A/N...Welcome to Queen of Hell.. I won't say much.. But expect dark themes and character bashing.. So sit back and Enjoy


Transformed voice

Disclaimer- I only own OC

Summary Sixteen year old Naruko Uzumaki is brutally assaulted a week before the Genin exams and decides to make a deal with the Devil.

Queen of Hell


*Konoha-16 years after Kyubi attack*

"Look Its the Demon"

"Stay away from me!"

"Let me Go!"

"Get Her legs"

"Damn She's has some huge Tits"

"Why are you doing this?!"

"Shut up Demon"

"Some one Help me"

"Kami-sama Why?!"

Loud laughter and screams filled the air of a secluded training ground of Konhagakure or the Village Hidden in the Leaf. A group of men and a few women gathered around the writhing form of a young blonde, her blue eyes vacant and the whiskers on her cheeks covered with blood and semen. Atop her body was a young man with short brown hair, red marking on his cheeks as he rutted his classmate like a dog. Near the boy was another with black hair shaped liked a duck's ass and his dark eyes shine with arrogance. The feral boy grunts and pulls out as his cum spurts on the blonde's exposed belly, "Ha.. Ha.. Ha.. Damn that was Nice.. Oi Sasuke want another crack at this Bitch" he says. The now named sasuke scoffs with a fold off his arms, "Hn.. No Kiba" he says, walking off. Kiba pulls up his pants and walks off through the crowd as a strawberry blonde sneers at the half naked and violated girl, "Let this be lesson to you Demon.. Your kind is not worthy to be a Shinobi" she sneers. The crowd starts to disburse as the rain starts to fall and leaving the blonde to be found by Anbu or die from the elements.

[Song playing-E nomine:Der Exorzist]

On the roof opposite the scene stood a tall and broad-shouldered man, his steel blue eyes pinned on the young blonde's form and his gaze drifts to the retreating crowd. The figure was not a shinobi or even dressed as a shinobi. The figure wore a white three-piece suit with a black dress shirt and tie, black gloves on his hands and black cowboy boots. The figure's skin was pale but not deathly pale, his face handsome with a strong chin, straight slender nose and defined cheek bones with a mop of short, spiky, black hair and two bangs framing his face.

"Humans never cease to Impress me with their Depravity" he muses, his voice velvety and sexy. The man drops down and strolls toward the broken blonde but gazes to the night sky, "Do you see Kami.. How your Sheep treat their Supposed Savior.. Your child of Prophecy" he shouts and a flash of lightning, reveals a horned silhouette. The man kneels and picks up the blonde in his arms, "Fufufu.. I have Big plans for you" he says. The man heads for the Uchiha district, where a grievous massacre happened several years prior. The sole survior of this massacre lived near but never set foot on the grounds. The man strolls through as the lingering souls wailed like symphony to his ears, finding a home the man places the blonde on a bed.

"Naruko Uzumaki" the man muses and removes his glove. A black flames start form as he passes it over naruko's body and burns away the semen, blood and other scars upon her body. The man places his bare hand on the seal upon her stomach, "Time we meet" he muses.[song ends]

Inside the Seal naruko sat with her knees hugged to her chest and her eyes staring at nothing. Inside the cage near her was the Kyubi no Kitsune, "I told you Ningen.. They will Never accept you.. Now release the seal set me Free" he roars.

"I would Belay that request" a voice declares. Naruko turns to the sound as a man was walking out the shadows, "Who are you" she asks, her voice barely audible. However kyubi gasps in horror at the strolling figure, "N-No.. No.. No.. No.. No.. N-No.. NO.. HOW ARE YOU HERE?!" he roars, shocking naruko.

"What do you mean.. I am always here.. Everywhere and Nowhere.. To and Fro searching for Whom I may devour" the man states. Naruko looks between the two as kyubi was actually cowering before this man, "Who are you" she asks.

"Who am I.. I have many names.. Most Unclean.. Son of Perdition.. Hehehe Little Horn.. The Morningstar.. Satan.. Lucifer but you may call me Mitsuomi Kiriyu" the man states. Naruko stares incredulously at mitsuomi with an agape mouth and wide eyes, "T-the D-devil Bu-but" she stammers. Mitsuomi titters softly and runs his hand on his cheek, "Expecting red skin" he says, his skin turning red.

"Horns and a tail" mitsuomi says, mimicking horns and a tail as they form. Mitsuomi stomps his boot to make cloven feet, "Better" he says, voice distorted and deep. Mitsuomi returns to normal with a crack of his neck, "However this form is more Aesthetically pleasing" he says.

"Why are you Here?!" kyubi shouts. Mitsuomi glances to the fox but squats in front of naruko, "I saw the tail end of What those people did to you.. Your Soul was screaming for Help and Begging Kami Why" he says. Naruko clutches her knees closer to her chest, "You're right.. I Screamed.. Prayed and Begged for Kami to send some to save me but all got was mocking laughter from them and the violation of my body" she whispers.

"Kami does not anwser prayers.. She gave her favorite creations Free will.. However I anwsered your cries" mitsuomi states. Kyubi rams himself into the cage, "DON'T YOU DARE ACCEPT ANYTHING FROM THE PRINCE OF LIES" he roars.

"You and your siblings owe your Very Existense to Me Fox" mitsuomi hisses, his eyes becoming a soulless black void. Kyubi shirks under those blank orbs as mitsuomi stands to his full height, "You have heard of the Rikudo Sennin.. Correct" he states and naruko nods. Mitsuomi waves his hand and to create two recliners, "Sit and I'll explain" he says and naruko hesitantly takes a seat.

