Disclaimer: I don't own Boku no Hero Academia.

Summary: She had never considered herself to be a necessarily motivational person. She had been too sick, too young, too… common. It took her dying of cancer and resurfacing in a different universe to realize she was something much more. OC-insert. Canon deviation.

Meraki(v.)- To do something with soul, creativity, or love. To put something of yourself into your work.

She could hear the birds chirping.

"How are you feeling today Chiyo-chan?"

It was a soft pretty sound. Of course, she hadn't actually been able to see any birds in a while. But, she could still faintly recall what they looked like. Their wings had always looked so-


Chiyo's cheek throbbed as she stared at the person in front of her blankly. A perfectly manicured hand was retracted.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" A saccharine sweet voice inquired "I take time out of my busy schedule to come to visit you, and this is how you repay me? I ought to tell the boss,"

Chiyo didn't flinch at that. She didn't.

"You ungrateful little swine-"

"Megumi," A stern voice interrupted.

The woman in front of her froze instantly. A pretty smile overtook her structured features.

"Yes, dear?"

"What did I tell you about coming here? Why don't you go keep Himiko-chan company?" The man ordered gently, leaving no room for argument.

"Oh alright," 'Megumi' relented with a pout. She sent Chiyo a look before making her exit "I'll see you later, Chiyo-chan,"

Chiyo glared at the brunette's retreating form and tried to avoid looking at the man in front of her.

"You don't want to look at me Chiyo-chan? After I've come all this way too," the man said, pushing his glasses up his nose "We're testing today y'know,"

Chiyo spat in the man's face and moved as far away from him as possible.

The bespectacled man just sighed and cleaned his face without complaint.

"Such a spitfire. But I must warn you Chiyo-chan, that attitude won't get you anywhere," His eyes gained a sharper look "And here I was planning to take you to see your mother-"

Chiyo snapped to attention at that and grabbed the man's coat. She bared her pointed teeth and refused to relent in her grip.

"Take me to her. You promised you would-"

"Ah, ah, ah Chiyo-chan. I only keep my promises to good little girls. Not bad girls who spit in my face," The man stated cheerfully, green eyes shining.

"I… I'm sorry-"

"It's too late Chiyo-chan. I guess I just have to go keep your mother company for the day," The man sighed "Not that I mind of course,"

Her blood ran cold at that.

"Wait. I'll cooperate, just… just leave her alone," Chiyo begged "I won't try and run from you anymore,"

"You won't?" He inquired hopefully. Not unlike a child that was just about to be given his favorite toy "You won't curse at me anymore? Or try and claw at me?"

Chiyo shook her head half-heartedly.

"I promise," the girl replied brokenly.

The smile he aimed at her was all teeth as he led her out of the room she was inhabiting.

She hadn't always been known as Chiyo Koumori.

She knew it sounded weird, unbelievable even. But this was something she just couldn't make up.

She had used to be a cancer patient, she remembered that much at least. She remembered being constricted to a hospital bed, and not having the ability to be a normal child. She remembered constant pain and helplessness.

(-Never again-)

She remembered loneliness, then she remembered darkness.

Then… there was nothing.

The universe she had been reborn into was… it was different, to say the least. Everyone had something special about them.

There were people that could fly, people who could stretch their limbs. It was beautiful.

She… finally had a chance to be special and not just a common statistic.

('Did you know… that over 100,000 kids die from cancer a year? Our chances aren't very high are they?' he had told her with a sickly smile on his face)

It was sad how naive she had been.

She was special in this lifetime. Incredibly special.

But at what cost she thought bitterly as she finally spotted her mother.

Nadeshiko Koumori wasn't a conventional beauty. With her gray skin, and her pointed ears Nadeshiko was the type of woman you had to observe, learn about. If you didn't observe, you wouldn't be able to see her high cheekbones or her full lips. Or the way her black hair fell elegantly over her shoulder without her even trying.

A rare smile broke out across Chiyo's face as she ran into her mother's arms. Nadeshiko returned it immediately, albeit a bit tenderly.

Mother and daughter remained that way for a few moments before the man cleared his throat.

Nadeshiko winced and lifted her head slowly.

"A-Adachi-san," she began hesitantly "Would it be alright if I had a few moments alone with my daughter? I haven't seen her in the longest and you did promise-"

A cold laugh escaped from Adachi's lips. It echoed off the walls, and caused Chiyo to cave in on herself.

