A/N: Here we go everyone! Last chapter! And for those of you who enjoyed this story, I have good news. There will be a sequel that takes place during 'War for the Planet of the Apes'. Once this story is completed, I will start to brainstorm for it and get a general premise ready. In our last update, Caesar had come to Sherman's aid just as about the police had them surrounded and were about to take Mr. Peabody away. Caesar had successfully killed Grunion off by having Sherman pin her to an electrical box with an arrow and then using a gun to make the entire thing blow up. The police have now surrendered and are in the custody of the apes. Only problem is, the wormhole is still in the sky, and it's gotten larger. Now, this epic story concludes here. Enjoy!

All the apes were now watching in worry as the wormhole had expanded and blue lightning surrounded the vortex. Thunder roared throughout the sky as well, starting some of the soldier apes. Paul and Patty stepped out of the WABAC and looked up to see it as well. Everyone then turned their head back to the area where the fire was, and saw Caesar running back towards the time machine, with Sherman, Mr. Peabody, and Penny by his side.

"Penny!" the blonde girl's parents called out before running towards her. Penny ran up to them as well and hugged the two of them. Caesar smiled at the sight of this, and he began to approach the family of three. Penny then broke apart from the hug and looked to him.

"Mom, Dad, this is Caesar. He's the leader of the apes" Penny said, introducing her parents to the chimpanzee. Paul and Patty were slightly taken aback as Caesar turned to face them.

"Your daughter... very brave. She fight... like ape" Caesar told them. Paul started to feel his heart beat fast, and a small smile forming on his face.

"Thank you. We're very proud of her" he answered, acknowledging Caesar's compliment towards their daughter. Mr. Peabody and Sherman walked right next to the Petersons and watched as the ape king started to speak again.

"In this struggle... we... lose many... friends. But gain... many more... new ones. You honor us... with your goodness... your strength... your... valor" said Caesar. Mr. Peabody then looked back up at the wormhole again, but then he looked back to Caesar and spoke to him.

"Caesar, now that I've seen how the future is, and that I've known about the apes, the virus, everything, I need to ask something of you. You've done so much for us, and I thank you for it. But this is something I really need to ask you" Peabody said, almost as if he was begging for his help. Caesar then lead Peabody away from his human friends and near the edge of the battlefield before getting down on one knee.

"What is it?" he asked. Peabody took his glasses off and sighed sadly.

"I can only imagine how many people are going to die once the virus becomes airborne. But, I keep getting this feeling that I may be one of the many to succumb to it. So all I ask, is that if anything should happen to me, promise me that you will take care of Sherman. I know I can trust you to teach him, guide him, care for him. I couldn't think of anyone better suited to take care of my boy than you" the beagle explained. He then felt Caesar's hand touch the back of his head before he spoke again.

"I promise. Sherman... will be... kept safe... with us" Caesar promised before he began touching foreheads with Mr. Peabody. After Caesar had agreed to do the favor Mr. Peabody had asked of him, they walked back towards Sherman, who was now inside the WABAC, pressing buttons on the control panel and taking his seat. Peabody had gotten inside as well to watch his son keep pressing buttons on the control panels and computer monitors.

"Sherman, what are you doing?" Mr. Peabody asked.

"We have to go back to the future, only a few seconds. Then if we start to accelerate the WABAC's speeds, we'll create our own gravitational field that's equal and opposite to the rip in the space-time continuum and then we'll slingshot right back into the present" Sherman said. The beagle was now wide-eyed in fascination at what his own son just said, the exact solution to the problem they were facing.

"Sherman, that's brilliant! It just might work!" Peabody praised. Caesar chuckled as he watched the two of them. He saw so much of Will, his own adopted father in Sherman, a brilliant child who carried such potential and promise inside of him. And, such kindness and strength inside his heart. It almost made him sad to see the boy go, he would surely miss him, as would the other apes. But, he knew that they would see each other again. Sherman then got out of his chair and then walked back to Caesar.

"I'm really going to miss you, Caesar" Sherman said, a tear coming down his face. Caesar then wiped it away with his finger and then started to sign.

"We will meet again, one day. I know we will" he signed to the boy before he spoke to him again.

"Always... remember, Sherman. Apes. Together. Strong" Caesar said, putting his own two fists together, side by side. Sherman nodded and copied the motion before the two touched foreheads once more, just like they did after the battle against Koba. Caesar then broke apart and walked out of the WABAC and gave one lone nod before pressing the button on the outside of the exit door and sent the miniature staircase back inside the ship's interior and shutting the door.

"Sherman, I need to set some minor adjustments to the WABAC's computer" Mr. Peabody said.

"Alright, Mr. Peabody" the boy answered.

