Jae-ha was panicking.

He had awoken on the riverbank and couldn't find Yona.

He got up and winced when he felt pain in his side. He grabbed the area and grunted. He could feel the blood seep through his clothes and stain his hand. He could feel that the wound wasn't very deep so he decided that he could risk looking at it later. His main focus right now needed to be finding Yona.

He began walking upriver looking for her.



The gang had been walking through the woods when they were cornered by a bunch of bandits.

"Where the hell did they come from!?" screamed Hak as his blade slashed through a group of bandits.

He heard a group of men falling behind him as Jae-ha landed next to him. He saw the concerned frown adorn the green dragon's face. "I don't know but we're cornered here."

They had been walking next to a cliff when the bandits surrounded them. With nowhere to go, they had no choice but to fight. Kija, Shin-ha, Hak and Jae-ha were keeping the bandits away from the Princess and Yun while Zeno was making sure to take out anyone who got near them.

The princess was picking off bandits with her bow and Yun was helping Zeno shield Yona.

She suddenly heard something slice the air as it flew towards her. She turned in time to see an arrow. She jumped out of the way to avoid getting hit by it, but the arrow found its mark and was buried in her leg.

Her painful scream is what drew the others attention to her.

Hak flashed his ferocious eyes at Jae-ha, "Get her out of here! Now!"

The green dragon didn't need to be told twice. He jumped to Yona's side and picked her up in his arms. He looked down and saw her face contorted in pain. "Hold on Yona dear, I'm going to get you out of here."

He readied to jump when he felt someone grab his sleeve. He looked down and saw Yun hold his bag to him. "Take care of her."

Jae-ha nodded as Yun placed the bag in Yona's arms. Taking one last look at his comrades, he jumped up the cliff to get the injured princess to safety.

When he landed at the top of the cliff, he saw more bandits waiting at the top. Avoiding their arrows, he leaped into the air and soared above them.

he saw an arrow coming towards them out of the corner of his eye and was able to dodge it enough mid-air that it merely grazed his side. However, that distracted him from landing soundly. They landed next to a river and he lost his footing. Falling backwards with the Princess in his arms, the fell into the river.

The last thing he remembered was feeling the princess slip from his arms as the strong current of the deep river carried her away.



'Where hell is she?'

He was beginning to worry. He remembered the arrow in her leg and was worried that she was bleeding out somewhere.

'I may never have wanted to serve the master of the dragon warriors, but I'll be damned if I let her die.'

Twigs snapping stopped him in his tracks. He turned and saw five figures coming out of the bushes.

He stepped back and pulled out a few of his throwing knives ready to defend himself.

"You blockhead king! Admit it, we're lost!" A man with green hair emerged with a scowl on his face.

Following behind him, he saw a man with blue hair, another with white hair, and a familiar face that seemed unfamiliar at the same time.

Jae-ha blinked at the short man. "Zeno?"

The group stopped and finally noticed him. The short blonde cocked his head to the side, "How do you know my name?"

His eyes widened.

A figure whose face was concealed behind a cloak emerged from the treeline. The four men stopped to look at him and stepped aside to let him through.

The figure looked up and Jae-ha was met with familiar calm violet eyes.

"What happened to you?" The man shifted his gaze to his bloody clothes.

Jae-ha didn't know what to do. Looking at the men, he could tell that they were experienced warriors. The hardened looks that they each gave were that of those that had fought in battle many times over. His purple eyes landed on Zeno and his eyes furrowed.

He was met with a confused yet curious gaze.

'He looks like Zeno' he thought to himself, 'but he isn't our Zeno. This Zeno is…. Different somehow'

"Tch" Jae-ha sneered. "Look, if it's a fight you want let's make this quick. I have to go look for my injured friend."

The man appeared surprised by his response, "I'm sorry, we mean no harm. We simply are lost. If you want we can help you find your friend."

The green dragon narrowed his eyes. The group seemed suspicious and he was getting a weird feeling from them.


His heart froze at the sound of the whimpering voice. He looked over and saw Yona sit up from behind a rock that was sitting next to the river.

Without thinking, he ran over to her, "Yona! Are you okay?"

He crouched down next to her and immediately say that the arrow was no longer in her leg. Looking into her eyes, he saw a trail of blood begin to appear from her hairline.

He furrowed his brows in worry, "Yona dear, lay back, you're injured."

She nodded and leaned back against the rock. She placed her hand on her head and began rubbing it as a groan of pain escaped her pink lips.

Jae-ha reached over and grabbed the soaked bag that Yun had gave them. "What happened to the arrow?"

She looked at him with confusion. "A-arrow…. What a-arrow?" Her gaze shifted to the big gaping wound to her leg and her eyes widened as panic began to set in.

"Where are the others!" She sat up quickly and immediately regretted it as a wave of dizziness assaulted her senses.

He placed a hand on her shoulder and gently helped her back up against the rock. "They're fine Yona. Let's worry about you right now okay kiddo?" He pulled out a rag that had somehow managed to stay dry and pressed it to her leg.

She nodded as a slight whimper that tore at Jae-ha's heart escaped her lips.

"Looks like you two were in one hell of a fight."

A snickering voice interrupted Jae-ha's voice as he looked up and saw the five men approach them. He hugged Yona protectively to his chest and glared at them.

They stopped as they saw his glare.

Yona looked up and saw Jae-ha glaring at someone.

"Jae-ha what are you….." Her voice trailed off as she turned her body in his arms and looked behind the rock that she was sitting up against.

She immediately saw Zeno and her eyes began to water and light up, "Zeno! Thank goodness you're okay!" She looked over the four other men next to him, "Who are they Zeno?"

Zeno looked confused as he looked at his companions. They all exchanged equally confused looks.

'What the hell is going on?' Jae-ha thought to himself as he watched the men carefully. His eyes landed on the cloaked man and saw his violet eyes widen in shock.

The others looked at him as they noticed his look. He stepped forward and pulled his hood down.

Jae-ha gasped as he saw Yona's red hair begin flowing out behind the man.

He spoke with a strange fire in his eyes, "Who are you?"

Jae-ha's eyes widened as he looked between the two red-heads. It was like he was looking at a male version of the princess.

Yona's jaw had dropped as she seemed to had made the same connection that he had.

Her lips began to quiver, "R-red… hair." She then fainted into Jae-ha's arms.