"I still don't think its a good idea," Frank called out as he shoved a mashed potato in his mouth.

Henry looked up at the table and made eye contact only with Frank, "I for one agree."

Jamie and Eddie have been on the job working together for the past month. Since there were no rules, Frank had to let them be. He already lost one son on the job, but losing Jamie, his youngest was a completely different ball game. The couple has been receiving jabs from everyone this past month, coworker, the brass and bosses and now Frank and Henry. It seemed to get to Eddie the most since she was newest to the family. Every family dinner, the conversation would be brought up in a small little sigh or comment being thrown in randomly into a conversion, just like now.

Eddie stopped chewing her food and just held the silverware in her hand staring down at her plate. She clenched the silverware and quietly sighed and looked up at Jamie.

Jamie on the other side was used to all the jabs and remarks that they threw at them. He could tell that Eddie was getting sick of it.

She gently stood up and spoke ever so softly, "excuse me," she said and made her way outside to sit on the patio out in the front.

"Really? You really had to bring it up again?" Jamie said annoyed. "She can't handle it anymore, it's at work, it's in the news. You find it necessary to bring it up every time you see her?"

Danny got up from his seat and excused himself from the table.

She was sitting on the porch step out front. Tears dripping down her face when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She didn't flinch or look up she just continued to cry. Danny took a seat next to her.

"What did I do wrong? Did I say something, react to something wrong?" She said as she waved her arms around in front of her softly. "I hear enough of it at work, at home, the news," she said as she took a breath, "now it's here every week, I can't keep doing this," she said as she let another tear escape her eye and took a deep breath along with an agitated sigh.

"It won't last forever." he started, "Jamie loves you more than anything in this world," Danny said as he looked up at her.

She took a deep breath, "we aren't even married yet. We've been engaged for a month and. . .and they just don't stop. I cant keep this going. I can't take it anymore, it's tearing me apart." Just then, she heard the back door open and she turned her head to reveal Jamie.

"Hey," he said quietly and took a seat next to her.

"Hey" she replied gently and continued to stare at the ring on her finger. Danny got up from his seat and gave Eddie a kiss on her head before he continued inside.

The silence between them continued for a good minute before Eddie broke the silence. "Jamie what has come to," she said and waited for him to respond, but he didn't. Still staring down at her ring, she continued, "this isn't our fairytale. . . our happy ending. Before all of this," she said waving her arms between the two of them, "we were the happiest, go lucky people, you could meet, now. . .now I cry myself to sleep because I feel like I'm not good enough for you." she spoke. That got Jamie's attention, she was the best thing that has ever happened to him, but it's true they were falling apart. Everyone had something to say, no congratulations, or excitement for them, it was always 'are you sure it's a good idea?', 'did the bosses approve?'

"Eddie, stop," he said as he looked at her. "You're my everything, you make me complete. Where is all of this coming from?" he asked.

Eddie sat there and played with the ring on her finger, the events, the good times that had together all played through her head, but it was all the good memories they had before they were together.

"The jabs, the comments, the remarks, I can't take it anymore. This isn't me. This isn't us. We are the people, that others want to be." she said, "now." she said continuing to stare down at the ring, she let another tear escape her eye.

She wriggled the ring off her finger, and let out a sob, "I can't keep torturing myself like this any more than I already have." she said. She grabbed Jamie's and put the ring in his hand. She put her hand up to her mouth and let out another cry. "I'm so sorry Jamie. I love you. . .so much" she put her hand against his and closed up the hand with the ring in it and walked towards her car.

Jamie continued to stare down at the ring speechless, 'what the hell just happened?' he asked himself. There he looked up and saw Eddie drive off. "Dammit!" he called out.

Jamie walked inside and stared at his father blankly, and tossed the ring towards him. When Frank looked to see what was in his hand, he was stunned and looked back up at Jamie. "Happy?" Jamie said as he walked out the door of Bayridge and drove off.

Woah so this came to me in the middle of the night and so yeah here it is. Do you like it? Leave me a review and let me know what you think! Xoxo -Bella