The sheer pressure going into tonight was enough to make AJ metaphorically, and maybe literally, burst into flames. Elimination Chamber snuck up on her like a panther in the Amazon and pounced whether she was ready or not.
AJ winced a little when the trainer took the velcro cast off her hand. She moved her finger around and, for the first time in a month, it didn't hurt like hell when she flexed it.
"How does it feel?" The trainer asked.
AJ sighed. "A million times better. It actually feels great."
"Good, that means I can clear you for tonight," the trainer made a note on a clipboard. "I'm sure you're very excited about your match?"
"More than you can understand," AJ chuckled nervously. "Could you put some wrap on it just in case? I don't want to take any chances."
"Of course, that shouldn't be a problem," the trainer collected the needed supplies and set about helping AJ's recently healed appendage.
AJ took a deep breath. Tonight was finally the night. She was going to fight for the RAW Women's Title against her biggest on-screen and off-screen rival. Nikki hadn't said a word to or about AJ since the video of her leaked. AJ didn't particularly care that Nikki was probably talking shit to anyone that would listen. The idea of that AJ Lee wannabe possibly sabotaging the match for the sake of making AJ look like a fucking moron was what worried the returning fighter.
"All set." The trainer backed away and wished AJ luck.
AJ examined her hand. It wasn't the worst injury she ever had, her reconstructed back would tell that story any day. Her hand wasn't in pain or anything, but she wasn't about to take a chance and let it worsen or, god forbid, Nikki tries to pull any more shit when the match goes down. AJ wasn't even sure what the finish to the match was going to be. Given the recent controversy surrounding Dean's poor choice in recording videos, she was probably going to job to the stupid Rack Attack 2.0 and leave without the belt she never got to hold.
AJ hopped off the trainer's table and shuffled into the hall. Paige was waiting for her friend opposite the door. The pale Brit flashed AJ a smile and walked with her towards the women's locker room.
"What's the good word?" Paige asked, falling into stride with the smaller woman.
AJ shrugged. "My hand is fine. I'm cleared for tonight. The whole world knows I give head to my boyfriend. My fucking sister called me yesterday and spent half an hour laughing and yelling at me for it. It's whatever."
Paige snickered. "Well it's good you can still wrestle. Have you heard anything about the match?"
AJ shook her head. "Not since I was at RAW a few weeks ago. Triple H told me to stay home and relax while I was healing."
Paige nodded her head slowly. "So you have no idea about the things they changed around?"
AJ furrowed her brow and stopped walking just short of the locker room door. "What are you talking about?"
Paige shuffled into the women's locker room. AJ followed close behind her friend. Aside from the dirty looks and hurtful comments about AJ's supposed private time with Dean, the one thing she didn't need was a bone-crushing hug from Bayley. But, as much as she tried to avoid the gitty girl, the one with the sideways ponytail ran up to AJ and threw her arms around her shoulders and showered her with compliments.
"So what's the big news?" AJ asked after fighting free of Bayley's embrace.
Paige nodded at the tv on the wall. "Just watch."
Jonathon Coachman was in the middle of speaking. "And just announced for this evening: RAW Women's Champion Nikki Bella will be defending her title against AJ Lee, but with Brie Bella as the special guest referee. Nikki talked with the board this morning and managed to get the ruling in her favor on the grounds that AJ was abusing her power by putting herself in a title match while she is acting general manager."
AJ shrugged. "I mean, it makes sense, but THIS is how they're having her retain? Just a screwjob and the fans lose their minds?"
Paige shook her head. "How about you get ready and we go meet with D-Von to talk out the match?"
"Why are you being so weird right now?" AJ asked.
Paige chuckled. "You'll see, love."
AJ rolled her eyes but reluctantly started to change into her ring gear to see what all the fuss from Paige was about.
AJ, Nikki, Brie, and Paige sat at a back table in catering and talked over the match with D-Von. So far, it was a typical "biased referee screws over the fan-favorite to make sure the heel champion wins" kind of deal.
"Nikki goes over because Brie screws me?" AJ asked, losing faith in the match she wishes she could put on instead of having to lose to Nikki.
D-Von shook his head. "Actually, no. At some point, when the time comes, you're going to retaliate against Brie. Give her a good slap in the face, then hit the Shining Wizard on her before she can disqualify you."
