Chapter 1: Trouble

Talsmith castle, Fireshelf, Ashfeld.

"It turned out to be a pleasant day." the Lawbringer thought to himself. Outside the walls of Talsmith castle, Johann Talsmith patrols the surrounding village. He nods in greeting to the passersby as he makes his way to the market square. As the Lawbringer patrols the village a man approaches him.

"M'lord, if I may have a moment of your time?" the man asks, taking off his straw hat and holds it before him.

"Yes, what can I do for you?" he replies setting the end of his poleaxe in the ground.

"Over the past few days the farms have been attacked by a pack of wolves. They've already killed some of our livestock." the farmer nervously tells the Lawbringer.

"That is a problem. I'll post some of our hunters around the farms. See if we can't scare them off or get rid of them." the Lawbringer places an armored hand on the man's shoulder. "We'll take care of it."

"Thank you, m'lord." the man puts his hat back on and turns to go back to the market.

The Lawbringer continues his patrol, briefly stopping at the hunter's outpost, and nearly makes it back to the barracks before he hears rapid footsteps behind him. He turns, readying his poleaxe, to see one of his captains running towards him.

"Sir! Sir!" the captain yells.

The Lawbringer holds his hand up, "Calm yourself captain. Catch your breath."

"Yes sir." the captain takes several deep breaths. "Our sentries... have spotted a Knight patrol... several appeared wounded. They should be arriving at the main gate shortly."

The Lawbringer thinks for a moment. "Go to the barracks, prepare to receive wounded. Let Lord Talsmith know of the patrol's arrival." he orders

"Yes sir! It will be done." the captain salutes and rushes off towards the barracks.

With poleaxe in hand, the Lawbringer makes his way to the main gate. Halfway through the village, a bell sounds from up ahead, the Lawbringer picks up his pace. Soldiers at the gate notice his approach.

"My lord, a knight group of Knights are approaching!" shouts a soldier from atop the gate.

"Well... let them in! Open it!" he yells back pointing to the gate.

The large doors open with the sound of heavy wood against stone and the clanking of heavy chains. The first to come through were the wounded, several being carried on shields. Twenty men came through the gate, gathering in a group, before the Lawbringer spotted the first officer. A harrowed looking captain.

"Captain." the Lawbringer calls out.

The captain looks up seeing the Lawbringer and approaches. "Yes sir?"

"What Legion are you? Who is your commander?" he questions.

"Most of us are Ash Legion. Our commander is a Warden. The one with a steel crest." the captain answers.

"Thank you, captain. The barracks is up this main road, near the castle." the Lawbringer nods up the road. "Take your men there."

"Thank you, sir." the captain says before rejoining his men and making their way up the road towards the barracks.

Johann waits at the gate inspecting the troops that arrive. A Conqueror walks through carrying a soldier over his shoulder. Johann glare at the conscript from behind his helmet. A Warden walks up holding one end of a makeshift stretcher. Johann was about to call him over when he noticed the helm lacked the steel ridge ornament. More soldier flow through followed by an imposing Lawbringer carrying a soldier. The flow of soldiers comes to an end, Johann raises an eyebrow and walks through the gate. He sees two Wardens and a peacekeeper standing just beyond.

"Aveline, what's the final count? The Warden, facing away from Johann, asks.

"One hundred forty three. We lost seventeen since this morning." the other Warden answers. Johann notices this Warden is female, a fiery red braid draped over her shoulder.

The male Warden sighs and turns to the Peacekeeper, "Ella, are you up for a little recon of our path here, to see if they fell behind?"

"Of course." the Peacekeeper tersely replies. She then looks to Johann and nods in his direction. "We have company."

The Wardens turn to face Johann. He sees the male Warden has a steel crest atop is helm. Removing his helm, Johann walks up to the three. "Sir Warden, I am Johann Talsmith. Son of Lord Bromhill Talsmith." He introduces himself and extends his hand to the Warden.

The Warden looks to the offered hand then back to Johann. "I know its been a while," the Warden removes his helmet. "but don't you recognize me, brother?"

Johann looks over the Warden. Armor dented, leather and chain mail torn. Longsword, dirty and chipped. His tabard, ripped, singed, covered in mud and blood, bares the faded colors of the Ash Legion. Johann notices a familiar emblem under the mud. ''

He looks back to the Warden's face, "Rikard? Is that you?"

"Its good to see you, Johann" The brothers hug awkwardly with armor.

"You've been away for far to long. That scar is new." Johann says pointing to the long scar running along the side of Rikard's face.

Rikard runs a finger along the scar and chuckles. "Courtesy of a feisty Berserker. Let me tell you, never get between a Berserker and her favorite axe. It won't end well."

"You also look tired, very tired." Johann points out.

"Heh. He means you look like shit." the female Warden says, punching Rikard's shoulder.

"Come now, Aveline, I can't look that bad. Ella, what do you think?" Rikard turns to the Peacekeeper. "And, She's gone."

Johann looks around but doesn't see the Peacekeeper anywhere near the gate. "That happens often?"

Rikard shrugs, "More often than you would think. You get used to it." he motions towards the castle. "Shall we head in?"

"Of course." Johann places his helm back on and goes back through the gate. Rikard places his helm on as well and the Wardens follow Johann. Once they pace through the gate Johann shouts up to the gatekeeper. "Close the gate!"

"Aye sir!" a soldier calls back as the gate close with the sounds of chains and scraping wood.

"Aveline, go on ahead. Check on the men in the barracks, gather the others, and meet me at the castle." Rikard orders.

"Yes sir." she answers before increasing her pace towards the barracks.

The brothers walk in silence for a while before Rikard speaks up, "We have trouble heading our way."