Tyger, Tyger, Burning Bright, Chapter 9: In the Forests of the Night
Tigresse and Chat Noir landed in back of Master Fu's home, doing their best to remain unobserved. One "Fade out!" and one "Claws in!" later, they were once again normal-appearing students. At least as normal as any students could appear, that is, with three small magical creatures circling around them in mid-air.
"Tikki, how are you doing?" asked Marinette, hopefully. "You look like your old self again!"
"I am!" she beamed. "That first hit I took was as close as I've come to being wiped out in centuries... I'm not used to villains attacking me when you're not transformed! But Miraculous Ladybug brought the rest of me back, and, I have to admit, Feliss backed me up very well just now."
"You backed ME up, you mean," grinned Feliss, as good-naturedly as she could manage. "Seems to me that I did most of the work."
"Girls... you're BOTH pretty," mumbled Plagg, only half-trying to be heard out loud.
Adrien stood slightly back like Plagg was doing, trying not to get directly between Tikki and Feliss. "Have they always been like this?" Adrien asked Plagg, quietly.
"Most of the time, they stay a lot farther apart. Like, on different continents when that's an option," Plagg chuckled. "When they're near each other, look out!"
Marinette did her best to interpose herself between her dueling Kwamis. "Shall we go in and see Master Fu now, everybody?"
"Unless you need another, ah... rest break first," Feliss teased. She smiled at Adrien, who nodded his head subtly towards a certain familiar patch of bushes and flowers, waggling an eyebrow playfully.
"There will be PLENTY of time for that later," Marinette blushed, pulling Adrien towards the door. "We're never going to live that down, are we?" she muttered to him, quietly.
"Nope," all three Kwamis said at once.
"Come in, come in!" called Master Fu, warmly. "I'm just pouring the tea now. Excellent work by all of you, as always!"
Marinette and Adrien sat down at the table, their hands clasping each other's under the tablecloth. Tikki perched on Marinette's shoulder, almost daring Feliss to come close to HER host; the tiger Kwami shrugged, then plopped down on the opposite edge of the table by Master Fu. Plagg circled around aimlessly, and Wayzz settled in to his right.
"This is quite the gathering, is it not?" the Guardian began. "Four Kwamis and three Miraculous hosts together! I cannot remember the last time we had so many active in one place. I do not usually do, how would you put it, 'debriefings'... but since this has been such a chaotic affair, and we are blessed with this much pleasant company, let us enjoy it while we can! I feel like we have a great deal to talk about."
"That's probably quite the understatement," grinned Adrien. "Most of it positive, I hope."
"Certainly, it is mostly good tidings," Master Fu agreed. "To start with, while it was a bumpy ride to get there, the Akuma was purified and Tikki's energies have been restored. Wayzz sensed the combination of your energies from here, and that you then disengaged successfully. Further confirmation of your victory is behind me, which may make you feel a little better..."
He gestured to a shelf behind him, on which Marinette and Adrien saw his runed container, restored via Miraculous Ladybug's magic. "Thank goodness! I felt so bad about breaking that," said a relieved Marinette.
"It is a good last resort to have in reserve... but I do hope that we will not be without Ladybug's abilities often," he smiled. "Tikki being targeted at the beginning was merely bad luck this time, but it was nearly a terrible catastrophe! You are very conscientious regarding your secret identity, Marinette, which helps avoid that situation..."
"She WAS," grumbled Tikki, which got a glare from Master Fu and made Marinette cringe a little.
Undaunted, the old man continued. "But to some degree, from what you have told me, BOTH of your identities were potentially compromised by Psiphon's probes. Defeating her should have erased that, but memories are tricky things, and sometimes wisps and fragments persist, even stolen ones. I will need both of you to be vigilant for a while and make sure that all seems normal in your everyday lives."
Marinette spoke up. "The one remaining wisp Abby mentioned was her drawing of Adrien and myself... and she let me have that, and I'm keeping it in my room. It doesn't show Chat Noir or Ladybug in any way, so it shouldn't raise suspicion in and of itself."
"Good. I will circle back to Abby in a moment," he noted. "Since Tikki was kind enough to raise the issue just now... let us speak of you and Adrien, as I want everyone on the same page as to how things have... changed between you."
Marinette gulped audibly, but she kept hold of Adrien's hand, and brought it above the tablecloth. "They certainly have," she said, firmly. "Chat Noir and I had our... romantic encounter that I came to talk to you about... and after you and I talked, it all came together unexpectedly. The picture Abby drew made me realize Chat Noir's secret identity, and then when Tikki and Feliss were arguing about me earlier, what they each said made Adrien realize mine. Or at least bring him so close to it that I felt like I had to tell him."
"We most certainly did not! Nothing Feliss or I said should have given... anything..." As she spoke, Tikki replayed the argument in her head... then clapped her hands over her mouth. "AAAAGH! HOW did I let that slip out?" She looked at Feliss with weary eyes. "You are the one thing that makes me this crazy, you know that?" she sighed.
Feliss chuckled, "You were crazy long before I came along, Tikki. But I get dinged on that, too, because I know what I said back to you."
"What's said is said," calmed the Guardian, "and no harm was done. As I had said, Marinette came to me the moment she felt their identities were endangered, and we talked it over... and I made a judgment call. The bonds between our young friends had matured enough to be revealable."
"I can't say that I'm in full agreement, Master," protested Tikki. "Though I did listen to their conversation on the way to Abby's loft, and... I did soften my view, just a bit." She turned to the teenagers and added, "I don't want to sound like I don't trust either of you. I do, completely! But information that's known can sometimes slip out, like I slipped earlier today. You're both going to have to be extremely careful now! I wish it hadn't happened, in a lot of ways... but from what I heard you two say, you are handling it the right way."
"In some ways, it'll actually help us keep our identities secure from everyone else," pointed out Adrien. "We can cover for each other, particularly when we're in school and an Akuma attacks, and we both have to get away."
"And I have to say that knowing that secret explains SO MUCH," giggled Marinette, which got a laugh from Adrien as well.
"I know, right?" Adrien said. "Life will be so much easier, now that I know the two girls I have feelings for are actually one!"
"And YOU can finally relax a little, Tikki, since I won't be spending half my waking hours worrying over how to win Adrien's heart," smiled Marinette. She laughed at the look of wonder that appeared on Adrien's face, and chided him, "Oh, you KNOW that I was."
"I know NOW," replied Adrien. "I wish I had then!"
