Wolfie a/n: The Say It reference in this chapter is NOT me… this time. Thanks as always to HK for letting me be a (big) part of this fic that has my 3 favourite things: sass, angst and mutual pining :)

HK a/n: Yeah this is definitely my fic or maybe not. I can't remember any more… Thanks Wolfie for the Aizen retorts.

Chapter 4 – Come with Me

Back at the barracks, Cherry guided Gin over to the sofa while Sousuke grabbed a cold damp cloth. "Here," he said, passing it to Gin. "Let's get you cleaned up. I need you to be on top form for tomorrow."

A slightly confused look on Gin's face told Sousuke that the younger Captain needed more detail.

"After what's just happened, I want to make sure you're safe…" Sousuke paused for a moment trying to think of how to continue. He decided to ignore the almost-sarcastic look that Cherry was giving him at that statement. It seems she didn't quite believe him, either. Hell, he wasn't even sure if he believed himself.

"Well, I ain't dead, so I guess I'm alright." Gin said, shrugging. Trying to downplay the head injury. Sousuke just sighed.

"You might still have a concussion," he said. "It's best if I don't leave you alone."

"I've had worse," Gin stated.

Sousuke sighed again and repeated, "I'm not leaving you alone."

Gin looked at Sousuke with desperation and confusion. "What do you mean?"

"You're going to make me say it aren't you?" the older Captain uttered. After a slow, deep breath, he continued. "Come with me."

Gin's eyes widen in shock. "To Hueco Mundo?"

"No," Aizen smirked, "To Paris. Of course, to Hueco Mundo. Where else?"

Gin frowned back at him. "Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, you know."

Aizen crossed his arms and looked smug. "Obviously whoever coined that phrase has never met me."

"Obviously." Gin answered, trying to resist rolling his eyes at the older man.

"Obviously," Aizen echoed. Choosing to ignore the blatant sarcasm. "Although, Paris does sound nice…"

"Seriously, at a time like this?" Gin scoffed, as he pulled the now blood-stained cloth away from his forehead, a pained expression on his face. Cherry, who was sitting next to him, took the cloth and trotted to the kitchen area with it before returning with the first aid box. A small smile grew on both Captain's faces as they observed the clever little vixen.

"Good fox," Sousuke smiled, taking the box off her and opening it. Realising very quickly that he was no healer. That he was probably going to do more harm than good with his clumsy attempts at making Gin feel better… he shook his mind free of the grim thoughts. Telling himself to get a grip. He was a Captain. He had more than enough training and experience in the field to be able to deal with something so simple as this. He had no reason whatsoever to feel inept.

So why then, did he feel so wrongfooted?

Was it simply because it was Gin and not some nameless, faceless recruit?

He didn't know. And he didn't have time to sit dissecting the answer. "I'm going to clean the wound now," he told Gin gently, "I'll try to be as gentle as I can, though it might sting."

Gin snorted. "Yes, Doctor."

Aizen ignored him and opened the antiseptic cleaning wipes to begin cleaning the wound while Gin sat quietly, letting him work.

After cleaning, Sousuke saw that although the wound wasn't deep, it was still enough to need stitches. Sousuke winced. Here he was, a Captain of higher ability than most and one who didn't show his emotions, unable to concentrate fully on the task at hand. "That hollow got you pretty good Gin. You're gonna need stitches. If I could perform Kaido it would be fine, but it was never an art I excelled in."

Gin chuckled almost instantly wishing he hadn't. Tightly closing his eyes with the booming pain emanating from the open wound. "You're kiddin', right? You're a Kido Master. I'd have thought that the healing Kido would be included in that."

"Sadly, no." Aizen tried not to frown. "I could attempt it, but I don't want to botch it and make the injury worse. I'm afraid we're going to have to stitch you up the old-fashioned way."

Gin winced. "Great. I guess now would be a great time ta mention I really fuckin' hate needles."

Aizen winced. Perfect. Not only had Gin gotten injured under his watch, now Gin was going to have to deal with getting stitched up with a needle and thread by his own clumsy hands. Excellent. Just what he wanted. "I'll try and be careful," he offered weakly, but he knew Gin deserved better. If he'd been more alert in the first place, this would not have happened.

But at least he had the motivation to learn Kaido now.

"I know," Gin said softly. "I just… really hate needles."

Aizen nodded. "I understand. They are horrible things, aren't they?"

Gin nodded, then winced in pain at the action. "Yup. And head injuries."

Aizen smiled. "Agreed."

With a shaky hand, Aizen thread the needle and cursed inwardly as he did so. Dammit. Stop shaking. As if willing it would make it happen. "You may want to close your eyes Gin."

When he did, Cherry snuggled next to him to act as a comforting distraction. Her fluffy, white tail curling around his wrist.

Sousuke slowly and carefully pierced one side of the wound with the needle before pulling the thread through to close the slit above Gin's eye. The fact that his younger companion hated needles made it more difficult. With every puncture, Gin flinched. Aizen released a breath which he didn't know he'd been holding. "Sorry Gin. If only I were able to perform Kaido."

Trying to keep his mind off it, Gin shrugged. "No problem. Now, what were you saying earlier? You want me to go to Hueco Mundo with you?"

"I do, yes," he admitted, trying to keep his tone casual while he concentrated on stitching Gin up. "I would… like to have you by my side."

Gin flinched again as the needle penetrated his skin. "You would?"

Aizen managed to restrain his curse as he stuck himself with the needle by accident. Fortune was clearly not on his side today. "Of course," he said, "I wouldn't have asked if I didn't mean it."

Gin looked thoughtful for a moment. Even with his eyes closed, Aizen could see the gears turning in his head. Weighing up his response. "I heard it's a place of nightmares," Gin murmured quietly. Of course, he knew Aizen had been before to that place. The Hollow world. He'd made Gin stay behind that day, but he knew where Aizen had gone.

"Not really," Aizen answered. "But then, not much scares me anymore." He finished making the last of the stitches and cut the suture thread. "I'm done now. You can open your eyes again."

Being in the quizzical mood, Gin asked, "Not much? So, there is the rare time you're scared?"

"Isn't that what I just said?" Aizen asked him, packing away the first aid kit and discarding the used needle and suture thread into the sharps box. He thought for a moment about whether or not to bandage Gin's head but decided against it. The stitches would be enough. "Not a lot scares me. But I do get scared. It just happens very rarely."

In an attempt to get more answers, Gin then asks, "When was the last time you were scared?"

Aizen knew that Gin was relentless when it came to questions. There was no avoiding this once Gin put his mind to it. Instead, he decided to turn the tables. "When were you last scared Gin?" a small smirk enveloped his face.

"No fair. I asked you first Sousuke."

Aizen sighed. "Recently," he answered with a tired smile. "Now where's your answer?"

Gin exhaled at the non-direct answer and chose to reply with the same non-descript tone. "Not as recently."

"Touché," Aizen smiled.