"I'll have one dip please." Satan or my father I should say told the nice young lady behind the counter.

"Of course. What about your little son there?" She smiles sweetly towards me, boy if she only knew.

"He'll have the same thing." My father states plainly growing impatient as he waits for her to put the ice cream in a bowl and hand him both bowls. He headed to the back of the shop with me in tow. "Cheer up Damien I'm doing this for your own good. You loved South Park when you were younger." He was not happy with my latest attitude at the past schools he has sent me to the last few years.

"Sending me back to South Park is suppose to help me? Dad those kids hated me." I frowned as I spooned some ice cream into my mouth.

"They most certainly did not hate you. This is good for you. Trust me." And that was the last of the conversation we had.

So now I'm walking into my new old school South Park High as I entered the building you could see just how poor this town really is the paint was pretty much peeling itself off the walls, the doors had holes in them and pipes were exposed not to mention leaking.

"Hi are you Damien?" A red headed boy asked me probably about the same age as me.

"Yes." Is all I said.

"I'm Kyle. I get to show you to your classes, locker and anywhere else you may need to know is."

"Sounds great." I followed the red head examining him as well, his coat was orange and very worn I could tell he wore it often. "So Kyle I take it you don't remember me?" He turned and looked at me hard.

"You do look familiar..." He pondered some more. "Wait you're the son of Satan!" The realization flashed across his face.

"Yes that's me. Damien from the seventh layer of Hell." He stared at me for a little longer not speaking. "Just show me my classes man. I'm not going to hurt you or anyone else, I'm just here for school."

"Oh okay. Right this way." Kyle led the way around the school.

After Kyle had showed me all my classes it was lunch time. "Okay dude I usually sit with Stan." He pointed the dark haired boy wearing the same beanie he wore so many years ago.

"Wow he hasn't changed a bit." Stan looked up at us and motioned Kyle to hurry over.

"Nope he's still the same old Stan." Kyle rolled his eyes. "You know your friend from third grade is still here somewhere why don't you go say hi to him." And Kyle walked off towards Stan while I stared after him surprised.

"My friend? What is he talking about?." I scanned the room trying to remember anyone that stood out. When that failed I sat by myself ate my lunch and headed to my class.

"How was your first day son?" My fathers voice was so loud over the phone I cringed as I shoved my newly acquired school books in my locker.

"Just fine the kids seem to barely remember me. I'll be home in about 20 minutes to tell you the rest." I clicked off my phone before he could respond.

"Hey Damien how was the rest of your day?" Kyle stopped next to my locker grinning at me.

"Oh just fine. I didn't find my supposed friend you mentioned." I rolled my eyes at him knowing he was just trying to get rid of me.

"Oh he usually eats in the library I forgot to mention that part. Well there he is over there." Kyle pointed across the hall and when I turned I froze entirely at who I saw.

He had long blonde hair, piercing blue eyes that I very much remembered. "Kyle that's the kid I turned into a firecracker!" I glared at him fiercely.

"Yeah but before you did that you and Pip were pretty good friends. Of course after that day he was never the same. No one messes with him because he will kick your ass man." Kyle shrugged and walked off while I stood staring at Pip who seemed oblivious to my presence entirely.

"Damn it." I muttered.