"We are all aware now, regarding that?" Master Fu asked, sipping his tea. "Adrien and Marinette know about Ladybug and Chat Noir, the secrets will remain hidden beyond that, and an old man gets to watch young love blossom once again, yes?" Getting general assent, and greatly amused at how red his statement made Marinette, he moved on.
"Let us now discuss Abby, our not-so-fearless artist friend," the old man continued. "Ordinarily, freeing an Akuma from a victim is the end of it, apart from comforting them as appropriate. But when an Akuma plays with memories, and a victim retains even a fraction of them afterwards, this is an unusual circumstance."
"If nothing else, it seems unusual that the Akumatized person isn't someone that Marinette or I knew already," mused Adrien.
"I know! I was beginning to get a complex about that," Marinette burst out. "There ARE unhappy people in Paris outside of our friends and family, right?"
"I... have wondered about that, myself," answered Master Fu. "It could be that the Moth's energies are drawn, unconsciously or not, to those who are near other Miraculouses. Or it is possible that there is another factor at work here." He frowned, unwilling to bring up the subject of Gabriel Agreste just yet; there would be a better time and place for that. "But Abby is not someone well-known to either of you, whom you could keep an eye on easily. How do you think we should proceed?"
"There is one more complication, Master Fu," Adrien piped up. "When she saw Tigresse and Chat Noir together, then looked at the drawing she'd made of Marinette and I..." He gulped, audibly. "...She figured our identities out. She didn't mean to."
"Oh?" This caught Master Fu off guard. "Thank you for telling me that! That changes things considerably."
"It only just happened. She knows my name, from being a public figure; she doesn't know Marinette's yet." Adrien frowned, coming to another realization. "And we have one MORE complication! At one point in our last fight, Hawkmoth was controlling Psiphon directly... and she hit me with one of her mind rays. I'm hoping he was too busy to pay attention to anything that leaked out from it, and that Miraculous Ladybug wiped that out..."
"But that was after you and Marinette had your realizations. I don't like that one bit," muttered the Guardian. "I suspect that you're right, and that your identities slipped right under his nose, unnoticed... but everything I said before about being careful in your everyday lives from now on? That goes triple now."
"This is part of what I was worried about," Tikki added. "Like you said, it can't be helped now... but it's still dangerous information to know."
"And now someone outside our circle also knows." Master Fu scratched his head. "Tell me about Abby, Marinette. What should I know about her?"
Marinette gathered her thoughts, knowing that much of her new friend's future might depend on what she said now about her. "She's such a gentle soul at heart," she began. "She reminds me a bit of my friend Rose, if Rose was ten years older; a born romantic, a little flighty, a lot emotional. She seems very sweet. She was as concerned about me as I was about her, when we spent time together as Tigresse and Abby. She has a ton of artistic talent, but life hasn't been altogether kind to her... and neither was Hawkmoth."
She laughed to herself, remembering how it was PSIPHON, not Abby, who first built Fort Fluffington. "She was NOT cut out for villainy; her heart just wasn't in it. Which was really good, because with her powers and her creativity, she probably should have wiped the floor with us... I mean, the Akuma made her wicked and villainous on the surface, but it didn't take much for a 'Please don't make me do this, please don't hurt me' Abby to peek out from underneath. I don't know that I've ever seen a transformed victim be reluctant like that!"
"Of course, we've never thrown a savage tiger girl at one before, either," smiled Adrien.
"Interesting," mused the old man. He nodded for Marinette to continue.
"She and I hit it off almost instantly," smiled Marinette. "Psiphon might not have been fond of Tigresse, but Abby sure was! She said she'd love to see me again after all of this is settled. I told her I couldn't promise that, but if I could find a way, I would. Even just as friend-to-friend, artist-to-artist, I feel like I could learn a lot from her. But now I'm not sure what I should do... she knows Tigresse's real face. I don't know if she made the connection between Scarlet Tiger and Ladybug or not, or if she even remembers seeing Scarlet Tiger! It's a small risk, but she could end up knowing Ladybug's real name AND face."
"A small risk, but a tangible one," agreed Master Fu. "Adrien, your thoughts?"
"I only got to meet her as Abby for a few minutes," Adrien replied. "I agree with Marinette that I liked her instantly, but I really don't know her very well. Since she now knows who Chat Noir is behind the mask... does that mean I should try to get closer to keep watch over her, or to stay away from her?"
"A good question," Master Fu said. "Feliss... what did you make of Abby? You're the other one who's spent any time in her presence, at least while looking through Tigresse's eyes."
"It's funny that Marinette said that Abby reminded her of Rose, because Abby reminded ME of Marinette, to some degree," smiled Feliss. "At least what Marinette was like when we first met, before I could work my magic over her..." Feliss caught sight of Tikki's face contorting at that last part, grinned, and kept going. "Sweet, gentle and caring, I agree. A tad unsure of herself, but doing the best she can with what life's given her. Of course, we met her at a low point in her life; she may be much more confident in better times, and without an Akuma warping her brain. And ANYTHING would be more confident than she was as Psiphon."
"I wonder why?" quipped Plagg, wryly. "SOMEONE made scaring the living crap out of Psiphon a full-time job."
"It worked, didn't it?" smirked Feliss. "I had her beaten before Tigresse even laid a finger on her, so that Tigresse didn't have to lay a claw on her." She turned to Master Fu with a wicked grin. "Maybe I should spend some time with Abby, one-on-one... see what I can make out of her."
"There is a word that comes to mind. The word is 'aneurysm,'" laughed Master Fu. "I have a feeling that you would have her crawling out of her skin to get away, Feliss. And yet... like it or not... we still find Abby within our circle of trust now, and we must treat her accordingly and with respect. We cannot un-ring that particular identity bell." He rubbed his chin, absently. "So what are we to do with her?"
Abruptly, he grinned. "I have an idea," he said. "I will need your help and your judgment, Marinette, and I think you might enjoy this."
He explained, briefly, what he had in mind. Tikki's eyes widened with mild surprise, and Marinette's with excitement...
"And that leaves us with one other elephant in the room. Or rather, tigress in the room," Master Fu ventured. "We have one host with two Kwamis, which is not unprecedented... except that these two cannot stand each other's presence."
Tikki and Feliss stared at each other, then both turned away in a huff. "For a short time, I can handle it. Indefinitely? Not a chance," Tikki snapped.
"I'm more annoyed by her than offended... but the feeling is mutual," replied Feliss. "Which leaves us at an impasse. And while I have enjoyed my time with you, Marinette, and I know that I've been a good influence on you..."
"Hmmph!" snorted Tikki, derisively.
"...there is the simple fact that with a corrupt Moth Miraculous out there, this world dearly needs a Ladybug. And I can't provide that," Feliss said, in a resigned voice. "I understand that completely... which means that my options are very limited."
