The Shadowhunter Chronicles: Just the Three of Us
A Story about Three Star-crossed lovers Magnus Bane x Alec Lightwood x OC. Will love conquer all or will fate tear them apart.
22nd August, 2016
'It was good to be home. Despite only being gone for three years, it seemed like forever since I left Manhattan and went to London'
"Excuse me, sir. We're about to land, please put your seatbelt on" The air stewardess politely said as she woke a groggy Nick up.
"What, oh right seatbelt, got it" He grumbled rubbing the sleep from his weary eyes and yawned.
It had been a long eight hour flight no thanks to his nosy neighbour who snored. Nick wanted nothing more than to hail a cab and go home to bed. He quickly fastened his seatbelt and placed his laptop back inside his black leather messenger bag.
"This is your captain speaking. Welcome to Manhattan, New York, the local time is 6:42pm and the weather is cloudy with a light breeze. I hope you enjoyed your flight and will fly with America One Airlines in future" The captain said over the intercom.
Once the plane had landed. Nick unfastened his seatbelt and stood up to collect his luggage from the overhead rack and then went inside the airport to claim his suitcase. Afterwards, he headed outside and hailed a cab.
He yanked the taxi door open and slid onto the plastic-covered back seat, inhaling the familiar New York cab smell of old cigarette smoke and leather "I'm going to 408 Wallingford House, Fort Greene in Brooklyn" He slammed the cab door shut behind him, and the taxi took off.
His mother's house was roughly only a forty minute walk away from Clary's and a thirty minute walk from Simon's. He couldn't wait to see his two best childhood friends and catch up with them.
Once Nick arrived at his destination. He paid the cabby and headed over to his mother's house trailing along his luggage. He took a deep breath to calm his frayed nerves. He hadn't exactly left on good terms with his overbearing mother.
He knocked on the door.
There was a sudden loud knock at the front door.
"I wonder who on earth that could be?" Constance mused as she moved towards the front door.
She opened the door and as soon as Nick stepped into her view, she pulled him into a bone crushing hug "Nicky? Is that really you? I'm so glad that you're home" she said, still clutching her son like it was the last time she would ever hold him "I've missed you, so much. Where does the time go?" She sighed reminiscing with a small smile. "It only seems like yesterday that I was changing your diapers and watching you take your first steps" She fawned over him.
Nick groaned in embarrassment "Good to see you, too Mom" He said feeling uncomfortable as his head rest against his mother's bosom.
Nick pulled back and stepped into the house as Constance closed the door behind him.
His older half-sister, Emma Huntington, came to the front door. "Nicky!" She gushed.
Nick walked over to her as he left his suitcase by the door and stretched out his arms for a hug.
Emma leaned in to return the hug "Hello, Em. I must say you've certainly blossomed into a beautiful young woman" Nick said quickly withdrawing. He wasn't a big fan of physical contact. It made him feel extremely uncomfortable and found it rarely enjoyable due to the physical and emotional abused he had suffered as a child from Emma's father.
"How long are you back for this time little brother?" Asked Emma.
"Actually, I have no intentions of going anywhere. I've been gone for long enough don't you think, sis?".
Emma squealed in delight and through her arms around his neck "We have to go celebrate-"
Constance cut her off "Not tonight, Emma, I'm sure your brother will want to go unpack and get settled in".
Nick nodded "It was a long flight. I'm exhausted, Em. Rain check?".
Emma pouted and crossed her arms a little disappointed "Oh alright,".
The Next Morning in the Mid Afternoon
Nick was sound asleep in his old bed when he became aware that his phone was vibrating. He groaned loudly into his pillow and stretched over grabbed his phone and disconnected it from his charger.
'Hey, Nicky, I'm sorry I haven't been in touch in the last week or so. I heard your back in town, do you want to go into town and catch up? Pancakes are on me'.
Nick's stomached grumbled at the thought of pancakes and replied 'No worries, Si, I'd love to catch up and have pancakes, I'll meet you, at our usual place in half-an-hour. See you there :)'
Nick swung his legs over the bed and got up. He went downstairs "I'm going out with Simon".
Constance looked worried as she came into hall to see Nick out "I want to hear about how Clary got on at The Brooklyn Academy of Art. When you get home. Don't stay out too late. The city's not that safe right now".
Nick kissed his mother on the cheek "Will do, and don't worry I'll be home at a reasonable time".
Once Nick got outside, he went to the garage and took out his motorbike. An SYM Wolf Classic, which he bought second hand and nicknamed Old Reliable. His friends had all pitched in and bought him it as a going away present. He placed on his helmet and revved up the engine as Old Reliable came to life and he drove off.
When he arrived at Java Jones is a coffee shop in Brooklyn, Nick met Simon inside.
