"Holy shit! You really are new to this, little harlot. But fear not! This Fidelity shall remedy this immediately. So, there are a couple of things you should know first. There are more worlds than you could ever count and each of them is different in their own way. But one thing always stays the same. In every world there are primordial humans and primordial demons in the very beginning of time."

Kurama narrowed his eyes. "You say 'primordial' like there could be any other kind."

The bunny nodded happily. "Yes, of course. It is only natural for living beings to evolve. In each world one or both species sooner or later evolves into something else. Whether for the better or worse is anyone's guess. So there are some worlds in which there are crossbreeds, some with superhumans, some with other kinds of demons. Fuck, in some worlds there isn't even a second species left, because one has hunted down the other or one goes naturally extinct. It's as I said, no two worlds are the same. And there are lots of worlds. So you should begin by telling me something about your world. Then I can try to identify the correct one for you to try to go to."

The fox demon shrugged and sighed. "It really isn't that distinguishable. There used to be a lot of clan fights. But now there are a couple of nations and hidden villages with shinobi working as their main defense."

He paused when Fidelity clicked his tongue and shook his head. "That is the problem with all newcomers. That exactly there massively narrowed down the list of suitable possibilities. Did you truly believe, there would be only ninja villages for any kind of human in any world? There are hundreds and thousands of other and better ways to structure a society. So good, ninja villages. One point down. How about economy and technology - at what standard are they? The kinds of weapons and clothing used and so on? Any particular kind of animal? Even minuscule things could hint us to the right direction."

"Err… I have no fucking idea about economy. I mean humans plow fields, right? I assume by technology you mean the fireless lights and head radios that recently came up. Weapons are usually any kind of blades, really. Kunai, senbon, shuriken, swords mainly. Clothes are from some kind of plant as far as I know. I didn't really give a fuck about that."

Fidelity glanced his naked human body up and down. "Indeed. Tell me, harlot, aren't you cold without clothes? That is its main reason of existence after all. Even if you don't value human standards of modesty, nights can literally freeze your ass out here."

Kurama sneered in indignation. "I have no need for such pitiful crutches."

The fluffball regarded his slightly blue fingers and toes not-so-subtly and nodded slowly. "Yeah, right. Since you seem to have no positive regard for humans, why don't you tell me something about the demon society."

He blinked. "What? What society?"

Somehow, the bunny suddenly had a really bad feeling about this. "You are a demon right?" Kurama nodded. "That obviously means, they are not extinct. So how is your kind living? In colonies or territories? Villages or widespread?" No, he did not recount that many possibilities, because he wanted it to be true. Because, if he was right, there were only a handful of worlds left to choose from and none of them-

"Well, there are only nine demons in existence including me." The bunny's stomach dropped. "Unless, you count the ten-tails. Then again, we nine are what's left of him. Yeah, and all of us have been sealed inside humans for a while now. Except for me now. Fate just set the string of my human vessel free and me as well in the process. Ever since I've been stuck in this shitty human like body. By the way, do you know, how I can get back my real body?"

The bunny started to hyperventilate. "You-you are a primordial from the Elemental Nations! Fuck no! I did not sign up for this shit!" Then the fucking furball bloody fainted.


He had not left his side in three days.

At first the servants, then the guards and finally his father had tried to get him to take a reprieve, had even offered to stay in his stead until he returned. He had only taken them up on their offer when needing to use the sanitary facilities. He ate, slept and read at his little brother's side and let the servants bring him anything, he might need.

Not that he had actually wanted anything at first. His father had nearly force fed him when he hadn't touched his meals. And when the servants had started to suggestively leave books within his reach, he had taken to reading some texts out loud for Naruto or furthering his research in dimensional travels to keep his mind occupied and from going crazy with worry.

He simply could not bear the thought of loosing him. Finally, after all those years, he had someone. Someone who understood, someone who shared, someone who actually cared. He could not loose that. He could not survive the loss of those sun-kissed grins or the warmth of his genuine smiles.

He still remembered every moment of pride, when his little brother achieved something, he had set his mind on. Like those chains. He had recently learned to use up to three yōki chains. The little blond had been so happy, it had been so infectious, that Sesshōmaru couldn't resist a small smile.

