Crystal Clear - Chapter Six

Down the Rabbit Hole

"Please get rid of that frown, it doesn't suit you. Smiling makes you look much nicer, you know?"

When Akiko prepared to leave her first day of school behind, she was halfway outside the school's gates when her phone buzzed. It was hers, Neito's, and Itsuka's group chat again.

CopyCat: Hey, sorry, I was gonna ask in person, but my mom dragged me off for ice cream. She's really excited for me to be in U.A., but I don't see why. It was bound to happen.

Akiko sighed and rolled her eyes, typical Neito.

CopyCat: Anyways, how about the three of us head out to dinner later? I know a nice place at the mall that has really good tempura.

Battle-fist: I wanna go! PLEASE!

CopyCat: Uh, you were already invited, Kendo-chan. Oh, and hope you don't mind the new nickname… Me and Akiko-chan had a nice chat earlier, and honestly, we've been friends for so long that it's strange we don't use 'chan' or 'kun' with each other.

Battle-fist: You're right. Sorry, Usagi-san stole my phone and typed that last message. Can she tag along too?

Akiko, confused, wondered who that could be. A student in Class 1-B? Shouldn't she have recognized that name from the rankings board, especially since it was such a strange one? Not many people had a surname of 'Usagi', meaning rabbit. She began typing a reply.

lapislazuli: who's that? and sure monoma-kun, i'd love to. i love tempura.

Battle-fist: A student in 1-B. You might recognize her as Hagiwara-san, she placed seventh?

Akiko's posture stiffened in surprise. Seventh place, out of forty-something students? That was a pretty big deal.

CopyCat: Sure, she can come if she wants. She's been constantly stuck to your side all day anyways.

Battle-fist: I think it's pretty cute. She's like a little kid. Anyways, I gotta go, training. Let's meet up at 5?

lapislazuli: yep! see you then.

Closing out of her messenger app, Akiko wondered who this Hagiwara-san was. She seemed nice from the few things Itsuka said about her. As she headed on the subway home, she wondered if she would run into Izuku there again, but he was nowhere to be seen. Thinking about the green haired teen reminded her that she had given him her phone phone in a mischievous way, and she smirked. 'I wonder how long it'll take him to man up and send me a text?'

Akiko arrived home to a crushing hug from her mother. "I'm so sorry I couldn't see you off, sweetheart. I'm so proud of you!" The shorter woman broke away and offered a big grin. "How was your first day?"

"It was pretty good!" Akiko noted. "I made lots of new friends, but sadly Kendo-chan and Monoma-kun are in the other class. But that's okay, Monoma-kun offered for all of us to head to mall for supper, so I think we're still gonna keep contact lots." The mother seemed pleased with that. "So, can I go?"

"Of course you can!" Mika replied eagerly. "You know I'm always for you hanging out with your friends. Let's go sit down and you can tell me all about what happened, though." Her eyes seemed to sparkle. "My little girl, a student in U.A.! I knew you'd make it in there, honey, you're so talented." Her expression shifted to one of remorse, however. "I'm sure your grandfather would be proud of you."

Akiko knew that he would, but it didn't help her hurt less when she heard the mention of her late grandfather. He passed away seven years ago, when Akiko was also only seven years old. It may have been a long time ago, but her memories of him were still vivid.

Hydro, a water-dwelling hero that could never be beaten. At least, that's what Akiko believed as a child. He was a talented, prestigious hero who did fire rescues. He saved countless people. Yet in the end, he couldn't save himself…

Snapping herself out of her thoughts, Akiko focused on her mother and telling her everything that had happened; about her teachers and classmates, and about Izuku, the kid with the strangest and most interesting Quirk she had ever seen.

The second Akiko reached their meeting place, she was practically attacked by small child. "Hiya there! What's your name? Are you Iwasa-san? I've heard so much about you, ya know! It's lovely to meet you!" The small figure was bouncing all around Akiko, she couldn't get a good look at them.

Itsuka was running towards them. "Usagi-san, calm down!" The moment she said so, the small figure stopped in place. "S-sorry Kendo-san! Guess I got a bit too excited." Now that they were still, Akiko could get a better look. She was incredibly short, probably less than five feet tall. She had short light pink hair, almost the colour of cotton candy. But the strangest thing about her… large, white bunny ears protruding from her head. 'Guess that explains her name being Usagi.' Akiko thought to herself.

Neito then appeared, so the group went off to the diner, chatting together as they did. "So, Kendo-chan told me you ranked seventh in the entrance exam." The sole male commented, curious. "How'd you manage that? You're so little, you look like you wouldn't harm a fly."