"Long ago there was a Tree and this tree produced a fruit.. This fruit was partook by a woman called Kaguya Otsutsuki and mother of the Rikudo Sennin but I'll get to that.. Now the fruit from the tree was tainted because that is where I Fell" mitsuomi explains. Naruko furrows her brow but fox growls, "What he means is when Kami cast him out of Heaven.. He fell to Earth and created the Nine circles in his wake.. The Shinju grew on that cursed land" kyubi explains. Mitsuomi crosses his legs with an amused smirk, "Correct.. Kaguya gained Godlike power and came to rule as the Rabbit Goddess but the taint drove her to enslave the world and ultimately her sons.. Hagoromo the famed sage and his brother Hamura stopped her but not before she became a Calamity known as the Jubi.. The brothers defeated her and Hagoromo sealed the Jubi in himself.. The husk of their mother sealed in the moon" he explains and pauses.

"After that The Sage spreads chakra to the world and at the end of his life.. He created the Nine Biju and that is where I come in.. I had been watching and decided to take the Nine to be guardians of the Nine Circles.. Which they did but Centuries later all of them Shirked their duties and fled back here only to be made into weapons" mitsuomi continues.

"Father wanted us to be Free and not shackled to you Lucifer" kyubi shouts. Mitsuomi only stares, "Yet all of you ruled your respective Circles but once I dealt with the challenges to my Throne.. You all Ran with your Tails between legs.. However I plan to change that and Naruko will be the one to do it" he says and looks to naruko, "I offer you the power to show Kami and all of Konoha why they should not have denied you" he adds. Naruko's blue orbs widen but kyubi ram the cage, "Do not this Ningen.. You will condemn yourself to Hell and Damnation" he shouts. Naruko rises from the recliner and stares at the fox, "Why should I not.. Kami abandoned me.. I was always good.. I did as Jiji wanted and forgave the people but what did it get me.. I was beaten.. Tortured.. RAPED.. NO LONGER" she shouts. Mitsuomi rises from his seat with a demonic grin, "Then we have a deal.. I will teach you the powers of Hell and you will Bring them their true condemnation" he declares. Naruko's eyes slowly open as she was lifted off the bed and her eyes met mitsuomi's steel-blue jewels, "Yes I Accept" she says, leaning into his chest. Mitsuomi turns to a ring of Fire appears, "The Faithful has loss her faith.. The Child of Prophecy has Fallen" he declares, as they vanish.

*One Week Later*

A week has passed since naruko was assualted and vanished without a trace with mitsuomi. The day after the incident several of the mob went to the spot and found no body. Panic set in as the girl may have been found but that dimished as they searched her apartment complex and the hospital. The panic gave way to elation as the so called demon whore had run off or died, causing several parties to break out as the days passed. The Hokage who was in the capital returned after four days to random people proclaiming naruko's death. Sarutobi quickly had his Anbu search for the blonde but found no trace of her. Some thought the older man was concerned for the girl's safety but in actuality he was livid that his weapon had vanished. Sarutobi had danzo's Ne search Hi-no-kuni for the blonde but again found no trace. This started to worry the Sandaime and those on the council that supported the idea of naruko being a weapon. However six days after going missing a letter arrived stating naruko had left the village to train for the coming Genin exam and would arrive the next day. The letter also stated that she would bringing someone looking to invest money in Konoha. This caught the eye of certain council members as they thought of milking this person for all they were worth and reinforcing the hidden seals on naruko to ensure her weapon status.

*Konoha Main Gate*

The eternal gate guardians izumo and kotetsu watch the sky as another boring day passes. Kotetsu looks out to the road a civilians and shinobi did their things but something caught his eye. Down the road were two people one dressed in a black suit and the other was a familar young woman. Kotetsu taps izumo and points, "Is that Naruko" he says. Izumo looks and his breath hitched with a blush, "Y-yea" he sputters. Naruko's blonde hair now reaches her rear and was braided to her neck with black bow and the end with silver jewel, her whiskers were no longer visible but her blue eyes now slitted and seem mischievous. Naruko now wore a white ribbon-tie dress with a Prussian blue jacket. She also wears a white, pleated silk skirt with black gloves and heeled green-grey shoes. Mitsuomi was next to her and holding her hand as she held umbrella to block the sun, "Mmm to feel the air on my skin after so long" naruko muses.

"I apologize for the delay my Dear" mitsuomi states. Naruko giggles softly and glances to black ring on her wedded finger, "I'll forgive you my King" she says, nearing the gate.

"Naruko is that you" izumo states. Naruko lifts her umbrella to show her face, "Yes.. I went out for some last minute training and I brought some one for Jiji" she says. Mitsuomi places his hand on his chest with a slight bow, "Hello.. I'm Mitsuomi Kiriyu" he greets. Suddenly an Anbu with the designation of Neko appears, "Naruko the Hokage wishes to see you and your guest" she notes.

"The Fool works fast" both thought and naruko nods, "Ok Neko" she says, neko grasps their shoulders and vanish.

"Damn Naruko was actually looking mad Sexy" izumo and kotetsu nods, "Yea no kidding" he comments. The three soon appear in the Hokage office as sarutobi sat at his desk with his grandfatherly charm on max.

