A/N: After a pretty long hiatus and a bunch of ideas rushing through my head begging to be written, this one stands out the most out of all of them. It's another Mr. Peabody and Sherman AU story, a fandom I haven't revisited in a while. And crossing over with the canine prodigy and his son, is the acclaimed Planet of the Apes reboot trilogy. This is a 'What-If' scenario where instead of crashing in ancient Troy after the massive fight Sherman has with his father, he runs away into the future where things have been looking bad for the human race, set during the events of 'Dawn of the Planet of the Apes'. Let's begin now, shall we? Enjoy!

The WABAC zoomed through the space time continuum, whirring as it made it's way back to the present time. It's pilot, Peabody looked back in irritation and disappointment at his own son, Sherman, and the girl who bullied him, Penny. Sherman was in a somber mood due to him taking Leonardo Da Vinci's flying machine without anyone's knowledge or consent. Penny looked up to the moping boy and nodded her head towards the white-furred red bow-tie wearing beagle. Sherman then decided that maybe he should do it, and he moved his chair closer to the pilot's chair where is adopted father sat.

"I'm sorry that I broke the plane Mr. Peabody" Sherman said while Peabody was focused on the WABAC's computers. He turned his head back around to face the boy.

"Well, you should be sorry. You could have been killed" he scolded. Penny scoffed and stood up in her chair, and spoke up, catching both human and dog's attention.

"What are you talking about? Sherman flew a plane. He was amazing!" the blonde said in defense of her new friend whom she began to regret bullying before. She began to admit to herself that she did deserve being bitten after she assaulted him and had him trapped in a headlock of the school cafeteria. Peabody turned his chair around after setting the WABAC to Auto-Pilot and responded to Penny's defense.

"Sherman destroyed a priceless historical artifact" he told her. Penny rolled her eyes, scoffed, and walked over towards Sherman, placing her hand on his shoulder and continuing to defend him.

"Whatever. You should be happy. It turns out Sherman is not a complete and total loser, after all" which made Sherman smile and become his usual cheery-self again.

"Yeah, Mr. Peabody. It turns out I'm not a complete and total loser after all" Sherman added, copying what Penny just said while standing up out of his chair. All his comment earned was another stern look from Peabody. Sherman then lost his smile and sat back down again. Penny then turned to Peabody again, a little tired of the fact that the beagle was being more than harsh with his words and verbal expressions towards the boy, and prepared to say something else in his defense, but Peabody then spoke to her before she got the chance to say anything.

"Ms. Peterson... stop turning my son into a hooligan" Peabody demanded.

"It's not my fault he's a hooligan" Penny retorted as if she was caught trying to steal from the cookie jar. Sherman was the next to respond while twirling around in his chair like it was a pretend carnival ride.

"Yeah, it's not her fault I'm a hooligan" he copied.

"Well it's certainly not my fault! I've spent the last seven years teaching Sherman good judgement" Peabody said, trying to act as if he were the rational one, like his own son was the one to blame for his new sense of curiosity.

"Well if you're such a great parent, then why is Ms. Grunion trying to take Sherman away from you?" Penny asked with her hands on her hips. Peabody and Sherman's eyes went wide in shock and hurt. Peabody was shocked that Penny would say that, and Sherman was hurt that Peabody would keep this from him. Sherman approached the beagle with a look that showed how hurt he was on his face.

"Is that true?" Sherman asked.

"Is someone gonna take me away from you?" he added to his question. Sherman felt like his own father had betrayed and turned against him by keeping something he should have needed to know from him.

"No, Sherman, I'll never let that happen. You just need to trust me" Peabody said, trying to reassure his child. Sherman, on the other hand, felt like he couldn't trust him now. Peabody then looked worried as he saw something out the WABAC's windshield.

"Oh no, a black hole!" Peabody screamed before red sirens and alarms began going off inside the vessel. Peabody got back into the pilot's chair and deactivated Auto-Pilot, trying to pull the ship away from the black hole's gravitational pull.

"What's happening!?" Penny asked in horror.

"If I can't pull us out of here, we're going to be smashed to smithereens on the event horizon" Peabody told her while rapidly flipping switches and pressing buttons.

"There's not enough power to resist the gravitational pull of the vortex!" Peabody said in panic, which only made Penny's heart race faster.

"I've got to divert everything to the reverse thrusters" Peabody said.

"Why didn't you tell me!?" Sherman shouted in anger, his feelings of betrayal growing stronger.

"Tell you what?" Peabody asked.

"Why didn't you tell me Ms. Grunion was trying to take me away from you!?" he screamed.

"It's not your job to worry about these things" said Peabody in his own defense, even though Sherman did have a right to know about this. His son's anger towards him only grew stronger by the second because of that answer that Sherman did not find acceptable for great reasons.

"You just didn't think I could handle it!" Sherman replied while standing up right out of his chair.

"We'll discuss this later. Now, sit down" Peabody ordered, trying to avoid the conversation his rage fueled son was demanding to have at this very moment despite there being a black hole sucking them towards it.

"I don't wanna discuss it later!" he shouted while pulling Peabody away from the controls. Peabody then stood up and pointed towards the ground.