"That means YOU need to drive!" the beagle said, staring right at the boy and away from the computers. Sherman's eyes went wide in shock. Mr. Peabody had never allowed him to drive the WABAC before, and now during a grave time of need where the universe was at stake, he was getting the chance he always wanted. Sherman then ran up into his seat and then watched as the control modules shift in front of him. He then placed his hands on the two handles on the left and right of the module and started to pull down on them, lifting the WABAC into the sky, and activating the wings before it was being piloted inside the vortex.

"Sherman, watch out!" Mr. Peabody called out. Pieces of the crane from the human colony's building were falling out of the sky, as well as debris of concrete, and military vehicles that were destroyed when Koba attacked San Francisco. Sherman was able to dodge each falling object with precision and kept the WABAC in one piece.

"In order to make the leap into the future, the WABAC is going to have to go faster than it ever did before. Are you ready Sherman?" Peabody asked as he finished making the final adjustment.

"I'm ready" Sherman answered before he finally managed to get inside the wormhole itself. He then looked towards the speed gauge and saw it was now above 150 miles per hour and getting closer towards the 200 region.

"Now, Mr. Peabody?" he asked.

"Sherman, we need more speed!" Peabody told him. The alarms started to go off inside the WABAC when it got up to 190 miles per hour, and a pop-up on the computer said that the terminal velocity had been achieved and sparks had been coming out of the many computer terminals inside the ship.

"Just a little more!" Mr. Peabody called out. Sherman was now shuddering anxiously and in anticipation. He then flinched as a piece of crane actually hit the windshield.

"NOW!" the beagle exclaimed. Sherman then slammed his fist down on the big red button and sent the WABAC spiraling into the future. The wormhole was now starting to close again.

Caesar, Maurice, Rocket, Blue Eyes, Luca and all the other apes were staring up in worry and anticipation to see if Sherman's plan would work. Paul, Patty, and Penny were watching as well. Penny had her fingers crossed that the plan would work, and that her friend would be okay. Everyone then saw that the bits of crane debris and vehicles had started to be sucked back up into the wormhole.

"He did it" Caesar whispered to himself. He and the other apes started to be carried off towards the sky as well as all the other apes as well. A sparkling blue aura surrounding them as they were being lifted back. Soon, every last ape had been taken back to the year 2026 through the wormhole and all that was left on the battlefield were the captured officers, and the officers who died in the battle still lied on the ground, as well as Penny and her parents. The wormhole then closed and a giant purple and blue energy wave erupted throughout the sky like the northern lights of Alaska and then disappeared after only five seconds after the eruption. All eyes were now fixed on the sky, awaiting for Peabody and Sherman's safe return.

"Come on, Sherman. Come on" Penny silently begged. Nothing happened and she began to feel heartbreak and almost collapsed down to her knees. She then sobbed and ran over to her mother, who hugged her and allowed her to cry into her blue shirt. She pulled away from her mother's arms and looked back up as soon as she heard the sound of fireworks going off, she saw several blue energy rings explode in the sky until the WABAC appeared in the sky, still in tact. The WABAC then came back towards the battlefield, and Penny saw Sherman and Mr. Peabody still alive inside of it.

"Woo-hoo!" Penny cheered. Paul and Patty cheered as well, even some of the captured officers cheered as well as they watched the WABAC fly off into the night sky. Penny knew that this was something she'd never forget, she'd never forget the adventure she went with Mr. Peabody and Sherman in their time machine, or meeting Caesar and the apes, and how they transformed her friend into a stronger person, and how they protected them in a battle that all of New York would remember.

Two years later, after the events of the battle outside of Central Park, the corrupted officers were arrested and put on trial for aiding Ms. Grunion in attempting to abduct a child and murder an innocent dog. Mr. Peabody had gotten some old friends to write letters, as well as convince the Principal of Sherman and Penny's school to testify against the cops and Ms. Grunion. The Petersons were key witnesses of the battle and explained in great detail to the jury and the judge what happened.

After a two week-long trial, all the police officers were found guilty of aiding and embedding a criminal, and attempted kidnapping. The officers were sentenced to the loss of their jobs, as well of five years in prison without any chance of parole. After that, a trial against Grunion was held (even though she was killed during the battle). After showing security feed of the fight between Penny and Sherman in the cafeteria, as well as video of Grunion defending Penny's bullying and speaking her own bigoted opinions in front of the principal, the jury was quick to side with Mr. Peabody and the city dropped the charges of assault against Grunion and declared the bite was in self-defense. The judge had decided that the punishment for Grunion would that her remains recovered outside of Central Park after putting the fire out, would not be given a proper burial and to be tossed off the edge of the Brooklyn Bridge, and rest at the bottom of the Hudson river for all time.

