiver. "Fuck, that was good." Harry shifted but found he was thoroughly trapped under the other boy. Malfoy slowly raised his silvery grey eyes and their gazes locked. Harry gasped as something hot shot down his stomach and lodged into his groin. Malfoy's smirk widened, his gaze dropped to a very private region.

"No." Harry said.

"You don't even know what I was thinking?" Malfoy answered, dropping his weight completely on top of Harry. Harry groaned as their groins lined up. He was surprised to discover that Malfoy was hard. Harder than him. And that definitely didn't help his libido.

"You might like it." Malfoy continued, lowing his mouth to Harry's ear. Harry shook his head as Malfoy's tongue traced his ear shell. "No? So, you don't want me to wrap my warm wet mouth around you." Harry bit his lip to hold in the whimper, clamping his eyes shut as if that would stop the images.

"Hmm. Pity." Malfoy sighed and started to move away. Harry's eyes shot open. Was he really going to leave Harry here? Like this? Malfoy's smirk grew even wider. He pressed down hard on Harry's wrists, muttering something under his breath and then taking his hands away.

Harry went to move his hands but found his wrists still thoroughly bound to the floor. His eyes widened in alarm, but Malfoy just quirked his lips in an almost smile. And he found himself relaxing. The tiny part of himself that was still sane was asking him what he thought he was doing. But he didn't have any idea. Maybe he really was crazy like the prophet claimed. Judging by the fact that he was painfully hard now, he wasn't rejecting the idea.

Malfoy reached for his robes, carefully undoing them. Harry watched with wide eyes as Malfoy carelessly flicked the button of his trousers and then with one twist of his wrist had them and his pants down past his hips. He smirked down at Harry, inviting him to look at his admittedly impressive length. Harry gulped, feeling his cheeks grow warm.

"I would let you touch it, but you've made it very clear you don't want to," Malfoy said. He was almost sweet, leaning over Harry and letting his breath dance along the edges of Harry's face. Harry thought he pass out as Malfoy started to wank himself.

It was beyond arousing. It was the hottest thing he'd ever seen. If he thought Cho was pretty, he had to redefine his whole conception of beauty because Malfoy was the embodiment of it.

Malfoy let out a loud moan, throwing his head back and letting his blond hair shimmer in the dim candle light. His other hand dropped down to Harry as if for balance—right above Harry's crotch.

Harry let out a breathy whimper and arched his back, pulling at his wrists and trying to make Malfoy's hand move just a little bit lower. He was so hard. Painfully hard. He wanted—no, he needed released. He needed Malfoy to touched him. He couldn't keep watching Malfoy like that and nothave him touch him.

Malfoy looked down at Harry, his lips parted as he panted and then his lips twisted, and he smirked, eyes dancing with amusement. A pang went through Harry's chest. He knew Malfoy was only using him to get off. To feel a sense of triumph over The Boy Who Lived. This would probably be all over school tomorrow. But right now, Harry couldn't think about anything besides that hand right above his aching member and Malfoy's other hand wrapped tightly around Malfoy himself.

"Do you want me to touch you now?"Malfoy asked. Harry bit his lip against the moan at the idea of Malfoy touching him. He nodded.

"Out loud, Harry." Malfoy said. He did moan at the sound of his given name on Malfoy's tongue.


"Yes, what?" Malfoy answered, his hand drawing a damning circle along Harry's stomach.

"Yes, I want you to touch me." Harry whimpered, and Malfoy smiled. Open and tender and sweet, and Harry almost came without ever even being touched.

Malfoy's hand gently slid inside Harry's robes. He skillfully undid the button and plunged his hand into Harry's pants. Harry gasped loudly at the feeling of Malfoy's hand around him.

"Oh, bloody hell!" He cried out.

"Tell me, Harry," Malfoy said, his voice just as tender as his smile. "Tell me how you want it."

"I want…" He trailed off as Malfoy's thumb stroked along his head, smearing precum along the shaft.

"Yes, lover?" Malfoy's soft voice made Harry shiver from the bottom of his feet to the tips of his bound arms.

"I want your…your mo-mouth around me, li-like you said." Harry whispered, his face heating up.

"Anything for you, lover." Malfoy smiled against his ear and Harry shivered again. Draco slinked down Harry's body until he was aligned with his open groin. Harry groaned when he nuzzled it and felt Draco's smile. He carefully pulled Harry's pants down to expose his erect penis. And then he just looked at it.

Harry gulped, irrational panic shooting through him. What if he's so disgusted he leaves? Then Draco looked up at him and smiled pleasantly. He licked a clean stripe up Harry's length, making Harry shudder as his silver-grey eyes never left Harry's.

"Beautiful." He murmured, and Harry shuddered for a completely different reason.

Draco smiled again as he lowered his mouth to suck on Harry's head, swirling his tongue around. Harry groaned, his hands clenching against the invisible bonds.

"Dr-draco!" Harry arched his back as Draco took him completely in his mouth, sucking so hard his cheeks caved. "Draco, I w-want t-to touch…." Harry whimpered. He was sure he wasn't coherent at the end, but Draco seemed to understand. He reached behind him, grabbing his wand in one hand and with a practiced swish, Harry's arms were released. He immediately dropped them down and laced his fingers through Draco's gleaming blond locks.

They were surprising soft. Harry didn't know why he was surprised. Of course, Malfoy would never let his hair be anything but perfectly cared for and perfectly soft, but it was one thing to think that and another thing to know it.

Harry arched his back again as Draco's tongue swiped the whole length of him. He could feel the smirk on Draco's face. He moaned when he felt one of Draco's hands reach down and fondle his balls. Draco tugged, and he cried out. He felt Draco's silver-grey eyes on his face, and he had to work to make himself look down to meet his gaze.

His orgasm took him almost completely by surprise. One minute he was balanced precariously on the edge and the next he was looking into the silver-grey eyes of Draco Malfoy, who had his mouth wrapped around his cock, his hand down his pants, and was calling him lover. It was all too much.

Harry's body tightened, and he cried out, cum shooting down Draco's throat without warning. Luckily, Draco didn't seem too surprised. He just swallowed calmly, before sitting up and looking down at Harry with an unreadable expression.

Harry came down from his orgasmic high to Malfoy buttoning up his trousers and redoing his robes. Draco's were already done up and his groin was noticeable softer than when they started. Harry wondered vaguely when he'd come but he could tell by the look in Malfoy's eyes that he wasn't allowed to ask.

"Next time maybe warn me when you're about to come." Malfoy said, his voice cold, calculating, leaving Harry with an empty feeling inside his chest Harry was reaching for him, but Draco was already gone, his footsteps echoing down the corridor as he walked away.

Harry sat up, watching Malfoy walk away, leaving him with one very important question.

"Next time?" Harry whispered.