"Sherman, sit!" he said as if he were talking to a feral dog, not an intelligent dog like himself, or even his own son.

"You can't talk to me like that. I'm not a dog!" Sherman said in a hurt tone while he turned away from Peabody, avoiding any physical or eye-contact with him.

"What did you say?" Peabody asked, paws on his hips and head tilted with a strict look of disappointment on his face. Sherman then stood up and shouted in the beagle's face with all the anger and rage that filled his very body.

"I SAID, I'M NOT A DOG!" Sherman screamed. Peabody's look went from disappointed to sad, but then reverted to anger when he responded to his son's statement.

"You're right, Sherman, you're not. You're just a very bad boy!" He retorted. Sherman's rage had now been replaced with sorrow and heartbreak. What he just heard his own adopted father say, confirmed that really couldn't trust him anymore. And the dog that was in front of him wasn't his father to him anymore, he was just a complete and utter stranger to the child. Sherman then sat back down in his seat and looked away from Peabody.

"Brace for impact in Ten... Nine... Eight... Seven... Six... Five... Four... Three... Two... One" the WABAC's computer's voice said. Peabody then slammed his paw down on a big red button and the WABAC finally got out of the gravitational pull of the vortex and sent them flying somewhere far beyond it. Everyone then saw a big white light and everyone was covering their eyes to prevent themselves from being totally blinded by it. Everyone then felt the WABAC crashing and colliding with several trees. They opened their eyes to reveal themselves making a crash landing into a large forest.

"Look out!" Penny screamed before the WABAC crashed into a large cliff and soon made a large crater at the bottom of the treeline from the crash. Penny and Mr. Peabody were knocked out from the impact, but Sherman was still conscious. He readjusted his glasses to see that the inside of the WABAC was trashed, the windshield was broken and cracked too. Sherman then looked to see the door of the WABAC was gone, and that his clothes were dirtied, and and in tatters as well. He even felt stinging on his side.

"Agh!" Sherman exclaimed while clutching his side. He saw that some of the glass from the shattering of the windshield had cut through the skin of his abdomen and it was bleeding. Sherman looked at Mr. Peabody's unconscious form and began to have tears fog up his vision.

"I hope you're happy now" Sherman said with his voice cracking. He then ran out of the open door and into the woods, leaving Penny and his adopted father behind. Sherman ran as far away as he could, crying at the fact that he was not only in pain from the crash and his bleeding, but at how he felt like he could never trust Mr. Peabody again.

"Ow, ow, ow" Sherman said while looking down at his side and took his hand off of it. Blood now covered the entire palm and backs of his fingers of his left hand, and blood was soaking into his dirtied and tattered white shirt.

"Oh, this hurts so bad" Sherman said as he got on his knees and hissed in pain. The sound of a rushing river stream caught the boy's ear, and he looked to his left to see a large stream with clean enough water to drink and to clean his wound up.

"Water. I need... water" Sherman said while smacking his tongue, desperately in need of something to drink. He walked towards the stream while panting like he had just run a marathon and had not drank anything in days. Once at the river's edge, he knelt down on his knees on the dirt once more and took a handful of water into his hands and began sipping the liquid.

"This is gonna hurt. This is gonna hurt. This is gonna hurt" Sherman said while he took his shirt off and took another handful of water from the stream and touched his stinging and bleeding abdomen with it.

"Ow!" he whimpered. He drank some more of the stream's water and took another scoop to cleanse his wound from it as minutes went by. Sherman looked up and saw the full moon standing still in the night sky amongst the stars. Sherman was now concerned, he had no idea where he was or if there was anyone around these woods who would be willing to help him. As Sherman was now washing his face in the stream, he began to hear the rustling of leaves behind him.

"Huh?" Sherman gasped as he looked behind him. The large bush behind him was the source of the rustling. He leaned forward to see a pair of eyes inside the bush, as well as some heavy breathing.

"W-Who's there?" he asked aloud, loud enough for the owner of the eyes to hear him. Growling was the eyes' owner's response to Sherman's question. What happened next, Sherman was lost for words, out of the bush stepped out a large red-furred Western Lowland Gorilla with a wooden spear in it's right hand.

"Um... Hello. N-Nice gorilla, nice BIG gorilla" Sherman said, nervous that this primate wanted to hurt him. The gorilla then did something the boy never expected, it stood on it's hind legs without supporting itself on it's knuckles like a human world.

"RRRAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGHHHH!" it roared at the boy, and then whacked Sherman across the face with the bottom end of it's spear. Sherman was immediately knocked out the very second the spear made contact with the side of his face and felt himself giving in to a forced sleep. The gorilla then began sniffling all around Sherman and then noticed the cuts on the side of his abdomen.

"Hmph" the gorilla grunted before it picked Sherman up over it's shoulder and began walking away from the stream and further into the woods.

A/N: And there you guys go, a perfect first chapter to explain how our story begins. So, the argument happened, and Sherman ran away injured, only to be knocked out and captured by a gorilla who was standing up straight like a human would. What will happen when Mr. Peabody and Penny wake up? And where is this gorilla taking Sherman? You'll find out in chapter two. More to come in the next update. Please review, thanks!