Sherman and Penny became good friends, and Sherman had become known by many of his fellow students as 'He who fights with apes', as well as 'Sherman of the apes', making him a local hero at Susan B. Anthony Elementary School. Sherman and Penny also became the founders of the 'Save the Apes' club at school, which was an animal rights club which had close to sixty members. The club protested animal testing, especially apes, and spoke at city hall meetings to speak on behalf of legislature against big game hunting of animals of endangered species. Everyone in the club also got to take a field trip to the zoo every year on the last day of school.

Peabody began to trust Sherman more, and took Caesar's words and teachings to heart. He locked the WABAC up permanently, and declared it to be 'Off-Limits', which Sherman didn't have a problem with at all. He also began to give Sherman more combat and weapons training, as well as survivalist training. He also kept Sherman up to date with his sign language as well, preparing him for the day he'd have to return to the apes if he should die from the Simian Flu. Mr. Peabody also became a huge supporter of the 'Save the Apes' club, and even chaperoned them on many field trips and protests. He even accompanied the club to a trip to Washington DC to help pass a bill that would give more funding to wildlife conservation charities and movements in the US. The bill actually got passed by the president as well, making it a very big accomplishment.

The mayor of New York City had been impacted by the battle so much, that he actually proposed that the Confederate statue that sat where the battle outside the park took place be taken down, and replaced with a statue of Caesar as a reminder of what happens when man decides to meddle with nature. Many of the citizens who saw the battle on television actually supported the idea, while only one person objected, and the statue was built and revealed only three months later. The statue was made of bronze, and it depicted Caesar with his left foot on a rock, standing tall, roaring towards the sky, and holding a spear in his left hand which he held up to the sky.

Today, Sherman was now on his way to school on his father's moped, waiting for traffic to pick up when the light turned green. Sherman was giving Peabody some helpful tips as the drive to the school continued.

"And if you wanna watch TV before I get home, just push 'Input' three times and then use the remote control like you usually would" the now nine-year-old Sherman said to his adopted father.

"Yes, Sherman" Mr. Peabody acknowledged.

"And if you're looking to make friends at the PTA meeting, consider bringing snacks for everyone. Bagels are always appreciated" Sherman added.

"Yes, Sherman" repeated Peabody as they just pulled into the school parking lot. The moped parked right in front of the front doors of the school.

"And remember, Mr. Peabody, I have 'Save the Apes' club after school today" Sherman reminded him before he started walking back up to the doors. Mr. Peabody then called out to the boy before he could make his way up the stairs.

"Sherman, wait!" he said, causing Sherman to stop where he was and turn back around towards the beagle.

"I... I love you, Sherman" Peabody said to him. Sherman smiled, it finally happened, Peabody finally worked up the courage to tell the boy he loved him.

"I have a deep regard for you as well, Mr. Peabody" the boy told him before running over to his father and hugging him. Peabody returned the hug and his tail wagged lightly. Sherman then looked behind him to see Penny waiting for him.

"Hey Mr. Peabody! Hey Sherman!" Penny greeted.

"Wait up!" Sherman called out before running into the school with her. The two of them then walked together to class and took their seats, awaiting for the bell to ring and the teacher to arrive. Sherman took out his binder and set it on the table in front of him. On the front of the binder, were all the photos Penny took of the ape colony, especially the selfie she took of her and Maurice together. He also had on the binder the three laws written on a piece of paper, as well as the circle with curve-edged diamond right below the laws.

"Alright class, settle down. Let's take our seats and get ready to present our hero reports" the teacher said as she walked into the classroom. Sherman then opened his binder and took his report out before he also took out a detailed drawing he drew of Caesar with war paint on his face and chest to make him look like a skeleton, like he had on during the deer hunt.

"Who would like to present their report first?" the teacher asked. Sherman then looked up and raised his hand proudly.

"Ah, yes! Sherman! Please, go on ahead" she told him. Penny mouthed out a 'Good Luck' to him before he got up to the chalk board to face his classmates.

"I'm Sherman Peabody. And I'm going to tell you about my hero. You may know him from the Central Park battle from two years ago. I remember him as a brave leader, who lead his kind to prosperity and taught them how to thrive" Sherman began. He then put the drawing on the chalk board, and held it in place with some scotch tape.

"His name, is Caesar" Sherman said, looking to the picture with a smile. He then proceeded to tell his story to the class, and how he had an impact on his life. Sherman would let everyone know, that Caesar was perhaps the greatest hero to ever live.

A/N: The End! I love happy endings, don't you? It made me happy writing this story, and it has been an incredible journey to make this crossover happen. I also have you the fans to thank for your continued support for my story and for myself. I hope that when the sequel arrives, you'll be ready to be surprised. Please review, thanks!