Chapter 11: Finn, The Human

Finn's Point of View

I've ridden Jake to the forest a ton of times - to visit Artemis, to have bro time or a swim, to just get away from stress, for missions - but this may be the first time I've never enjoyed it. His gigantic feet crashing down to the ground as we galloped towards the swirling green lightning clouds, my heart raced.

"So what exactly happened in this wacky dream of yours?" Jake asked.

"It wasn't a dream, Jake!" I argued, "ever since Huntress Wizard and I summoned the spirit of the forest together, I can sometimes hear when she calls out to me in the forest! The Lich fully merged with Eclipsa! We have to stop him now before it's too late!"

"You got a plan, man?"

"Word." I replied. "Let's do this..." I leaned in to his ear to explain.

As I laid out my plan, Jake tensed up a bit. "You sure about this, Finn?" He asked.

"Man, I haven't been sure of anything since Marco and Star landed in our pond, just let us down here." I replied.

Jake shrunk down at the edge of the forest, and miniaturized down before hopping into my backpack. "Be careful, bro," he whispered.

I trembled. This was it. No more running away, no more diversions. I ran as fast as I could towards the pond I saw in my vision.

I won't lie; I was secretly hoping I had been wrong, and it had just been a nightmare, that my visions of the Lich sapping the life from like a mile of trees had just been a bad dream.

But, it wasn't. I ran up to the scene of the Lich, and my friends desperately trying to hold him off. Marco jumped for a sweet, leaping kick at the Lich's dome, but in one motion, Lich grabbed Marco's leg and swung him into Huntress Wizard effortlessly. Lich blasted at Star with his donked up evil wand, but she managed to roll under, and aimed her own wand at him, yelling, "SPIDER WITH A TOP HAT BLAST!"

A tiny spider leaped from her wand and began shoot the Lich with a billion lasers, but Lich just blasted him, leaving a tiny scorch mark on the ground. Lich blasted at Star again, and she did her best with a pink blast back, but she was easily pushed back and the rays exploded, sending her into a tree. Her arms were already cut up and burnt.

Huntress Wizard shoved Marco off of her, and flung arrows at the Lich, but they just bounced off him harmlessly. Lich aimed for her, and my adrenaline kicked in. I took a flying leap over the top of Artemis, then held up my sword, which, thankfully, still absorbed the magic...although it pushed me back, skidding across the grass, sword vibrating intensely.

"Finn Mertens," The Lich seethed with a rueful laugh, "you never cease to amaze."


I swung at Lich, but he blocked with his wand, and punched me right in the ribs, sending me into some shrubs nearby. He went to blast at me, but this time Artemis saved me, diving at me, grabbing, and rolling along the ground so both of us could dodge. Marco jumped on the Lich's back, trying to wrap his arms around his neck. Artemis and I charged; I slashed at the Lich's knee, she kicked at his other one. Lich stumbled back, swinging wildly to grab Marco, who kept swinging his body just out of reach.

Star planted herself in front of the Lich, pointed her wand at him with a twirl, and yelled, "Warnicorn Stampede!"

From her wand shot a heard of some manly-buff-looking unicorns, so Huntress Wizard and I bailed out of the way, and Marco kicked off the Lich's back just in time as the fiend got buried and a storm of hooves and horns. The Lich had been knocked down and trampled, but he was already getting up. I ran forward with a battle cry and slashed the side of his head; even with a magic sword, it only chipped him like a rock as he blasted me square in the chest, sending me flying into Star, my skin burning. That'd need some cyclops goo later.

Lich had gotten up, and Marco drop kicked him in the knee. It didn't seem to phase the Lich, as he merely kicked Marco away into the woods. While he was distracted, Huntress Wizard leaped into the air kicked the wand, but it was too entrenched in the Lich's grasp to be moved, and he blasted her into the trees instead.

Star and I had gotten up. "Go high," she told me. I nodded and charged, and I flipped high into the air. As I did, she shouted, "MEGA NARWHAL BLAST," shooting under me. The blast hit Lich in the stomach, and he doubled forward. I slashed downward, but the Lich turned his head. My sword still managed to hack off his other horn, and he screamed in pain. A green shockwave shot out of him that knocked both me and Star dozens of feet away.

