Disclaimer: I don't own anything in this chapter.

Chapter 1: The banishment

It was a sunny day in Konoha, one of the strongest hidden villages of the Elemental countries. However we can't say the same thing about Uzumaki Naruto, who was in a dark and musty cell. He was there since he and his team brought back Uchiha Sasuke, because Sasuke wanted to go to Orochimaru to get the power to kill his brother Uchiha Itachi. Naruto caught up to Sasuke at the Valley of the End, where they fought and Naruto won. After Naruto won he carried him back to the village where the Yondaime Hokage, Namikaze Minato, his father waited. His parents never really liked Naruto because he wasn't the prodigy he or his brother or sister were.

Yes Naruto has a brother and a sister who are one year older than him. They are geniuses in taijutsu, ninjutsu, kenjutsu and fuinjutsu. Besides Naruto's sister, Kasumi, can use their mother's chakra chains, Naruto's brother, Arashi, can use the Hiraishin no jutsu. Both of them were jonin when they were 12 years old. That's why everybody ignored Naruto and nobody wanted to do anything with him. He trained everyday, tried to be better than his siblings but his sensei didn't help him either.

His sensei, Hatake Kakashi rather trained Sasuke because he was a prodigy like himself. But the real reason he trained him more because he wanted him to be stronger than himself, because Kakashi thought Obito, his teammate, died because he wasn't strong enough to protect Obito and Rin, his other teammate. In adition Kakashi thought that Minato would train his OWN son no matter what.

Naruto tried everything to be trained by his parents, and as last resort he started to do pranks all over the village at least somebody notices him. His plane backfired because his parents and the village hated him more because of pranks.

After he learned the kagebunshin no jutsu, stopped Mizuki and learned why was hated by the village, he thought his parents would praise him. Instead they said he was reckless and his siblings wouldn't do something like this. At this point Naruto was desperate, but the Hokage gave him a headband. Naruto didn't know why, maybe out of pity or because he defeated a traitor, but somehow he didn't care about it, he even forgot he ask about the kyuubi.

After that he and his teammates, Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura started their missions as team 7, after they passad Kakashi genin test. Their first real mission was when they travelled to Wave country where they had to face Momochi Zabuza and his partner, Haku. The fought on the bridge, which their client Tazuna builded in order to revive his country. Naruto used the kyuubi's chakra for the first time to defeat Haku while Kakashi defeated Zabuza and before he could finish him Haku jumped between them and Kakashi killed him instead of Zabuza. After that Gato appeared with his mercenaries to kill everyone, but Zabuza killed him and before the mercenaries could attack them the village's people came and persecuted them. After Naruto and his team buried Zabuza and Haku and finished the bridge they returned to the village.

When they returned Naruto excepted a praise or something good but his father was dissapointed in him. Because before he left village he warned him not to use the kyuubi's chakra. After he went home his mother, Uzumaki Kushina, waited him who said the same words just like his father, but she slapped him too, before he could explain why he used it, but Kushina thouht he just wanted to find some excuses. After this he didn't know what he should do, even his siblings told him how useless and stupid he was.

When the chunin exam came Naruto lost all his hope that his parents will be proud of him. He didn't even want to do it moreover he started thinking about his resignation and leaving the village. However his sensei convinced him at least try the exam and maybe if he got promoted his parents would be proud of him. But Kakashi knew Naruto wouldn't get promoted, but needed he needed a reason because without Naruto he couldn't send the others on the exam.

The first part of exam was a writing test where Naruto barely passed, then the second part, where they had to get two scrool. They thought it will be easy but then Orochimaru attacked them and gave Sasuke the cursed seal. After Orochimaru left with the help of Yakushi Kabuto they passed the test. The remaining genins had to fought to eachother to got the last part of exam. Naruto fought Inuzuka Kiba and his partner Akamaru and won. However when he went to his father to ask him about what he thouht the match he punched him and told Naruto all of things he ever did was the most humilating to him and their family. He told him because of this he won't even think about training him for the last part of the exam. At the on the exam he learned his opponent will be Hyuga Neji. Naruto asked Kakashi to train him but he never thought Naruto could come this far and he didn't have train him, but here he was and Kakashi didn't know what he should do, that's why he told him to come the usual training ground and he would show him some jutsu that will be helpful.

The next day when Naruto reached the training ground he only find a note. The note said that Sasuke asked him to help with his training so he could defeat Gaara. At this point Naruto didn't know what he should do. There wasn't anybody to train him and he couldn't go to ask his parents to teach him. After he realized he was all alone Naruto started crying, after an hour later he fell asleep. When he woke up he found himself in front of an enormous gate, and he heard a deep voice.