Simon looked surprised at how much Nick had changed. He was happy to see his best friend who had been like a brother slash sister to him after such a long time "Whoa! Is that really you, Nicky?" He questioned as Nick sat down opposite from him.
Nick grinned ear from ear "The one and only" He replied "Now, I do believe I remember something about pancakes".
"Some things never change" Said Simon upbeat as he went over to the barista and placed an order for a stack of pancakes.
An Hour Later
Nick looked up at Clary seeing the frown on her face "Give us the professors' names and we will end them. Won't we Si?".
Simon nodded "You took the words right out of my mouth".
"Nicky!" Clary rushed over to him as he stood up and spread his arms wide open to embrace her.
"Hello, little red. Long time no see," He said as he embraced her tightly and spun her around.
"I can't believe that's really you, Nicky. You've changed, you look…you look amazing".
Ever since leaving, in the three years he had been gone, Nick has grown from a daunting, sallow-faced, sad-looking teenager who could break out at any moment from stress to a handsome young man who is tall, lean yet muscular with long straightened white hair that occasional is tied up in a ponytail with long strands of hair loosely falling over his forehead. His onyx black eyes have a certain undefinable sparkle to them. Alluring and sensual, with a touch of mischief. He has a lazy smile, that's sometimes makes him seem quite suggestive when he flashes. He has a mature looking face that appears older than his actual age. His jaw is square, framing soft pink lips and a straight nose that gives him a feminine touch. Covering his neck, torso and arms are dormant red Demigod celestial runes that are similar to the ones that Shadowhunters bare when Nick is eventually awakened as an unclaimed demigod they will become active and turn black which will unlock a portion of his power and abilities. His runes are invisible to mundanes hidden under a complex glamour. His ears have been pierced in two areas, metal hoops clinging to the skin. He wears a tight white v-neck t-shirt that showed off his washboard abs, a slim-fit black leather jacket, a pair of black leather trousers, a pair of fashionable black boots and a black cord raven skull necklace.
"And you're not bad yourself" He said with a coquettish smirk. "So, tell us what happened? Who does Simon have to send a scathing email to?" He prompted curiously to see how it had gone.
"No one" She tossed The Brooklyn Academy of Art letter down on the table.
Simon picked it up and read "What? Sad face? Really?"
Clary laughs.
"Well played, well played".
"Thank you".
"Whoo! Little red just got accepted into The Brooklyn Academy of Art!" He exclaimed causing people to look over.
Clary blushed embarrassed as she dug her elbow into his side "Nicky!".
Simon laughed.
She grinned and said in disbelief "They kind of liked my assigned work, but they flipped out over the drawings for our graphic novel".
"You're welcome, you can thank us later when you become a famous artist" Nick said nudging Clary.
Clary rolled her eyes and chuckles "This day will go down in history as the greatest 18th birthday I ever had".
"Which is why we are celebrating tonight. Yes, with Maureen, after our show".
The waitress came over with Simon's latte and Clary's biscotti and Nick's sweet tea.
"So what's the deal with you and Maureen?" Clary asked innocently.
Nick started choking as he hammered his chest.
"What deal? No deal. We sing together".
You seriously don't know she's been crushing on you this whole time?" Clary asked with disbelief at how Simon could be so oblivious to the fact.
Simon begins stammering "What? No".
"She kinda does, Si. I mean it's obvious. Well at least to me and Clary that is. I must admit I wouldn't mind a piece of that. Although I don't think I'm Maureen's type. I doubt she'd be interesting in having a threesome. It's a real shame because not everyone is born with the best of both worlds if you catch my drift" He said with a cheeky grin and winked at Simon.
Simon's face turned scarlet red at what his hermaphrodite best friend was getting at.
"Ugh, you're such a pig" Clary calls him playfully before turning her attention back to Simon "Simon, how can someone as smart and perceptive as you not realize that the person sitting right there is in love with you?".
Nick snorted.
"I guarantee you I'm not the only smart, perceptive person to make that mistake" He said looking at Clary with love struck puppy dog eyes.
Clary then looked down to find that the biscotti that she had intended to eat was gone. She could have sworn it was there a second ago as she looked down at the table in confusion.
"That's a latte" Simon pointed out.
"But I could have sworn I had a biscotti".
"Maybe, Nicky ate it. They have a habit of making food vanish off someone else's plate. Remember high school when Nicky used to steal half of my sandwich and by the time I had realized it was gone so, where they".
Nick scowled at Simon "I did no such thing. Maybe you ate it really fast and didn't even notice. It happens to me all the time".
Both Simon and Clary laughed.
"In any case I will replace your mythical biscotti with an actual one" Said Simon.
"Thank you".
"And here I thought chivalry was dead" Nick spoke up.
"You know what? Here's to you" The three clinked there glasses.
Clary then noticed a drawing of a biscotti, and had no idea how it had gotten there.
Afterwards, the trio parted ways to go and get ready for the gig.