I'm not sure how far away from the Lich I landed, but I rolled onto my back to see he was already standing over me. I swung my sword just in time to deflect a blast of magic, but Lich shifted his wand into a sword and tried to plunge it into my throat. I held him at bay with my sword, but it took all my robo arm strength not to get impaled.

"Tell me, Finn, as an ordinary human in a land of extraordinary beings," The Lich growled, the hatred very evident in his voice, "how do you continue to do this? How does someone so weak continue to best me across the dimensions?! ACROSS ALL OF SPACE -TIME!"

"Because Lich," I yelled, pushing back against his wand, "YOU ALWAYS SMELL LIKE DOG BUNS!"

On his cue, Jake grew his, ahem, rear end cheeks to massive sizes outside of my backpack, and clapped them against the Lich's head, letting out a fart. Lich roared in anger and confusion, but grabbed Jake and threw him - and me, since Jake was holding onto my pack, high into the air as Jake retreated to my backpack.

The distraction had bought Star enough time to change into her golden form. From the sky, I saw her charge up the wand, and then unleash a massive tidal wave of golden energy that washed over the Lich. The inky-black hardened skin melted off him, leaving a pulsating, red, muscly mass, though it still stood, a shambling mess, point his damaged wand at her form as she collapsed to the ground. That must be the power Moon was talking about.

But we weren't done yet!

"NOW DUDE!" I yelled. Jake poked his upper half from my pack, stretched hundreds of arms going all directions downward, and grabbed onto the sides of any tree he could get ahold of.

The Lich shifted his wand to me and for a split second I saw my life flash before my eyes. But before he could blast me, Marco and Huntress Wizard dived from the woods and grabbed the Lich's legs. Star flew up in her golden form and blasted the Lich in the face with a giant beam of golden magic once more, which flattened him onto his back.

Jake slingshot me back down to Ooo, and I plunged my sword as hard as I could into the Lich's chest - but even his red under skin was rock-hard, only the tip of my sword went in. I pushed against the hilt with all my might to try and impale him all the way while the Lich roared in pain.

Lich went to blast me, but Jake leapt from my pack, wrapped himself around the Lich's arm and head, and then wrapped himself around about six different trees in the distance so the Lich couldn't move.

Suddenly, Marco and Artemis grabbed my hands and were pushing against the hilt of my sword with, and we slowly began to drive the blade deeper into the Lich's head as he screamed in anguish.

He went to grab my foot, but before he could grab me, Star, in her golden form, grabbed on to the hilt of my sword with all six hands, joined by a giant fist being shot out of Jake's belly, encasing all of our hands and joining the effort. Together, the five of us pushed the sword completely through the heart of the Lich. He disintegrated into a pile of ash. No evil laughter. No green gas to be absorbed by someone else; he was dead. The five of us collapsed onto the grass. I looked out from the bottom of the dogpile we landed in. The sky had begun to clear.

It was over...we did it. We slew the Lich.

"Hey, good job guys," I said, struggling to catch my breath, "but I can't feel my legs. Please get off."

Everyone did, except Huntress Wizard, who rolled me over, and gave me a big hug and kiss on the cheek, which was a bit embarrassing in front of everyone as they chuckled at the sight. She helped me to my feet.

"How much did you see?" Artemis asked me, as everyone dusted themselves off.

"Just the Lich coming out of the pond," I assured her.

She sighed. "Good," she admitted, "I...lost it a bit after the Lich blasted your soul."

I pulled her in for a tight squeeze. "I'm harder to murdelerdel than that, hun."

"What are they talking about?" Marco whispered to Jake.

"Huntress Wizard's weird powers let her send visions to him when she's in the forest, don't worry about it." Jake explained.

"Star!" A voice came from the ground. It sounded regal.

