The next thing Krista knew she was gently being lowered down onto the sandy ground, Imhotep's arms firmly wrapped around her to keep her steady.

As soon as her feet touched the ground, he released her and walked away looking up at the sky while Krista looked around, trying to figure out where they were.

"Oh my God." She breathed sadly.

"We're back." Evy finished as she came to stand beside her little sister.

Suddenly the two girls' gazes darted up to the sky at the sound of an engine. Then they saw it, a small airplane flying through the sky.

Krista grinned brightly, "Rick." She sighed happily and Evy reached out and squeezed her hand tightly.

Their happiness was short lived as they began to hear a rumbling noise, and the girls watched as Imhotep created a wall of sand and directed it towards the plane. He let out a roar and the sand wall consumed the plane.

"No!" Krista screamed as she ran towards Imhotep, "You'll kill them!"

Beni reached out to try and stop her from approaching the mummy, but Evy shoved him away from her sister.

Once Krista made it to Imhotep's side she saw that his eyes were closed in deep concentration. She needed to find a way to distract him, but how?"

Then she had an idea, it was a terrible idea, but it was all she could come up with in such short notice. Krista hesitantly reached out, grabbed Imhotep's face and pulled it down to her level, immediately placing her lips over his.

Imhotep's eyes shot open in shock, before slowly lowering again in the euphoric feel of his wife's lips on his again after so long; and with that came the loss of his concentration. The sand wall collapsed.

As soon as the plane was out of immediate danger Krista pulled away and grinned triumphantly, but it soon turned into a frown when she heard the plan's engine sputtering and the plan started smoking. It didn't take long for the plan to nosedive to the ground and crash.

"No." Krista choked out in a silent sob, while Imhotep simply grinned maliciously and pulled Krista's body closer to his as he turned and began leading her away towards Hamunaptra with Beni dragging Evy behind them.

They made it inside with Krista silently crying the whole time and Imhotep began leading them further into the city.

"Keep Moving." She heard Beni say from behind them.

"You know," Evy started, "Nasty little fellows such as yourself always get their comeuppance." She informed him snidely.

And Beni laughed for a moment before asking, "They do?"

"Oh yes." She assured him and Krista couldn't help but chuckle at the frightened sound of the man's voice.

They had followed Imhotep into the preparation room and Krista was slowly losing hope that they would be saved, she feared that her husband was dead and he wouldn't be coming for her.

Suddenly they heard a gunshot echo through the city and Imhotep scowls at the sound.

"Rick." Krista breathed out happily knowing her husband was alive and coming for her after all.

Imhotep angrily reached into a canopic Jar and pulled out the crusted remains of Anck-su-namun's heart. He crushed it to dust and began reading from The Book of the Dead. Then he blew the dust against a mausoleum wall, and the wall started to come to life. The other three occupants in the room watched the wall wide-eyed as creatures started emerging. Horrific looking mummified corpses, Imhotep's long dead Priests.

"The Bembridge Scholars never wrote about this." Evy muttered as she and Krista started moving away from the new mummies.

They bow to Imhotep, who returned the gesture and spoke to them, "Kill them, and wake the others." The mummies bowed once more then turn and move off down a passageway.

Once the mummies had disappeared, Imhotep turned to face the two girls and walked closer to them. He leaned down to their level and blew some more dust in their face knocking both girls out instantly.

Krista woke up, only to find herself lying chained to the top of the altar. She looked around turning her head, only to see Evy on her other side with a mummified corpse lying next to her. She choked back her scream when she saw that Evy was waking up.

Evy opened her eyes and turn to look at her little sister in confusion, "What's going on?"

"Evy." Krista responded slowly, "What ever you do, don't turn around."

"What?" Evy asked as she turned her head, only to scream at the sight that greeted her.

Krista sighed, "I told you not to look." Chained tightly to the top of the altar, the two girls tried desperately to free themselves. However, they both stopped as Priest mummies started surrounding the altar. The ritual was starting.

Imhotep stepped forward carrying the black Book of the Dead. His hand reached out and lovingly caressed Krista's cheek, "First I shall fulfill my promise and bring Anck-Su-Namun back to life. Then I will give you your memories back and we can begin our new life together, my beloved."

Imhotep opened the book and slipped the key into his robes and began reading from The Book of the Dead.

"Rick!" Krista screamed out with all her might and Evy began to follow her example calling out for their brother.

A large swirling hole started to open in the pool next to the alter. Then suddenly, a strange mist started to waft up out of the swirling hole and over to the sacred jars, it passes through them and over Krista and Evy and into Anck-su-namun's body.

Anck-su-namun's crusty eyelids suddenly popped open and a high pitched screech left her mouth. The girls stared at her in disbelief. Anck-su-namun's rotted head turned and looked over at Evy with empty sockets, before looking over at Krista at well. Upon seeing Kridasha's reincarnation, the mummy let out another shriek of anger.

Neither girl could hold it in any long and let out a frightened scream and began struggling wildly against their shackles, only to stop when they noticed Imhotep moving closer to Evy and holding the ancient sacrificial knife. "With your death, Anck-Su-Namun shall live and my love and I will be invincible." He raised the blade up over Evelyn's chest, and prepared to plunge it down.

Evy's eyes widened in horror and she let out a scream.

Krista stared horrified, "No! Evy!"

At that moment Rick and Jonathan burst into the room causing Imhotep to spin around and face them.