"Then Nikki hits her finish and a replacement ref runs down?" AJ asked.
D-Von shook his head. "Just listen. Hunter really wants the crowd to rally behind you. How we do that is by Brie fast counting each of Nikki's roll-ups but you kick out just in time. Every time you try for the Black Widow, Brie is going to find a bogus reason to break it up. Then at some point, Nikki racks your eyes and Brie laughs in your face or taunts you or whatever."
"I like where this is going," Nikki not-so-humbly commented.
D-Von continued. "Shining Wizard to Brie. Nikki hits her Rack Attack and goes for the pin. No dice because Brie is still out. Nikki tries to wake her up, but can't so she signals to the back for a new ref."
"Can we get Charles Robinson to do it?" Nikki asked. "I like his style and he is the best at showcasing the winner."
"Actually, the replacement will be Paige," D-Von clarified.
"What?" The three out of the women exclaimed at the same time, in various tones. AJ in excitement but the Bellas in anger. Paige simply smirked and winked at AJ.
"Paige will come out in a referee shirt," D-Von stated. "Brie will roll out and meet her outside the ring. Paige will hit her with the Ram-Paige on the floor. AJ locks in the Black Widow. Paige comes in to call the submission."
AJ's stomach dropped. "I'm winning?"
Nikki jumped up from her chair. "She's going over? Are you fucking joking?!"
AJ faded into her own mind while D-Von and Nikki argued back and forth. She almost couldn't believe it was going down. AJ motherfucking Lee was going to be Women's Champion once again. And she was going to do it by toppling the biggest Diva of them all.
"And Triple H mentioned that if either of you tries to sabotage the match that they would be suspended immediately without pay," D-Von said, making Nikki groan in frustration and sit back down. "He wants this to be a showcase match and we can't do that if Nikki hurts AJ again or AJ retaliates and hurts Nikki."
"I'll be professional," AJ promised, earning a dirty look from both twins.
"Bullshit," Nikki barked, getting up from her seat and storming away with Brie on her heels.
D-Von sighed heavily and said goodbye to both Paige and AJ.
AJ narrowed her eyes at Paige. "Is this the big secret you couldn't tell me earlier?"
Paige chuckled devilishly. "You're not the only one that's been secretly training at the Performance Center."
"Are you gonna wrestle again?" AJ asked hopefully. The recently re-introduced Women's Tag Titles flashed into AJ's mind. The two women who helped elevate the Diva's division into a revolution being tag champions? AJ felt herself cover in goosebumps.
Paige shook her head. "Not quite. Just a few bumps. My back and neck are still far from ready for that."
AJ nodded. "Then I'll put on the match of a lifetime for both of us."
Paige smirked. "You better."
Elimination Chamber February 17, 2019
AJ took a deep breath. They were recapping the Men's Elimination Chamber for the Universal Title. Finn Balor, Demon paint and all, took home the win after last eliminating former champion Roman Reigns. It was a near-perfect match that was going to be impossible to follow, but AJ was going to give it her best shot.
Just by the way the crowd blew up, AJ could tell they just flashed the graphic for her match coming up next. AJ took several deep breaths to calm her nerves. Standing in Gorilla before each match never got easier. It was a little less nerve-wracking when Dean was there to comfort her before the Royal Rumble, but he stayed back at the hotel this time. Paige was talking things over one more time with Hunter and Vince. Everything was set for AJ's triumphant return to the top.
"Don't choke out there," Nikki hissed under her breath but loud enough for AJ to hear. "Like you choke on Ambrose's cock."
AJ chuckled under her breath. "I'm sorry? What was that, John Cena?"
Nikki scoffed and turned away to talk more shit with her twin. AJ rolled her eyes when Brie's stupid ear-splitting theme hit the building. To no real surprise at all, Brie's appearance was met with heavy boos.
AJ's heart skipped a beat when the very audible, very clear "AJ! AJ! AJ!" cheers started.
"You got this, baby girl," Paige told AJ in her ear. "AJ Lee is back, bitches."
AJ grinned from ear to ear as her music kicked in and the live audience exploded. "AJ Lee is back bitches."
Brie Bella tried another fast count as her twin sister attempted a roll-up on AJ Lee. AJ kicked out at two and a half, though it was barely a one-count.
"Are you stupid?!" AJ screamed in Brie's face.
