Majesty has been in an "on and off" relationship with Dean Winchester for over ten years, and during those years they've welcomed their son, Aiden.

Through their ups and downs, life as parents and hunters, Dean becoming a demon, Majesty finding out she's a "white" witch, Dean getting rid of the mark, Now...Mary Winchester is back, will the couple continue to be "on"? Or will they be "off" and stay that way?


Majesty walked downstairs with a tired limp to her walk. It's been a few days since she's been back home, her home, with her kids.

The mother sighed deeply as she poured her prepped breast milk in a 16 oz baby bottle.

The wailing cry of a four month old baby filled the air. It wasn't long until the sound of small feet started storming downstairs.

"Mom?" The curious yet tired child called out.

"Yes?" Majesty answered, placing the baby bottle in the "bottle warmer".

"I think she's hungry."

The mother smiled, blinking the sleep out of her eyes, "You think?"

"You want me to feed her? And you sleep?"

Majesty stared at her son, he was so much like his dad, she loved it but hated it at the same time. "No, Aiden, I want you to go to bed. You have baseball practice in the morning."

The kid gave her a "Dean" look, "Fine, be that way. Just make sure she drinks the whole bottle. And burp her after."

The woman was amused by her son, giving her instructions on how to take care of a baby, that was a laugh, "Sir, yes, sir," she said sarcastically, watching the kid climb back up the stairs.

It wasn't long until Majesty made it into her daughter's nursery.

The mother picked her up, "Awe, my sweet pumpkin, you hungry?" As soon as the bottle was in her mouth, the baby sucked the nipple like it was her last meal, "Oh yeah, you were hungry."

With the baby cradled in her arms, she walked into her room, taking a seat at the end of her bed.

Every time she would look at her kids, she was in awe. They were perfect. Aiden reminded her so much of her ex-boyfriend (partner) –whatever they were– that it made her go insane. Even though he can come out as a sassy brat, he was still her prefect boy.

But nothing could explain the love she had for youngest baby, Nova. As soon as she opened her eyes to reveal big brown orbs, Majesty was won over.

After feeding time and getting her to burp, Majesty places the baby in a bassinet beside her bed before dozing off for the rest of the night.


"I don't know why dad asked you to put my in that stupid sport. I hate it." Aiden frowned, he threw his baseball glove on the car floor. "It's stupid."

Majesty kept her eyes trained on the road. "He wants you to be a normal kid."

"My dad hunts monsters for living, I can't invite him to "career day" so I don't think I'll ever be normal, ma."

Before Maj could reply, a ding like ringtone sounded through her speakers. She looked at her "radio" screen and noticed that it was Dean calling. Worried that the conversation she's about to have with him wouldn't be appropriate for the kids, she picked up her cellphone and answered his call that way.


"Majesty, hey, how's it going?"

Rolling her eyes at Dean trying to make small talk, Maj sighed, "What did you do now, Winchester?"

"Listen, I don't have much time. Can you, uh, put Aiden on the phone?"

She immediately connected her phone to the Aux cord, "you're on speaker."

"Hey, kid."

"Hey, dad," Aiden said excitedly. Even though it's been a week or so since he's seen his dad, he was happy to hear from him, "I miss you."

Majesty could hear Dean's proud smile through the phone. "I miss you too, little man. How's your sister? You taking care of her? What's she doing now?"

"She's okay," Aiden said before looking over at the car seat beside him, "She's asleep right now."

"Good, make sure she gets lots of sleep."

"When ya coming to get us, dad?" There was a long pause. And that's what made Majesty lift an eyebrow. Usually, he'd immediately answer that question saying "as soon as I wrap up what I'm doing now."


"You see, that's the thing, bud. I don't know when I'll come pick you guys up." Dean tried to break it down to his kid that he's got thousands of souls inside of him, making him a bomb. But he didn't want to traumatize his son by saying that. "Dean?" Sam, in the background, said.


"It's time."