"Naruko-chan.. I'm so Glad you are ok.. I was so worried" sarutobi states. Naruko took a seat with a soft look, "I'm sorry Jiji but I wanted to make you proud and train to become Kunoichi of the year" she explains. Sarutobi softly nods with a glance to mitsuomi, "And you are Young man" he asks.

"Mitsuomi Kiriyu.. CEO and owner of Kiriyu Inc" mitsuomi greets and sarutobi nearly chokes, "The up and coming Buisnessman" he thought. Mitsuomi and naruko internally smirk at the scent of sarutobi's greed wafting around the room, "How long will you be staying Kiriyu-san" he asks. Naruko holds up her gloved hand to show her ring, "We plan to marry once I become a Genin" she says. Sarutobi's heart nearly stopped, "Then if he were die all his wealth would be ours" he thought, a mini sarutobi dancing.

"Oh I see.. Then it was love at first sight" sarutobi asks and both nod with a laugh. Naruko rises from her seat, "Jiji.. I'll head to my apartment and prepare for tomorrow" she says.

"No need for that Naruko-chan.. You and Kiriyu-san can take a suite at the Golden leaf and the exams start at eight am" sarutobi states and both excuse themselves, as sarutobi was devising ways to acquire mitsuomi's money. Mitsuomi and naruko stroll arm in arm through the village some people recognized her but most didn't as her defining features were now gone. Mitsuomi purchased Ichiraku Ramen when they stopped for lunch, much to teuchi and ayame's shock and shocked them more asking them to be naruko's personal chef. The pair soon arrived at the Golden leaf and mitsuomi bought out the entire top floor to keep out prying eyes.

"Ahhh.. A decent substitute for a our bed" naruko says, tossing her blue coat on a chair and plopping on the bed. Mitsuomi slips off his suit coat, vest and tie with an amused laugh, "The Sin is writhe in this Village" he muses.

"Indeed.. Sarutobi's greed was palpable" naruko says, getting further in bed and kicking off her boots. Mitsuomi pours himself a glass of red wine, "Then you'll be able to find your Seven here" he asks, handing her a glass. Naruko sipped her wine with a stare, "I wanted to bring Mother back but I refuse to violate her peace in Heaven" she thought. Mitsuomi told her he could resurrect the dead from Hell with ease but pulling from Heaven could shatter the soul.

"I have my eye on Two.. Anko Mitarashi for Lust and Hinata Hyuga for Envy" naruko says. Mitsuomi takes a seat with a cross of his legs, "That mousy girl that follows you around" he asks but grins, "I love the way you think" he adds and naruko titters, laying back on the bed and remembering her lifetime in Hell.

*Flashback- 9th Circle of Hell*

Mitsuomi and naruko appear on the frozen lake of Cocytus, "Welcome to the 9th circle.. The realm of Traitors" he declares. Naruko looked around in wonder and awe, around them were people frozen in ice wailing in pain. Naruko hugs herself as mitsuomi gazes to the broken but large statue at the center of the lake, "This place is were those who betrayed Family ties.. Betrayed community ties.. Betrayed guests and betrayed lords.. Myself included.. Furthest from Kami's light" he says. Mitsuomi turns to face naruko and places his hand on her seal, "Now for that fox" he says. Naruko cries out as red chakra bursts out as mitsuomi thrust his hand back. Naruko clutches her body and falls to her knees as her body spasms, her blue pupils become slitted, her hair lengthens and her whiskers darken. Nine golden and red tipped tails emerge from her lower back as the kyubi forms opposite them as icy chains ensnare the fox.

"I only need the Soul.. Seems the demonic chakra has turned you in essence into the New Kyubi" mitsuomi states, creating a white trench coat. The coat was long with belt buckle motifs wrapped around the upper arm, from there a black stripe runs down and terminates with black cuffs. Naruko slowly gets to her feet as her tails swish and mitsuomi slips the coat around her, "Is this really me" she asks, staring at her reflection in the ice.

"Yes and no annoying fox to hamper you" mitsuomi as kyubi roars but sinks into the ice. Naruko clutches her coat closer, "What can I learn in Seven days" she says.

"Hmhmmhmm.. My Dear time passes quite differently here.. In Seven days.. A lifetime can pass" mitsuomi says and naruko was needless to say shocked. In time naruko learned exactly what mitsuomi meant as time passed in the blink of an eye. Naruko trained her body and traversed the nine circles under mitsuomi or lucifer's watchful eye. Lucifer went as far as to pop up earth for things to learn like Items from Uzushiogakure, her clans homeland. Naruko became a sponge for knowledge and as time passed reveled in her darker desires. Ten years later naruko was declared the new Queen of Hell and lucifer's wife after falling for the prince of lies. Naruko learned of lucifer's origins as Kami's most beloved angel dubbed the Morningstar. However once Kami created humanity he became envious of her love for them and his pride could not let him bow to them, causing him to rebel and be cast out of heaven. Naruko spent her free time corrupting humans to give into their sins and dealing with demons who challenged her rule as queen. Her most ardent challenger was Lilith the Succubus queen and former wife of lucifer. Lilith felt naruko was inferior to her and often mocked her former human status, however the blonde kitsune demon made short work of Lilith. This garnered naruko much support in Hell from other demons and fiends, even more so when she defeated each of new lords of the other eight circles.