"I'm just as old as you, you know!" Usagi commented, pouting. "And even stronger than you, especially considering you placed dead last!" Neito scoffed. "I would have done better. I just… Did something stupid, that's all." He looked away, self-conscious. "Either way, my Quirk's pretty awesome. I can be just like a real bunny rabbit! I can jump super high, and hear things from far away, and I'm super quick! Combine all that and it was easy to take those giant robots down! I just confused 'em and made 'em trip up! Easy peasy!" Usagi rambled, her small chubby face lit up with excitement.

They had arrived at the diner and were waiting to be seated when Akiko brought up a question that had been on her mind for a little while. "So, Hagiwara-san, why does Kendo-chan call you Usagi-san? Isn't that your first name?" The smaller student nodded. "I don't like my family name. Usagi is much cuter, and it represents me too!" She pointed up to her bunny ears, which twitched in response. Her bright red eyes seem to light up as they saw a waitress approach, and lead them to a booth. Usagi didn't hesitate to sit right next to Itsuka, which Neito seemed mildly disappointed about.

Neito and Akiko both ordered fried tempura and dipping sauce, while Usagi went for a salad and Itsuka a cheeseburger. "So, how was everyone's first day?" Itsuka asked. "I'd say it was pretty hectic, getting used to U.A., but otherwise pretty enjoyable." "I loved it!" Usagi blurted as soon as Itsuka finished speaking. "I met so many new friends, and, and, I'm super hyped to become a real hero! Aren't you guys!?"

Neito shrugged, chuckling. "I mean, I suppose. It's just, I've known I will be a pro hero ever since I was little. It's hard to excited for it if it's bound to happen." Itsuka frowned deeply and used her Quirk to make her fist large, and nudge him roughly from across the table. "Oh, shush. You can't say that, especially since you barely passed the exam." She rolled her eyes. "Maybe for once you shouldn't let your cocky attitude show around strangers. It'd make a better impression." She gestured with her non-enlarged hand towards Usagi. "She probably thinks you're some kind of narcissist."

Neito pretended to gasp. "But I am! It's a part of my character, my dear Kendo-chan. You should know this by now." And with that, Itsuka and Neito began to argue back and forth. Sighing, Akiko shook her head. "Don't mind them, Usagi-san. This is normal." The bunny girl seemed contemplative. "You three really are close, huh…" She whispered, staring down at her swaying feet that could hardly touch the ground.

Itsuka, concerned, shrunk her hand and placed it gently on Usagi's shoulder. "Everything okay?" The younger-looking girl nodded, revealing some freckles that caught in the light. As Akiko noticed this, she frowned. Freckles… Izuku had those. Did he text her yet? Under normal circumstances, she would wait until dinner was over, but she had already finished her tempura. Pulling her phone out of her pocket and smiling at her phone case - it was made of morganite, she created it herself.

Within her notifications, the words "8 unread messages" struck her as odd. She never had that many texts unless the group chat was active, but it wouldn't be. Itsuka and Neito were right in front of her. Unlocking her phone with her fingerprint, Akiko's eyes widened. Seven messages from Izuku, one from her dad.

AllMightFan: Hello… I'm hoping this is Iwasa-san and not someone else's number?

AllMightFan: How has your day been?

AllMightFan: I gotta admit, how you gave me your number was pretty sly.

AllMightFan: It's nice though. I think I'm a lot less socially awkward over text.

AllMightFan: Iwasa-san?

AllMightFan: Did I do something wrong?

AllMightFan: Haha… I hope everything is okay…

AllMightFan: I'm sorry for being annoying

Akiko felt guilty for not answering him, her phone was muted. However, he sent all these messages over thirty minutes, so he was worrying way too much.

lapislazuli: i'm fine, dude. just out to dinner with friends. sorry for not answering asap, but you should calm down a lil. if i'm quiet for 30 min that doesn't mean i died or whatever

AllMightFan: Okay. Sorry.

Akiko sighed deeply. She felt bad, maybe encouraging a normal conversation would help.

lapislazuli: no, it's ok. my day's been pretty great, actually. ua is awesome. i'm surprised but happy you managed to text me, i was worried you'd wimp out lol

After not getting a reply for about a minute, Akiko shoved her phone in her pocket and mentally scolded herself. She was not making this any better for him. When she looked up, Neito was staring at her curiously. "Who were you texting? You don't talk to anyone but us and your parents, and you're acting different."

Akiko looked away, ready to totally ignore his question. She was not ready to be teased about having a boyfriend again. Doesn't everyone realize she just met Izuku? They're not a thing. Itsuka interrupted. "Monoma-kun! Don't be so nosy! Iwasa-chan can talk to whoever she pleases without you butting in!" Neito rolled his eyes, crossing his arms, but quit. At least they didn't start arguing again.

Their meal continued peacefully. After splitting the bill between the four of them, the group left the diner. "Man, that was good food." Akiko praised the restaurant. "We should definitely go there again." Everyone seemed to agree with her.