Majesty looked at her "radio" screen secretly wishing she could see Dean's face to figure out how serious this conversation is. She heard his sigh, it was long and sorrowful.

"I gotta go, man. I love you and your sister. And your mom. Don't forget that."

Aiden frowned, he felt like something wasn't right. "I know. I love you too, dad." Then he hung up.

Majesty eyed her son through the rear view mirror, the sight of his sad face broke her heart.


She's had to have called Dean a million times but his phone continued to go straight to voicemail.

"Damn you, Winchester." She scrolled down her contact list and stopped at the other Winchester's number. She called him.

"Hello? Majesty? Are you okay? The kids okay?"

"They're fine, Samwise." Majesty sighed, "Where's your brother?"

Silence. It was like that for a minute. He didn't know what to tell her. He knew that he needed to be honest.

"He's dead."

Then it was Maj's turn to be quiet, her brain wasn't really processing the news, she didn't want it to. But then, against her wishes, tears started streaming down her face. "What?" Her voice was so quiet, so small.

"He sacrificed himself to save the world. He killed Amara."

"Oh, Sam...but– but our am I?"

Sam understood what she was saying, they've had this conversation before when it was only Aiden as their child. Now that she's given his brother two kids, this conversation seems harder. He cleared his throat, "Why don't you pack some bags for you and the kids, and you know, live with me in the bunker for a while? I really don't want to be alone. And I don't think you need to be alone. Maybe we can have this conversation with Aiden together."

Majesty blinked her tears away, "Yeah, you're right. Okay. I'll be out there within the next day or so."


Now on the road, which felt like the longest road trip ever, Majesty tried to keep herself as busy as she could. Her son was good at figuring out how she would feel at the time, so she avoided any moments that was filled with silence.

"Sweet creature, had another talk about where it's going wrong..." the sound of former One Direction member, Harry Styles, filled the air.

Aiden hated this kind of music, he was use to his dad's classic rock albums beaming through the impala's speakers. But those kind of rides died down when his parents split, again.

"Mom, could you please–"

"Your sister likes this song."

Aiden looked over to his sister who was kicking her chubby legs and playing with her teething toy. "She doesn't know what she likes."

To prove him wrong, the mother turned off the radio. Almost immediately, Nova started crying. Aiden quickly reacted to her tears by offering his sister her pacifier, but she didn't want it. "Okay. Okay." Maj turned on the radio, which seemed to calm Nova down. Aiden was defeated. "We have to get you to like better music."

Majesty smiled to herself, the ten year old boy is going to drive her crazy one day but, oddly, she didn't mind it.

"Mom, can I ask you a question?"

Oh no. She was dreading his question.

Gripping the steering wheel tighter, Maj sucked her teeth. "Okay."

"Why didn't I go to school today? Why do we have so many bags packed? Is dad okay? When are we gonna stop for food? I'm hungry again. Where are we going? Are we moving to a new house? Did–"

"Aiden Johnathan, new rule, if you ask a question, one at a time. For now, I'm only answering three so choose wisely."

Aiden sat there contemplating his top three questions. He took a deep breath. "Okay, I'm ready."

Majesty rolled her eyes at how dramatic he was being, he was definitely Sam's nephew.

"Shoot, kid."

"Why do we have so many bags packed?"

"We're moving–" Aiden frowned, he hated moving around a lot, "back into the bunker." His small ears perked.

"We are?"

Majesty smirked, "is that a question?"

Aiden squinted his green eyes at his mom, she was clever. "I guess so."

"Yes, we are. I talked to Sam, he wants us to come back."

"You think she'll like it?" Aiden asked, motioning to his sleeping sister. She's never been to the bunker. Usually when Dean picks them up for the weekend, they'd stay into a motel and hang out unless something came up. "And don't count that as a question."

"Yeah, Aj, I think she'll like it. I'm thinking she'll room with you for a few months so you can keep her safe through the night."