Lucifer felt naruko was ready for anything and imbued her with his power and gifting her several ablities. First was the Ultimate eye granting her an extra-sensory vision of her general surroundings but the Eye's true ability is precognition of her opponent's attacks. The second the Ultimate shield, granting her the ability to alter her body and make it as hard as diamond. The last was sword made from her Nine tail fox form's fang and crafted into a special katana. Naruko often visited the other circles to learn from the various tortured souls but she found a very useful tool in the circle of Violence. Naruko found Fugaku Uchiha and using her powers learned he possessed the Mangekyo Sharingan. Naruko took the eyes for herself as they would better help control the Biju once she returned. The evolved Sharingan took the form of three dots followed by three curves spiralling counter-clockwise around the pupil. A near lifetime later lucifer and naruko stood upon the frozen lake once again. Naruko now looked about eighteen with her nine tails swishing behind her but now she had two thick horns protruding crookedly from her temples and black angel wings.

"What do you propose we do with Kyubi" lucifer comments. Naruko looks over the bound fox and gives a fanged smirk, "Nothing but eternal torment until I see fit" she sneers.

*End Flashback*

Naruko opens her eyes and sees mitsuomi staring back, "I fell asleep" she asks and he nods, "Only a little" mitsuomi whispers, leaning down to capture her lips. Naruko quickly flipped their positions and undoing her blouse to free her DD breasts, "I can't wait to corrupt Hinata" she says, unbuttoning his shirt. Mitsuomi kneads her left breast as she rocks on his lower half, "She is a very envious person.. Seeing people with their friends.. Her pillar treated poorly while the likes of Sasuke treated like a king" he says. Naruko's eyes darken and her nails dig deeply into mitsuomi's chest, "I can't wait until he is Hell" she hisses, licking the black blood from her fingers. The wound sizzles with a trail of smoke as naruko moves back and mitsuomi moves up, allowing the blonde to unbuckle his pants and toss them aside. The mini devil print briefs went next as mitsuomi's limp member was exposed, "I'll Have some many Red delights for him" he croons. Naruko slowly wraps her fingers around his member and gave it a few quick strokes to get him up, "Lets not dwell on him" she whispers. Naruko then licks from the base to the head, while speeding up her strokes and caused a low moan to escape his lips. A dribble of precum appeared as she licked the head and slid his member into her mouth.

"I'll have to Thank Lilith for teaching So well" mitsuomi coos. Naruko steadily deep throated mitsuomi and not gagging once as she sucked like a black hole. Mitsuomi grabs her head and moves his hips to fuck her mouth, until his balls clench and his hot seed filled her mouth, bugling out her cheeks but she swallows all the hot white substance. Naruko crawled up and opened her mouth wide to show her prince, "Like a Dick sucking champ" she coos. Mitsuomi grins wide and reverses their positions and rips off her skirt and soaked wet panties, "Pussy Eating champ" he purrs. Naruko grips the pillows as starting kissing her inner thigh and making his way to her slit, "Mmaah.. Haaa.. Haaa!" she cries. Mitsuomi spreads her wet pussy lips and sucks on her clit, "Uwaah.. Nhaah!.. Aaaaah!" she wails. Mitsuomi continues on as he sends his serpent tongue inside her, making the blonde grabs the sheets and a white sweet liquid fills his mouth. Mitsuomi lays on his back as naruko climbs atop, slowly descending on the foot long member and her left hand bracing on his chest. Naruko started with a slow pace to tease him but picking up speed as she rode him, her breath heavy and throaty as her mouth seem to leak steam. Mitsuomi felt her clamp down with a pitched and throaty moan as he and the sheets were soiled by sweet liquid. Mitsuomi started moving his hips with hers as she came once again and his was approaching, "Uwaah.. Aaaaaah" naruko howls. Mitsuomi grips her hips as he unleashes his load into her womb, her belly swells up to look like she was four months pregnant.

"Ha.. Ha.. Ha.. I doubt a normal human could handle your loads" naruko whispers, rubbing her swollen belly. Mitsuomi waves his hand to summon a cigarette and light its with a snap of his finger, "They would look more swollen" he muses, with a drag. Naruko takes the cigarette for a drag of her own as she slides off of him, his cum pouring from her pussy and her belly shrinks.

"I'm going take a shower" naruko says and mitsuomi blows a stream of smoke, "I'll return tomorrow" he says, turning into flames and cleansing the soiled sheets. An hour later naruko steps out the shower in a blue robe and a white towel around her pinned hair, "Bazette" she says, taking a seat. A small ring of fire forms and a woman appears. The woman had light blue skin with glowing green eyes and black sclera, pixie white hair and dressed in dark purple woman's business suit.

"Yes Milady" bazette states. Naruko taps a seal on her left forearm and a scroll appears, "I want to know Everything about the ones who harmed me" she says tossing the scroll. Bazette bows deeply and vanishes into a swirl of flames. Naruko pours herself some wine and walks to the window to stare out at Konoha, "Father.. Mother you died for Sinners and They allowed your sacrifice to make me Queen of Hell" she thought.

*Next Day-Konoha Academy*

[Everyone will be wearing their Shippuden clothes with sasuke having no rope belt but adding a mesh shirt]

Iruka sat at his desk as his students chatters but his thoughts were on naruko, having not seen the girl in a week. Mizuki was next to him and having similar thoughts but of a darker hue, "Damn I wish had gotten a piece of That demon" he thought. The class was filled clan heirs and heiresses of the great clans of Konoha, consisting of the Aburame, Nara, Akimichi, Yamanaka, Uchiha and Hyuga with several civilian children. Iruka started to take role but the door opens as naruko steps and dressed in a sleeveless white gi with red string decorating it that resemble the traditional clothing worn by the miko with the addition of a short red skirt, mid-calf black boots and upper thigh-high white stockings with her white trench coat.