"I found it, girls! I found it!" Jonathan beamed as he held up the golden Book of the Living.

Imhotep stared wide eyed, "The book of Amun-Ra." He breathed out, shocked.

Krista grinned happily, "That's great Jonathan, now hurry up and get us out of here!" she screamed the last part.

"Open the book, Jonathan! Open the book! That's the only way to kill him!" Evy cried out and she continued to struggle to free herself.

"You have to find the right inscription!" Krista called out to him.

Jonathan fumbled with the book, struggling to open it, "I can't open it! It's locked or something!" he called out, "We need the key!"

"It's in his Robes!" Krista cried out, frustrated.

Meanwhile Rick had grabbed an ancient sword out of a statue's hand, jumped up onto a gravestone and leapt out over the Priests. Imhotep stepped forward and Rick knocked the sacrificial knife out of his hand.

Imhotep growled angrily and looked to his priests, "Kill him!"

The Priests stood up, swords and knives in hand, and began attacking Rick. He began fighting his way though the mummies till he reached the girls. The skeletal creatures began wildly swinging their swords, trying to stab Rick. He managed to cut two of the mummies in half, finally reaching the sisters and swung his sword down, cutting one of the chains holding their joined hands loose. Imhotep picked up a sacrificial sword and headed for Jonathan.

Krista groaned, "Do something Jonathan!"

"What do I do!? What do I do!?" He cried nervously

Evy scoffed, "Read the inscription on the cover of the book!"

"You have got to be joking!" He protested.

"Does it look like we have time to be joking, Jonathan? Just do it!" Krista yelled at him

Rick was able to cut the chains holding her legs. Jonathan ran to hide form Imhotep and quickly started trying to translating the cover inscription. Suddenly Evy let out a fearful scream, and Krista whirled around to see that Anck-Su-Namun had climbed up and was crawling towards the girls, the sacrificial blade in her hands. Rick was able to cut the last chain holding Krista down and she immediately began working to unlock Evy's bindings.

She finally get Evy free and the two jump off the altar and started to head for Rick, only to be stopped when something grabbed the both of them by the hair and pulled them back down on the alter. It's Anck-su-namun's rotted corpse.

Krista managed to reach up and smack the corpse causing her to let the girls go and they began to back away.

"Jonathan!" Krista called nervously, "Finish the inscription!"

Anck-su-namun lashed out at the girls, but Evy managed to fend her off as best she could, while trying to keep Krista as far away from the mummy as possible.

Jonathan quickly looked back at the hieroglyphs on the book cover, fumbling badly under the pressure, "Ummm, Hootash im ... Hootash I'm not sure what this last symbol here is?"

"What's it look like!?" Krista called out as she tried to keep back from Anck-su-namun. The corpse was able to grab Evy by the throat and Krista raced forward to try and pry her hand off her sister's throat only to be knocked back by the mummy.

Jonathan stared at the inscription," It's a bird, a stork!"

Anck-su-namun had a vice grip on Evy's throat and was trying to choke the life out of her. Krista race forward once more to try and get the mummy to release her sister, "Ahmenophus!"

Jonathan grinned triumphantly, "Yes, ...I see." He finished the translation and the mummy warriors suddenly stopped moving. Krista could hear Imhotep yelling orders at them, but they wouldn't listen they just stood there and waited for the command from their new master. Jonathan.

Jonathan ordered the mummies to destroy Anck-Su-Namun, who had stopped trying to strangle Evy in favor of attacking Krista. The mummies marched over and pulled Anck-Su-Namun off of her and made quick work of dismembering her body, but not before she was able to throw Krista across the room, knocking her out cold.

Krista awoke not too long after to the feel of the sun on her skin and when she opened her eyes she was faced with a blue sky. Krista groaned and whoever was carrying her stopped moving. "Kris? You alright?" It was Rick

Krista started to tear up and leaned forward to wrap her arms around him, "Rick, you're alive!"

Rick dropped her legs so he was able to wrap both arms around his wife and hold her tightly to him, "Yeah I'm alive."

She pulled away and looked around worriedly, but calmed down once she saw her siblings standing there. It was then she took notice that they were standing outside of where Hamunaptra was supposed to be, "What happened?"

Rick opened his mouth to answer but was cut off by Jonathan's shocked gaps.

Everyone turned around at the sound only to find Ardeth sitting atop a camel and smiling down at them. "You have earned the respect and the gratitude of me and my people."

Jonathan waived off the praise, "It was nothing, all in a days work." And the other three couldn't stop the eye roll that come about.

Ardeth smiled again, "May Allah smile upon you always." Then he turned to Krista, "And may many blessing be bestowed upon your child." He kissed his hand and touched it to his forehead.

Jonathan once again answered for the group, "And…yourself."

Ardeth smiled once more and then turn his camel around left to go home. "He's just…going to leave us?" Jonathan moaned,

"Well I guess we go home empty-handed… again." He complained

Krista just laughed and shook her head, turning to look up at her husband; only to see that he was already watching her. "Well I don't know about you, darling, but I feel like the richest guy in the world." He murmured

Krista hummed, "Oh I can definitely agree with you there, love."

Rick leaned down and pulling his wife against his chest gave her a toe-curling kiss.

"Oh please." Evy said in amused disgust as she turned her head away.

The four of them found some camels and began making their way back home.