"Hey, Soma!" Joichiro said to his young son. "Check this out!"
6 year old Soma watched in awe as his dad flipped an omelet out of the frying pan and caught it on a plate.
"Wow! So cool dad!" little Soma said. "When I grow up I want to be just like you!"
Joichiro shook his head. Soma had no idea what he had gone through to become what he was. Girls had hounded him all through school, begging him to stray from his path of perfection. He had put cooking before everything, before everyone that mattered in his life, until the day he finally crashed and burned. It took long years of travel to rekindle the spark of cooking within him, and even then he felt empty in a kitchen until her met her.
Although… If Soma really wanted this, really wanted to be like his father, then he could do it differently. Soma didn't have to throw everything and everyone important to him away to cook at the highest level. Joichiro eyed Soma, and in those little golden eyes he saw a fire; a fire that could push his son above and beyond everything Joichiro was.
Joichiro's lips curled up into a smile. "It's been a while since I had a shokugeki…" he muttered.
"Huh?" Soma asked. "Speak up, pops!"
Joichiro ruffled his son's hair. "How about a cook-off?"
Little Soma jumped up and down in excitement. "Alright! I'm gonna beat you, dad!"
Jo laughed. It was the first good laugh he'd had since Soma's mother passed.
Mayu watched in awe as Soma cooked side-by-side with his dad. They looked so similar that, if it wasn't for Soma's youthful inability to grow facial hair, she wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Their near-identical appearance had led to a few awkward situations, including a career day the year before where one of Soma's classmates accidentally confessed to his dad instead of him.
Of course, Joichiro just laughed it off, but it made things incredibly awkward for Soma that year. Nearly every girl in school had confessed to him after that.
Everyone except Mayu. Mayu was just too scared.
Besides, Soma had turned every single confessor down. It wasn't that Soma didn't like girls; Aki had gone snooping through his stuff and found a, um… magazine confirming it. Mayu thought it was that he had someone special already, but nobody had ever seen Soma out with a girl, even when the girls' tennis team was collaboratively stalking him day and night—
Mayu snapped out of her train of thought as two steaming plates of Chinese fried rice were put in front of her. She did her due diligence, tasting both dishes and savoring their flavor, before coming to a surprisingly easy conclusion.
"This one," she said, raising her left hand.
Joichiro winked at Soma, who shook his head and started undoing his headband.
"You've got a long way to go yet, kiddo," Joichiro said, taking a bite of Soma's dish. "Not bad though. I'll have to start taking these cook-offs more seriously."
"Pops, please," Soma said, a smirk returning to his face. "You've been taking these seriously since I was eight."
"They're both really good," Mayu said. "It's getting harder and harder to pick a winner."
Soma laughed, sitting down next to Mayu at the bar and digging a spoon into his own plate of rice. "You don't need to sugarcoat it, Mayu. I know I still have a ways to go before I beat dad, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't try my hardest."
"That's… a surprisingly admirable attitude, Soma," Aki said, swooping in behind Mayu and taking a bite of rice. "And here I thought all you were good for was losing to your pops."
Soma laughed. "Watch it, Aki. I've got a batch of strawberry fried squid with your name on it if you keep it up."
Aki shut her mouth and Mayu flushed red. She remembered the last horror that Soma fed her - the one that made the school instigate a rule against food sharing. She shuddered in fear of what might happen to Aki if she couldn't control her sass.
Joichiro rolled his eyes and slapped a hand on Soma's shoulder. "Come on, kiddo, we've got a dinner rush coming in soon."
Soma nodded, getting out his heandband and tying it behind his head. "You got it, pops."
Mayu sighed in relief as Soma went to the far side of the restaurant to clear off tables. She turned to Aki and spoke in a hushed whisper.
"Aki! You know how bad his creations can be. Why poke him like that?"
Aki flashed her a wicked grin and took another bite of rice. She spoke with her mouth full. "Because it's fun, Mayu. Come on, we need to finish this food before we get kicked out to make space for the paying customers."
"Nah, we won't kick you out," Joichiro called from over his shoulder. "I don't pay Soma, so the least I can do is let you guys hang out here and eat for free."
"Yeah," Soma said, winking at Mayu as he headed out to bus some tables. "He'll just work me that much harder."
Mayu's heart skipped a beat. "W-well, if it isn't too much trouble…"
"Yo, Soma!" Joichiro said. "I need you to go out back and prep another cut of pork."
"You got it, pops," Soma said, putting the pile of dirty dishes he just collected into the sink on his way.
Mayu took another bite of each dish. Soma's fried rice was delicious, and made her feel warm and fuzzy on the inside, but there was something…rough, about it, she thought. Joichiro's dish was delicious, too, but it was also centered, whole; like there was something more than just the taste and texture to the dish, something that made Mayu forget everything for a few fleeting moments and be one with her food.