"You're late Naruko" iruka chides, shaking off his shock. Naruko rubs her head sheepishly, "Sorry Iruka-sensei" she says, going to take her seat. Naruko's blue eyes met kiba and sasuke as the former froze as naruko takes her seat. Sasuke could care less about naruko as she was clan less orphan and should be proud that he used her body. On the other hand kiba was nervous, "Damn it.. Those guys said she was dead or ran away" he thought. Naruko took her seat near the window and gaze drifted to hinata. The shy girl wore a loose fitting, lavender and cream hooded-jacket with lavender cuffs over mesh armour. She also wears navy blue pants and black, low-heeled sandals.

"Soon Hinata.. You will be mine" naruko thought. Mizuki started to hand out the tests but gave naruko a disguised test, "Greed.. Lust and Pride" she thought, looking at the test and almost laughing. Naruko anwsered the disguised test meant for an Anbu with ease, "Sorry Mizuki but try harder" she thought, waiting for the rest to finish. A half hour later the class was brought to the training field for practial test of weapons. Naruko watches everyone go as sasuke got the hightest with 9 out 10 in the male bracket. Sakura and ino scored 7 and 6 out of ten, while hinata got 8 out of ten.

"Naruko it is your turn" mizuki says. Naruko steps up to the table and picks up her shuriken and kunai, "Weighted and dull.. Foolish" she thought. Naruko held three kunai in hands and sent them into the bullseye, followed by ten shuriken and her remaining kunai for a perfect 10 out 10.

"How did Naru-baka do that" sakura shouts. Naruko turns to the pink hair girl, "I had an eye opening day last week and I got tired of holding back" she says, with a flap of her coat. Naruko spares a glance to kiba and he flinches slightly as they headed back inside for the last part of the test. One by one each went into the room and either came out with Hitai-ate or none with a sadden expression. Naruko finally had her turn and headed inside as iruka and mizuki sat, "Ok Naruko.. You must perform a Henge.. Kawarimi and create three Bunshin" iruka says.

"No way that Demon can do this" mizuki thought. Naruko started with perfect Henge of Iruka and substituted with a chair, "Bunshin no Jutsu" she calmly says, creating three perfect clone. Mizuki's jaw nearly hit the floor, "N-no how is this Possible?!" he thought, as his plan to use her to steal the Forbbiden scroll went down in flames. Naruko took her Hitai-ate and secures it around her neck, "Those seals work Marvelously" she thought, releasing them. About four hours later everyone came back as iruka came with the results of their exams, "Alright for Rookie of the Year.. Sasuke Uchiha" iruka says and the fangirls squeal.

"Kunoichi of the Year goes to Naruko Uzumaki" iruka adds, shocking all of them. Sakura bolted up in her seat, "How Could Naru-baka be Kunoichi of the year" she shouts.

"Naruko got a perfect score on her Written test.. Weapons test and passed the Jutsu portion" iruka explains. Sakura glares at naruko but sits down as iruka clears his throat, "Alright now.. I'll go over your Team assigments" iruka says and lists the first six teams.

"Team-Seven will be Sasuke Uchiha.. Sakura Haruno and Kiba Inuzuka.. Team-Eight will be Hinata Hyuga.. Shino Aburame and Naruko Uzumaki.. Team-Nine is still active and Team-Ten wil be Shikamaru Nara.. Ino Yamanaka and Choji Akimichi.. Please return tomorrow at noon to meet your Sensei" iruka explains. Sakura squeals loudly at being on sasuke's team and ino groans at being on her team. Hinata smiled softly as she glances to naruko, "Finally I can be around Naruko-chan without my clan interfering" she thought. Everyone started to file out as iruka congratulates everyone, "I wish you all luck" he says. Naruko reaches the outside and she could hear whispers from a few people, "The demon passed.. I can't believe Hokage-sama let that demon to be a Kunoichi.. Shh don't say that out loud" she heard. However a smile forms on her face as mitsuomi stood at the gate with a bouquet of blue roses in his hand. Mitsuomi was wearing black jeans with a silver studded belt, a wallet chain and a pair of black cowboy boots. A grey long sleeve shirt that clung to his body and of all things a cross around his neck, three braclets on each arm and black gloves.

"Only a formality" mitsuomi says, holding out the flowers. Naruko takes the flowers and kisses his inviting lips, "Very much" she says, taking his arm as they stroll off.

"Who the Hell was that guy with Naru-baka" sakura snaps. Ino watches the retreating pair, "I don't know but Daddy said he came back with Naruko after she was gone for a week" she comments.

"Quite Auspicous with that cross Dear" naruko comments, sniffing the roses. Mitsuomi touches the cross with a look and a smirk, "What ever do you mean Dear.. Mitsuomi Kiriyu is quite religious" he says but glances slightly, "Your mouse is following us and her Jealousy and Envy is rising" he adds.

"We're on the same team and her pillar is with a strange man" naruko muses. Hinata fiddles with her sleeve as she follows naruko, "Who is he and why did he kiss Naruko-chan" she thought but eeps, as she nearly bumps into naruko.