Marinette leaned down next to Feliss. "I'll be totally honest here, Feliss... you haven't been in my life for long, but you have made a very big difference in it." She smiled up at Adrien and reached out for his hand, which he extended to her. "Right here is proof of that, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me find the courage to make it happen."
"It was my pleasure... and now yours and his, as well," said Feliss. "...But?"
"...But, yes, I do have that responsibility to be Ladybug," continued Marinette, with downcast eyes. "I don't know what to do."
"What you must," Feliss answered, leaning forward and rubbing her head against Marinette's, gently. "I'm fine with that, I promise." She turned and asked, "Adrien? Are you up for a second cat around the house?"
Adrien looked at Feliss... then at Plagg, behind her, who was shaking his head side-to-side with his jaw hanging down. "I don't... know if..." he stammered.
"I know you're back there, Plagg," smiled Feliss, without turning. "I groom someone just ONCE while he's sleeping..."
"It goes a little deeper than that, but yeah, that was on my list," Plagg replied. "Sorry!"
"And I'm not even going to ask Wayzz," she continued, "because I can see him sweating from here."
"Kwamis can sweat?" asked Adrien, looking surprised.
"When properly motivated," muttered Wayzz, looking a lighter green than usual.
Feliss sighed. "That settles it, then. It's not like I haven't slept for a few decades before..."
Master Fu leaned over and picked her up, and she turned to face him. "Not quite yet, little tiger. Let me ponder this a little longer," he consoled her. "It would not be much of a reward for a job well done."
"Is there something you'd like to do in the meantime, Feliss?" Marinette asked. "Anywhere I can take you, or anything I can bring you?"
"For now? Transform with me, one more time, please," asked Feliss.
"Sure. Feliss, BURN BRIGHT!" Marinette called out.
Once transformed, Tigresse listened to her inner voice, then said, "We'll be back shortly, okay?" to those present. "Tikki, you may want to stay here."
"I will, thanks," Tikki replied, happy that Feliss was leaving but not with whom. "Please be careful!"
Tigresse gave Adrien a quick peck on the cheek, told him "Love you" with a big smile, then darted out the back door.
Adrien closed his eyes and smiled, touching his cheek. That's something I'll never get tired of, he thought. Those still tingle. He turned to Tikki, who gave him a look he couldn't quite place.
"I have to admit, Tikki... this feels a little strange. We're only just now meeting face-to-face, but I feel like we've known each other intimately for months," he began. "And it's hard to shake the notion that you still don't approve of us meeting in person."
He saw Master Fu cock an ear in their direction, but remain in the background, content to merely observe for now.
"It is a little strange, yes," answered Tikki. "And I'm sure you know that I approve completely of you, and of what you do as Chat Noir; Ladybug couldn't possibly ask for a better partner! But it's also pretty jarring when I'm away for a few days, and when I come back, everything I've tried to balance about your identities and how they interact got thrown right out the window, because SOMEONE felt like interfering."
Adrien frowned. "Tikki... I don't want to overstep, or make a bad first one-on-one impression... but I really don't think that's fair of you to say. If we're going to work together more closely... and, obviously, now we are... we need to be honest with each other. Can I tell you why I think that?"
Tikki started to say something... then closed her mouth, and nodded for him to continue.
Tigresse closed the back door to Master Fu's, then thought, How should we begin? What do you want to do first, Feliss?
Run. Just run with me, Feliss thought back. I don't care where. I just want to feel the ground under your feet and the wind in your hair right now, while I still can.
Done, Tigresse smiled, and leapt off in the direction of a nearby park. Let's explore a little nature and talk things out.
She let her imagination go and her inner cat out, so to speak; darting through bushes, romping down paths, enjoying the startled expressions on the faces of birds and squirrels she encountered. I'll admit, this is fun, Tigresse thought; as Ladybug, it's very rare that I get a chance to just go out and play. To just... be.
You should do that more often, child, thought Feliss. If I have any wisdom to pass on to you at all, it's that being Ladybug is important, but being Marinette is just as important. In many ways, far more so.
As she ran, Tigresse heard a chuckle from Feliss inside her head. I thank you for indulging me in this, by the way. You're not afraid that the big bad tiger's going to seize your mind and body and run wild?
Should I be? answered Tigresse, thoughtfully. To be honest, I don't think so. We've had our differences, but I've learned some things about you, Feliss; you don't ask forgiveness OR permission, but you do what you do for good reasons. The more I think back, I feel more guided than controlled or shoved, if you know what I mean. I'm not afraid of you the way I once was.
She added, with an internal giggle, Not that I'm not still watching you, though... turning your back on a tiger is rarely a good idea. Even if it's a friendly tiger.
Feliss laughed. Smart girl... but I knew that about you from the beginning.
Tigresse crouched down, watching a sparrow on a nearby tree limb. I bet we can catch that bird in one leap, she thought, and prepared to pounce.
Don't forget the butt-wiggle. Every cat knows that it's vital to a proper pounce, advised Feliss. If you'd wiggled yours at Adrien more, you might not have needed my help!
Tigresse burst out laughing, loudly, causing the bird to fly away. Maybe I didn't think I had a butt he'd look at, even if I had wiggled it!
Adrien measured his words carefully. This is a millennia-old source of wisdom I'm talking to... but this is important for me to get out, I think.
"Now that I know... what I know about us, and what Marinette has told me... I don't know that I'd agree that Feliss really 'interfered' much at all. And where she did, I'm GLAD she did," he began. "Because she said and did a lot of things, and she certainly guided Marinette down a different path... but she never lied to either of us."
"Are you suggesting that I did?" asked Tikki, guardedly.
"No! That's not what I mean at all," Adrien backpedaled. "But there were truths that were hidden, important truths, that might have stayed buried much longer without her encouragement. She didn't change how Marinette felt about me, for instance, but she definitely helped Marinette open my eyes about that, and I needed that badly! Marinette's been a very good friend to me since the second day we met, one of the first real friends I've had. But there was always something... awkward beneath the surface there, something I just couldn't figure out, and that bothered me a lot. I was hurting her, and I didn't understand how, and that hurt me, too."
Adrien took a breath. "And it made me think harder about my huge crush on Ladybug... which I'm amazed that you never told her about!"
"That was never my secret to tell," Tikki insisted. "You told Ladybug yourself, as Chat Noir, and she did the right thing then on her own."