Another time he had finally managed to recite all prominent figures, clans and settlements in yōkai politics. It had been particularly difficult to work that into the kinsune's memories, but the relieved and honest laugh after being told, that he had managed perfectly, had been absolutely worth it. He would die, if he could never hear that laugh again.


The inu heir did not even look up from his scroll. He knew it was his father, again. Seriously, in the last three days he had seen more of his father than in the past couple of months, maybe even years. So he only had to seclude himself to a silent watch and be sick with worry for his father to give a damn about him? Go figure.

"Sesshōmaru, look at me."

He sighed inwardly and reluctantly looked up, his expression in check. He could not defy a direct order. At least not, when it didn't cost him anything to follow it. His father's golden eyes looked at him worriedly. He knew, he should feel bad about making his father look that way, but to be honest he felt like his father deserved it. It must be the first time in a century that the old inu had looked that way because of him. What kind of father did that make him? Certainly not a good one.

The Inu no Taishō sighed deeply and pulled a seat next to him. Sesshōmaru blinked in surprise. That was a first as well. Would wonders never cease? For a long while nothing was said. There simply were two sets of golden eyes regarding each other, one cooly, the other … was that tension in them? He blinked.

"Sesshōmaru, this Tōga knows it is a difficult time for you, but Naruto-kun is perfectly safe here and in good hands. You need to rejoin the festivities. It is not healthy to stay here all the time. And you have a responsibility to our people to represent our strength. The final delegation will be arriving tonight and this one wants you there."

For a moment he was tempted to scrunch his nose in distain. Obviously his father cared more about politics than his own flesh and blood and the ward he had accepted. His supposed pack. Still, it was an order from the alpha. So he nodded tightly. "This Sesshōmaru shall attend the festivities tonight provided proper supervision of his little brother." He would leave them as soon as etiquette permitted and come back here to watch over his otouto.

Tōga gave him a thin smile in return. "Thank you. It will be done." Then he hesitated and seemed to think something over. Finally he added: "This Tōga has some good news as well." The young heir did not even raise an eyebrow. He simply waited. "This one knows, this might not be the best time to break the news, but… You will have another brother soon. He-"

The great dog general halted. Something about the expression in his son's face made him pause. He blinked. No, that was no illusion. His heir showed actual emotions on his face and they were… not good. Incredulity showed itself first. Then came outrage and anger. Then heated distain added to the mix. Fangs were bared.

"You-" Tōga's eyes widened ever so slightly. It was the first time, Sesshōmaru was at a loss for words. Or too angry to find them. And so furious, that his voice had actually trembled. Then suddenly, it was like a levee had broken and the words flooded out like a torrent.

"How could you even say that?! Have you no shame? Are you seriously trying to placate me with a new brother? That bastard hanyō you are having from that human whore you seem so proud to take into your chambers like an actual mate? Never mind that my mother still lives and is mated to you. Never mind the shame you bring to our pack by such a weakness. Do you actually think, a bastard born under those circumstances could ever hope to remotely replace my real brother? No one will ever take Naruto's place. He is my brother and no one else."

His nostrils flared and took in the sharp smell of fear and the bitter one of disappointment, his father emitted. His nose scrunched even further due to the latter smell and his voice became dangerously close to a whisper, his golden eyes blazing like little suns.

"Get out. You are no longer welcome here, father. I do not wish to ever see you again. Nor will I ever accept a bastard into my pack. You better hide that whore of yours. If I ever see her and that bastard she carries again, I will not hesitate to strike them down. You are dead for me. Yes, I will do my duties as heir. I will uphold the honor of the West. I will protect the pack with my strength. But by the will of honor and justice, this Sesshōmaru no longer considers you pack. The kami know, you have long forgone your own duties and were simply to much of a coward to take that step. Now, begone. This one is done with you."

Sesshōmaru turned his back on him and kept his eyes trained on Naruto, his body shaking with absolute fury and shock. It was the ultimate gesture of dismissal. It was also a grave insult.

