
This story was an inspiration from "Raptor" by Chasyn. I love reviews. Please be nice I don't have a proofreader yet.


{Raptor speaks}

Predator Instincts

Chapter 4 Training

Owen arrived back at the raptor paddock before Hoskins was supposed to arrive. The girls had been very well behaved for Barry. They had done some of there runs and as Owen predicted the girls had taken a nap half way throw the day. After arriving Owen only had enough time to tell Barry about the eggs and show Z and Gray where they can stand on the catwalk out of the way, before he had to start the demonstration for the InGen representatives.

The pig was turned lose, Owen whistled to start the chase. The girls immediately recognized his voice. He had found out years ago he could make the right sounds that would be understood by the dinosaurs. To them it was kind of like he had an accent, the only time he didn't have one was when he changed into his raptor form. He could only speak raptor in that form.

{Hold!} Owen chirped at the girls after they came to the spot by the catwalk he was standing on. {Hey!} The girls looked up.

{Papa's back!} Owen could hear Charlie chirp to her sisters.

{Okay! Eyes on me. Blue?}

{Where's the piggy.} Blue didn't like it getting away.

{Blue!} Owen whistled to get her to get back on track. {Watch it.}

{Charlie. Hey!} She whined at him. {Don't give me that shit!}

{Delta!} She tried to make Charlie pay attention to their Papa. {Lock it up! Good! And we're moving!} Owen walked with his hand in the air over to the treat bucket. The girls followed {Hold! That's good. That is damn good.}

"Very good! See, Charlie, that's what you get! Echo, there you go! Delta!" Owen said it in English, more for the spectators then the girls. His girls know some words in English especially their names because of their Uncle Barry. "Blue? This one's for you." He's hoping that one day he will be able to do it all in English.

{Hold! Eyes up!} Owen raised his hand up. The girls lifted their heads up. {Go.} He whistled while dropping his hand to show the girls to go play.

Barry came up patting his friend on the back. "You finally did it, man. I still can't get the clicks right."

"Owen. I was starting to think I hired the wrong guys, but, damn, you got them eating out of your palm." Vic Hoskins the only man that Owen would love to take a big bit out of. He came up on to the catwalk all happy like he just got four juvenile Velociraptors to do the hunting drill on his own instead of Owen doing it.

"You came on a good day. It's not usually a happy ending." Owen just wanted him to leave so he could take care of all his kids including his two future sons.

"Is that why you're not sending in your reports?"

"We've been busy." Barry hated this guy almost as much as Owen did.

"Not too busy to cash your paychecks." Hoskins was trying to be friendly, but all Owen and Barry wanted was to get back to work.

"What do you need, buddy?" Owen said giving Barry a chance to escape this asshole.

"A field test. Hey. I've just seen they can respond to commands. We need to take the research and get it on its feet."

"These are wild animals, Hoskins. Trust me, you don't want them in the field." Owen wanted to laugh his girls have been in the field all their life the paddock was more like school or daycare for them. How can we get out, and chase the pigs?

"I just saw a bond. A real bond. Between man and beast." Yes, there's a bond they're his daughters.

"You're in my way." Owen was just wanted to punch this guy in the face he was keeping him up on the catwalk.

"Come on. We're the same. We're dogs of war. We know that the military needs to reduce casualties. Some people think that robots are the future. Look, nature gave us the most effective killing machines 75 million years ago. And now we know they can take orders."

"We finally make progress and that's the first thing he says? Make a weapon?" Barry came up to them hoping to get Hoskins to leave only to hear what he said.

"Shit. Come on, gents. It's grown-up time. Drones can't search tunnels and caves. And they're hackable. The minute a real war breaks out, all that fancy tech is gonna go dark." Owen just started to tune out this asshole.

"But that tech's not gonna eat them if they forget to feed it." Barry pointed out he know how crabby the girls could get when there hungry.

"Look at these creatures. They've got millions of years of instinct in their cells, instinct that we can program. Their loyalty cannot be bought. These guys are gonna run straight into the enemy's teeth and eat them, belt buckle and all." Owen didn't like how this guy was looking at his girls.

"What if they decide they wanna be in control?" Barry said.

"Well, then we remind them who is. We terminate the rogues. Promote only loyal bloodlines. What? What's so funny?" Hoskins didn't know why Barry was laughing as he walked away.

"I don't know. You come here, and you don't learn anything about these animals except what you want to know. You made them, and now you think you own them."

"We do own them. Extinct animals have no rights."

"They're not extinct anymore, Hoskins. And I have a contract saying that these four girls are mine not yours not InGen's," Owen was getting a bad feeling about what Hoskins was trying to do with his daughters.

"Exactly. You're sitting on a goldmine. And Masrani is using it to stock a petting zoo."

"He just wants to teach people some humility. He doesn't make weapons."

"You think that the eighth richest man in the world is only into oil, telecom, and family fun parks? He's so diversified, he doesn't even know what he owns."

"How long has InGen been practicing this pitch?"

"Since the day we hired you out of the Navy. You knew the end game. These animals can replace thousands of boots on the ground. How many lives would that save? War is part of nature. Look around, Owen. Every living thing in this jungle is trying to murder the other. Mother Nature's way of testing her creations. Refining the pecking order. War is a struggle. Struggle breeds greatness. Without that, we end up with places like this, charge seven bucks a soda."

"Do you hear yourself when you talk?"

"This is gonna happen. With or without you boys. Progress always wins, man."

"You won't be doing it with my girls so, maybe progress should lose for once."

