Another commission, cause somebody wanted to see more of this one. Sorry its been a while but writers block and this being my only comm meant nothing got to going. But its here now, so without further ado: enjoy!

Weiss gave a soft hum against Yang's lips, sitting in her lap as she kissed her, arms around her neck. She could feel Yang's hand move down to her knee and then push back up, sliding underneath her nightgown. They were alone for now, no worries of roommates busting in, so she didn't mind and let it happen, enjoying the feeling of her hand sliding over her thigh and to her posterior, giving it a soft squeeze.

"I've been, mmm, waiting for this." Yang says into the kiss, her other hand on Weiss' back pulling her in close. "It's been too long."

"It hasn't been, oh..." Weiss lets out as Yang kisses her neck. "It hasn't been that long."

"You really think so? Cause you're certainly not trying to slow me down."

"I didn't say I wasn't enjoying it." Weiss says.

"Oh I can tell you are." Yang chuckles and kisses her lips again. "But we should be moving forward. We don't have forever."

"I suppose we don't. It can still be good to ta-" She's cut off as Yang grabs her nightgown and pulls it up and off of her in one motion, tossing it aside and leaving her in just her panties. "Some warning would be- mmf." She's once more cut off, this time by a kiss as Yang pulls her in. She doesn't fight it, melting into it and pressing into her. Then she feels Yang move, arms supporting her as she's laid down on her back on the bed, Yang now over her. She keeps her arms wrapped around her and continues the kiss for a moment before sliding them down Yang's back and to her sides, finding the hem of her shirt and pushing it up a bit as well.

"What happened to taking time?" Yang chuckles a bit.

"Shut up and take your shirt off." She pushes it up a bit more and kisses her again.

Yang grins into the kiss as she returns it for a moment before pulling back and then taking it off and tossing it aside, leaving her bare chest exposed as well. "This what you wanted to see?" She shakes her shoulders a bit.

"Yes, but now I would prefer if you were kissing me still."

"So bossy." Yang leans back down and kisses her once more, feeling one of Weiss' hands move up her back while the other goes, as expected, to her chest, beginning to massage it. "Mmm, and eager too."

Weiss moves her hand a bit, grabbing Yang's nipple and giving a slight pinch. "You don't need to tease me."

"Would you rather I tease you later?" She asks.

"Okay this type of teasing is fine then," She says quickly. "I can think of better uses for your lips though." She kisses her again deeply.

"Mmm, you and me both." Yang says into the kiss and then moves down, kissing her neck and causing Weiss to tilt her head back with a soft moan. As she did her hand moved down one of Weiss' thighs and then around between them, pressing into a now damp spot on her panties and rubbing a bit. She felt Weiss rolls raise her hips into the touch a bit and pressed a bit firmer. She then trailed her kisses down, finding her way to Weiss' chest and taking a nipple into her mouth, sucking on it and circling her tongue around it.

"Ohhh Yang!" Weiss bites her lip and arches her back a bit, pressing her chest towards her. She moves her hand from Yang's back to the back of her head, fingers tangled in her hair. She feels Yang's other hand come up and find her other breast, massaging it, and stifles a moan.

Yang smirks a bit as she continues her ministrations before switching up, moving her lips over to her other breast to give it the same attention as the first. As she feels Weiss getting more aroused underneath her, she even bites down lightly on her nipple, careful not to really hurt her, and flicks her tongue over it.

After a bit more attention there she moves back up and kisses her deeply. As she does she moves her hand from Weiss' wet panties for a moment before slipping it inside and touching her directly, causing her to moan into the kiss. "Mmm, already?" She asks teasingly. "Should I get it now?"

"Gods yes, please just give me something." Weiss gasps out as Yang continues to touch her.

"Alright, be right back." She pulls her hand out of Weiss' underwear and moves away from her, earning a groan of complaint from Weiss. She looks over at her as she gets up, holding her fingers, slick from Weiss' arousal, up to her mouth and sucking them clean as she looks over at her.

"Yang stop stalling." Weiss glares at her.

"Alright alright." Yang chuckles and walks over to a drawer, pulling out the strap-on. "How about you get those off while I get this on?" She suggests as she takes her own underwear off and begins to put it on.

Weiss doesn't hesitate to follow that suggestion, taking her panties off and tossing them near the rest of their clothes as she laid back on her elbows, watching Yang and waiting for her to finish.

"So, how do I look?" Yang puts a hand on her hip as she smirks, the strap-on sticking as she grinned at her.

"You look like you should be over here." Weiss says.

