I know this was originally meant to be a one shot, but here's a tiny sequel! I'll probably write some more stories like this, but there's no promise for any scedulded updates sorry! Hope you Guys enjoy~
Perhaps Peter was a little too excited to see Loki. Outside at night, fairy lights flickering, illuminating the pavilion. Avengers acting like normal people, eating, talking, doing non-superhero things - well everyone except for Hawkeye - who was on top of a tree watching the grounds surrounding like... Well like a hawk.
Peter wasn't paying attention to what food he stacked onto his plate for dinner from the large table engulfed by food, but was instead peering around, looking for the God of Mischief.
"What are you doing Peter?" Tony asked, standing behind Peter with his arms crossed.
"Oh, nothing," Peter shrugged. "Dinner."
"You're not looking for Loki, again are you? I told you, Peter he's not a good influence."
"What? Me? Look for him? Never!" Peter chuckled awkwardly.
Tony raised an eyebrow.
"Ouch. That hurts Mr Stark. I thought you trusted me enough to know I would hang with - Loki!" Peter gasped and shoved his plate of food into Tony's arms and rushed over to the entrance where Thor and Loki had just appeared.
Loki smirked when he was Peter. "I see you are here, Spiderchild."
Next to him, Thor raised his hands in the air, holding a small thin packet. "I, Thor, have brought tiny sticks of dynamite!"
The pavilion went silent.
"Err, Thor... What do you mean by that, exactly?" Steve asked.
From the packet, Thor extracted a handful of sparklers.
"Those are called sparklers, Thor. Not dynamite, sparklers." Tony grimaced.
"Yes, Dynamite Sparklers!" Thor smiled.
"Whatever... Just try not to hurt yourselves with them." Tony sighed.
Thor handed them out.
"Look Mr. Loki!" Peter smiled, as he lit his sparkler. "it's so pretty."
Loki raised an eyebrow. "You know what else you could use these for, kid?"
Peter shook his head.
Loki grinned, lit his sparkler and jabbed it out in front of him. "Stabbing things. Killing things. Like a knife"
Pater gasped and took a step back. "S-stabbing people?"
"Oh, kid, I didn't mean to frighten you- oh, uhhh." Loki said quickly, his mind racing to fix the situation. "I meant more like... Bugs... Or stuff, things that you would kill anyway, like bugs, or spiders."
Peters face drained as white as a ghost. "Y-you would kill spiders? I'm a spider Mr Loki! You would kill..." He gasped, "Me?"
"Oh no, no, no! That's not what I meant! Uhh..." Loki's eyes darted around, as if searching for something to say. "Hey Kid! Have I ever told you the time I turned into a snake?"
Peter stopped hyperventilating and looked at Loki puzzled. "You can turn into a snake?"
"Yeah. A snake. It was when I was younger, still a kid."
"Wow. Neat." Peter's eyes widened, and he shyly smiled. "Hey Mr. Loki... Did you have your helmet when you were younger? The one with the golden horns?"
"Yeah. Why?"
Peter grabbed two sparkles and bent them into a curve. Bright orange and golden sparks fizzed from the sticks as he lit them and held them to the top of his head and smiled. "Look Mr Loki. It's your golden horn helmet."
Loki gasped and hugged Peter. "I'm so proud of you!"
Peter's heart pounded and his stomach erupted into a thousand butterflies. His Idol was hugging him. A fate many had dreamed but would never achieve. But it was happening. Happening to him.
Around them everybody stopped and stared, a sudden silence ringing loudly.
Loki pulled back from the hug and glared at everybody. "What are you guys staring at?"
Blank stares and wide eyes seemed to be worn by everybody at the dinner party.
"But... You never hug anybody." Thor gasped.
Loki sneered. "So? Why do you care."
"It's been a long time since you last hugged me," Thor sighed. " - And I'm your brother."
"I'll hug you Mr. Thor!" Peter beamed.
"No - it's okay child I don't-"
But Peter had already wrapped his arms warmly around the blonde-haired Norse god.
"You're so cool Mr. Thor."
Thor smiled softly. "Thank you Spiderson."
Peter unwrapped his arms from Thor and looked around at everybody. "C'mon guys, let's just enjoy the dinner."
There were a few mumbles of agreement, and within a few minutes people had resumed their previous conversations and activities.
"How long do you think it'll take Thor and Loki to realise that peter's name isn't 'Spiderson' or 'Spiderchild'?" Tony laughed to Steve.
"Who knows," Steve chuckled, "But at least Peter's connecting with people in the group. It must be hard for him - being so young and different."
"Yeah." Tony smiled, looking over at Peter.
And there in the middle of the crowd of people was Peter, smiling as bright as the fairy lights above, lost in conversation and joy.
Hope you guys enjoyed that story, and I hope you guys have an amazing day! If you wanna, leave a review. I absoloutly love reading what people thought of the story!
:) :)