Naruto couldn't even react before he was devoured by the black hole while he was thinking how weak he was to not even be able to scratch the monkey.

'Damn why am I always weak when I need to be strong.' That was his last thought before he was eaten

The black hole did not destroy them or anything but sent them sprawling to different locations and Naruto fell into a dark forest. His body fell from the sky and hit the trees, which cushioned his fall a bit and woke him.

"Ughh" Naruto muttered in pain and stood up with shaky legs as he felt deprived of energy

'I should probably rest.'

'Though, where am I?'

'I hope others are alright.' Naruto thought as he looked around while sitting near a tree

He sat there meditating to recover some energy so he can move away as he didn't feel the place to be safe enough to sleep. As he had managed to heal somewhat, Naruto was attacked from the back a clawed hand made his back bleed.

Naruto jumped to reduce the affect as he felt a touch and looked back to see ghost like being, 'What is that?' Naruto thought as punched towards it with an enhanced fist, he was pissed at getting hurt but unlike what he expected his hand went through it and blasted the tree.

'Shit, what is this blasted ability.' Naruto cursed as he jumped back avoiding the attack

As he thought on how to deal with it, he found that he was surrounded and the Bakemon opened their gaping mouths releasing green poisonous gas into the area to kill him. Naruto didn't if he could handle that so he made sure to stop this, he spun the chakra chains that appeared from his wrist with full speed causing enormous wind spreading the poison away from him.

The Bakemon couldn't react and were smashed by the chains as well except for a few, killing them Naruto felt his power increase by a little and he didn't why but he felt the data was there for a purpose as it didn't really increase his powers by much.

'Wonder what will happen when I come to the limit, will I evolve?' Naruto chuckled as he ran away from the location; he didn't want to face anymore ghosts

'I hope I can a find a place to recover, I don't think I can go on without rest.' Naruto mused as he felt the fatigue from constant battles seep into his bones, his wound had healed but the tiredness was accumulating and the situation was stressful.

Naruto without rest and got out of the dark forest, he came to an open land where he saw a large brown tent.

'What is this?' Naruto questioned but he decided to check it out as he needed a place to crash

With cautious steps Naruto entered the tent after calling out his purpose with no response, up on entering he found it filled with scrolls. It was bigger than it looked from outside and at the end he could see a large amounts of books. Sleeping there was a woman wearing white dress with her mouth covered and large beads.

"Excuse me" Naruto said as he closed the gap and the woman woke up, and stared at him with a surprised gaze

"Hello, little one what can I help you with?" She said in a friendly tone which Naruto was not actually expecting

"It's good you seem nice. My name is Naruto and I wish to rest here, is that okay?"

"Is that all?"


"You can sleep there also remember to ask if you need anything. My name is Sanzomon." She said as she let him go rest

Sanzomon watched Naruto go to sleep with curiosity, 'What a strong being?'

'What is it doing here?'

'Its powers seem to be locked or am I mistaking it?' Sanzomon pondered on the mystery of Naruto's existence

'There is something special about this one for sure; I just can't seem to fathom it at the moment. But it should be okay as the evil charm did not activate when he entered that means he should be good.'

'I wonder if he will help fight the threat to the world, the demon world's gates are loosening and I am all that is left.'

'Master, please give me power.' Sanzomon wished as she went back to her studies for solutions

In Naruto's dream world, he saw something unusual. It was Konoha without the forth's face, it was someone else's and he couldn't recognize this person.

"What kind of dream is this?" Naruto muttered as he felt his body fly towards a direction and he saw an older version of himself but he felt that there was something weird about him.

This older Naruto was standing with Hinata who wore some risqué clothes and looked really aloof. The duo kissed which made him Naruto feel embarrassed and then the Older Naruto walked towards a different area which he recognized as one of the training grounds.

There the older Naruto held his hand forward and different kind of rasengan formed instantly, he let it grow and it exploded causing miles of land to be leveled.

"How powerful, can I do this?" Naruto muttered with excitement and stars in his eyes

"Naughty little boy" Naruto heard a teasing tone and a giant clawed hand crushed him into nothing

"AAHH" Naruto awoke with a scream as he was drenched with sweat and felt his heart wanting to jump out of his throat.

"Are you okay child?" Sanzomon enquired coolly

"Nothing, just a nightmare" Naruto said in a weak voice as he looked down, calming his nerves

'What was that thing?'

'I felt like an insect when I heard the voice.'

'It was worse than meeting the Kyuubi or Orochimaru.' Naruto thought as he took in breaths to calm his nervous heart

"Relax, there is no danger." Sanzomon muttered as she released some kind aura that melted his fears away

"Thank you" Naruto said with a friendly smile as he looked at her, he found that she was really giving the feeling of a kind person.

A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment

It will be different form canon mostly except the dark lords and apokalymon but how they fight will be changed.

This was one of the things i went for, before it i was thinking of introducing the joker.