"Can't wait huh?" She chuckles and grabs a small bottle as she walks back over to the bed, climbing on and crawling over Weiss again. She kisses her again, soft at first and then slowly deepening it as she feels Weiss' hands slide over her back again, pulling her in. After a moment of that she pulls back again and pops the top on the bottle with her thumb before pouring some of the lube onto the strap-on. She then spreads it around with her other hand as she closes the bottle and tosses it aside on the bed. Leaning back in she returns to kissing her as she moves her hips, lining it up. "You ready?" She asks.

"Yang I've been read-ahh." She lets out as Yang slowly pushes her hips forward, sliding into her.

"You like that?" Yang whispers into her ear.

"Oh yes," She says and rolls her hips a bit as Yang continues to slowly push forward. It was an agonizingly slow process in the best of ways, and she couldn't help the slight groan that escaped her lips. A moment later her lips are then captured by Yang's, muffling her sounds with a kiss she returned eagerly as she finally felt Yang reach all the way, their hips meeting.

Luckily for her though Yang wasted no time in pulling back again, going a bit faster this time as she slides out and kissed down to her neck, one hand groping her breast. She closed her eyes as she arched her back into Yang's touch. "Yang please..." She whimpers.

"Since you said please," Yang says and Weiss can just about hear the smirk in her voice, not that she cared at the moment. She picks up the pace then as she sucks on Weiss' neck and squeezes her breast, earning a moan from her.

"Yessss..." Weiss lets out as she clings to Yang and rolls her hips as she finally sets into a decent pace, moving in and out of her. Gods it was ridiculous how easily Yang could manipulate her. A touch here, a kiss there, a roll of the hips at just the right angle and suddenly she was a mess who just wanted her to keep going.

"And to think you were embarrassed about buying this thing." Yang chuckles and gives a shockingly solid thrust that earns a gasp from Weiss before she returns to her previous pace. "Not complaining now are you?"

"Gods now. Don't stop, please."

"Wouldn't dream of it." Yang says and moves her head down a bit more, taking her nipple into her mouth again and sucking on it, now accompanied by the movement of her hips.

"Oh gods, yes, Yang..." Weiss gasps out, her hand in Yang's hair holding her to her chest. Of course when Yang moved again she wasn't going to stop her as she finally let go of her breast and moved up again, kissing her once more while one hand slid down to her hips and then around to her back, lifting her a bit and adjusting the angle as she picked up the pace, the other hand on the bed beside them for support.

Had Weiss not currently had her lips preoccupied that would have elicited quite a noise. Instead though she held Yang close as she returned the kiss almost desperately, her moans muffled by Yang's lips. Even so she was sure Yang knew what she had done to her, and it only seemed to spur her on more. Her pace picked up once again and Weiss' heels dug into the bed as she attempted to move her hips to match, though she couldn't quite keep up.

She was getting close now, clutching at Yang desperately, her words lost as she feels Yang move down to kiss her neck again but can only let out a low moan of pleasure. As Yang adjusted her hips, hitting another spot inside of her, she couldn't take any more. She cried out as she arched her back, heels digging into the bed and gripping Yang's back as the pleasure washed over her.

Yang slowed down then, easing her through it and eventually coming to a stop as Weiss calms down. She kisses her again, softer now, feeling Weiss return it as she slowly eases out of her. She feels her shudder under her a bit as she does. Once she's removed herself she rolls to the side a bit, lying beside her and letting her catch her breath. "So, you look like you enjoyed yourself." She says with a grin.

Weiss lays there on her back, breathing heavily, her chest rising and falling. "Definitely." She says and then opens her eyes, looking over at Yang. "You don't have to look so smug about it though."

"Smug? Nah I think I'd call myself... cocky." She smirks. "Get it? Cause of the strap-on?"

"You're lucky I feel too good to hit you for that right now."

"I did my job well then. What am I saying? Of course I did." She chuckles. "And to think you didn't want to try this when I suggested it."

"Perhaps I was being a bit closed minded." She says, "It has worked out quite well after all." Then she pauses for a moment. "Come to think of it though, so far I've been the only one to enjoy it."

"Nah I'm pretty sure I've been having fun with it too. Like just now."

"Not what I meant." Weiss says, "I mean, it only seems fair that you have a turn as well."

"Wait, really?" Yang raises an eyebrow. "You wanna try using it?"

"Unless you don't want me to. But I've certainly been enjoying it, I'd like if you did as well. Though I will admit it is certainly a change of pace."

"Do you even know how to use it?"