For a long while, Tōga simply stared at his back, an ache already forming in his chest, while still in a state of complete disbelief. He had not wanted this. He had not expected, that this would push him over the edge. Actually, he had hoped that he would take some sort of comfort or slight delight in the news. He obviously did not care about blood ties for his closest pack, as the kitsune boy could attest. Nor did he seem adverse to the thought of being a big brother.

Admittedly, he had not taken his mated status into account in that particular moment. Because honestly? The boy did not seem to particularly care for his mother. Nor had he thought, that the boy despised humans that much considering the supposed origins of his adopted little brother. Or did he simply not care?

Sadness flooded the old inu. His heir still stood with his back to him, completely stiff and every muscle tensed in anticipation. He was obviously prepared for possible retaliation. Sesshōmaru had been so agitated, that he had even forgotten any kind of proper speech during his rant. That had not happened since his mother had left the western palace.

Finally Tōga sighed silently: "This Tōga has taken notice of your declaration, but will ignore it, as you are obviously distraught. This one shall leave you now to your watch, but expects you at the festivities as befitting for the heir of the West." Then he took his leave.

Sesshōmaru meanwhile shook even harder. His father had not even dignified him by acknowledging his will. It was the ultimate insult.

Neither of them knew, that the vow had been heard throughout the realm of the gods.


Sesshōmaru sat at his father's right hand, neither one acknowledging the other and both particularly curt in their interactions with their guests. They sat at a low, but huge five-edged table. Four sides of the table representing the four cardinal directions and their respective royal clans. At their sides their respective vessel clans had taken their seats. And one side for the neutral clans. Behind each of them kneed their closest consultants.

On the western side sat the Ino no Taishō with his heir at his right hand and Basaku, the leader of the panther clan, at his left.

Uruha, the lord of the north, had his daughter Ayame on his right side and Naho, the kitsune clan leader, and her daughter Saho on his left.

In between north and east sat the neutral parties. Bokuseno had long felt the tension in the earth, that his roots were constantly observing, and had decided to show up, even though tree yōkai rarely left their territories. Or even uprooted. Kaguya had arrived without an heir as usual. Rumors said, she were barren. But this time she had surprised them by not coming alone as always, but bringing a consultant, a little white haired boy with no known name and a rather large mirror in his hands. Hasuke, the leader of the collective kappa clans, in contrast had arrived completely alone, without even a consultant or guard. He had said, that his heir excused himself but was currently unable to attend because of clan specific matters that needed tending to.

The southern side was mainly occupied by Ryūkotsusei. His sheer presence seemed to take up the majority of space. On either side of him sat Hahie with Kamon for the tanuki and Enena and Inina for the bakeneko respectively.

The eastern party was the one yet to arrive. The bats and birds had the longest way to travel and it was thus not unusual, that they arrived the last in the west.

Sesshōmaru regarded the collective yōkai leaders. Except for Hasuke, each of them had at least one or two consultants and a security detail at their backs. Behind Tōga himself sat the inu yōkai Futoshi and the flea demon Myōga. The place behind himself was empty. He had not chosen anyone else than his brother to sit there. Still, together with the panther consultants and both the panther and inu guards, their side had a mass of people. And the other sides were just as crammed.

Having expected that many yōkai attending, they had planned the gathering of the twelve bigger clan heads in one of the grander gardens. It provided everyone with plenty of space and fresh wind for those with more sensitive noses and tongues and less walls to echo the sound for those with the most sensitive ears. Further considering the mass of servants laying in wait for orders of any kind within hearing range the fresh air probably was a life saving idea.

The funny thing about this meeting was that they all waited in relative silence. Yes, there were some polite conversations. But for the amount of yōkai all gathered at one place, it was remarkably quiet. Each one of them felt the tension in the air, whether they let it show or not.

Finally a servant announced the arriving party: "The Lady of the East, Tekkei-sama, and her daughter, the heiress to the East, Abi-sama. With them Taigokumaru-sama, head of the bat clan, and his heir, Tsukuyomatu-sama."

All assembled yōkai turned and watched the delegation arrive. Tekkei of the blue fire honored her nickname through her blue flaming hair, while her daughter looked more normal with black hair and red eyes in comparison. The two of them held themselves as regal as one would expect from the leaders of the east.