"Are you really the one to talk about promises Nadeshiko? After all the ones you've broken? You're lucky I haven't killed you yet, you're useless anyway as is," Adachi sneered, breaking from the cheerful demeanor he had displayed only moments ago "You have ten minutes,"

He made to leave the room, before turning to Chiyo abruptly. The cheerful smile made its way back onto his face.

"I'll be back Chiyo-chan! Then we'll get testing out of the way,"

Chiyo buried her head in her mother's warm embrace and tries to push the upcoming events out of her mind.

Her mother strokes her hair softly, and her eyes widen once they catch sight of Chiyo's cheek.

"Who… who did this to you?" she questioned blankly. Chiyo just shook her head and remained silent.

Chiyo could still feel the slight tightness in Nadeshiko's frame, but the elder woman eventually lets it go.

"Wow, your hair's getting pretty long," Nadeshiko said wistfully "It'll go down to your back soon,"

Chiyo doesn't respond, and just whimpers slightly. Nadeshiko sighs, and continues to stroke Chiyo's hair.

"Chiyo… you can't let him break you. Promise me that no matter what he does you won't let him do that," Nadeshiko pleaded "He's not worth you losing yourself-"

"I can't do it anymore," Chiyo interrupted "I… I want to get out of here. I want to go home,"

Nadeshiko nodded at that solemnly. The two sat in a tense silence for a few moments, before a cool hand graced Chiyo's back.

"Hey, your wings are growing in," she stated cheerfully, desperately trying to change the subject "That's exciting isn't it?"

Chiyo blinked at that and nodded her head.

"My… my back has been feeling weird lately. How long does it usually take?" Nadeshiko pressed a finger to her chin.

"Hmm… for me it took a few months for them to grow in and gain their full strength. It might take less for you though,"

Chiyo brightened at that, before wiping the smile from her face almost immediately.

"I… I'm sorry. It's hard for you isn't it?" Chiyo questioned brokenly. Nadeshiko stilled at that for a moment, before shaking her head.

"I… won't lie to you. It is hard at times, but my happiness for you outweighs that," Nadeshiko stated as she patted Chiyo's head "I just hope that what happened to me, never happens to you,"

Chiyo nods at that and tries to ignore the wheelchair her mother's currently sitting in. Or the hideous scars decorating her mother's back where her own wings used to be.

"You're a wonderful girl Chiyo-chan, and you will make it out of this alive. I promise," Nadeshiko stated somberly, pressing a kiss to Chiyo's forehead.

"You're wrong, mama, we'll make it out of this alive,"

A bitter smile overtakes Nadeshiko's face, but she doesn't nod her head at that.

It hadn't been the birds, Chiyo realized somberly. It had never been the birds.

The lab had received new equipment. Equipment that made the most awful chirping sound known to man.

(How had she ever thought that this sound was beautiful? It was revolting-)

Chiyo winces as her companion presses yet another bandage to her person. Said companion just gives her an apologetic look.

"Sorry! I can't really do much else," the girl relayed quietly, hanging her head. Pink strands tickled her cheeks. "All I can do is watch helplessly. I'm so useless-"

"Shut up," Chiyo interrupted bluntly "You're annoying me,"

The girl flinched at that and hung her head.

"S-sorry Chiyo-chan-"

"And stop apologizing," Chiyo hissed, wrenching her hand from the other girl's grip. "It's pathetic! Why don't you just leave me alone?"

Her companion wilted away, and Chiyo forced herself not to feel guilty.

("Emotions make you weak Chiyo-chan-")

She has to duck when a projectile is thrown at her. Yellow eyes glare at her ferociously.

"Leave Nami-chan alone, you bully!" Himiko instructed her sternly "She's trying to help you!"

Chiyo glared back, red eyes narrowed.

"Did I ask for her help? Mind your business you crybaby," Chiyo sneered causing the other girl's eyes to widen.

"I am not a crybaby!"

"You're crying right now, you wimp," Chiyo stated firmly. Surely enough, a few slight tears were filling up in the taller girl's eyes "Pinky over here is stronger than you,"

Himiko made to advance towards the shorter girl threateningly, but Hanami raised her hand complacently.

"Himi-chan, Chiyo-chan didn't mean it like that-"

"Yes I did," aforementioned girl interrupted bluntly. Hanami winced and turned a sweet smile back towards Himiko's tense form.