"Well, not the specifics, but it's not like it would be the first time we've been together. I believe I can use what I know and intuit how to use it. It's just a tool to help with something I've already done a number of times before, and you never seemed to complain about those. I believe I can give it a try and figure it out. I just don't want you to feel left out."

"You're not wrong, never had any complaints," She says. "Alright, let's give it a shot." She leans over and kisses Weiss once before laying on her back and raising her hips as she undid the straps and removed the toy. "It's all yours, babe."

Weiss takes the toy and stands up, beginning to put it on. After a few moments she manages to get the straps to adjust properly and have it stay in place. "Alright, here we go. I'm going to, um, rock your world."

"You're adorable." Yang chuckles. "Just relax and do what feels right. Which in this case will be me."

Weiss rolls her eyes at that. "Do you have to make bad puns in bed?"

Yang gasps and holds a hand to her chest. "How dare you? I make only the best of puns in bed!"

"I'm sure." Weiss deadpans.

"Well if you want me to do something else, you can always get in bed with me and shut me up." She winks.

"Oh yes, right." She moves over to the bed, climbing on. Crawling forward she climbs over Yang, who wraps her arms around her. "This is a somewhat different position already."

"You on top? Who would have thought?" Yang says. "Just go with it."

"Of course." Weiss says, "Simply needed a moment to adjust to it."

"That's supposed to be my line."

Weiss glares down at her and shakes her head a bit. "You were right, we need to find something else for you to do besides make bad jokes." She leans in and kisses her, feeling Yang return it with a bit of a grin. As she did she pressed the shaft of the toy against Yang's already somewhat wet slit, beginning to grind against her a bit.

Yang lets out a hum into the kiss, pulling Weiss into her a bit more and holding her close as she did. She slips her tongue into Weiss' mouth, deepening it, only to feel Weiss push back. She manages to avoid chuckling at that as she relaxes and lets Weiss take over.

Weiss supports herself with one hand on the bed as the other moves, finding its way to Yang's chest. She began to grope her, massaging it eagerly. While she made sure not to hurt her she wasn't too careful about it either, knowing Yang could handle if she put some pressure into it. After a moment she begins to move her head, trailing down and kissing her neck, and then down farther, finding her way to her other breast.

Adjusting her position to support herself with her legs she moves both hands to Yang's chest now as her lips and tongue find a nipple. She circles her tongue around it and then flicks over before wrapping her lips around it and sucking on it, earning a low moan from Yang. She'd found early on in their relationship that not only did she enjoy lavishing attention on Yang's breasts, but Yang enjoyed it very much as well; both for the feeling and for the fact she would tease her about it. At the moment though she only cared about the former reason.

"Mmm, back to the girls as usual huh?" Yang asks with a chuckle and suddenly Weiss was aware of both reasons.

"As if you don't enjoy it." She responds and tugs on Yang's nipple with her teeth, earning a hiss from her.

"Fair enough, damn you're good with your tongue."

"You of all people should know that already." Weiss says as she moves her lips to her other breast, causing Yang to press into it a bit.

"Oh trust me, I really do." Yang lets out a slight groan of pleasure.

After a moment Weiss eventually stops then and moves back up, kissing her deeply and pinching a nipple a bit as she rolls her hips to grind the toy against her slit causing Yang to moan into the kiss. "You ready?" She asks.

"Gods yes I've been ready for a bit now."

"Good. Let's see if I can figure this thing out then."

"I mean it definitely is a 'thing'." Yang chuckles a bit.

"Oh hush you." Weiss says as she adjusts her hips, moving away and lining herself up. "If you're ready then I'll start."

"Babe, I'm ready." Yang says, looking her in the eyes. "I'm glad you wanna make sure but if you keep asking then-"

She's cut off as Weiss begins to push in, just a bit at first, and then slowly easing in a little more or at a time. "What was that you were saying?" She smirks a bit as she continues to push forward.

"Ohhh, nothing. Keep going. Little more." Yang takes a few deep breaths.

"Are you sure? Alright then." Weiss keeps pushing forward until eventually her hips meet with Yang's, who bites her lip and rolls her hips into her a bit.

"Fuck, feels bigger when I'm not the one wearing it."

"Oh does it now?" Weiss asks, leaning in and kissing her neck a bit. "What about if I do this?" She pulls out just a bit and thrusts her hips back in, causing Yang's breathing to catch for a moment. As it does Weiss pulls back a bit to look at her. "Wait, did I hurt you?"

"Shit, just didn't expect that. Good though, don't worry." Yang says, "I can handle it, but if you're gonna do me then at least do me right."