"Oi, Mayu," Joichiro whispered. He snuck a glance at Aki, who was too busy enjoying her food to notice that they were talking. "Just between you and me, do you think Soma will win anytime soon?"
"Um…" She said. "I don't know. There's something… Missing, in his cooking, I think. But I don't know what it is or how he can get it. I'm not a chef or a food critic. All I know is that I liked yours better."
Joichiro looked around the room and gave Mayu a sad smile. "I see. I guess that means I need to make a few phone calls, and a few people are going to be surprised when a younger version of me shows up."
"Um… Excuse me?" Mayu asked. "I don't understand."
Joichiro just winked at her. "Take care of Mr. Tomita and the rest of the shopping district, okay?"
Mayu was confused. Was Joichiro leaving? Was Soma leaving? Why would she, a middle school girl who hadn't worked a job before, need to take care of the shopping district?
But it was Mr. Yukihira asking. He had always been so good to her and everyone who lived around Sumire. Of course she would do as he asked, and she nodded firmly.
"Thanks, kiddo." Joichiro said. "Now, what do you want for dessert?"
Erina stood at the front of the examination room, watching as all of the unworthy scum ran from her palate. She closed her eyes and smiled. Anyone who didn't have the confidence to at least attempt to please her had no business tarnishing Tootsuki's name.
But when she opened her eyes, she saw the one man she had been longing to return to her life. The one man she had kept a picture of, hidden away in a cookbook, since she was eight years old.
But had his hair gotten a little brighter?
"S-Saiba-sama?" Erina stuttered out.
Soma looked confused. "Uh, me? My name's Yukihira Soma. I can still take the transfer exam, right?"
"Uh, y-yes, of course. My mistake," Erina said, trying to regain her composure. "You just look like someone I haven't seen in a long time."
"No worries," Soma said, completely oblivious to the fact that Erina was talking about his dad. "So I can make whatever, as long as I use eggs and I make you say it tastes good?"
"Cool," Soma said, walking over to the kitchen station. "I have to prepare a large batch of one of the components; should I make a serving for secretary-chan and the ojii-sama behind the door too?"
Nakiri Senzaemon belted out a laugh and walked into the room.
Erina stared at him, shocked. "G-grandfather?"
"Hello, Erina, Hisako," Senzaemon said. Then he turned to the red-head. "Yukihira Soma, was it?"
"How did you know I was behind the door?"
"Easy," Soma said. "I saw the glint of your eyes when you peeked out to watch the other transfer students run."
"Ah. Well then, do you mind if I observe your cooking? It's not everyday that someone comes in with enough spine to cook for Erina."
"Not at all!" Soma said, a bright smile on his face. "I take it that means you want some, too?"
"Of course, if you're offering," he said with a smile on his face. "And why not for Hisako-chan as well?"
"Um, well, Nakiri-dono…" Hisako protested.
Senzaemon silenced her with a grandfatherly glare.
"You've skipped breakfast today to get your work done, haven't you?"
Erina looked expectantly at Hisako, who nodded after a few moments.
"I thought so," Senzaemon said, turning to address Soma. "A large portion for Hisako as well."
"Hai!" Soma said, finishing the knot on his headband. "Let's do this!"
Erina sat in silence, watching the boy — no, the man in front of her cook. He looked so much like Saiba-sama. But he wasn't a Saiba. He was a Yukihira. Maybe there was some more information in his file. She began rifling through the stack of folders to find the one marked Yukihira…
And Senzaemon snatched it away before she could open it.
"Erina," he said, warmly. "This is Tootsuki. Let his food do the talking."
Erina nodded, sitting back down to watch the redhead cook.
"Oagario!" Soma, said, presenting two bowls to each observer and keeping a pair for himself.
"What… What is this?" Erina asked, as if she was insulted.
Soma was about to say something, but then he caught himself and grinned. "I like ojii-sama's line. What was it? 'Let the food do the talking?'"
Senzaemon laughed, and Erina flushed red. "Why you insolent-"
"Watch," was all Soma said as he upended the bowl with egg onto the white rice. Soft balls of scrambled egg and tiny cubes of aspic tumbled onto the white rice, and after a few seconds the aspic began melting down into the hot, fluffy grains.
Senzaemon, Erina, and Hisako followed suit, and a chorus of "Itadakimasu!" came out from all four people before they took their first bite.
Hisako had never tasted food this good. It was so full of life…
Erina had to restrain herself from crying out in joy it was so delicious.
Senzaemon's robe exploded into shreds, revealing his buff torso. Scraps of cloth flew about the room, landing everywhere except in the bowls of food.