"She did," agreed Adrien, "but she did that working from the best information she had then, and that was badly incomplete. I didn't expect her to yell 'Spots off!' and fall into my arms that night as herself, Tikki, but once you knew that Chat Noir was sincere about her... you knew that Adrien was sincere about her, too."
"That you were sincere about Ladybug... I didn't know if you were about Marinette," said Tikki.
"But is there a real difference? I'm not sure that there is," persisted Adrien. "Ladybug is Marinette, just behind a mask, acting with more confidence and passion. I know that now! I know that the girl I fell for was right in front of me all along, and I couldn't see that somehow! All the things that Ladybug did that won me over... I can look back at them now and see Marinette's personality in every one of them, now that I don't have spots in my eyes."
He continued, "And I don't know if you encouraged Marinette to act with Ladybug's confidence or not when it came to me, Tikki, or how much you did that... But I know that Feliss absolutely did. She told her, 'He'll be blind about you until you act... so act, already!' And when she did, that really made me rethink how I felt about Marinette in BOTH my identities. Even if Abby hadn't drawn that picture or you and Feliss hadn't said what you did... we were already growing much closer. Feliss didn't shove Marinette and I together; she nudged us to admit to ourselves what both of us were already feeling."
Adrien watched Tikki process what he was saying. "And did that cross some identity boundaries? It did. It made me start to see how Marinette, when she was more confident and forward with Chat Noir, reminded me so much of what I loved about Ladybug. I think it helped Marinette see more of Adrien in Chat. And before we knew it, Chat and Marinette were kissing. But you know what caused that? It wasn't Feliss controlling her or making her do it. I started that. The first time was to break Feliss's rage-state and try to bring Marinette back. That one wasn't all about romance; it had a purpose, and we talked out why it happened and were both fine with it."
"But the romance came very soon after," he continued. "When Marinette found the nerve to tell Chat more about who she was in love with, and I realized that he was really me! And I made sure that she transformed back first, to be completely sure that her reactions would be her own... and then I shared my real feelings, my real self with her, as much as I could, as much as she'd let me then."
"And I still say that shouldn't have happened," said Tikki, slowly. "But I'm running out of reasons to say why it shouldn't have."
Can I ask you something, Feliss? asked Tigresse, delicately. It's kind of personal.
Go ahead, child, the Kwami answered. I wouldn't lie to you.
Plagg and Wayzz are skittish around you, and with what I've learned about you, I can see why, giggled Tigresse. But Tikki seems to go far beyond that; she REALLY doesn't like you. Do you know why that is, and can you tell me?
The initial response was silence.
If it's something very delicate, you don't have to... Tigresse ventured.
It's fine, said Feliss. Long ago... there was an incident. It was a very different time and place, over a thousand years ago. Suffice it to say that someone died who should not have, and Tikki and I both felt much grief over that, and still do. Then someone else died, very soon after... and Tikki and I have been bitterly divided ever since.
Feliss sighed. Was what happened justice? Was it simple, bloody vengeance? Was it murder? Was it justifiable? She and I will argue that until the end of time. Tikki seems to feel that because I acted once in a certain way... that I will always act in that certain way. That I cannot learn from my actions, whether I consider them mistaken or not. And that I am doomed to repeat them with someone about whom she cares deeply.
I... see, Tigresse said. That does explain why some feelings run deep.
Tikki is also highly protective of you, Marinette... and she ought to be! You are a rare gem, added Feliss. You are a perfect fit for Ladybug; gentle and compassionate at heart, but fierce when you need to be. I don't want to turn you into... well, me! There's no such darkness in your soul. But you have needs outside of being Ladybug, and my biggest goal was to help you grow and reach out for those! It bothered me so much that your boy loved Ladybug, but he couldn't see the same greatness in Marinette... and that you were reluctant to smack him in the face with it so that he'd see it.
Tigresse sat down, abruptly, a touch overwhelmed.
Are you all right, child? asked Feliss.
You have a sweet side to you, Feliss, whether you admit it or not, Tigresse thought, smiling inside. You got to me just now.
Not many are allowed to see it, the Kwami grinned. I have a reputation to uphold.
Tikki took her own deep breath. "Understand, Adrien, that I never tried to keep you and Marinette apart. I've seen your feelings for each other up close, and I agree with Master Fu, who is TOTALLY LISTENING IN right now, that you're made for each other."
A chuckle from behind her confirmed Tikki's suspicions, but he said nothing beyond that.
"And now that you know about her true feelings, I can say out loud that she's been pining away for you for a very, very long time. All those pictures of you on her wall weren't just because she's very into fashion," she added, with a little smirk. "But knowing what you know now complicates things so much, and I've been so afraid of that for a long time, too. But I'll admit that not all of the things it changes are necessarily bad."
Tikki weighed many possibilities in her head. "Like, remember the confrontation with Volpina, where she made an illusion of you in danger? Ladybug's feelings for you almost made her give up her Miraculous, Adrien... but if she'd known you were Chat Noir, she'd have seen right through it! And she was already very protective of you as Chat AND as Adrien, so that won't really change much..."
"If you're worried that I'll act differently around Ladybug because I'm in love with her... I already was," Adrien grinned. "Now I just have a better understanding of it."
"And it can't be helped, anyway. You know what you know, and you love who you love. Just... try not to get brainwashed or Akumatized, okay? That's a secret we can't let anyone pluck out of your brain. Psiphon nearly literally drew a picture of that for Hawkmoth," shuddered Tikki.
"We'll be as careful as we can, I promise. I will not let anything happen to Marinette OR to Ladybug... Are we good, Tikki?" asked Adrien.
"We are." Tikki flew over and snuggled up against Adrien, saying, "First time I've gotten to do this... Be good to her, okay? I'll be watching."
"Absolutely," Adrien replied, hugging her back. "If you know me at all, you know I will."
They heard the back door open, and a familiar voice called out, "Wow! I leave for just a little while and he's already hugging another woman!"
Tikki mock-growled in response, "Adrien, our secret's out at last! I kept Marinette away from you so I could have you all for myself!"
Plagg opened his mouth and raised a tiny finger... then turned around. "Nope, nope, nope," was all they heard as he left the room.
"Are you ready for the errand I mentioned, Marinette?" asked Master Fu, to which Tigresse nodded enthusiastically.
"Tikki, are you coming with me for this? I'd like your input, too," she asked, to which Tikki floated back into one of Tigresse's pockets. Tigresse squeezed Adrien's hand and added, "Text me later?"
"Absolutely. We have school tomorrow to plan," he grinned.
With a wave, Tigresse headed out the back door towards her destination.