"Hey, I'm the referee!" Brie screamed back. "You get out of my face or you're done!"
AJ swung her hand as hard as she could. Slaps were supposed to be rough anyway in this business. Brie stumbled back and nearly ate shit through the ropes. She tried staggering back to her feet but AJ was already bouncing off the ropes and driving her knee into Brie's head. Brie didn't pull back in time to protect herself and took AJ's knee pad straight in the mouth, but Brie knew it was coming so AJ couldn't possibly be blamed by Brie's lack of professionalism.
AJ hopped to her feet with the crowd fully behind her. Nikki lifted AJ on her shoulders and dropped her with the inverted TKO, aka The Rack Attack 2.0. Nikki went for the cover but Brie was selling the Shining Wizard on the outside of the ring. AJ rolled into the corner and further sold the neck breaker she'd just taken.
"Brie!" Nikki screamed at her sister. "Get off your ass! I have a title to retain!"
Brie started to get up but it wasn't fast enough for Nikki. The defending champion waved at the backstage area for a new official. A few moments of waiting and nothing happened. Then, making the crowd hit the ceiling in excitement, a familiar screech came through the speakers and a certain GM of SmackDown took to the stage with a referee shirt on.
"What?!" Nikki screamed, covering her head in disbelief.
Paige shuffled sideways down the ramp, taking in the loud ovation from the audience. Brie finally got to her feet and put herself between Paige and the ring. Paige rolled her eyes at Brie's attempt of controlling the situation. Paige drove the toe of her boot into Brie's stomach and lifted her for her signature cradle DDT. Brie's head bounced off the ramp, knocking her out cold, though of course not actually. Paige hurried to the ring right as AJ flipped around Nikki and locked in the Black Widow submission.
AJ felt Nikki slap the back of her leg, but everything blurred after that. AJ didn't realize she was crying until she was kneeling on the canvas with her head in her hands. Paige tapped AJ on the shoulder and offered her the red and white belt. AJ ripped it from Paige's hands and held it close to her chest.
"AND NEW WWE RAW WOMEN'S CHAMPION! AJ LEE!" Mike Rome proudly declared from the bell keeper's area.
AJ stood up, still ugly crying with the belt in her arms. Nikki helped her sister up to her feet and angrily walked back up the ramp but, to their credit, sold the match like it was a real fight.
"You fucking did it!" Paige told AJ in her ear to make sure she didn't get caught saying it on camera.
AJ, tears still pouring down her face, lifted the title in both arms and raised it high above her head. The audience ate it up and completely lost their minds. Paige took AJ's arm and raised it, officially declaring her the winner.
AJ's ugly crying hadn't stopped once she hit Gorilla again. Triple H greeted her and Paige with a hug. Several other male and female talent, that weren't critical of her and her recent exploit, offered their congratulations and hugs as well; Bayley obviously was the first one to offer a warm embrace.
"Fuck, I need a hot shower," AJ stated with a laugh. She unwound the tape from her recently injured hand and tossed the wrappings in the trash.
"You do need to freshen up if you're having celebratory sex with your boyfriend," Paige said with a smirk.
AJ rolled her eyes. "I do need to call him, but we aren't fucking. How many times do I need to tell you that?"
"Just a celebratory drink?" Paige asked.
AJ shrugged. "Probably. Then we'll more than likely fall asleep watching a movie."
"Ok," Paige said in a sing-songy voice.
AJ gave her friend the finger and ducked into the women's locker room. The first thing on her mind was a warm shower, then call Dean, then do whatever the night had in store for her.
Dean lifted AJ off her feet in an embrace so tight AJ was sure she was going to pop. No such luck as she was set on her feet and led into her hotel room by her adoring boyfriend. Dean had already ordered a late steak dinner for them as well as a bottle of celebratory champagne. AJ excitedly chatted about how much she loved being the champion again and all the support from the locker room she got afterward. Dean sat in silence and watched on with adoring attention and let his woman ramble on for as long as her heart desired.
"I seriously still can't believe this is real," AJ said for the hundredth time that night, cutting into the last pieces of her food. She gave the women's title, that she set on her pillow, an adoring look and shook her head slowly. "Who would've seen this coming? I left four years ago, just so sick and tired of all the politics and bullshit backstage. And now I'm back and women's champion again in, what, a few months?"