The bats however were a stark contrast to their female elegance. The father was the allegory of a human nightmare with a face so grotesque, the royal yōkai tended to avoid him given the choice. His son while not resembling his clan head in the slightest encompassed strangely mismatching colors of icy hair, violet eyes and dark skin.

As the four of them sat and exchanged polite greetings with the other yōkai leaders, Sesshōmaru observed the herald with slightly narrowed eyes. Usually, the announcing servant executed his task and then retracted to his post. This one was not following the norm. He stayed, visibly pale, and waited for a polite moment to interrupt once again: "The Lady Consort of the West, Lady of the Skies, Kimi-sama."

The young heir's breath hitched a little when he saw her enter. She was as beautiful as he remembered. Flawless skin, blinding white hair, purple birth markings and on her forehead the same mark, that adorned his own, the indigo symbol of the House of the Moon. Draped in a richly decorated kimono and her silky pelt she looked like a goddess descended onto the mortal realm.

In his amazement he hadn't notices the garden grow quiet. The eastern delegation looked somewhat smug and superior in their foreknowledge. The southern party watched with interest, while the North regarded the scene in contemplation.

His father's face was made of stone. Everyone could see the likeness of father and son sitting side by side, an expressionless face to mask any emotion to give no one any kind of ammunition. Tōga nonetheless stood with the rest of the assembled yōkai and inclined his head ever so slightly while holding out his hand to seat her on his left, where a servant had hurried to position a lavish cushion for the lady of the house.

She sat down in a seiza graciously. Her sophisticated manner was no doubt befitting for the lady consort of the Inu no Taishō. And her mate conducted himself to the utmost standards befitting his station. They looked like a match made by the kami themselves. Beautiful and deadly. And still, thicker tension than ever hung in the air as the pair sat side by side for the first time in a century.

The lord of the West might have banished her from his castle, but in a political setting such as this, there was nothing he could do about her presence without loosing face. After all, she was still his mate, whether he liked it or not. To show disagreement within the pack to other clans was showing weakness. And inu yōkai showed no weakness or their reign was as good as over.

So Tōga did the only sensible thing. He smiled and swung his arms out in an opening gesture. "Honorable guests, family, friends, vassals and allies. This Tōga welcomes you in his humble home. It is this one's pleasure to host you during this solstice. The festivities shall start tomorrow at noon with the customary honoring of the sun and shall proceed with performances of all the yōkai clans and their offerings. As all yōkai will probably celebrate quite enthusiastically tomorrow night, let this night be a calm one of commemorating this joyful gathering and exchanging news and pleasantries. The western cooks have given their best to please you all. So let the feast begin."

While a stream of yōkai suddenly surrounded them all and put an obscene amount of food on the table, the young inu still sat stiff in his cushin, his gaze drifting towards his parents every couple of seconds and gliding over the guests whenever he catched himself doing so. He was still in shock and couldn't quite process his mother's appearance yet.

"You look well, my son."

Startled, but not letting it show, he looked yet again to his mother on his father's other side. She smiled warmly at him, while his father stoically looked ahead and pretended not to hear anything.

He inclined his head, his eyes burning gold but guarded. "As do you, honorable mother." After all, he did not know, how to interact with her. He hadn't seen her in such a long time and didn't know about her intentions or level of affection, if existing. The time alone in the western palace had made him cautious. Titles, jokes and statements alike usually had double meanings, if not tripple. And one thing he remembered about his mother was that she was a goddess of the political game. His tutors still gushed about her grace in socializing and giving white flowery threats, even though they did it in whispers and shadows. After all, her name had been banned from this place as long as herself. That her legend still persisted only proved her skills.

The lady consort's smile widened a little. "So formal. Time passes so quickly. This Kimi's little son has grown up quite well."

"You honor this one. It is only natural. After all, it has been a while since this Sesshōmaru was graced with your presence."

She nodded sadly. It was every inch a fake. Not that he expected any less in such a formal setting. "Yes, indeed. Far too long for this one's feeble and longing heart. Alas, responsibilities were to be minded. The lands do not rule themselves after all."

"Quite so. This Tōga looks forward to your report after this feast, honorable mate. This one shall welcome you in his study."