Abby Christophe sat in her loft, motionless. Her sketchpads and canvas also sat in her loft, motionless. This time, however, many of the sketchpads weren't motionless to mock Abby with their emptiness... because they were full.
Abby wiped her brow, happily, exhausted from her efforts. A knock at her door got her attention, and she answered it... only to find a dark-haired schoolgirl waiting for her.
"Can I help you?" Abby asked, a little confused. "I feel like I know you from... OH! Come in, come in, come in!" she bubbled, pulling Marinette inside and into a hug. "I'm so glad you came to see me!"
"Well, I checked on you with my whiskers on, so I thought I'd check on you without," smiled Marinette. "How have you been doing?"
"Great, actually! My mind has been FULL of ideas. Come and see!" She motioned Marinette into her studio room, where Marinette marveled at the many new sketches scattered all around.
"Wow! Did you draw all these that quickly?" Marinette boggled. "We just brought you home a couple of hours ago!"
"Oh, they're just very rough pencil sketches, putting down ideas. It'll take a lot longer to do any of them justice," Abby replied, "But yes! For some reason, spending time with the cutest cat couple ever gave me tons of inspiration; these are just FLYING out of me! I think I'm set for ideas for months!"
One group was setting up a whimsical series involving a cat cafe, full of domestic cats but operated by a pair of suspiciously familiar feline heroes. There were concept pieces for other animal-themed figures, both heroic and villainous, based on a wide variety of other creatures. (The Platypus made Marinette laugh out loud.) There were a series of profile portraits of Chat Noir, increasingly serious and pensive in expression, and some of Tigresse varying from slinky and sinister to adorably cute.
"These are really good, Abby!" Marinette gushed. "I can see where you're going with a lot of these, and you're giving ME good drawing ideas too!"
"Really? I'd love to see some of your drawings... um..." Abby replied.
"Marinette. My name is Marinette," she smiled, warmly. "I don't mind telling you that now. I'll bring one of my sketchbooks next time! I'd love to get a professional's input on them."
"Calling me a professional is a stretch, honey. I'm just a little older," grinned Abby.
"Seriously, though! I love these, especially the cute ones and this one of Chat. Did you do any of Ladybug?" she asked.
"Not yet! I haven't actually met Ladybug yet, I don't think, though I see her on TV all the time," said Abby. "She must've been there when I was de-Akumatized, but right after that is kind of a blur for me. The first thing I remember after I was freed was Tigresse leaning over me, checking on me."
"Good to know." It really is. "And no drawings of the dark, golden-eyed terror whose claws filled your alter ego with fear?" teased Marinette.
Abby backed away, mock-terrified. "Oh, heck no! I'm not sure my nerves could survive another encounter with that version of you. No offense!" she laughed.
A little voice piped up, "How about with the real thing?"
Abby stood very still. "Who... SAID that?" she asked.
Feliss floated out of Marinette's purse, slowly, so as not to scare her. "Abby, right? My name is Feliss, and I am the spirit that powers Tigresse. I am very pleased to meet you at last, and I apologize for what I may have done to your dreams recently."
Abby stared at Feliss, transfixed with wonder. "You're... real?" she said, quietly, working up the nerve to touch her lightly.
"She is," Marinette confirmed. "Every Miraculous comes with a guiding spirit, and Feliss is the Tiger's."
"I see!" marveled Abby, allowing Feliss to land on her outstretched hand, only trembling a little. "So you're the one who offered to cut off my head, or so I'm told?"
"If it will make you feel better, it wasn't an entirely serious offer," chuckled Feliss. "I wouldn't have any place to keep it if I had it."
"This is why we don't let her do television interviews," deadpanned Marinette.
"You are... I've never seen anything like you!" Abby said, viewing Feliss from several angles. "Is it okay if I use you in my drawings, Feliss? I can see... yes, that's a possibility... you could work in this one..."
"Perhaps with some minor alterations. There are certain people who know what we spirits are, and you wouldn't want them knocking on your door, asking how you know about them," Feliss explained. "Other than that, I would be honored!"
"Oh! Speaking of that, I had one other strange visitor today!" said Abby, abruptly. "I don't know if she's related to your... benefactor or not, but a woman came here asking about my art and if I had projects related to Ladybug or Chat Noir! It struck me odd, like... how would she have had any idea about that?"
"REALLY... could you describe her?" asked Marinette, coming to full attention.
"Thin, professional looking. Short hair, one lock hanging down. Glasses. Pretty normal-looking, really. She said she worked for someone who collected that kind of thing. She gave me the creeps, a little bit, so I told her I didn't have anything like that at the moment; she said 'thank you' and left quietly."
Feliss floated over to comment on one of the more complete drawings, and Abby followed her. Very quietly, Marinette tapped at one of her pockets. "What do you think?" she whispered.
"She gets my vote," Tikki whispered back. "She gives me a really good feeling, she's not a liability for Ladybug, and she knows creeps when she sees them."
"All right, then..." Marinette whispered, then stepped back to a nearby desk and fiddled with something behind her back for a moment. Returning to where she had been in the room, she called out, "Hey, Feliss? We do have to get going... Abby, I'm so glad things are going better for you now! Is there anything I can do for you?"
"Just bring your sketchbook next time," Abby grinned. "I'd love to see what you've drawn, and maybe we can go out and work on something together! You will come back and see me, right?"
"Oh, I think we'll be seeing a lot more of each other," giggled Marinette, as she and Feliss gave out goodbye hugs.
Marinette waltzed through the front door of her parents' bakery, catching the attention of her mother, who was tidying up one of the displays.
"Hi, dear!" Sabine called to her. "Is everything all right? We saw the Akuma alert on the news, and we were a little worried when you were late coming home from school."
"Everything in this world is PERFECT," beamed Marinette, her eyes joining her feet in dancing with joy.
"Uh-oh," her mother grinned. "Can I take a guess?"
"I HAVE MY ADRIEN!" squealed Marinette, unable to hold it in any longer. "I'm his girlfriend now! For real!"
"That is WONDERFUL, Marinette!" Sabine looked delighted for her. "I kind of had a hunch after the other day that it was about to happen, but I didn't want to jinx it!"
"I didn't mean to make you worry, but I think you can understand why I was occupied," she grinned.
"Listen, dinner should be coming out of the oven in about thirty minutes. I don't think an army could keep you from telling us what happened, so give us the story then, okay? I know your father'll want to hear all about it," her mother added. "Except maybe the kissing parts. We'll keep those between us."
"Will do," Marinette smiled, and headed upstairs to get ready.
"So! My daughter's finally landed her fish, hmmm?" boomed Tom, as his daughter came into the dining room. "Congratulations, honey!"
