Welcome to the new and hopefully better version of Kalos Sexual Traditions. The main difference between this version and the old one is that neither Ash or Serena have had previous sexual experiences. Also there will be a few more chapters than the old version as well as more M rated moments both as fantasies and real lemons.
I hope you guys enjoy this version. Please read and review!
Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon or any other characters to do with the show or the company at all.
Ages of characters:
Ash - 17
Serena - 17
Clemont - 17
Bonnie - 8
Chapter 1 - The Tradition
It has been two weeks since the end of the Pokemon League as well as the end of Team Flare's attack. Currently Diantha, the Elite Four, the Pokemon League, Gym Leaders and leading figures of Lumiose City were in a makeshift board meeting room within Prism Tower, discussing the progress of the rebuilding effort and planning the next steps. They had all decided the current rebuilding efforts of the city following the Team Flare incident was running well. Diantha looked at her colleagues and said, "The city seems to be repairing itself. Lysandre has been locked away and most of the members of Team Flare have been caught and accounted for".
"Is it true that some members of Team Flare have managed to escape?" asked Siebold with a slight expression of worry as he looked out of the window and down below at the still damaged city.
Meyer who was attending in place of Clemont to represent the Lumiose Gym, stepped forward and answered on behalf of the Champion, "Yes Siebold unfortunately some have managed to slip out of our fingers. But we only believe it is a handful and Looker and the International Police are already searching for them within and outside the region. Of course my trusty Blaziken and I are leaving tonight to help with the search".
Siebold turned to Meyer and offered a small smile as well as nodding his head in appreciation for the information, believing the situation would be under control and these fugitives will be caught. Wikstrom stepped up placing a hand on Meyer's shoulders voicing his support, "My dear friend Meyer, the bond between your Blaziken and you is truly magnificent. But searching areas by yourselves will be a great challenge, even with the help of the International Police. I wish to offer my support in your search, what do you say, sir?".
Diantha smiled at the scene playing out in the meeting as she spoke up saying, "Of course we will all remain and continue with providing assistance. But I do feel we need to thank and inform the trainers who have volunteered that we can handle it from here and allow them to continue with their own journeys. Any objections?".
All the others who had gathered with the Champion nodded in agreement not wanting to make the trainers feel obliged to stay and put off their own journeys and growths in order to repair the city. It was now up to the leaders and adults to continue alone. Scanning the group and seeing no one disagree, Diantha set off towards the lift and selected the floor with the radio transmission which was at the top of the tower, wanting to broadcast the message to all the trainers outside who had generously stayed to help. Diantha switched on the system which Meyer and Clemont managed to salvage despite the tower having received significant damage during the fiasco, cleared her throat and with her authoritative yet elegant voice she spoke, "Attention all trainers, citizens of Lumiose and other volunteers. We had just held a meeting to update on the recovery of the city and we have some wonderful news to share with you all. Firstly the city is doing well and we are making tremendous progress. So thank you all.".
Before Diantha was able to say the second point from the meeting, loud cheers and jubilation broke out within the city, enough that even the Champion could hear it all from her position up on the tower. This widened the smile on the face of the actress/champion, glad everyone was feeling happy and had enough morale to smile and celebrate especially after the last couple of intensive days. Hearing the celebrations quieten down as if they all knew she was about to speak again, Diantha conveyed her second point, "I, the Elite Four, the Pokemon League, Gym and others would like to thank to the many trainers who have offered their time and put their journeys on hold to fight Team Flare and rebuild the city. We have decided that the city has made enough progress and while your help is dearly appreciated we believe your journeys and everything you experience along the way is more important right now and so please do not feel obliged to stay. We can manage from here."
There was a lot of mumbling and confusion amongst the faces of the trainers who filled the streets and buildings of Lumiose as they discussed what they had just heard. Outside the Pokemon centre was a teen in a blue dark blue collared shirt which can be mistaken for a jacket. The teen also wore a black undershirt with dark blue jeans and red high tops, similar in color as his red hat. The most striking features of the teen other than his spiky raven coloured hair were the 'Z' marks on his cheeks and more noticeable the Pikachu chirped on his shoulder. The teen was processing what the Champion had said and was deep in thought before he heard a familiar voice call out to him, "Ash are you thinking about what Diantha just said?" asked a small lemon haired girl standing besides him.
He snapped out of his thoughts and looked at his friends consisting of Serena, Bonnie and Clemont. They all looked at him expectantly as he shook his head before turning to Bonnie saying, "I was thinking about what Diantha said. Now that the League is over I guess my journey in Kalos is coming to a close. I want to stay and help more but I also want to spend more time with you guys before… you know…" trailing off at the end, unable to bring himself to say the word separate.
The others knew what he meant and were all in deep thought, especially Serena as she thought depressingly, "He is going to leave soon. And once he does how long before we see each other again? In 13 years time again? Will be remember me then? Will he forget me and move on?... I need to make the most of the time left and find the courage to confess otherwise I might lose him forever!".