"Eclipsa?!" Star yelled, running to the wand that the Lich had been using, now reverted back to the umbrella form. She picked it up and began to cry softly, as a little hologram of Eclipsa appeared above it, "Eclipsa, how can we save you-"

"I can't hear you Star," the hologram said, "I've recorded this before the Lich could take full hold of me."

Star's face fell, and the tears began to fall, but she held it together as Eclipsa's message played.

"I knew the Lich was going to try and sacrifice me," Eclipsa's message explained, "You see, the Lich is involved with magic so foul, I never wanted to touch. But I knew what spell he was after, because it was the only one I wanted to study, in the off chance I had to revive Globby." She let out a rueful laugh, "Guess that one bit me in the butt, huh? Star, I know...I know you'll be able to stop him, but I also know he'll be more powerful, but more vulnerable in my body. So if you have to kill that body, please know, I understand. Thank you for freeing me. And Star?"

There was a pause. "I'm proud of you," Eclipsa's message finished, and the wand changed to Star's form, leaving Star holding two identical wands.

I frowned as Star sobbed and turned into Marco's waiting arms. She collapsed into him and he held her tightly. We stopped the Lich, but we couldn't save Eclipsa like we wanted. At my expression, Artemis grabbed my hand, and I met her gaze. She gave me a small smile, and said, quietly, " did good, beau."

Jake shrank a little and climbed on to my shoulders. "Yeah, you did good, Finn."

"You too, man," I replied, fist-pounding him, "And you rocked out there, Huntwiz."

The three of us approached Star and Marco. Marco opened his eyes at us from the hug and I noticed he was crying too. Eclipsa must have meant something special to these two, even if I didn't fully understand the backstory between her and my two friends. His eyes met mine and he sniffled, closing them again to hold Star. Not knowing what else to do, I walked up and hugged both of them. Huntress Wizard did too, and Jakes stretched his arms around the group of us. We all embraced tightly, as the weight of the fight hung over the air.

We all stayed like that for awhile before Star began to gently break away, causing us all to back up. "Thank you," she sniffled, wiping her eyes, "all of you. I can't...I can't thank you guys enough."

"Dude," I said, putting my hand on her shoulder. "You don't gotta thank us. We're tight now. Buds for life."

"Homies help homies, always," Jake added, and Huntress Wizard nodded and said, "for sure. We're a pack."

Star giggled a bit as she wiped a tear, "I don't think I could have landed in the pond of a cooler pair of brothers. Thanks guys."

Marco nodded as he sniffled. "You guys are the best."

"So what are you going to do with the extra wand?" Huntress Wizard asked.

Star stared down at her hand, then looked to Marco, who shrugged. "I um...I was told we might need to destroy it," she replied, "but I have an idea on what I could do instead."

There was an awkward pause before an idea popped into my brain meats. "Hey, look, I know...things didn't end how we wanted. We lost some stuff. We both had some wars...but...we made some cool friends. And we don't I throw us a party on top of our treehouse tomorrow night? For you guys! Bring yo friends, boiiiii!"

"Are you sure?" Marco asked.

I looked at the four of them, all of them giving me some curious looks. "Yeah...we all could use some fun, right? This has been a mondo crazy couple of days. Let's give our brains some good time vibes."

Star and Marco exchanged looks, but smiles slowly spread across their faces.

"You know what?" Marco replied. "We're in. Meet you tomorrow at eight?"

"Sounds good!" I said, giving him a fist pound. He took out his scissors and cut a hole back to Mewni, both of them promising to see us tomorrow.

I took out a little hand vacuum from my backpack and sucked up the Lich's ashes, "Can't be too careful. Probably want to get these to PB. You coming Jake?"

Jake scratched the back of his head...he looked like something was on his mind. "Actually, can I go see Lady and the kids? I need to talk to them about some stuff."

"Oh," I answered, "totally man."

He waved and grew large, heading out of the forest the opposite direction of the candy kingdom.

As he walked away, Huntress Wizard grabbed me and kissed me, a little bit passionately, and hugged me again.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

She held on tighter. "I haven't lost myself to wizard madness in so long. But when I saw you like that...I lost it. I'm just glad you're okay."