''Hello my Jailer, what are you doing here?''Said the deep voice.

''Jailer? Wait, are you the kyuubi?'' Asked Naruto without any fear?

''You aren't that stupid, are you. Yes I am the great kyuubi and you are my jailer. And I will ask again what are you doing here?''

''I fell asleep and I woke up here.'' Answered Naruto.

''However since I am here I want to ask you about somthing?'' Said Naruto without any hesitations.

''What do you want to know?" Ask the kyuubi.

''Why did you attack the village?" Answered Naruto.

After this question the kyuubi told him everything about the night when he was born, his mother was the previous jinchuuriki, the mask man who controlled him and his father should have died but the Sandaime did the sealing instead of him. After Naruto heard this he felt betrayed by his parents especially by his mother. How could she do this to him when she was just like him now.

''I want to make a deal with you kyuubi." Said Naruto.

''What deal?" Answered the kyuubi

''I want you train me for the exam and I will free you." Said Naruto.

The kyuubi could feel the pure hatred from Naruto and he understood he would free him so he could destroy the village.

''If you free me you will die. I think you should reconsider this deal." Answered the kyubi with a little concern.

''No I won't because after the exam I will steal every scroll about sealing from my parents and I will learn from them. Moreover my mother still alive so there is a way I could survive. And when you are free you can destroy the village, but you will need to wait some years before I could free you. So what do you say?" Explained Naruto while he waited the kyuubi's answer.

The kyuubi made a very creepy smile and he answered.

''Alright I make this deal with you, but you will do everything I say and you will not talk back. Moreover from now on call me Kurama because that's my real name". Said Kurama.

After the next month Kurama trained Naruto and he learned his trining methods are very sadistic, but very effective. He trained with his kagebunshins and learned advanced chakra controll, fire and wind type ninjutsu, and Kurama's own taijutsu. When the day of the exam came Narut was ready to show everyone his new power. His first opponent was Neji who started preach about fate, but Naruto wasn't in the mood so he just beat him to half dead. He didn't even give him the chance to protect himself. But he couldn't face anyone else because Orochimaru with the help of Suna attacked them. Naruto fought and killed some enemy ninja but the most powerful enemy he had to face was Gaara. Naruto could defeat him and after his defeat the enemy with an injured Orochimaru retreated.

When Naruto gave his report Minato asked him who trained him to defeat Neji. Naruto answer shocked him. ''Kurama, the kyuubi trained me and he told me truth." Minato didn't understand what truth he spoke about, but he neither his wife knew that the kyuubi has a name. But his next sentences was the real shock. ''Tomorrow I will move away and I will never annoy you or yor family anything. Now I have a mentor who can show me how to be a true ninja and I won't need you, Hatake or anybody else. Good day Hokage-sama." After this he left the office and the next day he moved away from the Namikaze home. After this nobody really saw him.

Sasuke was really mad because Naruto was able to defeat Gaara but he couldn't. After a mounth the Sound Four visited Sasuke and they told him if really wanted the power he should have gone to Orochimaru. Sasuke thought the vilage couldn't give him what he needs so he left the village.

When the Hokage learned this he sent out a team to bring him back. Naruto was part of the team, but before he came out the office Minato said him something that really pissed him off.

''Naruto, if you can't bring him back you have to face very serious punishment. I am not a fan of the Uchiha clan but we need Sasuke, so don't do anything that you would regret." After this Naruto left without a word.

After the pursuit had started the team broke up and Naruto had to face Sasuke who used the power of the cursed seal. Naruto used Kurama's power and he could defeat him. When he reached the village he barely could stand but his father and the ANBU already had waited. They took Sasuke to the hospital and Minato knocked out Naruto. One of the ANBU took him the prison and when he woke up they told him his trial would be tree days later.

On the day of trial Naruto stood in front of the Hokage, the shinobi council and the advisers of the Hokage. Minato was the first who spoke.

''I, Namikaze Minato, the Yondaime Hogake starts this trial about the fate Uzumaki Naruto who used too much violence against his teammate, Uchiha Sasuke. I am asking you Uzumaki Naruto. Did you do that?"

''I only protected myself from him, he tried to kill me." said Naruto while he took off his shirt. ''This is what he did to me." He showed everyone his chest where even a blind person couuld see the wounds, that the chidori left. ''This is what I think about your 'too much violence'".

However this didn't help Naruto. ''This doesn't change the fact that you used the kyuubi's power to defeat Sasuke. And the fact that you can't control it doesn't help you either." Answered Minato with some rage.

