
Chapter 8

Disclaimer: I own nothing. All belongs to Joss, UPN and ME.

Sorry it's taken so long. I've just been accepted into a veterinary nursing course, so I've been using most of my time getting more experience in the local vet surgeries before the new semester starts.

A/N: A few people have mentioned that Buffy is a little uncharacteristic in this fic. When I was writing down ideas, I went over everything that happened in Season 6 and I think that if it wasn't for the fact that Buffy had been pulled out of Heaven by her friends, I would say she was being uncharacteristic then. I also thought, and everyone would probably agree with me, that she was really cruel to Spike and I think he deserves to be forgiven. At the end of the season Buffy was determined to change her attitude towards her life, her friends and Dawn. This is my take on that change.

Feedback: I love getting reviews, so if you're feeling generous, I'm feeling greedy. I'll give you a cookie and a brownie if you do ;)

Oh, and I've been nominated in the Spuffy Awards. This is the first time I've been nominated for any award, so I was really surprised about it. Please show your support and vote for me.

"I can't believe she's coming back so soon," Buffy said softly.

Giles had just finished reading the letter to them, and they now sat around the table, not knowing what to think about it.

"Is she ready to leave?" Xander asked Giles.

"Well, she's gotten very far with controlling the magic," Giles said. "And she knows she'll have to come back here sooner or later."

"What happened while I was gone?" Spike asked suddenly.

Everyone looked down sadly, as they remembered what had happened to Willow. And Tara.

Buffy sighed and told him everything that happened since he left.

"I'm sorry," Spike said sincerely, after she had finished. He had always liked the blond witch. She had always been nice to him and she had never judged him like everyone else. "So she's been in England since then?" Spike asked.

"Yeah, she's been learning to control the magic at a wiccan coven."

"She might be able to control the magic, but she's never gonna get over killing someone," Spike said.

"I know," Buffy said sadly.

"When is she getting here?" Xander asked Giles.

"I'm not sure. I'll have to ring the coven to find out all the details."

Giles got up from the table and headed towards the phone.


"So, do you wanna get something to eat?" Buffy asked Spike, as they walked down the street together later that day.

"Yeah," Spike answered.

They headed over to the Expresso Pump and sat down at a table outside in the sun.

"So…" Spike started nervously. "I'll just go order something."

"Yeah…" Buffy said, as she watched him head over to the counter.

Buffy stared at him as he stood at the counter, waiting for their order. She couldn't believe that she was here with him. It was hard to believe that this was the same Spike. He just seemed so different now.

"You okay?" Spike asked, as he sat back down, putting their food and two cups on the table.

"Yeah…" Buffy said, snapping out of her daze.

As they ate, Buffy couldn't help but stare at him. It just felt so strange sitting there with him, in the bright sunlight.

"What?" Spike asked suddenly, noticing her staring at him.


"You keep staring at me." He noted.

"Oh…it's just…you in the sunlight. It's gonna take some getting used to." Buffy said, her face turning red.

"It took a while for me to get used to it too." Spike said. "I went to a beach during the day for the first time in over a hundred years. I forgot all about the sunburn and I was sore for a week."

Buffy started laughing.

"Hey, it's not funny," Spike said, in mock outrage. "I don't think I slept for more than two hours a night that week, I was in so much bloody pain."

"I'm sorry," Buffy said, trying to stifle her giggles. "I can just picture you though…all red…" She burst out laughing again.

Spike couldn't help but laugh with her. After they finally managed to control themselves, Spike looked up at her and smiled.

"What?" Buffy asked.

"I haven't seen you this happy in a long time."

Buffy looked down. "Yeah, well there hasn't really been anything to be happy about lately."

"Yeah, you're right about that," Spike agreed. "Are you okay about Willow coming back?"

Buffy looked up at him. "I think so…yeah. I mean she's still my best friend. I can't just ignore her."

"But after everything she did, how deep she got into the dark magicks, do you think she could ever just go back to being the same old Willow?"

"No, but that's why she needs us. To show her that we still love her no matter what she did. And it wasn't all her fault."

"Yeah, I would've liked to have a go with that Warren idiot," Spike said.

After they finished eating, they both stood up.

"So…you want me to walk you home?" Spike asked, suddenly nervous.

"Yeah, that would be nice," Buffy said with a smile and they headed off.

So, are you gonna meet Willow at the airport tomorrow?" Spike asked, as they approached the front porch of Buffy's house.

"Yeah, Giles is gonna pick me up tomorrow morning," Buffy answered. She stopped in front of the door and turned to face him. "You wanna come in for a while?" She asked. "I'm sure Dawn wouldn't mind seeing you."

"Sure," Spike said smiling, as they opened the door and stepped inside.

Sorry for the shortness of the chapter. I'm actually working more on one of my other stories, Intervention Redux, which should be finished soon.

Please review and let me know what you think. I'll give you a cookie and a brownie if you do. Ohhhh, and a Spikebot!!! Hee! ;)