Soma just smiled as he scarfed down more food, speaking with his mouth full. "Yup! Nailed it!"
In no time, the others finished their bowls as well. Erina didn't know what to think. Where did this chef come from? How could he make food this delicious? Why was she so damn angry about it? And why the hell did he look like Saiba Joichiro? Surely if this was a top-tier chef, she would have heard his name at some point during her work as the God Tongue. But this unknown man, this nobody, had just served up a dish that made her see stars. Maybe grandfather was right; maybe it was worth seeing how his food spoke amongst the rest of the Tootsuki class.
"Who," Erina asked, "is your father, Yukihira-kun?"
Soma looked confused. "Why does that even matter?"
"Please, just humor me. Is your father a gourmet chef named Saiba?"
Soma got visibly angry at that. "My dad is a proud Yukihira, Erina-ojou. He and I have been working together to run shokujidokoro Yukihira since I was three years old. Why do you care so much about who my dad may or may not be? Why is that more important to you than the quality of the food I serve? Would my cooking taste better if I was born to someone else?"
"Well said, Soma-kun," Senzaemon said. He turned to face his granddaughter. "Erina, what is the verdict on the boy's transfer exam?"
Erina was silent for a long moment.
"Pass," she finally said with mild disgust.
Soma pumped his fist in delight. "Osomatsu! That means you thought it was delicious, right?"
Erina flared with rage. "It will take more than rice and egg to make me, Nakiri Erina, the God Tongue, find any food 'delicious.'" She said, crossing her arms. "It was adequate to pass, nothing more."
"But you looked like you were really enjoying it," Soma said, confused. "The entire bowl disappeared in, like, three seconds."
Erina just stormed off, Hisako following dutifully behind her. Senzaemon laughed.
"Welcome to Tootsuki, young Soma-kun." He offered his hand. "I am the director, Nakiri Senzaemon."
"Wow, director-sama!" Soma said. "But why—"
"Soma-kun, there's no need to be formal with me," Senzaemon interrupted. "I saw your father's tenure here at Tootsuki. He and I have been working on a very important project together. He, and by extension, you, are basically family to me." He glanced at the door. "Though I doubt Erina feels the same."
"Yeah," Soma said, scratching the back of his head. "She didn't seem too happy to pass me."
"You confused her," Senzaemon said, provoking a confused look from Soma. "Your father came to cook for us once, back when Erina was still a child. He showed her what it truly meant to put joy into your food. Nobody's been able to impress her like that since… well, today, I guess."
"Hmm," Soma muttered. "One more thing I need to beat my father in…"
"I think it would be wise of you to refrain from mentioning your heritage to her," Senzaemon said. "Otherwise, you will never become anything more than the son of Saiba Joichiro."
Soma thought for a long moment. "I think that advice applies to more than just Nakiri-san. How many others at Tootsuki knew my father?"
"You have more wisdom than Joichiro did at your age, at least. To answer your question, I couldn't tell you," Senzaemon said, turning to leave. "But asking for their discretion seems a reasonable course of action. It has been a pleasure meeting you, Soma-kun. I look forward to seeing the impact you'll have on Tootsuki."
"Wait, ojii-sama," Soma said. "Before you go, can you teach me how to do that 'robe ripping' thing you did when you ate? That was awesome!"
Erina sat at her desk, comparing Soma's photo to the photo she had of Joichiro.
"You look almost identical," she muttered. "But you can't be his son. You grew up in a diner. Saiba crafted gourmet meals of the finest quality. There's no way…" Erina thought back to the memory of his furikake gohan, of scarfing down that commoner's food with utter abandon, and of the immense pleasure she had felt while doing so. It sent a shiver down her spine.
It felt wrong. She would destroy this commoner, whoever he was, for daring to remind her of her long lost idol. This Yukihira Soma was no Saiba Joichiro. He couldn't be. She would utterly destroy him for reminding her of the empty place in her heart.
"Lady Erina?" Hisako said, entering the room. "Your bath is ready."
"Ah," Erina said, her mind still on that impostor. "Good. I feel dirty after eating that entrance exam dish."
"Hisako looked confused. "But, Lady Erina, didn't you pass him?"
Erina's cheeks flushed a little red. "I… Grandfather was there. His stare can be…" She shuddered. "Intimidating."
Hisako nodded in reply. "Of course, Lady Erina."
Erina smiled. This day was getting better already. She would have her bath, and then she would make plans to destroy Yukihira Soma.
Hi all, and thanks for reading! I'm going to try for weekly chapters on this story - but my summer schedule is a bit busier than I'd like. Chapter 2, "Boef What?" will likely be up by July 14th.