Neito and Itsuka both had to go back home due to having something to do, leaving Usagi with Akiko. The shorter girl tugged on Akiko's long sleeve, resembling a child. "Hey, Iwasa-san… Can I ask you something? It's kind of personal, I mean, not for you, but for those two…"

Akiko raised an eyebrow, but nodded, her neck tilted down to look the bunny girl in the eye. "Sure, shoot." Usagi fiddled with her fingers, her right ear twitching a bit. She seemed shy, which was unusual for her normal bubbly personality. "Are Monoma-san and Kendo-san dating?"

The blue-haired teen started laughing. "Their bickering really does make 'em seem like an old couple, doesn't it? No, they're not dating. I don't think Kendo-chan is that interested. Why?" Usagi's red eyes widened, and she looked around before getting on her tiptoes to somewhat reach Akiko's ear. "I, um, I know I only just met Kendo-san, but she's really pretty… It's nice to know she's not taken, and that I still have a chance…"

Akiko beamed at her. "I support you all the way. You two would be cute together, after all… But, it might break Monoma-kun's heart if you go after her, and he's my friend too. So tell you what." She took out her phone, dismissed a notification from Izuku for the time being, and opened the group chat. "I'll secretly help the two of you go for Kendo-chan. That way, it's fair. And to make sure you're both even, I'll put you in the group chat." A brief message lit up;

User bunny_wabbit23 has joined the group.

"D-don't you think that's kind of fast? I o-only met her today!" Usagi stammered, her face a shade of red as well. Akiko was too distracted and didn't hear her, however. "Trust me, this'll be awesome."

With her enthusiasm, Akiko didn't realize that she was encouraging something for her friends she had been so against for herself- being paired with someone without a second thought.

Not long after parting with a flustered Usagi, Akiko plopped down on her bed. It had been a long day, and now she finally had a chance to text Izuku properly. She pulled her phone out while laying on her favourite stuffed animal.

AllMightFan: I'm really sorry for going into such detail, but you need to know and it'd be easier for me to say over text.

I know I act all flustered around you, but I just want to tell you that isn't a gross or perverted thing. It's just… Me. I've always been nervous around everyone, but girls in particular.

lapislazuli: why is that?

It took him a while to type a reply, but Akiko waited, a little impatient.

AllMightFan: It's embarrassing, but I'll tell you.

When I was in junior high, I wasn't exactly popular. I didn't have any friends or anything. So I guess I was just desperate, but one day a transfer student moved to our class, and I thought this could be my opportunity to make a good impression on someone who knew nothing about me.

Her Quirk was really neat. It made her have button eyes. I don't really know anything about it. When we went to recess, I managed to go up to her, and introduce myself, and somehow I even got the confidence to call her eyes cute. I still don't know how I did it.

Anyways, she reacted by laughing at me and calling all her friends over. Called me pathetic for thinking someone like me could ever think to be friends with someone like her. Then she commanded a bunch of her friends, who were all girls, to use her Quirk on me. It hurt a lot.

And ever since, I've been nervous around girls. I know not all girls are like them. You're a perfect example of that. It's just… Me, I guess. I'm sorry.

Akiko was at a loss for words, for more reasons than one. That story sounded horrible, and disgustingly similar. She felt real empathy for Izuku. She couldn't suppress her curiosity, though. Why was Izuku so disliked during his middle school years, anyway?

lapislazuli: i'm so sorry about that, midoriya-san. that bitch doesn't deserve anyone in her life, and neither do her friends.

i know you said that you can't really control your nervousness around girls, but can you try? for me? i know you don't think so, but just the thought of you being afraid of me doesn't work for me. i'm your friend, i don't want you to ever believe that, whether you want to or not.

AllMightFan: I'll try. Thank you, Iwasa-san. I'll see you at school tomorrow?

lapislazuli: for sure. sleep well

As Akiko plugged in her phone and prepped for bed, she recalled something. "Hey, mom?" She yelled from the bathroom, peeking out of the doorway with her mouth full of toothpaste. "When's the next family gathering?" Mika, who was heaving a basket of laundry down the hallway, paused outside the washroom. "Uh, in another two weeks or so, I think. Why?"

"Will Chiyo-chan be there?" Akiko asked while brushing her teeth, her words muffled. Her mother seemed puzzles. "She should be. Why would you want to see her?"

Akiko finished, and squeezed past her mom holding the large basket. Going into her room, she cut the conversation off: "No reason. Night night, mom.", Leaving Mika incredibly puzzled with her daughter's behaviour.

A/N: I'm really, really sorry for the huge delay everyone! I had some personal things to deal with. This chapter is super long to make up for it!

Guest: Wow, that must have been from a really long time ago! Glad you enjoyed, though.

RavenGoesToHeaven: That's great! I'm not sure what you mean, though. This really is a slow burn fic, Izuku doesn't like Akiko yet. We're only just getting started, haha. Hopefully this chapter explained why Izuku could seem flustered around Akiko? But thanks for your lovely compliments! 3