"Thank you, Dad!" Marinette gave him a quick hug. "Not just a fish, but the white whale himself! I caught my Adrien."
"Well! I'm really going to have to up my game now, I suppose, now that we'll have a handsome celebrity in our midst..."
Sabine chuckled, "Celebrity might be going a little far. People know his face, but he's not Jagged Stone or someone like that."
"Jagged was my second choice," Marinette deadpanned, then broke out in giggles at her father's reaction. "No, Adrien is super down-to-earth. His family may have money and name recognition, but that doesn't affect him one bit. We joke that he's learning to be normal, not showing off."
"Have you met his parents yet, dear?" asked Sabine.
"...Kind of? Not since we made it official, since that just happened. I've met Mr. Agreste briefly a couple of times; he seemed... busy, a private kind of guy, but pretty decent. His mother has been, well, missing for a while; Adrien doesn't talk much about it."
"Missing?" wondered Tom.
"I don't know all about it yet, myself," Marinette explained. "Adrien's said that his father became very distant once whatever happened, happened... they haven't quite been the same since, but they're doing the best they can."
"Hmmmph! That's a real shame," her father replied. "We'd love to get to know Adrien better sometime, if you'd like that."
"Sure!" said Marinette, brightly. "He's been here a few times; once when we were practicing for that gaming tournament, and he comes to the store sometimes..." And occasionally visits in a cat mask up on my balcony... "I'm sure you'd really like him! Probably a father's dream for his little girl; clean-cut, polite, sensitive. No tattoos, no motorcycle, no goatee, no piercings, no weird haircut you'd have to explain to the neighbors."
"And he's cute, too," Sabine added.
"So far beyond cute that it's not even funny," breathed Marinette, making her mother laugh.
"How about dinner some night? See if he'd like to come over, let us know what he'd like to eat, and we'll do the rest," Sabine smiled. "We promise to behave. Or at least I will, and I'll glare at your father if he doesn't."
"I will run that by him," Marinette replied. "You'll be the first to know."
As she reentered her room after dinner, Marinette watched as Tikki and Feliss wordlessly divided the space in two, with an invisible line neither would cross.
"You two will survive the night, right?" asked Marinette. "I'm not going to wake up and find little red or purple bits on the floor?"
"I'm willing to be civilized," Tikki conceded, and Feliss nodded her agreement.
"Remember that you both agreed to that! If I wake up to a Kwami slapfight in the middle of the night, we will have words. It's a school night," Marinette grinned as she pulled out her phone, waiting for Adrien's promised text messages.
She didn't have very long to wait.
[Adrien] You know, tonight is going to be a very new experience for me.
[Marinette] And why is that?
[Adrien] I've never gone to sleep knowing I have a girlfriend before.
[Marinette] You just gave me ALL the shivers, Mister.
[Marinette] Say it again for me?
[Adrien] That you're my girlfriend? :)
[Marinette] Even better! /3
[Marinette] "A girlfriend" could've been someone you met on the way home.
[Adrien] You know so much better than that, I hope.
[Marinette] I do! I just love reading it. Still think I might be dreaming.
[Adrien] I could come curl up and check tonight, if you want? Listen for three knocks and a meow at your balcony.
[Marinette] Do NOT give me these ideas!
[Adrien] Or I could leave my window open and see who comes through it...
[Marinette] DO NOT give me these ideas! I still have a delightfully bad influence here who might help!
[Adrien] Oh, they're both still with you?
[Marinette] They are. Think I have a solution, if you-know-who approves.
[Marinette] Will run it by him tomorrow.
[Adrien] Speaking of tomorrow... how may I show you off at school?
[Adrien] I think we're going to blow some minds.
[Marinette] You have NO IDEA, honey. The girls will go nuts!
[Marinette] Remember the giant baby incident?
[Marinette] FIVE of my friends were helping me try to romance you that day.
[Adrien] ! ! !
[Marinette] So yeah, we don't have to do anything crazy to get their attention. We'll so have it.
[Adrien] I'll meet you in the morning, then, and we'll play it by ear from there?
[Marinette] Perfect! It's a date.
[Adrien] My window's still open, by the way.
[Marinette] Sweet dreams, Kitty. :x
[Adrien] One's talking to me now. :x
Marinette rolled over on her back, her eyes closed, with a smile on her face that could've melted a glacier.
Tikki floated over, a little tentatively. "I do need to congratulate you, Marinette, and I mean that. I know just how much you've wanted this! I talked with Adrien while you two were out, and he's just as happy that it happened."
Marinette's eyes opened. "You know, that just occurred to me! You've spent months and months next to him, or listening to me babble on about him endlessly, but you were always either transformed or hidden away and never got to talk to him!"
"He said the same thing, how funny it felt to finally meet me," confirmed Tikki. "He's a sweetheart, but I kind of think you knew that already."
"A fine young man," noted Feliss, who was not about to be left out of this conversation. "And a very good kisser. But I think you knew THAT already."
"I don't have anyone else's to compare his kisses to... but I know what I like," grinned Marinette.
"How are you going to fill your spare time now, Marinette, now that it won't be full of plotting how to win Adrien's heart?" Tikki asked, a little teasingly.
Feliss raised an eyebrow suggestively. "They'll think of... something," she leered.
Marinette giggled, while Tikki rolled her eyes. "They're FOURTEEN, Feliss!" she lectured.
"I know, I know, these are different times," the tigress conceded. "You should have seen her face when we first talked about him, when I asked why Ladybug hadn't consummated things with Chat Noir, then why Marinette wasn't married yet... She looked like she'd just eaten a live toad both times."
Even Tikki laughed hard at that.
"It's actually been refreshing to watch such innocence in action," added Feliss. "They're both so charming that way. Though when she had her eyes shut tight that one night, that took even MY breath away... such a real testament to both their willpower."
Tikki raised a curious eyebrow. "Marinette, just what did I miss while I was out cold?"
Feliss grinned, watching Marinette's face. "You are meant for Tikki, Marinette! You're matching her skin tone now."
Alya and Nino stood out on the front steps of their school, chatting with their friends before classes started.
"I wonder where Marinette is? She's usually here by now, at least," wondered Alya. "I mean, running late wouldn't be new for her, but she's been better about that lately..."
"That's one good thing about living that close," Nino replied. "If you get held up by things or lose track of time, it's easy to sprint for it."
"Yeah," she agreed. "Yesterday was a pretty big day for her, and I didn't hear from her last night. I wonder if she-"
"HEY." A brash voice disrupted Alya's thought process. "When your FRIEND shows up," Chloé brayed, laying as much contempt as she could on the word friend, "tell her to watch herself today. Especially her hands."