The last bit made her upset as she had thrown hints at the raven haired teen and at times it seemed as if he returned them but in the end to no avail. She was desperate to confess her feelings for the boy but had always been worried if he did not return the feelings and how it would affect their friendship. She had also used the Pokemon League as an excuse, not wanting her feelings to distract him from it, but now the League was over.
"I want to explore the region again with you guys and see everything again" mumbled Ash in a uncharacteristic sad tone.
"Well actually we can! If my calculations are correct and with the help of Serena's Town Map tablet I believe we can make a quick tour of the main sights of Kalos we went to in around 2 weeks" declared Clemont confidently as he adjusted his glasses.
The group of four looked at one another before they all broke out in smiles and decided on how they would spend their last two weeks together before Ash had to leave for Kanto again.
Following Day
The group were making their way out of Lumiose having said their goodbyes to their friends with all of them wishing Ash and the others luck with their future adventures. As they were walking Bonnie was extremely happy about their plan as she skipped speaking in a happy and sing songy voice, "We are going through Kalos again! This is going to be a lot of fun and I hope this journey never ends! Haha!".
The words Bonnie had just said made Serena and Clemont jump slightly in surprise as nervousness and awkwardness set in both teens, especially when Bonnie said the words 'fun' and 'journey ends'. The pair exchanged nervous glances and blushed furiously. To a passerby this could be mistaken for as if the two had feelings for one another and were too shy to admit it, but how wrong they would be. The cause of their peculiar reactions was something intertwined with Kalosean history involving a sacred tradition that trainers almost always find out about once they start their journey here. It was an ancient, sacred Kalos tradition that said if two people of the opposite gender, over the age of 15, have been travelling together continuously for more than 6 months, then when they separated as their journey came to a close, it is required that they share a close, intimate bond to symbolise their time together - in other words have sex. The intimate bond that needed to be formed would be through sex. Both Clemont and Serena knew that at one point before they all said their final goodbyes, the pair would have to have sex and this was making them nervous as neither has had any sexual experiences before.
This didn't really occur to them at the start of their travels because when Clemont first met Serena he thought she would not stick around for too long as she didn't seem like the sort of person to go out on an adventure throughout the region. Serena had also never imagined this scenario when she first set off as she always dreamed that after she and Ash would meet again they would be in a relationship and explore the world alone as a couple. However when Ash failed to recognise her she vowed to stick around and win him over. But she still has not succeeded despite having travelled around with him for nearly a year now. Plus once she found out that Clemont was a Gym Leader she believed he would stay back in Lumiose but that never happened either and the six month barrier had been crossed.
Whilst continuing their walk Serena suddenly remembered what can be easily described as the most embarrassing shopping experience of her life.
Start of Flashback
She went to a PokeMart just before the Lumiose Conference began and picked up a pack of condoms - she knew Ash had no idea of the tradition and was certain that Clemont would be too nervous to buy them so took matters into her own hands since she did not want to get pregnant just yet.
The honey blonde remembered how shy and embarrassed she was when approaching the counter and handing the pack of 20 over to the man in order for him to scan them and the smirk he gave her as he examined her body from head to toe. She was blushing at that point and avoided eye contact but was certain that from the corner of her eye she could see that he moved one of his hands into his pants and after a while took it back out before handling the condom in that hand pretending as if he was searching for the bar code. The Pokemon Performer had a feeling he was touching his penis and then used that hand to handle the condoms.
After having paid for them she quickly hid them in her backpack so that no one would find them and as she was approaching the exit doors, the man at the counter said, "Have fun my darling, but should you ever need tips or a demonstration I am more than happy to help."
Serena turned around and with a visible blush could only smile and wave goodbye to the man.
End of Flashback
"Serena. Hey Serena! Heelllloooooooo!" shouted a very frustrated Bonnie, but her persistence paid off as Serena stopped thinking about that shopping experience before facing the gang who had stopped walking and looked at her with concerned faces.
The fact that her friends had stopped and were staring at her made her blush and if that was not bad enough, Ash spotted her blushing and quickly ran to her side, "Oh no, Serena you might have a fever. Did you overwork yourself in the last few days?" he asked before placing his right hand on her forehead to check her temperature.
He realised that her temperature was not too high, he sighed in relief and told her with a thumbs up, "Guess I was wrong, you don't have a fever but you seem cold. We should find a place so you can sit down".
Serena unable to speak because she could still feel the warmth of Ash's hand on her forehead simply nodded her head. Ash was satisfied by this and urged the rest to continue walking. The remainder of the day was pretty uneventful, with the group having dinner in a nearby Pokemon Centre whilst discussing about the plan for the next two weeks. Once dinner was eaten and the plan for their trip was agreed, the group decided to get some sleep. They all went into their room and 3 out of the 4 immediately went to sleep, aside from Serena who wasn't able to sleep as she was thinking about the tradition and what to do.
This is it for now. I hope you have enjoyed the rewritten first chapter and I have made small changes now that we know what happened in and after the Lumiose Conference. Please review!