"Pig loose! Pig loose!" The new guy goes running out on to the catwalk furthest away from Owen. The kid reached down into the paddock to catch the pig just as Blue ran by grabbing the pig catcher net dragging the new guy off the catwalk and into the raptors territory.

Owen know this was bad no way to fix it without having it come back on him later. He jumped over the railing and landed two stories' down almost next to the kid. "No, hold your fire!" He held up his hands to stop the security with the guns. "Hold your fire. Do not fire. Put 12 amps in my girls, they're never gonna trust me again."

Owen turned to his girls. {Blue, stand down. Stand down.}

{But Papa you said if a stranger ever came in here without you he's a bad guy and might try to steal us away from you.} Blue screeched.

{I know sweetheart it was an accident.} She kept screeching at him. {Hey! What did I just say? It was an accident.}

Out of the corner of his eye he could see Barry had the kid out of the pin. Next to him was Z and Gray they here watching what he was doing.

{Delta, I see you. Back up! Okay. Good.}


{Charlie? Stay right their baby girl.} "Good. Close the gate."

"Are you crazy?" Z was about to run in there and drag him out of there.

Barry knew Owen didn't want Hoskins to know how closes he was to the raptors.

"Just trust me." Owen was ready he'll have to make this up to his girls later.

"Close the gate!" Man, this kid was not going to last long working here. Barry hit the button that started closing the gate.

At the last second Owen dove into a roll out of the gate as it closed. Looking back {Sorry pumpkins I'll make it up to you later.}

{Sleep in Papa's bed} Charlie chirped.

{Dream movie} Delta whistled.

{Oreos!} Blue was looking at Barry.

{Chicken dinner?} Echo was always hunger.

Barry helped Owen up. "Thanks, have you been giving Blue Oreos?"

"No, she stole them. Why?"

"She's asking for them."

Owen looked back at the girls. {Yes, you guys can sleep in my bed tonight, and watch sleeping beauty. Blue Uncle Barry will bring Oreos tomorrow, and well have chicken for dinner tomorrow. Is that ok with you girls?} Charlie, Delta, and Echo ran off happy. Blue stared behind growling at the new guy through the bars.

Hoskins finally made it down to the gates, Owen ignored him instead he looked over at the kid maybe barely in his 20's. "You're the new guy, right?"

"Yeah." The kid just sat there.

"You ever wonder why there was a job opening?" The kid looked like he was going to pass out because of what Owen said. "Hey. Don't ever turn your back to the cage."

Owen walked past Hoskins. "The demonstration is over." Lucky for everyone he took the hint and left the paddock.

Owen took a deep breath before putting on his best smile and turned to face Z and Gray. "So, what you think of my raptors now?"

Z looked at Owen. "They're beautiful." She wanted to say more but not in front of everyone. "What are their names?"

"Well, you got Charlie. There's Echo. Here is Delta. This one's called Blue. She's the beta." Owen put his arm through the bars and patted each girl on the head when he said their name.

"Who's the alpha?" Gray always wanted to know everything, so he just had to ask.

"You're looking at him." Owen looked over at Z after answering her brothers question. She was looking back at him with a rosy blush covering her face.

"Wow you talk like your one of them. It's like you're a raptor just like them. How did you learn to do all that with the sounds?" Owen looked down in shame the kid was getting to close.

"Hay I think its time to call your aunt about dinner?" Owen was trying to change the subject off him.

Claire had made reservations for all of them at the Dino Burger. At least she took Owens advice about less fancy food. But before they headed out to meet up with Claire, Z needed to get Owen away from everyone. She saw her chance when he was giving treats to the raptors from the catwalk. She walked up to him calmly trying not to startle the raptors any. "Owen can we talk, I know you don't want to but if what I think your scared to tell me is true. Then you don't need to be because I'm ok with you being part raptor or having raptor DNA."

Owen turned to look at her. "It's more than just blood, my bones are different. My skin is tougher, it heals faster. I'm no longer genetically compatible with humans but being an alpha male, I crave a mate that's younger than me." He looked straight into her eyes. "Did you know raptors mate for life? So, it kills me because I'm 26 and the only females I'm attracted to are young and virgin. So, with my human part of my brain all I see is that I'm some sick fuck drooling over children. And on top of all that I flirted with you and you flirted back. You are one of the oldest virgins I've met on this island and all I can think about when I smell you is the need to mate with you."

"Well we will make it work and I don't need kids. And with me being young, well most of the woman in my family have gone for older men so we work out."

"God, I hope you can truly accept it when you see the real proof of what I am." Owen kissed her before he waked of the catwalk away from her.


Ok a Guest on Fanfiction left this comment and I'll break it down to their level of intelligence. [my comment on their comment]

I have some realism complaints. [Its FANFICTION with living dinosaurs none of its fuckin real] First of all i thought this was going to be a grueling story about owen being a raptor i wish it had more details on how that happened because i honestly don't get it (does he have a raptor dick?) [It's a love mating story and I'm going to make an origin story after I'm done with the story.] second of all their age difference is like owen kissing a goddamn baby at age 9. [I state that Owen is 26 in this story and she's almost 18. When I was 19 I dated and later married a man that was 6 years older than me. My dad is 19 years older than my mom, so you can go fuck yourself age is just a number.] and whats with thw whole "im about to be 18" shit? [Z is trying to prove a point.] are we not bothered by a grown ass man kissing a minor? [When I was 15 I dated a 18 year old, its all about him not pushing her into stuff she's not ready for.] chris pratt wouldnt stand for this nonsense. [He was 36 in that movie I made him 10 years younger] other than those great story 10/10 would recommend. [I'm so lost with this person.]