"Ex-CUSE me?" said Alya, turning towards the aspiring diva. "What are you talking about, Chloé?"
"YOU saw her," the blonde snapped. "She got all touchy with my Adriekins yesterday! You saw how uncomfortable she made him."
"Uncomfortable?" said Nino. "If that was uncomfortable, he must've been itching like crazy later, when he -"
"Ah-ah!" Alya interjected, jumping in to cut Nino off. "That's on a need-to-know basis for now, honey. We're not jinxing anything."
"When he WHAT?" Chloé insisted. "Nino, when he WHAT?"
She rolled her eyes when Nino mimed zipping his lips shut. "FINE. I'll ask him myself! His car's coming up right now."
They watched as the car slowed down, approaching the school steps... but kept going, instead of stopping.
"Where is he going? He must've forgotten something, or..." Chloé's voice trailed off as the car pulled up outside the Dupain-Cheng Boulangerie, and she saw Adrien hop out quickly and enter the building. "Huh! He must be getting some... pastries, or something..."
"Or something," smirked Alya. She reached for her phone, watching Adrien's car pull away.
Adrien entered the bakery to a warm smile from Sabine. "Can I help you with something, young man?" she grinned.
"Actually, I think you can, Mrs. Cheng!" he answered, with a huge grin of his own. "I wanted to come by and pick up the sweetest thing you have today, something that'll make the school day just fly by. What could you recommend?"
"I think I have just the thing you're looking for. I'll be right back." Sabine strolled over to the staircase leading to their house, and called up, "Marinette? You've been special-ordered!"
Her daughter came downstairs, barely touching the ground. "Hi," she breathed, as she approached Adrien. They both started to lean forward for a quick kiss, then stopped themselves, conscious of Sabine's presence.
Sabine pretended to be absorbed in organizing some cash register receipts... but without looking up, she smirked, "If you DON'T, I'll be so disappointed."
A few giggles and a quick peck later, the pair were about to leave for school when Marinette's phone buzzed.
[Alya] Hey, be ready! Chloé is in rare form this morning. Something about your touchy hands and her "Adriekins."
She showed it to Adrien, who laughed and pulled out his own phone to text Alya back...
[Adrien] If you see Ladybug or Chat Noir around, have them stand by. Chloé might be about to be Akumatized.
He turned to Marinette and extended his bent arm to her, inviting her to loop hers through it. "Shall we, my lady?" he asked.
"I thought you'd never ask," she said, melting onto him.
As they went through the door, Sabine chuckled to herself. For a long while there, she really DID think you'd never ask!
Alya read Adrien's text message and had to muffle a HUGE laugh, making Chloé stare at her and try to eavesdrop on what she'd received.
"What is it, Alya?" asked Juleka, who was standing nearby.
"Folks... I think it's showtime," Alya cackled. Juleka looked at where Alya's attention was and let out a little gasp, then pulled at Rose's sleeve to get her attention. Gradually, more heads began to turn in that direction.
Sabrina's phone buzzed, unexpectedly.
[Alya] You might want to hide right about now.
[Sabrina] Huh? Why?
[Alya] Trust me. You'll thank me later.
The students watched the bakery door open again... then watched Marinette and Adrien stroll out, arm-in-arm, perfectly content in their closeness and familiarity.
Chloé blinked two, three, four times. Her brain failed to register a tiny "Eep!" sound behind her, or notice some quiet footsteps creeping away. "WHAT is he... She wouldn't dare... He wouldn't... They..." she sputtered to no one in particular, trying to find a rational basis for what she was seeing.
The happy couple walked up the steps and towards the front door, greeting everyone they saw pleasantly, not making a big deal out of themselves. As they got to the front door, Adrien leaned over and pecked Marinette on the cheek, affectionately.
Marinette heard Rose gasp, and imagined streams of little hearts shooting out of both of Rose's ears. A less pleasant sound was an angry voice, calling out "THAT'S JUST SO WRONG!"
Adrien turned towards Chloé with a little shrug, only for Marinette to grab hold of his shoulder and turn him around to face her instead. "Actually? She's right about that," she said.
"She is?" said Adrien, confused.
"Yeah! I know we can do a whole lot better than that," she grinned... and while he knew they weren't really there, just before Marinette leaned into him with a soft and searching kiss, a moment before a screeching noise behind him went up three octaves...
...he could have SWORN he saw a pair of golden glints in Marinette's blue eyes.
The students settled into the classroom, buzzing loudly amongst themselves. Alya looked like the cat that'd caught the canary, Rose nearly needed to be tied down to her chair, and Marinette got a chuckle from hearing Sabrina saying "What? You were looking for me out there? I thought you were right behind me when I came in!" to an apoplectic Chloé.
To the mild astonishment of several of their classmates, Marinette and Adrien managed to behave in class. Their newfound bond didn't escape the notice of Ms. Bustier, who thought to herself Well, THAT didn't take long after all!, but she didn't have to say a single word to them.
The only moment of interest during class was when Chloé walked to the back of the classroom at one point, and let her fingertips trail along the back of Kim's arm as she walked by him. The word "...Nope!" from Kim and some giggles from nearby witnesses were all she got back from that.
After school, Marinette and Adrien waited outside for a little while to talk with everyone, accept congratulations and explain as much as they could of how "they" finally happened.
Adrien saw his car pull up and squeezed Marinette's hand, softly. "I have the usual practice and things to go do... I'll call you later?"
"I'm counting on it," she grinned. "I have a little errand to run, myself."
She gave him a peck on the cheek, waved as his car pulled away, then started walking in the direction of Master Fu's.
"Greetings, Marinette!" the old man greeted her, warmly. "Did your other visit go as planned?"
"It did," Marinette replied. "I think we ought to be hearing back about that very soon. I confirmed that she doesn't associate me with Ladybug, and delivered your gift. Somehow I have a feeling she'll make good use of it."
Tikki floated out and added, "There WAS one complication... but Abby handled it quite well. I think she's an excellent choice."
"Hm?" Master Fu asked. "Explain, please?"
Marinette told of the mysterious visitor that Abby had received, inquiring about artwork of Ladybug and Chat Noir that she shouldn't have known about. "I'm 95% sure that it was Nathalie, who's the right-hand woman of Adrien's father," she explained. "From Abby's description alone, I'm positive. We suspected him once before, so either he's adding to his art collection based on the Guardians' book he has..."
"...Or we may have the confirmation we did not want to get," Master Fu finished her sentence. "Have you told Adrien?"
