So I've been gone for a while, i've been busy finishing school, that shite's over with, so i'll hopefully begin updating things.

For now, i'm still far too rusty to create something that requires effort, so i'll do something slightly useful.

This chapter is an author's note in its entirety, and it will list the equipment of all of the characters of the Arc Legion, originally i wanted to leave this to the readers imagination, but i feel this might work better for the bizarre battles planned ahead.

The website listed below displays all the weapons and armors of For Honor, as a reference point.


Holden Cross - Lawbringer

To start with, Holden just looks like good ol' Holden, Dheneb set with unique lion shoulder pauldrons, however he no longer has a generic looking halberd, instead he has the "Last Medjay" halberd.

Sverker - Berserker

Armour - Stoneworn set

Weapon - Gripping Beast

Tengu - Aramusha

Armour - Kisaragi headpiece, Stormwalker chestpiece, Lost in Waves arms

Weapon - Empress

Yamato - Shinobi

Armour - Daffodil set

Weapon - Undead

Blut - Conqueror

Armour - Juhel headpiece, Goriate chestpiece and arms

Weapon - Vindictive Ripper flail, Dorian shield (word "Schnee" embossed into centre circle)

Etiam - Centurion

Armour - Orcus chestpiece and arms, Valentia headpiece (all bronze material)

Weapon - Vena Amoris hilt, Angelic Tale blade and handle.

Mae - Nobushi

Armour - Amaririsu set

Weapon- Sugashita

Reynauld - Warden

Armour - Arcturus helm, Saerus chestpiece and arms

Weapon - Rhoswen's Twilight

And that's all for now i'm afraid, i'll update as soon as I can.