The other two dog demons' heads snapped to the Inu no Taishō, who still did not look to either of them and calmly sipped his tea. Finally the lady inclined hers, smiling. "As you wish, Mylord." Then she turned effortless towards the wolf clan. "It is a pleasure to see you again, Uruha-sama, Ayame-san. How is Choro-sama faring? It has been too long since this Kimi last saw him."

Sesshōmaru tuned all of the polite chatter out and finished his meal in silence. As soon as was deemed acceptable, he excused himself from the gathering and left the lowly lit gardens. He was accompanied by a couple of guards as no one of importance was allowed to move freely since the assassination attempt. It was quite annoying, but he understood and accepted it.

He drew the line at entering his chambers, however. The guards took up position in front of his door instead. Hatsuo looked up from his post beside his little brother's bed and bowed deeply in deference. "Young heir, there have been no changes in his condition."

Sesshōmaru nodded and gestures him to leave. As soon as his minder had left, he created a shadow clone. He regarded his double with slightly narrowed eyes. "You know, what to do?" The clone nodded and masked his yōki presence with a precision and control, he was known for among his tutors. The rest of the castle had yet to see him in action. Then the shadow clone jumped out the window.

The young inu sat down next to his brother and ran his fingers through the slightly charred blond hair in front of him. The brunt of the explosion had impacted on his little brother's lower back. Still, the kitsune would need a hair trimming as soon as he was awake.

He was just thankful, that he had been paranoid enough to leave a pair of logs in their chambers as soon as he had acquired the knowledge of his brother's skills. Otherwise Naruto might now be dead. The kawarimi had probably saved his life.

Silently sighing he rested his eyes just for a moment. The next, he was deeply asleep, nightmares plaguing his restless night.


"Why have you come?"

The elegant inu raised an eyebrow and seated herself without care. "My, how uncouth, dear mate. It seems the century has not been as kind to you as it has been to Sesshōmaru. My dear boy has grown up so fast." She sighed theatrically. "But then again, I have been forbidden to see him sooner. Any thoughts on that you would care to share, beloved?"

The Inu no Taishō growled deeply. "Everyone has made their choices. You decided to betray me. I decided not to accept any feeble excuses. Sesshōmaru decided to stay here with me. What more is there to think about?"

She giggled lightly and batted her eyelashes at him in fake innocence. "Ah, but then again, you have had quite some difficulties, if the spirits told me correctly. The boy is like me, through and through, I heard. Cold and calculating, as many have called me before as well." She cocked her head as if pondering. "I cannot imagine why, though."

Tōga snarled in disgust. "Yes, why indeed." The sarcasm could have dried a lake. "I do not know, why you have decided to come here after all this time, but do not interfere in this lordship's diplomatic relations. Do not spin any of those creative truths you seem so fond of. And most of all, stay away from the boy."

Her amusement didn't fade. If anything, it increased. "'The boy'? What is he, the stable hand? Listen to yourself, my dear. You cannot even say 'son' voluntarily. This just shows he would have been better off with me. The House of the Moon is just as old and honorable as the House of the Fang. He would have made a fine lord of the skies. Yet he decided to stay in the West. And you cannot even appreciate what the kami have gifted you. An heir anyone would have been proud to have. An heir as strong as any grown yōkai, even most daiyōkai, despite his young age if the training results I received are accurate. He will be a kami in his prime. Pride and strength. He encompasses everything the inu yōkai stand for. And yet." Her eyes turned cold. "And yet." More didn't need to be said out loud.

Tōga did not avert his gaze, but his jaw clenched just like Sesshōmaru's when indignant, annoyed or ashamed. The hailed general never could find the right words to counter the golden tongue of his mate. Her tongue was as sharp and deadly as his swords. She had fought the polite war, while he had fought the bloody war. It had been the reason why they had conquered so many central lands in their time together. So he simply replied: "That is no longer your concern. Sesshōmaru is indeed a fine heir and will succeed me without difficulty. Anything else does not matter. You do not matter, Kimi."

For the first time, the lady inu twitched slightly. Yet still smiling she retorted: "I do not? My, I am inconsolable that I must disappoint you so, beloved mate. Solely my appearance together with the Lady of the East is shaking the foundations of your reign, is it not? You should be careful, what you say, my dear, people might not come to the correct conclusions. And it would be such a shame to see this lands in flames just because you could not stand my presence for a couple of days."