I held her back. "That's why we look out for each other. And part of why I wanted to do this party is one big hurrah before I move in with you."

She smooched me again. "You sure you're ready?" She asked.

I nodded. "We both know I'm totally in love with you, Artemis."

She turned a deep red. "You've never said it before."

I laughed. "You always did for me."

She nuzzled against me a bit. "I love you too. You butthead. Are you going to be okay taking those to PB? I gotta survey the forest damage."

I nodded and pulled away from her, feeling better than I had all day. "Just come early tomorrow, okay? I want you to be there when I tell Jake the news."

She smiled, and dove into the trees.I turned and began a peaceful walk to the kingdom. There was lots of rebuilding to do...but maybe, just maybe, things would go back to normal for awhile.


I was getting the tables and speakers set up on our rooftop. This place seemed a little lonely without Fern...but...ever since I woke up yesterday, part of me felt at peace with everything that happened. For some reason, I had this weird urge to ask Marco about it? I'd get to that tonight if I could.

"Knock knock!" Huntress Wizard yelled, climbing up the ladder to the roof, "I brought snacks. Like ones people will eat, like chips, no animal hearts" she added, dropping a few bags of chips and pretzels on a table, "I did put a rabbit in your freezer though, I was thinking you could make some of that stew later?"

"I love cookin' for my good-lookin'," I sang at her. She laughed and gave me a light slap on the tush in response, which never fails to make me go red.

"You two are gross and adorable and it's weird," Jake replied, stretching up from the floor below. He had been avoiding contact with me all day.

Huntress Wizard and I exchanged looks, and nodded. I walked up to Jake, and opened my mouth, but at the same time, we both said, "Hey man, I need to tell you something."

We both blinked and laughed. "You go first, Finn," he said. He sounded sure, so I didn't fight him.

I gulped and stammered, but Artemis held my hand, and I calmed a bit. "So um...I, I know, I'm going to move in with H dubs soon. We talked about it, and I want to try some of that forest-living. So maybe Lady can move in?"

Jake gaped. "NO. WAY!"

Before either of us could say anything else, Jake swelled up, hugging us both and lifting us both and spinning. "MY LITTLE BABY BOY FINN IS A GROWN MAN!"

I laughed, "put us down, you butt. What did you want to tell me?"

He set me down and smiled. "Well, I was going to tell you, I was moving in with Lady."

"Oh dude, is that all?" I asked.

He shook his head, a little sad. "Not exactly...I think...I think I'm going to kind of retire from adventures, Finn."

"What?!" I replied, shocked. I looked at Artemis; even she had raised her eyebrows.

"Dude, I'm like nearing fifty," Jake explained, "some of this growing stuff starts to hurt after awhile."

He hugged me and continued, "if you still ever really need me, I'll be there. You'll always be my best friend, Finn. I just want to focus on playing viola and Lady. And we think Charlie may be pregnant!"

I smiled, ecstatically. "Haha, okay grandpa...just...promise you won't be a boring old golf fogie."

"PFFT I HATE GOLF, FINN!" Jake replied, and he and I laughed. "So you're cool with this?"

I nodded. "Totally man." I put my arm around Artemis and added, "H Dubs is a pro adventurer anyway.'ll always be my best friend too, bro."

"I am pretty great," she bragged, though she was blushing a bit.

He frowned a bit. "I am going to miss this, Finn. The treehouse. The's been the best life a dog could ask for."

Artemis and I smiled at each other and hugged Jake, for like what, the fourth time this minute? It was one of those kind of talks. "Dude," I told him, "it's not going to change anything between us. We're bros. Best friends. I'll always be here for you."

He laughed and ruffled my hat. "Same, you weirdo."

Star's Point of View

I had a party to go to in two hours. And I LOVE a good party...but, I had to do something first.

I knocked on Tom's door in the underworld castle. He answered, and didn't look too thrilled to see me.

"Hey Starship," he said, neutrally. 'You uh...wanted to talk?"

I nodded and stepped in, playing with my hair nervously. "Yeah...I uh...wanted to say thanks for bringing the wand. I know it wasn't easy after what I said."

