
A surprise epilogue, enjoy!

Having experienced magic in many forms throughout her long life, Diana had to admit that Disney World was the only place on Earth that made her feel as if she had been spellbound the moment she entered the park. It had been too many years she had last visited the Magic Kingdom, but she couldn't fight the giddy feeling when she heard the music in the air, when she saw the size of the equally enchanted crowds, when she thought about all the sights that the little ones were about to see.

"Do you see the castle, Alexandros?" She asked with an excitement that she reserved for her children. Her hand reflexively reached for his untameable mess of curls, but the baseball cap his father had the sense to place on his head blocked her from doing so. Still, when he looked up at her, some stray strands spilled out from under the rim and sat over his wide-eyed expression.

"Naí! Mamá," Alex stomped around in a small impatient circle before he squeezed his small hand around the handle of the stroller she was pushing, clearly ready to keep going. "I want to see Cinderella!"

Diana cooed at her son with immense empathy. "I know, and you will. But where's bampás?"
"Bampás!?" Exclaimed the hyperactive child as he wiped his head back and forth, looking for his father. Alex's enthusiasm was one of the features she loved about him, especially when it helped him find a fondness for the half of his heritage that was Greek. He was the only one of her children who called their father 'bampás', and she loved whenever he said it, even if he was yelling for his dad.

Luckily, his voice was like a summoning spell for Bruce Wayne. "I'm here, Alex. I'm here."

"Yes Alex," Diana turned around just in time to watch Penelope cross her brows as she scolded her brother, sitting high with her opinion upon Bruce's shoulders. "Don't be rude."

Great Hera, she was showing more and more signs of Alfred in personality with every passing day.

"How was I rude!?" Alex demanded at the top of his lungs.

Familiar with their volatile conversations, Bruce expertly spoke louder than the both of them as he suggested a plan of action in the most indirect way. "I wonder if we'll see Moana if we keep walking?"

Diana curled her lips in and returned her attention back to the stroller in front of her. She left the noisy pair of siblings to the man who dealt with loud personalities all of the time, and decided to look over the other two kids who were visibly easier to handle.

In the second bassinet, Diana checked to make sure that Iris was still asleep. Wearing a flowery dress and a matching headband, the youngest of her children somehow managed to sleep through any ruckus when she decided it was time to nap. Considering how loud the park could be, it was almost admirable how determined she was to slumber through the comotion her brother and sister were causing.

Silas, on the other hand, made it clear that he was not amused when he threw his sippy cup on the ground as some sort of protest. Never a crier, the pouty child stared up at Diana as if he expected her to use her lasso and compel him to tell her the reason why he was suddenly distressed. The fussiest of her kids was typically greeted with the question, "What's wrong, darling?"

Before she could bend down to retrieve the discarded cup, Alexandros had kindly picked it up off the ground and placed it on his brother's tray. "Silas." It was finally his turn to admonish someone else.

"Was his cup empty?" Diana asked Alex while reaching into the mini cooler bag they had in the small basket under the stroller.

Alex nodded. "Yeah, maybe he's thirsty?"

"Maybe he is." Diana agreed, pulling out one of Silas' many other drinks.

Under his breath, Bruce muttered, "You're checking that pull up."

Her reflexes swift, she looked back at the father of her children and arched a brow at him sharply. Clearly, she was asking without words 'are you sure about that?'.

Thankfully, for the sake of peace, Penelope intervened before any other comments or gestures could be exchanged. "Where is Moana, daddy?"

"And Cinderella! At her house?" Alex guessed as he aimed his index finger at the castle posed perfectly at the end of Main Street USA.

The sound of Bruce's chuckle was low, but Diana still heard it under the squeak of the stroller as she pushed it forward. "You want to see Cinderella or her mice, Alex?"

Taking two steps forward at a time, he answered at his typical volume. "Both! I want to see everything!"

"Everything?" Bruce pretended to be surprised by the answer, teasing their son as if he could understand his father's subtle teasing in the slightest.

Diana chuckled at the children she had to deal with - young and old - just as something soft and warm reached for her fingers. Lo and behold, it was none other than Silas asking for his mother's attention, holding his sippy cup to his lips in one hand and using his other one to ask for hers. He was so much more timid than his other siblings, which somehow made his requests for affection a tad sweeter.

She reached forward and cupped his cheek as she heard Penelope decree from on her perch above them all. "Mommy should introduce us to them, shouldn't she?"

"Who?" Bruce and Alex unintentionally asked in unison.

Like it was a fact, the eldest clarified. "The princesses."

"And how am I going to do that, sweetheart?" Questioned Diana while trying to divert her attention between her two children, before making sure she darted her eyes toward Alex, who was skipping so fast, he was about to lose his hat.

Confusion in her otherwise refined voice, Penelope answered the ask with an inquiry of her own. "Because you're a 'princess' too, right? That's why daddy calls you that, right?"

Instantly, she felt Bruce's eyes on her, a feeling she knew all too well. It was a soothing, discarnate graze that reminded her of how she ended up at Disney World with four children and a husband to flatter her with such a pet name.

Diana looked back at Bruce over her shoulder and smiled, reflecting on when he made her feel like a princess the first time they had ever come to the park together. When he took her from ride to ride, kissed her on the bridge that was only a few steps away for the very first time, then took her to the princess suite that ended up being their honeymoon suite.

The fireworks that happened at Disney World - the ones that flew sky-high or took her to cloud nine - were indeed embedded with something special that any magic user she had ever met would be envious of.

Unable to deny her children anything, Wonder Woman caved to their adorable misunderstanding and promised them with all of her heart. "I might be able to work something out." Then, she winked at Bruce, knowing he'd understand that she meant for him to work his business magic and make it happen.

Like the Fairy Godmother's magic wand, her adoring husband revealed his cell phone and called upon the little workers of the park to help them make their little ones' dream come true.

The last time they had to think about Disney World and 'kids', Bruce's surrogate children had condemned them because they had gone to the Magic Kingdom without them. To think that, all of these years later, they had brought their four children to the park was truly a gift of the gods. From teammates to lovers to parents, her life with Bruce had gone from utterly chaotic to resembling a fairy tale-like dream.

Maybe she deserved a movie, like her fellow princesses.

Author's Note:

I had been wanting to write about the four WonderBat kids I had made a while ago, and I realized that this cute little epilogue was the perfect chance to do so! It's nothing big, nothing special, just some fluff to end your weekend with. Hope you enjoyed! And yes, Alexandros is on his way to being the first male Amazon, while Penelope is going to run Wayne Manor like she's Alfred II someday! ~ Maiden