"Hinata why are you following me" naruko asks. Hinata blushes brightly and pokes her fingers, "I-I wanted to know why you K-kissed him" she says. Naruko glances to mitsuomi but he pokes her forehead, "I need to go see Hokage-san about our thing" he says and excuses himself. Naruko beckons for hinata to follow her as they head for the Golden leaf, "His name is Mitsuomi and I met him during my week away" she starts, as they reach the hotel.

"You're staying here" hinata asks. Naruko nods as they reach the penthouse, "I'll explain inside" she says. Naruko quickly makes a few steathly signs to erect a barrier to allow them to speak freely, "Take a seat" she says, slipping off her coat.

"Hinata do you know why I went missing for a week" naruko says, pulling her chair in front of hinata. Hinata slowly nods as her lavender eyes met naruko's blue orbs, "You probably heard I went to train for the Genin exams and met Mitsuomi" she says but her eyes harden, "However that was a lie and I'll show you why" she adds and touches hinata's temples.

"Nightmare Teller" naruko says and her soulless black eyes form. Hinata's eyes widen at seeing naruko's assualt by the villagers, her eyes start leaking tears and slowly slips into fury as she sees sasuke and kiba's part in this humiliation. Naruko releases Nightmare Teller and hinata runs to a trash can to vomit, "Those Fucking Bastards" hinata shouts, in anger. Naruko giggles in her hand but clears her throat, "It was because to them.. I met Mitsuomi or as he commonly known as Lucifer" she states. Hinata turns with a shocked look on her face, "Lucifer" she says.

"Yes Lucifer is Mitsuomi and my husband" naruko says and removes her glove to show her ring. Hinata staggers to the bed and sat down as naruko starts to explain her time in Hell and her status as Queen. Hinata could barely contain the emotions running through her mind but naruko confirmed her story as she reveals her tails, fox ears and demon horns.

"I am the Queen of Hell and wife of Lucifer.. He gave me the power to bring about my revenge on those who harmed me and continue to send Sinners to Hell.. However I have a more important mission but I talk about that later" naruko explains. Naruko retracts her demon traits and kneels in front of hinata and wipes her tears with her thumbs, "Hinata Join me and become one of my Seven as my Envy" she says.

"Envy" hinata whispers, confused. Naruko slowly nods as she looks into hinata's pupil-less lavender orbs, "Yes Envy.. Hinata you are a very envious person.. You're Envious of those who hang out with their friends while you can not.. You're Envious of Neji because he is Prodigy of your clan.. You're Envious of Hanabi as she treated better than you even though she is younger" she explains. Hinata sniffles and closes her eyes to stifle her sobs and touches naruko's hands, "You're right.. Why can't I be your friend.. Why can't I be strong like Neji-nii-san or Praised like Hanabi.. I-I Hate them" she says. Naruko smiles and pulls her away and rises to her full height, "Will you Join me Hinata" she says, her arms open. Hinata clenches her pants as tears run down her cheeks but she rises and opens her eyes, "Yes I will Join you" she says, leaning in and naruko hugs her. Naruko releases her hug and smiles to caress hinata's cheek, "Now then.. I will make you powerful" she says, reaching for hinata's zipper.

"How" hinata says, as naruko unzips and her coat. Naruko slips off the coat and tosses it one the bed, "Simple.. I'm going to make you a Demon" she says. Naruko pulls hinata's mesh shirt and swifty bites her shoulder, causing hinata to cry out as naruko's demonic energy enters her body. Naruko unlatches and hinata falls on the bed and clutches the wound as black veins start to form and spread. Hinata whimpers and shifts into a fetal position as the black veins spreads and her chakra pulses. Naruko creates a demonic clone and it turns into a duplicate of hinata to take her place for the night. Hinata's ears slowly become pointed, her hair lenghtens to her rear and gains a greenish tint with two small black horns starting to emerge from her hair. Naruko takes a seat in her recliner at hinata slowly becomes her Envy.

*Konoha Council room*

Mitsuomi sat before the Konoha council to discuss several things while naruko turned hinata to the dark side. The Konoha council was made up the great clans of Konoha and wealthy merchants. The Aburame, Nara, Akimichi, Yamanaka, Uchiha, Hyuga, Kurama, Uzumaki, Sarutobi and Senju. Mitsuomi had presented the marriage contract for him and naruko and his citzenship in various countries. Mitsuomi used his silver tongue to weave a tale of his rise as his father created the company in Snow country and helped overthrow corrupt ruler Doto Kazahana and placed the true ruler Koyuki Kazahana upon the throne. Many on the council thought that this gave them a chance to garner Snow's technology and rumored chakra armors. Mitsuomi spun a convincing tale that he was a trained samurai and had some shinobi training. However the biggest thing was mitsuomi owned two mines in Earth country, three hydroelectric plants in Lightning. A shipping company in Water and constructed several windmills that supplied electricity in Wind. Mitsuomi could smell the swelling sin at his words. Greed from most and lust from tsume inuzuka and several women on the civilian council. Mitsuomi told them he wanted to invest in Konoha as his soon to be wife was born here, having already purchased Ichiraku ramen and owning three casinos and a shipping company in Fire country. Sarutobi was looking at the contract with a hidden giddy, "This foolish boy has given us everything.. If he were die.. All his holdings would go to his wife and with Naruko being our loyal weapon.. Would turn everything over to us" he thought. Danzo glances to sarutobi but back to mitsuomi, "How skilled are you" he asks.