Another growl vibrated in the lord's throat, but he did not show his teeth. He knew, when he was bested. "Indeed. We would not want that. So let us do our utmost not to set these lands on fire. After all, it is also your heir, that would need to tend to its ashes."

She smiled coyly. "As you wish, mate. I would hate to destroy my son's inheritance after all. In fact, I shall make the most of my time here. Who knows, when I will have the opportunity to visit next?"

The lord did not reply. A visible shudder ran through his back at the frightening sight of the lady's perfect smile. She had ever been the only foe he truly feared. And for all the right reasons as well.

She stood up in a fluent move and stole a passionate kiss right from his lips. Then she calmly walked towards the door, while Tōga was still frozen. Just before leaving, she turned around. Her tongue licked over her lower lip as she regarded her unmoving mate lasciviously over her shoulder. "Do greet that human lover of yours for me, will you, dear?"

The lady consort of the West and lady of the skies was gone before the Inu no Taishō could even startle. Once again, his mate had shaken him to the core and his thoughts circled themselves in worry. His alliances, his lands, his heir, his lover and their expected child. All of them were fair game in her eyes. And he knew, she would not hesitate to crush him if she so desired it.

He did not even notice the shadow that crept carefully out of the study, slightly shaken itself.


There was such a thing as too much free will.

At least that was the case in Honor's opinion. It gave one responsibility for one's actions and inaction. And Honor was so, so tired of it. Responsibility, the force to decide the right path, was exhausting and nothing short of torture.

It was the reason, Honor usually liked Fate. She kept everything in check. Until she did not.

Once again her snap decision had forced Honor into a position, the kami did not appreciate. Oh, Honor knew what would happen. The same as it always did, when someone of such a fate was let free.

Fate and Justice would usually fight side by side against Order and Chaos. It was the only time, the latter pair ever stood together. And nothing was more dangerous than Order and Chaos in coexistence. It would lead to the inevitable.


Now the only question was, on which side Honor would stand this time. And how the kami would answer the call.


Alright, I admit it. I am lazy. I started to use 'ō' because thinking about whether to use 'ou' or simply 'o' is just too much of a headache. Both ways look kinda wrong depending on the word and I can't keep changing my mind. Still, I am way too lazy to change it in the last chapters. At least for now. Should I ever be bored, I know what to do, but for now the last couple of chapters will remain unchanged. But in the future I will continue to use 'ō'.

Sooo… I hope you enjoy the chapter and are not too disappointed by the shortage of Naruto. I promise, I will make it up to you guys;).

Oh and I really hope you liked Kimi so far. You will get to know the other yōkai (more or less) as well in the following chapters, but she is a crucial figure. And finally I hope, I did make you curious about her past with Tōga and such. You will not learn about everything. This story is centered around the boys after all. Still, a bit of their history will also be important in this arc.

Honor… I have a plan for… it, as small as it might be. Seriously, someone tell me whether Honor is male or female. I simply cannot decide.

Well, that's all from me for now. Next chapter will be up next week as usual.

Ps: Thank you all for the feedback. It always makes my heart happy:). Feel free to review this chapter as well!

doomqwer: Yeah, I felt for him the entire time i wrote about Inina…

buterflypuss: Thank you:)

Silvermane1: huh. Actually the question of summons completely slipped my mind. Now that you've mentioned it though I'll think about it…

bootskitty328: yay! Someone picked up on that. I'm so proud of you!:D

keotaka1: well, now the wait is over. Always a pleasure to keep my readers satisfied:).

kagewolf25: Wow that is a lot of hatred. I would have rather expected such a reaction after chapter 10, not 9. Still, you can relax. Tōga's Death is something I will certainly not change. It would change too much of the original plot for my taste. Naruto influencing everything will be enough…

Guest: Hey, it worked:). Well, I did leave a hint with the hand signs. Admittedly, I would have been too lazy to look them up myself as well, if I was a reader.

Hanyouprincess3: Thanks. I appreciate it. Naturo… Sorry to disappoint you, but you will have a real answer to his condition next chapter;).