My name is Kaye.

Stern M. Kaye.

But not everyone knows my full name.

They just call me the "Elemental Terror".

It's fitting, I guess, even though I don't like it.

No one likes to be hated for what you are. No one likes to feel like a pig just waiting to be sent to the slaughterhouse. No one likes the feeling of longing and loneliness.

Yeah, that's me in a nutshell.

Oh well, at least I'm not dead. Thank goodness I'm not, because the world would perish if I'm dead. I don't plan on dying anytime soon though.

Anyway, you might be wondering why I'm hated for being the one who keeps the world from perishing... that's not why I'm hated! I'm hated because of what I might do and because of all the powers I have at my fingertips!

Yeah! That's it! It's a pretty stupid reason, but I can understand a bit about the fear of my powers.

I mean, I could just destroy the world... if I wanted to that is! Ugh, this sucks. Oh well.

Sooo... I think I'll describe myself now. I have medium-short, dark brown-black hair and unusual green-hazel eyes. I'm 21 years old, but sometimes don't act like it.

I've always wanted to have a real family and real friends that accept my for who I am, this is all I want.

I love to help people and anyone who needs it, but I can't.

Oh, and I don't judge anyone. I accept people for who they are, not what they used to be or could be.

It's just the way I am. So yeah, even though I'm lonely and all by myself, I have a feeling I'll meet people who do accept me someday.

Call it a hunch.

No, I know it will happen!

I can't be lonely forever...