"It's fucking insane," Dean said with admiration in his voice. "I'm so excited to see what you get to do now. You're at the top now. I know Becky is SmackDown champion, but nobody really gives a shit about that show. You're the top of the main show. That's fucking incredible."
AJ sipped at her champagne. "Right? I... I don't know. I just can't get it out of my head how insane these last few months have been."
Soon, the two young adults finished their food and set their dishes in the hall for housecleaning to pick up. Dean turned on a movie for the two of them to watch while AJ settled into bed and snuggled up close to her lover.
AJ took to Twitter to check all the tweets of love and support from the fans. Many praised her long journey back to the WWE. A lot were critical, but AJ didn't really care about them at the moment. The RAW Women's Title was sitting beside her on the pillow, seemingly grinning at her with as much excitement as AJ had for the very near future as keeper of said belt.
"How's Jacksonville looking?" AJ asked out of habit, wanting to know how Dean's future was going to look.
"Great, actually," Dean replied. "They're doing a show in Vegas in May. They want me to rush the ring after the big main event. I'm hoping the crowd just loses its fucking mind."
AJ cocked an eyebrow. "Should I start calling you Jon then?"
Dean smirked. "You can call me whatever you want, baby doll. I'm just so, so happy I'm going to get the hell out of WWE."
AJ pecked Dean on the lips. "I'm happy you're happy. Maybe I'll tag along to Japan whenever you go and I have time."
The two lovers shared another smooch and turned their attention back to the movie.
The movie was quickly forgotten, however, when AJ leaned in for a kiss that turned heated fast. AJ's head was swimming with champagne and pride while her heart filled with desire and want for Dean.
Dean took control of the situation. AJ, with the fear of having to do this for the first time with a different guy again, just let Dean do his thing. His chapped hands gently felt every inch of AJ's body, sending chills all throughout her anatomy. AJ closed her eyes and sighed as Dean's lips shifted to her neck. Never in her life, probably ever, has she felt this much want from a man. The way Dean moved and moved her showed how gentle he was going to be but how badly he needed her.
AJ aided in the quick removal of her clothes. Her bare skin covered in goosebumps upon seeing how eager her boyfriend was. She smiled bashfully and let him continue kissing her body.
"Holy shit," AJ giggled under her breath, feeling how long it had been since she'd last been touched when Dean's fingers and tongue ventured below her waist.
Dean gave her a smirk and a kiss to the lips when he paused to cover himself with protection, then laid eye level with her.
AJ's body fell into rhythm with Dean's like they had done this a million times before. Dean stared into her eyes and offered small pecks to her lips as their hips moved in stereo and their breathing became heavier and labored.
AJ dug her fingernails into Dean's back. Dean grunted and tugged on AJ's bottom lips with his teeth. Finally, feeling herself unravel around him and he unleashing into her, AJ gasped his name and let him end the best night ever with the hands-down best experience she'd ever had in a bedroom.
Dean rolled to the side to catch his breath. AJ stared at the ceiling as a smile crept across her face.
"Fuck, dude," Dean grunted with a laugh.
AJ rolled her head to the side to look at Dean. "Hey, babe?"
Dean returned her look. "Yeah?"
AJ smirked. "Can you order ice cream sundaes?"
Dean started to chuckle, which made AJ laugh as well. "Sure, babe," the rugged man took a deep breath and gave his girlfriend a kiss to the lips. "I love you."
AJ lightly traced her fingertips down Dean's side, tickling him and making his body jolt. "I love you too, Dean. Extra whipped cream?"
Dean winked. "You got it, darlin'."
AJ covered her nude body with the comforter. She felt relieved that she and Dean finally reached the physical stage in their relationship. It had been building up for so long that she wasn't sure if it was going to be as good as she thought it could've been back when she originally met Ambrose. But it was, clearly, or she wouldn't feel as refreshed or relaxed as she does now.
Dean hung up the phone. "Be about twenty minutes," he rolled over to face AJ again. "You sound cute when you swear during that."
AJ slapped Dean on the chest with her hand. "Shut the fuck up. I'm not cute. I'm drop-dead sexy, but not cute."
"Damn straight, baby doll," Dean offered another kiss to AJ's lips, then got up to clean himself up.
AJ scooped up her title from the floor and held it close to her chest. She wanted to sleep, but the excitement for tomorrow and ice cream sundaes kept her awake for now.
The End