Hey all!

Oka,y listen up. I'm done with the SOUS. For now at least. I'm takinga break, to get Future Shock out. At least to fix the firs tfour chapters sot eh story can continue again. I think I should finish it while I'm not doing anythign else. And this is teh only SOUS that wraps up nice and neat, so this si a good stopping point. Btu stick around for Future Shock. it's drama, but it's me.


Eileen-*bows* Thank you. I'm proud of that bit of writing. Glad you liked it too. I love my insta-fluff abilities.

Yumiko-I'm proud to have disturbed you. *bows* Thank you.

Mrs. Jean Grey-Summers-I love to hear about my weirdness from others. Thank you.

Chaos-Pyromania is what keeps me sane. Well, that and klepto-nympho-bunchofother'o's mania. You have an underwear obsession? *makes thongs rain from the sky* Ray's tighty whities are classic schtickt. It is better to be loved, because then you get cameos no matter what. Marvel needs to die. htey said Rogue's real name! Bastards. Read Future Shock. Lots of ROmyness, and male whores!

Sphinxy-*Big grin* I thought you'd like it. I'm a psycho, you just can't see it int his writing. You should chek out my stuff under 'Juliano'. I'm glad I've elicited such girliness. Happy to see you smile so much. Glad to hear I made your day better too. I'm happy to inspire giddiness of all sorts. Laughed at your post notes. Very funny. *big grin* And yeah, I'm tall-ish with thick black glasses. You'll see my picture when I storm Marvel with Ish and Chaos.

Ish-Gold star? Yeah! *does happy dance* I love them! Chili is soooo good. I may write Remy bumping into you at some point in time. Will that sufice? Care to be a patron of the hotle in the next SOUS? Like a cameo in Future Shock? I'm glad I've acheived balance. It's hard to do when I'm inbalanced myself. Don't worry about being deep, I know you're all metaphysilogocal and such. *sigh* last chapter. I always feel sorta sad and sorta happy whe I get to this point. Crack! Yeah!


A week went by. Rogue and Remy continued exploring all aspects of their relationship. They even joking wondered if Satan was too busy to return their calls.

But, as all good vacations must, this one ended. And all that was left was the packing up. And even that went quickly.

Rogue sat next to her suitcase, the maid's tip envelope in hand. Since the pool debacle, the maid had made herself scarce, but left a condom under the pillow and a mint on top. Rogue hadn't quite decided if this was a joke gesture, or something the maid actually thought she'd need. Either way, Rogue wanted to thank the maid for her thoughtfulness.

It was actually kind of creepy, but at the same time, the maid had never said she was too young, or that she should slow down or speed up. Just the presence of protection under the pillow, just in case. Rogue pulled out her wallet and looked in on the contents. A few one pound notes, a ten, and an american twenty. She shoved them all in the envelope. Hey, it was Xavier's money anyway.

Rogue grabbed her bags and went to the lobby. Roberto, who was finally out of the closet, was sitting on the couch, macking with John. John was sitting next to Scott, who looked very disturbed. It may actually be more accurate to say John was sitting _on_ Scott.

Scott looked helplessly at Jean, who found his perturbment to be entirely too amusing. Eventually she T.K.ed John onto Roberto's lap. Roberto promptly put his feet on Scott's lap, trapping him again.

Kurt chose that moment to distract Jean by teleporting, with Amara's cell phone, to the bathroom, leaving a disgusted Nova Roman princess yelling about phone sex after him. So Jean decided to check it out.

Rogue sat next to Remy, who had put his feet on the lobby couch they'd been lying on when Raven cracked him in the head with a lamp. He grinned at her after she shoved his feet away, plopping down next to him, closer than she'd sat to anyone else for a long time.

Things were getting interresting for them. With Scott and Jean preoccupada, they were pretty much unsupervised. The adults were waiting at the airstrip for the Professor and their ride back to comparative sanity. Ororo was glad that this was the last time she'd be required to ride in a vehicle with the others for a while. Logan didn't want to see Roberto and John macking, and there was no way a genius was going to be left alone with the X-kids.

Speaking of the X-men, they were using the parental figure free time (not always wisely, but hey, it's still a part of the vaction, even if it is the tail end). A few, like Rahne, used the opportunity to catch up on sleep. Remy used the opportunity to let Rogue grope him. She was good at it too. He was sure he could feel her trying to imagine how it would feel without gloves, how if would feel if her were under her, sweaty but still ready for whatever she had to give him. God he loved what his mind came up with while Rogue toyed with the hair on his happy trail.

But the students weren't unsupervised for long. Eventually Jean walked back in, with a slightly lavender Kurt following her. Rogue's hand shot out from under Remy's shirt, almost buring him from the friction.

After the students were given a fair chance to get into some semblance of supervision, the Professor, flanked by all the teachers, rolled into the room.

"I do not think we shall be taking another vacation for a while. Rogue, I hope that the rumors saying you sacraficed a prostitute to Satan to have an orgy with the entire Brotherhood and Remy are false."

The professor fed off the images that popped into people's minds. Especially good were the ones in Remy's mind. But there were a few really interresting ideas in Scott's imagination as well. The professor tucked the naughty thoughts away for later perusal, after he located some lubricant and some free time.

Everyone was woken up. Bobby was put in charge of waking the others up. He tried to dump ice water on Rahne. But the girl had used her super-wolf senses (okay, she hadn't really been asleep), to avoid being drenched. She jumped up and ran out to the van, hopping up on top of it, out of harm's way. Bobby grinned up at her.

(AN: I apologize for this. It was written after I played the part of Grandmother Tzeitel in Fiddler on the Roof, and it was still very stuck in my head. Once again, sorry!)

"A werewolf on the roof. Sounds crazy, no? But home, in our little town of Bayville, you might say wea re all werewolves on the roof. Each of us trying to scratch out a super villain's eyes without breaking our necks. Why do we stay up there? Free food and board. And how do we keep our balance? That I can tell you in one word: TRAINING!"

Bobby had to hide from all the newbies coming after him for getting that song stuck (agian!) in their heads. Bobby got rid of the ice water by dumping it on Hank, who then chased him, as John and the professor talked.

Soon all the children were herded into the vans. Logan and the professor watched the small riot.

"You know Logan, I don't think we'll be taking another vacation anytime soon."

Logan shrugged. "They're less tense, adn hey, only one acolyte left. Too bad it's the strongest one."

The professor nodded. "But now we have to put up with him."

"He'll be dead in a week if you let me whip him into shape."

The professor shook his head. "I think perhaps next tiem you will be left at home to practice inhte danger room as much as you like."

"Thanks Chuck. Wanna try and put up with the kids?"

"No. Shall we?"

Logan laughed and they left to get a ride to the air strip and make their way home.


Next up, Jean and Scott consumate their destined-to-be-togetherness. John and Piotr at the institute, and a new invention.

Sometimes I feel I've got to REVIEW!

Peace and (tainted) Love,

Panther Nesmith