"Well Sir I am an accomplished swordsman but unfortunately my body can not handle extended battles.. My body temperature would rise and cause my body to burn from the inside" mitsuomi explains. Some on the council showed concern but danzo only scoffs, "Then your wealth is all you can bring to Konoha" he says. Mitsuomi almost couldn't hide the smirk on his face, "Yes sir but if I may sir" he says and removes his glove, "Can I have someone shake my hand" he says. Many on the council furrow their brow but homura obliges and gasps, "Kami.. Your skin is very hot" he says, pulling his hand back. Mitsuomi slips back on his glove, "I was born with it.. If my temperature rises too high.. I can scald skin" he explains. Several on the council including danzo thought this could be a Kekkai Genkai and made notes to delay his death until they collected enough of his genetic material.

"Kiriyu-san how did you meet the Dem.. Naruko-chan" sachiko haruno asks, hiding her slip. Sachiko had strawberry-blonde hair and wore a light pink qiapo dress that showed of her creamy legs and a well developed bust. Mitsuomi blushes and scratches the back of his head, "Well ma'am it was love at first.. You could say and quite literally ran into each other.. She told me her Entire story and her goal to be Hokage.. The more she talked the more I fell for her.. I proposed before she left to return and she said Yes" he explains. Sachiko was a bit worried what naruko said but brushed it off, "Thats quite romantic but wouldn't you be more inclined to have a woman than a girl" she says, perking up her cleavage.

"Well Haruno-san.. I believe a person's eyes can tell alot about a person.. Naruko-chan's eyes show a loneliness but I hope to cure her loneliness" mitsuomi explains, ignoring her obvious flirting. Sautobi stamped the document to approve the marriage, "Well Mitsuomi-san congratulation on this and welcome to Konoha" he says. Mitsuomi smiles softly and nods, "Thank you Hokage-sama and If I'm not being too forward.. I would like to purchase a compund and a place for Naruko to continue her training" he asks. Misuomi reaches in his pocket for a picture, "I saw this one and wondered if it was for sale" he asks, showing the picture. Sarutobi's breath hitched seeing the photo, "Oh yes this property has been in Konoha's care for a few years now.. I'm sure you would like a better property than this" he says. Mitsuomi notices the looks from the council, "Is something wrong with the property" he asks, innocently.

"No.. No Kiriyu-san but the property is quite expensive" homura states.

"That is no problem with that Homura-san.. I'm even willing to pay double the asking price" mitsuomi says and several on civilian side freeze. Sarutobi gulps slightly but nods, "Of course Kiriyu-san.. I'll have the bank get the deed ready for you" he says and danzo gives a slight glare. Mitsuomi rises from his seat to shake sarutobi's hand, "Thank so much Hokage-sama.. Esteemed council members.. I'll have the Full amount tomorrow" he says and excuse himself. Once mitsuomi left and the councils were dismissed danzo slams his fist on the table, "Hiruzen have you loss you mind.. The compound belongs to the Yondaime.. If the Demon finds anything to link them to her" he says.

"They won't.. Jiraiya has everything of note sealed and Naruko doesn't know that anything about sealing.. That boy is worth Millions if not more.. So I'll risk that for the Riches Konoha can garner from him once he's dead and Naruko signs everything over to us" he explains.

"How long before can we have the boy befall an accident and The demon as his Wife inherit everything" koharu asks. Danzo grips his cane with a sigh, "At most a year to not garner suspicion but I would like to have boy as a weapon that demonstration with Homura could be a Bloodline" he says.

"I agree with Danzo.. I propose in a year the boy suffers an accident and we hand him over to Danzo with a faux body to bury" sarutobi states and the three nod.


Hinata started to stir and her eyes shoot open, "Finally awake I see" a voice comments. Hinata slowly sits up and rubs her head but felt her new appendages, "I think they are cute" the voice says. Hinata looks and sees mitsuomi sitting near the window but his upper half was shrouded in darkness, "Lucifer" she questions. Mitsuomi light a cigarette to slightly illuminate his face, "Please call me Mitsuomi" he says. Hinata looks around and doesn't see naruko, "She went to get you some food" mitsuomi comments, blowing a stream smoke. Hinata gets off the bed and finds the floor length mirror and her eyes widen, seeing her new features but what was shocking were the black veins that adorned the left side of her face. The black veins orginated were naruko had bitten her and the white of her left eye was black as night and the lavender pupil was glowing.

"Hinata the Envious" mitsuomi muses and hinata turns to him, "I feel stronger" she says. Mitsuomi chuckles with a deep drag, "As present I'd say near A-class borderline S-class Missing-nin" he says and hinata's eyes widen, "However you can suprass that with a little time down below" he says. The door opens as naruko steps with several bags and she sees hinata, "Hinata you're awake and the change was a success" she says, closing the door. Hinata blushes as she takes a box of cinnamon buns, "It feels weird" she says, touching her horn.

"I know how you feel.. I felt the same when I got mine" naruko says, slipping off her coat. Naruko took a seat with her ramen as hinata ate her cinnamon buns, "Should we go below until tomorrow" she says. Hinata looks up and furrows her brow, "I have to go home" she says but naruko shakes her head, "Nope.. I sent a clone in your place and will act like you until you switch with her" she explains.

"Do I have to go home" hinata asks. Naruko looks up with a tilt of head, "Not really.. The clone will last as long as I will it too and Act exactly like you or your old self anyway" she says. Hinata sighs in relief and glances to mitsuomi, "What is Naruko-chan's mission" she asks.