"Not yet. I wanted to do it in private, in person, where I know we won't be overheard."
"Good. Be cautious with this, Marinette," he mused. "We are STILL not certain of this. I would not accuse him lightly, and I would also not want your newfound bliss to be disturbed! Have Adrien keep an eye out for anything strange, but do not have him take action yet. If nothing else, Hawkmoth is not making any unusual moves at the moment... beyond Akumas, anyway... so I am content to observe for now."
"Understood," agreed Marinette.
"I understand that you have something to return to me, as well?" asked Master Fu.
"I do," Marinette said, taking her tiger necklace off but holding it in her hand. Feliss floated out of Marinette's belongings and hovered between the two humans.
"Feliss?" Marinette told her, with a warm smile. "You have changed my life; I want you to know that. MOSTLY for the better, I think," she giggled. "I want to thank you for everything you've done for me."
"It was my honor, child," the tigress grinned. "I've rarely known a spirit as pure as yours, yet hiding such fire within! This world needs its Ladybug and you are perfect for it." She paused before adding, "My slumbers have lasted anywhere from decades to centuries, Marinette. When I am next called upon, you may be an old woman, or you may be long gone from this world... but I truly hope that our paths will cross again."
Marinette's face had a curious expression on it, one that Feliss couldn't read at first glance. "What if..." she asked, "instead of centuries, it was more like a week?"
Three heads turned rapidly towards hers - two Kwamis' and one Guardian's. "What are you suggesting, Marinette?" asked Master Fu, intrigued.
"I was thinking about this last night, Master... Abby doesn't know I'm Ladybug. She DOES know I'm La Tigresse! So if I'm going to be a continued presence in her life... which yesterday and today made pretty sure of... it would be awfully strange to her if her fuzzy buddy simply disappeared, wouldn't it? Especially if she could use a little guidance with something new in her life! Chat can help, too... but Tigresse is the one she knows best."
She turned back towards Feliss, whose eyes were alight with surprise and interest. "So, I do understand that Master Fu wants Miraculouses locked down when they're not in use, so I can't just KEEP you... and if I did, I think Tikki would throttle me," Marinette smiled. "But that doesn't mean you can't get a weekend pass out of the box when I need you, and I think that I will."
"Your logic seems sound to me. Feliss, are you amenable to this?" asked Master Fu.
"I would like nothing more," Feliss replied, stunned but unimaginably happy. "I am humbled, my child. I thank you!"
"Plus," Marinette giggled, wondering Why am I saying this out loud?, "if I try to use LADYBUG's powers to sneak through Adrien's window late at night, Tikki will give me an earful..."
"...but Feliss will cheer you on and probably want to watch," sighed Tikki. "Somehow I should have seen that coming."
Master Fu looked confused. "But why would you need access to his room? When you two feel frisky, my begonias are right there, out back."
Marinette grinned, good-naturedly, as laughter filled the room. Never going to live that one down. Never.
In her loft, Abby Christophe finished her lunch and prepared to return to her painting-in-progress. She had some ideas for the third one in her cat cafe series, which would really bring up its appeal and add some needed color to the bottom portion. If she...
She stared at the desk at the far end of her studio room and saw something on it that she didn't recognize. Where did that come from?
Abby walked over and looked at it, then picked it up. It was a small box, black in color with golden runes on it, roughly hexagonal.
Maybe this was something of Marinette's! she thought. She and that other woman were the only ones who've been here since... everything, and I don't remember the woman walking over there.
There was a note next to the box. A phone number was on it, along with a cursive "M." That answers that, and now I can contact her and let her know it's here. I wonder what it is?
Abby opened the box...
...and a rush of light made her back away from it, panicking. OH, NO, NOT AGAIN! she thought. But, wait... THAT light wasn't a butterfly, was it?
She saw a tiny figure floating amidst the bright light... one with long ears... and a small voice spoke to her:
"This world is full of enemies, Abby Christophe... dangers that may seek you out. But first, they must catch you. Be swift and cunning and full of tricks, and your life may be blessed as never before."
With wonder in her eyes, Abby reached out. "Am I dreaming," she said aloud, "...or am I speaking with a tiny, floating... rabbit?"
(for now, perhaps!)
Thank you for reading.
First off, I have to say this; this story was never supposed to go this long. For the obvious reason that it will be invalidated the moment that the Tiger Miraculous comes out of the box on the real show, I had anticipated this being a short multi-parter, maybe four parts, 25000 words or so, and done. My readers' reactions to Feliss and to the twists and turns inspired me to take it further and even leave the door wide open for more, so I thank you all sincerely... you made this happen, not me.
That said, this was a LOT of fun to write. For one, it's as steamy as I've had Our Heroes get so far, and while I still do not intend to put Aged-Up Miraculous Smut on my resume, what I came up with felt... right this time. They may be taking things only so far, but their youthful hormones are there, and we'll draw a little respectful curtain around THAT.
I'm not the biggest believer in focusing on OCs, but Abby really took on a life of her own. As Psiphon, the poor thing was just not cut out for fighting superheroes at all, and her bravado-turning-into-NOPE! and her tours of duty in Fort Fluffington were so much fun to come up with. As herself, she seemed like someone whom Marinette could really connect with. Since most of my stories aren't connected, this'll close the book on her for a while... but she would be fun to revisit.
As I rambled on around Chapter 5, I felt a tad funny regarding the notion of a not-under-her-own-control Marinette being kissed by Chat Noir, or what both of their feelings would be about that having happened... so I trigger warninged that section. Probably unnecessarily, but I feel better having done it. Better to be laughed at for oversensitivity than yelled at for crossing lines with the underage.
There was one gaffe in this story that I waited to see if anyone would remark upon, and no one did. The Tiger Miraculous, at least according to what is on the Wiki, is not a necklace; it's a harness bracelet. My way out would've been to hand-wave it as someone having strung a necklace chain through the four finger rings over the centurles, since harness bracelets aren't exactly common jewelry in this day and age. Since it's only been seen for, like, half a second in canon I didn't feel too bad about that.
There may actually be some fan-art of sorts coming for this... stay tuned! One is in progress and I might commission another at some point.
The usual sequel disclaimer applies; if it happens, it won't be any time soon. I have another idea in my on-deck circle that has a ton of promise, and I'm dying to get started on that instead. I'd also have to have a strong concept up front for a potential sequel, as I felt that I did for this story. But on the other hand, I can't tease Abby the Rabbie and not deliver, can I?
We'll see. ;)
Thank you as always for reading. Your feedback and praise are always delightful and I never get tired of hearing from you.