"Okay," Aiden wrapped her tiny fingers around his thumb, "I'll keep her safe."

"Good deal."

"Mom, last question. Is dad okay?"

She mentally cursed herself. She looked at Aiden through the rear view mirror. "I'm not sure, bud. We'll talk about that when we get to the bunker. Okay?"

The kid nodded, "Okay."


"And we're here, finally." Aiden said, unbuckling his seat belt. He grabbed his backpack before opening the car door. He noticed an unfamiliar truck. "Who's truck is that?"

Majesty eyed the truck as she walked over to the rear passenger side door to grab Nova out of her car seat. "I don't know. Maybe it's a borrowed car."

Nova was awake, her brown eyes eyed her mother when she was placed on her hip.

"Let's go inside."

Aiden opened the bunker door, his mother right behind him.

As soon as she walked in, Majesty took note as to how quiet it was. She didn't like that. Before her son could take another step, she grabbed his arm. "Here, take your sister. I'm gonna check the place out. If I yell "go", you take off, like me and your daddy taught ya."

"Mom?" Aiden was worried but also a little scared, he knew he had to be brave. For Nova's sake, at least.

Majesty took out her gun, she positioned herself, ready to take on anything as she slowly walked down stairs. She took note of the blood on the floor, her heart started to race. If she found Sam or Castiel dead, she wouldn't know how to react.

"How did you do that?" She heard a faint, female voice say. Majesty cocked her gun.

"I hacked the traffic cams. Welcome to the future." Dean said, with a small grin.

"You think it's them?" Castiel asked curiously.

"It's worth a shot." Dean said, looking at the laptop again.

"Hands up where I can see them!" Majesty shouted, pouting her gun at them all. "Goddamn shapeshifters."

Mary reacted by pointing a gun back at her.

Before things got out of hand, Dean stood between the two ladies. "Woah woah woah woah. She's friendly." He told the blonde, he turned to Majesty. "Babe, she's friendly."

Maj's brown eyes searched Dean's emerald orbs. "I thought you were dead. Sam told me you were dead." She turned away from him, blinking away her tears. Dean grabbed her arm, spinning her around to face him. He softly pinned his forehead against hers. His thumb swayed her cheek.

"I'm here," he said. "I'm here."

Mary watched the interaction between the two, for one moment, it brought back memories of her and her late husband, John.

"Dean? Who's this?" She asked, interrupting the moment between them.

"This is Majesty, my...ex-partner, girlfriend?" He sound so unsure that it was sort of embarrassing. Majesty looked between the blonde and Dean. "Maj, this is Mary. Winchester."

The brunette was surprised, she looked at Dean to make sure he wasn't joking. "Mary Winchester. Your mother?"

"Yeah." Dean said, a small smile on his face.

"Oh wow," was all she could say, she placed her gun back in her holster, "it's a pleasure to meet you, Mary. I've literally heard so much about you."

Before Mary could reply, Aiden ran into the room with Nova in his arms.

"Dad!" He said excitedly, running to him carefully but quickly.

Dean smiled, hugging his son before taking Nova from his arms. The baby grinned at her father just as she started making babbling noises. "Yeah, I've missed you too. God, you're getting bigger every time I see you."

Mary was a little in shock. First, her baby boy, Dean, tells her she's been dead for 33 years. It was tough to grasp that fact, but now seeing that she has two beautiful grandchildren is a even bigger thing. It makes the reality harder to swallow.

The huntress, Maj, smiled at the scene but she didn't waste one second trying to see what Dean was working on with the laptop.

"Hey, where's Sam?" She asked, her eyes not leaving the screen.

Dean cleared his throat. He covered Aiden's ears by leaning his head to his hip while one hand covered one ear. "That's the thing...he's missing."

Then she eyed the angel, "Cas, you look like hell."

"I also feel like it."

Majesty nodded, "Update me. What the hell has been going on?"

~End of Chapter 1, Part 1~

Tell me what you think! I need to know!