Welcome to my entries for the #WonderBatMilestones Week!

Rating: K / PG

Pairing: Wonder Woman x Batman

Universe: DCEU

Bruce made sure the flash wasn't on during the last lull in the traffic, but what he hadn't considered was the shutter sound his phone would make when he snapped his secret photo. Tucked under his elbow at such an awkward angle, the usually stealthy man groaned dispiritedly, only making his passenger all the more curious about the noises she most definitely heard from his side of the car.

"Bruce." His name spilled over Diana's lips slowly, suspiciously.

He chose to simply respond with a huff. After all, he needed to focus on the highway, its traffic and its exit signs. If it weren't for the fact that he loved having the chance to drive his Mercedes down the east coast, he would have fought her over their mode of transportation.

He could only assume that flying was no longer exciting to the woman who could probably leap higher than a skyscraper.

"Bruce." Diana repeated his name with a promise to scold him lingering under her words. It was sincere, it was almost giddy, it was entirely her.

His smirk crinkled in the left side of his mouth so that she wouldn't notice his amusement. "Yes, princess?" Typically, he used that nickname much more naturally, never emotionally. However, he was hoping it would inspire her to show mercy on his poor, unfortunate soul.

"Did I hear a camera just now?" She asked him with a tone that implied she already knew the answer. Even though he was looking forward, he could somehow sense the arch of her brow as she impatiently waited for his answer.

Never one to crack under pressure, Bruce replied solidly, "Of course not. I'm driving." His alibi was strong, but would she buy it?

"Hmmm," her inquisitive hum plucked the confidence right out of him, especially when it followed the tap of her long finger against the spacebar on her laptop. Without the audio buzzing from her headphones any longer, the ride suddenly felt chilling. "Where's your phone, Mr. Wayne?"

That nickname threw him for a loop. So much so that he nearly zoned out and missed his chance to break before a car in the middle lane tried to cut him off.

"In my pocket." Was his blunt answer.

Diana was no fool though, and he knew this. Still he had tried to trick her and she was not having it. "But it was in the cup holder next to mine while I was plugging in my laptop half an hour ago."

He had tried to trick her, but he had most definitely failed.

Still, he made one more attempted to pull the wool over her eyes. "It's been a very long drive, you know."

"Are you saying I am too tired to know when I last saw your phone?"

"Why are you even looking for it? Yours is right there."

"Maybe I need your instant connection to Alfred so I can tell him how you're teasing me like a boy in a schoolyard."

Now, she had his attention. Bruce turned his head to stare down his companion, his partner, his ally, Wonder Woman. In her civilian attire, wrapped up in a wooly mammoth-sized blanket, Diana Prince had never looked more ethereal to him. She wasn't decorated in armor, she wasn't emitting that primal energy she reserved for battle, she wasn't letting her gaze become hooded so she could strategize her survival. It had been much too long since he last got to see her as Diana, the person, which was something he had secretly missed.

It had been even longer since he had been strong-armed into a vacation as Bruce Wayne, which was something he could have lived without.

The media would have a field day if they knew that Batman and Wonder Woman were racing down the I-4 West. Thankfully, Bruce was able to enjoy the sight an excited Diana squirming in her seat for the last eighteen hours all on his own, which proved to be one of the benefits of taking the longer trip down south.

His mood cheerier, Bruce conceded slightly and admitted his wrongdoing in the most roundabout way. "Says the girl who's ready to tattle on me at a moment's notice."

Diana's pout was so instantaneous, he bit the inside of his cheek in a desperate attempt to stifle a laugh. His eyes flew back towards the road just as his mouth flew open. "Unless you might have heard a camera in the video you're watching."

"There's a camera in The Little Mermaid?"

"You're watching The Little Mermaid?" His shock was much too exuberant for his tastes, but it was difficult to contain himself.

Softly, she explained. "I have to be prepared."

"It's Disney," Bruce felt the need to remind her. "You're a tourist, not a keynote speaker on the history of the antiques they put in Hercules."

She chose to ignore his poor attempt at humor so blatantly that she snuggled into her seat as if she was about to dive back into watching her movie. However, she didn't click upon the spacebar right away. No, Diana chose to divulge her reasoning as if she had never been interrupted in the first place. "I watched the Walt Disney Company grow successfully over the years, since Snow White's movie came out in 1937. But after the golden age of his films, after he passed away, it wasn't as common for adults to go to the theatre without their children to see animated movies."

Bruce tried to surmise the meaning of her words as he spotted a very important sign in the distance. "So you know the classic films, but missed out on the last few decades."

"Exactly," with a grin, did she confirm his suspicions. Moving right along, Diana was able to revive her wonderment and carried on. "So I wanted to try and catch up on the last five decades of films before we arrived."

Sighing, he nodded in understanding. He had assumed she was working the entire time her laptop was open; headphones in, eyes fixated on her screen, she could have been studying materials or watching a telecasted presentation. That's why he had to take that picture of her – he thought it was a rather tender moment to see Diana so emotionally invested in her work, even after being alive for hundreds of years, that she was sniffling over a conference.

Instead, she had been learning the Disney Princess lineup and their emotional ballads.

"How many did you get through?" Bruce inquired as he spied the exit sign on their right, wondering if she would notice it too.

Diana tore her gaze away from Ariel in order to answer him. "With a few breaks every now and then, I think I watched—! Bruce, look!"

First, she swiped at him so that she could clamp down her hand on his arm. Squeezing his bicep, Diana nearly bruised him as she tried to gather his attention in the direction he was already facing. Then, she snatched up her phone out of the cup holder it had dutifully rested in for most of the ride. She typed in her passcode at a Barry-like speed and began taking pictures of the archway they were about to pass under.

The one that read, 'Walt Disney World', with the subtitle, 'Where Dreams Come True'.

Radiating an almost animated energy herself, seeing Diana so thoroughly exuberant at the mere sight of the welcome sign to the park was enough to warm the chilling Batman's heart. After all, he had always been amazed by Diana's positivity despite her many years of life. Bruce had only endure about forty himself and he had grown so cynical so fast, and yet the Amazonian princess who had seen wars and disasters somehow managed to light up at the mere sight of Mickey Mouse motioning towards the parks on the side of the highway.

It felt like he barely knew her, when he got to see her in such a relaxed state. Bruce wondered if she knew who he was beneath the cowl, underneath his ties and suits when he was playing the role of a CEO.

No matter how many years they battled alongside one another, argued about strategies with each other, lived the daily struggle of being a hero together, it somehow still felt like he was seeing Diana in a new way, as if he was meeting her civilian side for the very first time.

As if he was seeing the version of Diana that not many others were as privy to as he.

Bruce felt a small rush of panic cease him at the thought of such intimacy, but he stifled it quickly enough with a fake cough meant to clear his throat. Kindly, he felt her blue gaze tear away from the road ahead and land on him with concern. Without missing a beat, he smiled at her and asked, "Ready?"

Instantly, her worries vanished and she promised him with a smile of her own, "Ready."

Yes, perhaps he was too.

Author's Notes:

This is chapter one of a five day event that the WonderBat community held on Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram! All of my entries take place at Disney World, as I partnered with the amazingly talented thebatfaminsta on Tumblr who made fake social media posts to go along with every theme of this story!

Please make sure you go check out her posts on her Tumblr if only to see the beautiful Instagram / Snapchat photos she made for this story! Thank you!

~ Maiden