''I could conrol it and Sasuke gave me these wounds before I started use Kurama's chakra. So if I didn't use Kurama's chakra, I would be dead and Sasuke would be with Orochimaru." Said Naruto.

''THAT'S ENOUGH! I told you when you became a ninja you couldn't use this chakra. But you disobey me everytime. So I will give you two options. The first one is you will go back to your cell and rot there until we find a new host for the kyuubi, or you will be banished with your chakra and memories sealed away. So choose." Said Minato.

Naruto knew this was the perfect chance to leave the village so he didn't hesitated. ''Alright, I will choose the banishment." Most of the council smilled because they had enough of Naruto because they thought he didn't respect anything and was weak compared to his siblings.

''Tomorrow morning your chakra and memories will be sealed and then an ANBU take you to the border of Fire country where you can go anywhere." Said Minato but this wasn't his last words.

''Naruto, this is last time we speaks to eachother, and I want to say I am dissapointed in you. I thought you can be just like your siblings, but you failed everytime. From now on I don't consider you my son."

Naruto only smiled, then started to laugh. ''Oh Minato you think I care about that you don't consider me as your son. But If you are so honest, I will tell you something too. I never thought you were my father or Kushina as my mother. We were strangers under the same roof, and I will be happy when I leave this cesspit, what you call a village. Well then see you next morning." Said Naruto while he started laughing again. After this the ANBU took him back his cell.

The next day Naruto was standing before Konoha's gates. Minato wanted to start the sealing, but Naruto stopped him. ''Wait a moment Minato. Before you start why don't you tell everyone behind you the truth?"

Minato was confused but asked Naruto. ''What truth are you talking about?" Naruto made a very scary grin and said. ''The truth about that Kushina was the previous host of Kurama, the kyuubi and 13 years ago when I was born it was an UCHIHA who tore him out her and used him to destroy the village. And you used me, a new born infant, to seal it away."

Minato was frightened because he heard the villagers started to whisper with eachother, but he had to say something to calm everyone down. ''Naruto, what are you talking about, the kyuubi attack was natural disaster, no one could tell he wanted to attack us." Said Minato.

''Don't lie Minato, Kurama told me he was imprisoned since Uzumaki Mito sealed away in herself when his HUSBAND, the Shodaime Hogake, Senju Hashimara fought Uchiha Madara. When was that? Oh right almost 80 years, so Kurama ,,lived,, in the village a very long time now. But as far as I know they weren't treated badly, and you know why because these narrow minded villagers didn't know they were jinchuurikis. So you told them and therefore you are the source of my pain. I know you are a very lousy father, but as hokage you are pathetic." Finished Naruto.

Minato's head was blood red because of the last statement and thought Naruto said enough. ''Alright Naruto, you said enough but I had enough of you. I will seal away you chakra and you memories and I hope I NEVER have to you ever again."

But Naruto just laugh. ''Oh Minato you will see me again, when I come back I will kill your family and destroy the village that you love so much right before your eyes. And maybe I will kill you too after I destroyed everything what was important to you."

''I don't think so." Said Minato. But before he could do the sealing there was an explosion. Everyone saw the Hokage mountain was is ruins. When they saw back Naruto was without the restricting seals. ''Your seals are very old, you should think about new ones. And before you ask I did that do." Said Naruto when he pointed at the Hokage mountain. ''What do you think what did I do the last month besides training. I knew you wanted to kill me or banish me so I prepared. I stole every scroll from the libraries and mine the Hokage mountain. Remember my warning Minato. See you later." After this Naruto disappered. Minato knew what happened, somebody used reverse summoned him. But he had no idea who.

The next few month was terrible for Minato and his family, because the villagers started to questionable his conductivity and if this wasn't enough after 4 years the Fourth Shinobi started where the Elemental countries had to face the the Akatsuki. They could defeat the Akatsuki, but a lot of good people died. After the war Kumo and Iwa created a fraction against Konaha because their villages lost the most shinobis, and they thought it was Konoha's fault the war started because they couldn't stop Uchiha Madara. Konoha didn't have enough ninja and their allies stated they will be neutral in this new war. Konoha needed a new ally, a strong one, but there wasn't any. But Jiraiya suggested that maybe they could get some help from the newly formed East Empire. Because nobody had better idea, they sent out a team with Jiraiya as leader. But what they found in the Empire wan't what they thought.

Hello everyone this is my very first fiction. I hope you like it. If you find mistakes in the grammar I am sorry and I will try to improve. The next chapter will come out soon too. Rate and tell me what you think about it.

Thanks fo reading!

See you later.