"She's had a really long day," Hanami settled on "It was her testing day,"

Himiko froze at that and turned tentatively towards Chiyo, who was currently trying to block out her other two companions.

Chiyo scowled as Himiko finally chose to leave her alone.

She didn't know why these two were so insistent on bothering her. She was nothing but rude to the both of them. In their circumstances, there was no time for friends, as Hanami had called them.

Multiple children surrounded them, with a multitude of abilities. They all knew each other of course, Adachi was big on unity. But, within the testing group, they all had assimilated into smaller groups. Small groups that were being made even smaller by Adachi's constant experiments.

(They all know that they're replaceable. They all know that-)

"Chiyo-chan, what do you think?" Hanami asked suddenly. Himiko looked at her begrudgingly.

Chiyo clenched her fist and looks at Hanami confusedly.

"What do I think about what?" Chiyo questioned quite rudely. Himiko bristled at that and Hanami smiled gently at Chiyo, before leaning forward conspiratorially.

"Heroes," Hanami whispered, careful to make sure no one else can hear them, "Himi-chan thinks they're stupid,"

Said girl nods her head proudly at that, while Chiyo just shakes her head.

"Well, well, the crybaby is right for once," Chiyo replied dryly, causing Himiko to bristle "I'm shocked,"

"Shut up you… you vampire!" Himiko settled on, looking quite proud. Hanami's eyes widened as she looked carefully at Chiyo. Almost as if expecting her to blow up at any minute.

Chiyo however… just looked towards Himiko blankly, before shaking her head.

"That was weak, even for you" she replied sadly, turning towards the taller girl for the first time "If anything I should be the one calling you that, ya creep. Aren't you the one fascinated with blood?"

Himiko just glared down at her, before cracking her knuckles threateningly.

"You're asking for it-"


All of a sudden, the temperature in the room drops.

The trio raised their heads, in search of the cause. Chiyo blanched as Adachi entered the room, the same annoying smile carefully in place. As if he wasn't the reason for their suffering.

She gripped her bicep subconsciously. The same place he had forced numerous needles into.

("Don't be mad Chiyo-chan. I'm doing this to help you. To help all of you-")

Hanami rests a hand on her shoulder, and Chiyo glares at the pinkette almost immediately. For once, however, Hanami isn't swayed by it. Her grip tightens on Chiyo's shoulder.

Adachi's green eyes looked over all of them. Chiyo felt as if she couldn't breathe.

After what feels like a millennium, Adachi sighs and shakes his head.

"Another failure," he mutters, before choosing to raise his voice "Miwako-chan won't be able to play with you all anymore. It seems she wasn't strong enough-"

A boy breaks into tears at that.

Adachi froze and stared down at the boy inquisitively. He moved forward swiftly and grabbed the boys face in his hands.

"Did you care about her Ryuto-kun? Was she your friend?" the man questioned mockingly "Well… sorry for your loss, but there's something you should know. In fact, I want you all to listen to this right now!"

The room is silent as Adachi continues his tirade.

"I'm doing this all for your benefit! To help all of you ungrateful children! You dare to show me tears, after all I've done for you!" Adachi pushes Ryuuto away, with the utmost disgust "It sickens me. You obviously aren't as strong as I thought you were,"

Ryuuto's eyes widen before he presses his head to the ground and begs for Adachi's forgiveness. Multiple other children following suit.

Adachi's eyes gleam in satisfaction at the pain he had caused. His eyes roam over the room once more, before landing on another girl. He smiles chillingly, before choosing to leave the room once more.

A collective sigh is let out across the room.

The girl which Adachi had locked eyes with started to look considerably bothered, however.

Himiko stares at the girl, before bluntly saying:

"He's taking you next Nabi-chan,"

Nabi hunches in on herself, while Hanami gives Himiko a reprimanding look.

"Stop it Himiko!" Hanami says, moving to comfort the now sobbing girl "Why would you say that?"

"We all know it's true," the yellow-eyed eyed girl broke out "Why lie about it?"

Tears gushed out of Nabi's eyes at a faster rate, Hanami shushing her as much as she can.

Himiko scowls at that, but Chiyo can see a bit of guilt in her usually cheerful eyes.

Chiyo just sighs and shakes her head, garnering the attention of the other occupants in the room. She carefully gets up, ignoring the slight pain in her thigh where Adachi had made a few slight cuts and places a hand on Nabi's shoulder.