"You mean more like this?" She asks and begins to slowly pull out to just a bit in her and then begins to push back in.

"Mmm, yeah, like that. You got this." Yang raises her hips a bit, moving them with Weiss'. "Keep going."

"Right." She continues to move her hips for a moment before changing the pace, picking up a little and beginning to roll her hips. As she does she leans in and kisses Yang deeply, adjusting her position somewhat. She can feel Yang moan into the kiss at that and realizes she's doing something right at least. They'd been together before and she could recognize the signs; the way Yang moved, the noises she made, all the signs she was enjoying herself. It was reassuring, with how worried she had been about messing this up and doing it improperly, she was starting to relax into it. It was still an odd position for her, but she was focusing less on exact details and more on instinct, and of course the beautiful woman underneath her.

She begins to move her hips with a bit more force as she uses one hand to grope Yang's breast, moving her head down to kiss and suck at her neck again. She could hear Yang moan near her ear as she did and gave a slight pinch of her nipple as she nipped at her neck to earn a gasp from her. Even as she did though her own breathing was getting heavier as well, almost matching Yang's.

"Oh fuck, Weiss, Yeah that's it. A little harder." Yang moans out, her arms wrapped around Weiss, one hand on her back and the other on the back of her head.

Weiss picks up the pace even more then, pushing herself as she moved her hips. Harder and faster, and adjusting the angle a bit as she moved her head down a bit, sucking on one of Yang's breasts, lightly biting on her nipple as she groped the other even firmer.

"Fuck, damn it, ahh yeah. Shit, Weiss, you're not half bad with thahhhh-" She's cut off as Weiss moves her thumb down from her breast to Yang's clit, rubbing in circles with her thumb as she adjusted just that little bit to hit right where she needed to with the strap-on. "Fuck, damn, close! Weiss, yesssss!" She lets out and clings to her back with one hand as the other drags her into a deep kiss. Her heels dig into the bed and she arches her back, raising her hips to meet Weiss' still moving ones as she tenses up, holding Weiss to her close.

Weiss for her part keeps her hips moving, though she certainly lost a bit of leverage as Yang raised up a bit. Nevertheless she continues, though slowing down, as she returns the kiss. She begins to ease up as she feels Yang relax under her, eventually coming to a stop as Yang lay back down completely on the bed, still kissing her softly. After a few moments she broke the kiss and pulled back, beginning to ease herself out of Yang, causing her to give a soft gasp.

"You alright?" Weiss asks after she had pulled out, brushing some hair out of Yang's face as she lays down next to her.

"I am wonderful." Yang says and turns her head to look at her with a smile. "And so are you. Here I was worried you'd know how to use that thing; you did a good job with it."

Weiss returns her smile with a bit of a blush. "Well, it's good to know you enjoyed yourself." She says.

"Yeah I did. I'm definitely gonna want to try that again. If you're up for it that is."

"I suppose I can be." Weiss says. "Perhaps I should go first next time though. That was... well I envy your stamina; it was more of a workout than I expected."

"You seem to have managed fine." Yang grins.

"Oh yes, 'fine'. Such a ringing endorsement." She says sarcastically.

"Well you certainly rang my bell." She chuckles.

Weiss rolls her eyes a bit with a small smile of her own. "Well I suppose I did my job then didn't I?"

"That you did." Yang says and rolls onto her side to give her a kiss, which Weiss returns softly. "So, you tryna go for round two or are you gonna take that off?"

"No I am not. Tonight was good but I think I'm done for now." Weiss says and reaches down, undoing the straps and raising her hips to push it down her legs before tossing it aside. "There we are." She gets comfortable again, laying down next to Yang and cuddling up against her, putting an arm around her.

"Hey now, don't get too comfy." Yang says even as she pulls her in close. "We need to clean up and stuff before the others get back."

"We've got a bit of time until then. For now I want to cuddle with my girlfriend, is that too much to ask?"

"No, it is definitely not." Yang says and kisses the top of her head.

"Good, now stay still so I can be comfy."

"Yes dear." She chuckles a bit as they hold each other, letting out a soft sigh of contentment. Overall, this was the happiest she could remember being in a long time. It would last too, at least for a bit, until Ruby and Blake returned to find the two of them in the shower, and a pile of clothes and a used toy laying in the floor where they had yet to pick it up. Needless to say, that lead to quite a bit of embarrassment. They could always live through that for a few days though, so overall, still totally worth it.

So that is that. Hope you liked it. If so leave a review please, they do wonders. If you'd like one of you're own contact me either here or on tumblr by the same name. Thanks for reading, and have a nice day!