"Not much.. Sow discord among the masses.. Assemble her Seven but her main mission is to recover the Nine Biju" mitsuomi explains and crosses his legs, "Orginanlly the Nine were the Guardians of the Nine circles but ultimately they all abandoned their post to return to this Realm and became the weapons they are today.. However No One escapes Hell.. As I am Wholeheartedly weaken while I am here.. Naruko fell into my lap" he adds.

"I was Kami's chosen child to be the saviour of the World but Her Sheep treated me as I was Mitsuomi.. I cursed Kami and I am now Queen of the Fallen.. Queen of Despair and the one to drag those who run from Hell with Hell at my back" naruko finishes. Mitsuomi rises from his seat and slicks back his hair, "Come.. We'll be back tomorrow" he says. Naruko grabs her coat and creates two clones for her and mitsuomi, "Take his hand Hinata" she says, taking mitsuomi right hand. Hinata complies and takes his left and they vanish in a ring of flames. Hinata opens her eyes and finds herself in front what appeared to be a large iron door and adorned in skulls, "Where are we" she asks.

"City of Dis.. Entrance to the Circle Hersey" lucifer says, pushing open the doors. Hinata saw a huge throne room with two thrones at the end of a red carpet but four people stood at attention. The first was a short yet muscular young man with spiky black hair. His attire is a body suit, crimson in color and has a white insignia on several places. The suit is open collar and exposes his chest. He has silver gauntlets and carries his sword with a strap on his hip. The second was a formless black mass with numerous skulls upon it. The third was a young woman with long, pink hair. She wears a sleeveless white leotard with horizontal and vertical lines in the middle and on top her breast. She also wears a pink bow on the choker. She wears long, pink stockings with white ornaments going around each stocking at the thigh. The last is a toned woman with long spiky orange hair. She wears no clothes, instead covering her breasts, left arm, privates and right leg in bandages.

"As Naruko will have her Seven.. I have my Stakes.. Zeldris.. Grayroad.. Melascula and Derieri" lucifer says, pointing to each in order. The four bow as lucifer and naruko take their seats upon their thrones and hinata stands next to naruko.

"Fufufu.. Who's she" melascula asks, revealing her long and serpent tongue. Naruko glares slightly and melscula flinches, "One of my Seven.. Hinata the Envious" she says.

"Then she is my Contuerpart then" zeldris asks. Lucifer crosses his legs wtih a nod but glances to hinata, "Yes but Unlike Naruko's Seven.. My Stakes are intertwined with all the other sins" he says.

"Intertwined" hinata asks and greyroad floats closer, "You represent the Sin of Envy but we Stakes encompasses them all except for Pride as it is Lord Lucfier" greyroad states in tandem with its heads.

"Not entirely true Greyroad.. Anyone one of you can be Pride but I am the Most Prideful" lucifer states and shifts slightly, "Zeldris and Derieri.. I want you to train Hinata until we return" he says and both nod. Zeldris and derieri led hinata below to the circle of violence, "What skills do you posses" he asks.

"I posses the Byakugan that allows me see chakra and a 360 degree view of my surroundings and I am proficient in my clan's Taijutsu the Gentle-fist that can close every tenketsu point in the body" hinata explains. Zeldris rubs his chin, "With your new strength.. You probably destroy the body from within.. We'll work that and discover your other abilities" he says and hinata nods. Meanwhile naruko stood over a reflecting pool and with a wave of her hand the village of Konoha came into view.

"Now where are you" naruko mutters, focusing. A sinister smirk forms on her face as her target comes into view, "There you are Mizuki" she says. Mizuki had the forbidden scroll in his possession and being chased by Anbu. Naruko focused her unholy power on the former teacher increasing his pride and lust. Mizuki suddenly turned and shot toward the only female Anbu with the intention of harm. However the anbu drove her tanto through his chest and killed mizuki. Naruko titters darkly as lucifer wraps his arms around her, "Naughty Fox" he muses, nibbing her neck.

"I'm going to meet him" naruko muses, vanishing into flames. Lucifer returns to his throne with an amused laugh, "She will so many Red delights for him and all who have wronged her" he muses.

*Fourth Circle-Greed*

Mizuki opens his eyes with a start and quickly pats his chest, "Shit I thought that Anbu killed me" he says but looks around. Mizuki was no longer in the forest but looks around and sees gold coins for miles, "Oh.. I've struck the Jackpot" he shouts, grabbing coins. Unbeknownst to the newest hoarder naruko lands behind him with a retract of her black wings, "Here.. too.. I saw a nation of lost souls.. Far more than were above.. They strained their chests against enormous weights and with mad howls rolled them at one another.. Then in haste they rolled them back.. Why do you Hoard.. Why do you waste" she declares. Mizuko halts and turns to see naruko, "Demon what are you doing here?!" he shouts, trying to hide his coins. Naruko lets her demonic feature emerge, "Oh yes the old adage that I am a demon.. Well now I am Mizuki thanks to my deal with the Devil" she sneers. Mizuki sneers right back at naruko but he starts to feel a burning, looking down he saw the gold was actually melting.

"AHHHHH" mizuki cries out. Mizuki struggles to get up as melting gold was dragging him into the scalding pool, "Kami Help me" he shouts. Naruko covers her mouth with a rumbling laugh, "Kami can't and won't save you Mizuki.. You are in Hell's Fourth Circle.. Doomed to burn in this molten gold.. Over and Over and Over and Over for All TIME" she howls, cackling.