"Don't listen to her. Just because he looked at you doesn't mean anything. He only does it to scare us," She said firmly "He's an asshole,"

The children looked at her in awe at that comment. It wasn't an uncommon occurrence for Chiyo to say bad things about Adachi, but it was still a bit of an oddity.

Hanami stared at her blankly for a moment, silver eyes clashing against Chiyo's apple red ones. A bright smile broke out on the pinkett's face, and with an embarrassed scowl, Chiyo ignored it.

The day ends like any other. With the children mourning for the life that had been lost and praying that they're not next.

The next day, Hanami prods Chiyo and grins sheepishly when the aforementioned girl just glares at her.

"Say… Chiyo-chan? You never really answered my question,"

"What question would that be exactly?"

"Heroes… what do you think of them?" Hanami stated, suddenly looking very shy. Chiyo shook her head.

"Heroes don't exist," she stated bluntly causing Hanami to wince "All 'heroes' care about nowadays is popularity, not saving people. It's all a scam,"

Hanami looked down at her hands for a second, before shaking her head.

"That's… that's not true. Heroes can be really cool-"

"If heroes exist pinky, why are we still here?" Chiyo questioned abruptly "Why?"

Hanami remained silent and didn't answer for a few moments. Deeming the conversation to be over, Chiyo went to lie down in an isolated corner.

"I want to be a hero," Hanami whispered. Chiyo looked at her with wide eyes.

"You have a death wish? If someone tattles on you-"

"I want to become a hero and save people. I want to get rid of people like Adachi-"

Chiyo ran forward and covered Hanami's mouth. She quickly scanned the room and was relieved to see that no one had heard her foolish declaration. Instead, they were all too busy worrying about the upcoming lecture they were about to be given.

Someone had attempted to escape from the lab earlier.

Poor, innocent, Nabi hadn't been comforted by Chiyo's attempts to console her. The moment the day was deemed over, and they were sent to their separate rooms, she made a run for it.

Chiyo had a bit of respect for her.

However… it had been a completely stupid idea on the girl's part.

The lab was extremely well guarded, with security cameras at every turn. They had even had tracking devices inserted into their skin, just in case they wanted to run away.

They all wanted to run away of course… but none of them had the balls to do it.

Running away meant certain death, and while staying in the lab meant certain death as well it at least gave them a bit more time.

Chiyo glared at Hanami as she slowly removed her hand.

"They'll kill you if they hear you talking like that-"

"You say bad things about Adachi-san all the time-"

"It's different! I don't talk about killing him," Chiyo replied in a hushed voice "If you threaten him he'll just-"

"Would you care if I was dead Chiyo-chan?" Hanami questioned abruptly.

Chiyo froze, before turning her head to the side.

(Grey eyes that always seemed so hopelessly bright- a kind dimple forming smile-)

"The crybaby would be even more insufferable if you weren't here to reel her in. That's all,"

Said crybaby shifted in Hanami's lap, where she was peacefully taking a nap. Hanami stared at Chiyo and smiled a secretive sort of smile.

"You'd miss me Chiyo-chan?"

"You deaf or something? I already told you-"

"Thank you," Hanami interrupted softly "Thank you,"

Chiyo just gazed at the pinkette, before scowling once more and turning to the side.

"People are so weird," she muttered as she shifted into a deep sleep "Wake me when it's time to go back to our rooms,"

Hanami didn't respond and instead reached over to ruffle Chiyo's hair.

The smaller girl protested at first, before eventually leaning into it.

She fell asleep to the sounds of Himiko's snores, and Hanami's warm presence.

Author's Note: I've started yet another story. I've been interested in My Hero Academia for a pretty long time now, and I'm glad that I'm finally getting a chance to write for this fandom. The main OC, Chiyo, starts off her second life as a lab rat along with multiple other children(Himiko Toga being one of them, due to the fact we know almost nothing about her backstory and I love her character). She died very early in her first life, therefore she's a bit immature and crude at times. But, like all of my characters, I'll do my best to properly show character development when it comes to her. I hope you guys enjoy this story. Please leave a review, and tell me what you think so far.

Questions I have for you Guys:

What do you think Chiyo's quirk is? (I gave some hints as to what it is, but I never stated it outright)

What are some questions you guys have for me?

P.S. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!