He nodded, "I guess I shouldn't have been so wrapped up in relationship stuff. But I can change-"

"Tom, don't." I answered. "I think you've tried to change enough for me, don't you?"

He paused, and seemed to think about my words.

"Don't get me wrong," I continued, "I'm glad you've gotten past a lot of the anger stuff...but trying to go on adventures with me to be better than Marco, or faking an interest in politics - I saw you fall asleep at that diplomacy meeting!"

"It was so boring!" Tom retorted.

"I mean, yeah, those suuuuuuuck, but I'm on the verge of Mewman and Monster peace," I replied, "we're just different Tom. I am really proud of you. But you need to be who you want to be. Not for me. I think...I think we should be friends."

There was an awkward pause as I stared at my boots. The cute ones with the horns. I mean, all my boots are cute. But, I had a hard time focusing on that. I felt awful about this. I know Tom cared about me. And he's grown a lot...but...the connection just wasn't there.

"Star...I...I understand." Tom said, sniffling, "but can I ask something?"

"I guess..." I muttered. I had a feeling I knew what it was gonna be.

"You love him, huh?" He asked. It didn't seem like it mattered how I answered. And...I didn't want to lie. He deserved to know.

I nodded. "Yeah. I got it bad. I uh...I've been asking the brain meats..." I gestured to my head, "and I do. And that's wrong to you, and I'm sorry." i grabbed his shoulder and frowned. "I never meant to hurt you, Tom. You didn't deserve that."

He sighed. "Maybe we can be friends...but...I need some time, alright? Can you tell Marco that too? I love our video game time, but I'd want to punch his face."

"I'll tell him. I don't want you to punch his face. And I don't want to ruin your guys' friendship." I said, guiltily.

He snickered a bit, though his eyes were watering. "It'll be alright. I think...part of me knew. Just go to your party. I'll see you around."

Awkwardly, I squeezed his shoulder with my hand. "You've grown. Take care of yourself, Tom."

I turned and hopped back in the carriage he had people use to get to the underworld, and sighed as the doors shut. I slumped back into my seat, defeated.

Even though that went well, break ups suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

No Point of View

Finn and Jake were reminiscing about all their time spent living in the treehouse. Turns out, since neither wanted it, Kim Kil Whan was willing to sell it for them, and they expected a good payout on it. As eight neared, plenty of Candy Kingdom citizens began to arrive, and a bunch of their other friends arrived: LSP, Lady, even Ice King had been invited, much to Jake's chagrin, though BMO promised to keep the nutcase busy.

"He's basically kind of our friend now, Jake," Finn told him, "besides, if PB can't resurrect Marcy, we'll probably need to keep an eye on him. We would owe it to her."

Jake groaned, causing Huntress Wizard to laugh. "I can help you guys," she offered.

"HuntWiz, you are the coolest girl Finn's dated. Thank you," Jake replied, on the verge of tears at less Ice King duty.

"Psh, of course I am!" She replied with a grin.

Even Princess Bubblegum took a break from the lab, hugging Finn and Jake as she saw them. "Thanks for doing this, guys," she said, "I needed something to pull me away from the lab. And you really stepped up to the plate with this Lich stuff."

Finn nodded, "Figured we all needed a break."

As if on cue, half a pair of scissors opened a portal on top of the tree house, freaking out the candy people a bit as Star, Marco, and an assortment of weird people Finn had never seen before stepped through, including a floating unicorn head and a girl who looked like she was a walking bush. Star immediately found them and ran up, somehow managing to wrap Finn, Huntress Wizard, and Jake up in a hug as Marco walked up to them not long after.

"This looks awesome, guys!" Star said, "But can I add a little something to it?"

"Be my guest, SB." Finn invited.

Star wound up her wand, and a disco ball dropped from a cloud, hanging over the treehouse, blasting flashing lights and some music across the Grasslands through Finn and Jake's speakers. "Just like the Bounce Lounge!" She squealed.

"Aw man, that's pretty rad!" Jake exclaimed, grabbing Princess Bubblegum to go dance. Star's friends followed after them.

