Disclaimer: Still not mine

Chapter 18

Bobby sighed and pushed aside the file. He'd been on the trail for a year now with little to show for it. A trio of people, two men and a woman, they took care of hunts with an ease beyond anything he had ever seen…and drove a black Impala when a vehicle was noted. One of the males was very tall with dark hair, the other was shorter and blonde…he didn't know whether that was a comfort or not. Was it the boys and if so, why not contact him at all? Sam had left hunting for school, why would he return? And if it was them, who was the woman? The closest he had gotten to them had been a year ago in Fitchburg, Wisconsin.

He had another pressing matter as well, the deaths of hunters. Most had their throats slit but some were shot, often in their own home bases which was meant the threat was likely human or using humans to get the job done, since the homes were well protected from the Supernatural. There were no clues or real patterns that he could see. Although, those that were more…aggressive in their hunting made up a good proportion of those killed.


Dean lay between Sammy and Rowena, letting them do as they pleased, whimpers of need coming from his throat as he writhed in pleasure, letting their pleasure flood him as well even as they blocked themselves from feeling his, wanting to draw things out. After a bit over a year they had gotten good at it, it was necessary if one of their bodies was injured and was a good way to focus on one of them in the bedroom.


They moved as one, tracking the werewolf through the darkened alleys, herding it to where they had set up a containment spell to hold it. No one had been killed yet which meant the wolf was newly turned and had yet to claim a victim, which meant there was a chance to remove the curse rather than kill them.

Finally, the trap activated, and Sammy approached as he was closest, the other two coming now that they had the wolf. They saw through his eyes as he studied the dark-haired young woman, she was pretty, but there was something…unthreatening about her, even with her blue eyes, teeth and claws. Sadly, there was blood around her mouth, she had finally made a kill and they had missed it. There was no way to return her to human now and magic flared, ready to kill her painlessly, when an idea floated by, a way to let her live…the thought was agreed to and he approached even as Dean joined him, Rowena had been the furthest out. Sammy reached through the containment spell and place his hand over her throat, magic following their commands and the girl whimpered, unable to move, to defend herself as their magic surged into her body.

Dean released the containment spell and she fell to her knees as runes encircled her throat, forcing the wolf to submit, taming her. He stepped closer and she whined, rubbing against his leg, even as Rowena emerged and smiled.

They could not return her humanity, something that upset Dean and therefore them, but they could give her a life where she would not kill unless they ordered it. They slipped into their new pets' mind, pushing past the wolf's mind to find her name. Dean turned to walk away. "Come Madison," he ordered, and she followed docilely.

Once home, she was fed raw meat and magically cleaned up before being put in the yard since a werewolf would find being in the house too much far too confining. She could help guard the house. Dean watched as the sun rose and there was no change, she was permanently locked into the werewolf form, but it had been the only way to spare her life. He didn't consider that maybe she would have preferred death.


Bobby ducked out of sight as a black Impala pulled in, watching as it parked and then three people got out. There was no doubt now, despite the longer hair, this was Dean and Sam. The woman with them was pretty and then she smiled at Sam who caressed her cheek, Sam's girlfriend? They headed into the forest and he knew they were here for the same hunt he was. Something was odd…the way they moved, totally in sync and no one had said anything… he followed them, needing more information.


They realised very quickly they were being followed but didn't react, sensing no threat and they had a monster to deal with. They spread out, approaching carefully, seeing the hunched over form gnawing on a human leg. Ideas flowed through their mind and then they each flicked a wrist, intensely hot fire flowing into the clearing and cave and the creature screamed as it was consumed. Not many beings were immune to fire, especially magical flames that burned even hotter.


Bobby stared with wide eyes, what the hell? Since when could the boys do magic? They'd done it all in complete silence. He turned to leave, he needed to think and then stepped back as he saw all three of them before him.

"Hello Bobby," Sam greeted.

"Sam," he offered warily, this close Bobby could see the gold in his eyes, see some in Dean's eyes too, purple in the woman's…all colours a witches eyes would flash when using magic. There was something in the way the stood, their expressions, that made the hair on his neck stand up. These weren't the boys he'd known. What had happened to them?

"You're scared," Dean said, utterly calm.

Dean was never that calm, he was always cocky, running his mouth off, and yeah, it scared him. "What happened to you?"

"Lots of things," Sam answered.

"We're fine, better than ever," Dean continued without any hesitation.

"You should go home."

"Retire and enjoy your life."

How were they doing that? It was creepy and not natural. Looking at all three of them, their expressions were identical, almost as if they were one person. But that wasn't possible.

"The demon that killed Mom is defeated."

"Dad died sending it deep into hell," Sam added.

"So deep it will never escape again." Rowena finally spoke, voice soft and accented.

John was dead? He had always thought his hunt would kill him and he knew John wouldn't mind going down to stop it. Somehow, these three weren't really three, had a spell backfired? He'd seen the wards John used, the way he watched Sam, and had suspected for years Sam was a natural born witch but Dean? "I always suspected John was holding magic back, but from you Sam, not Dean."

"We are one," Sam answered, able to sense his suspicion about that. There was no reason to try and act as separate beings. He stepped forward and Bobby backed up, right into a tree. He smiled softly and reached out, wrapping magic around the older man, holding him in place. "It's alright Bobby, we want you to be happy and safe," he soothed as he placed gently fingers against Bobby's temples. "Just relax," he murmured, sending his magic into Bobby's mind and body. They healed the damage a hard life had caused to Bobby's body, shedding a lot of the excess weight while they were at it.

"Sa…" Bobby's eyes rolled back in his head, body held in place only by magic now.

They moved into his mind, taking his knowledge of the Supernatural for themselves, replacing memories with those of being a mechanic but having retired. They could easily give him the necessary money and papers. Dean and Rowena vanished, going to his house in South Dakota to strip it down, moving his personal belongings to a new home in Florida. Finally, they were done, and Bobby's body crumpled into Sammy's arms. They vanished to join the others and Sammy settled Bobby into a comfortable chair before the TV, changing his clothes into casual wear that fit and then they left him to wake on his own time. Dean and Rowena had placed protections on the house to keep him safe.


Books flew onto the shelves as Rowena added Bobby's library to their own while Sammy prepared dinner and Dean dozed. They ate and then retired for the night, this tine Rowena in the middle, being driven mad with pleasure thanks to her boys.


Time passed and they continued to hunt when they pleased, keeping an eye out for demonic activity and hunters. Madison was sometimes taken on hunts where her wolf senses were useful for tracking but otherwise, she guarded the house.

The three immortals found the years flying by, until twenty years had passed, and they were organising a funeral. Even with the healing they had provided, Bobby Singer passed in his early seventies of cancer. Sixty years later Madison passed, finally reverting to human in death and they gave her a proper funeral as well. The world moved on around them and they remained as guardians for those who needed it.

The End