"Aw sick," Finn agreed, "Let's go dance, HW!"

But before the two of them could run off, Star grabbed Finn's arm and said, "Wait!"

He turned, "What up?"

Star and Marco smiled to each other, and Star handed Finn the second wand they had used to battle the Lich.

"The wand? I thought you had to scronk that bad boy up?" Huntress Wizard asked.

"We had to really argue with the High Commission about this," Marco replied, "but we think you guys should keep it. Just in case something ever happens and we need it. It keeps it out of the hands off anyone on Mewni, and I don't think Ooo is super well known to anyone outside of us. Think you two can keep it safe?"

Finn grabbed the wand and smiled. It turned into the shape of the hilt of the Finn sword, reminding him of Fern. He shoved it into his backpack. "Yeah. Me and HW are going to moving into her place in the woods. It's pretty secluded, so it should be safe. You can count on me, bud."

Star squealed in excitement. "That's adorable! I'm so happy for you two! Now go shake it, you two!"

Artemis grabbed Finn's hands and said in his ear, "show me how you move those hot buns, baby."

Finn went bright red, but smiled. "You got it!"

Star and Marco smiled as the two lovebirds went off to dance.

"So is Tom joining us?" Marco asked.

Star shook her head. "No...we decided to end things."

"O-oh..." Marco stuttered nervously, unsure of what else to say.

"About that, Marco...I've been doing a lot of thinking and" She shuffled nervously, before shaking her head and yelling, "Come on, dance with me!"

"What? - WHOA!" Marco yelled as Star pulled him out to tree canopy.

As everyone danced, Ponyhead leaned over to the two and said, "Oh dang Star, this beat is killlllliiiin iiiiiit."

Jake leaned over and said, "It is, but girl, that ain't how you shake it!"

Ponyhead scoffed defiantly, "Um, excuse me, but, shaking it is my life old man."

"Nah, you gotta shake it...LIKE...THIS!" Jake hollered before dropping the beat on the speakers and shaking it like he never shook it before. Everyone stared in awe at Jake's crazy sick dance moves and joined in.

"THIS DOG IS THE RADDEST PARTIER!" Kelly screamed as her leaves shook to the sick, funky phat beats.

"Hey, what were you going to say earlier, Star?" Marco asked as they danced around each other, and the conversation caught the attention of Finn and Huntress Wizard.

Star turned red as they turned, "Just...I..."

Deep breath, she thought to herself, it's just like dipping down.


Marco turned bright red and stammered gibberish. Unsure of what to say, he looked over her shoulder to see Finn and Huntress Wizard were motioning for him to kiss her.

He smiled, leaned in, and kissed Star Butterfly. This time, under the right conditions. The two pulled apart and smiled at each other, cheeks a vibrant shade of red.

"I'm going to take that as a yes, Marco Diaz."

He laughed. "Figured that was better than words."

As the party began to die down later in the night, Finn and Marco bumped into each other at the sodas at the refreshment table.

"Hey lover boy, that was pretty smooth out there." Finn said, nudging him in the ribs.

"Heh...yeah, well, maybe I had a little help." Marco replied. Then he remembered something, "hey, did Princess Bubblegum tell you recovering from the soul thing."

He shook his head, and looked at the stars. "Did it...have something to do with Fern?"

Marco was surprised, and asked, "How did you know?"

Finn smiled. "I just woke up with a hunch. You helped free him from the grass curse, huh?"

Marco nodded and looked at the stars too. "He wanted to thank you for all you tried to do for him. And not for you to beat yourself up."

They paused, and Marco added. "And I want to thank you too. You were nothing but cool to us since landing here. I don't make cool friends like you all the time."

"Thanks, M-doodle-daz." Finn said, putting an arm around him, "you're a good bud too."

"Marco, come on, let's dance more!" Star yelled, running over and pulling him away.

Finn smiled after the two of them as Artemis walked up to him, grabbing his hand.

"You ready to get back out there?" She asked, smiling.

"Totally!" Finn said, "It's Dance Party Time!"

I hope you all enjoyed this story!