"Happy birthday... my brother"

With that, Touya's eyes slowly dropped close with a small smile on his face. He just looked so peaceful, too peaceful.

"Touya-nii!" Shouto shouted while shaking him. He couldn't be gone just like that. With tears streaming down his face, Shouto continued to shake him hoping that with some miracle Touya would open his eyes and say that everything was fine. Say that he was fine, he wasn't dying and that everything could go back to the way it was. No matter how hard he shook, the fact that everyone else around them were crying or trying to hold back their tears was a tell tale sign that he was really gone.

'It's not fair. Why are you so selfish. You can't just come up to us after years of being missing, telling us that you are our long lost brother, telling us how much you missed us and just disappear just as suddenly. Stupid Touya-nii.' Shouto thought to himself. Suddenly an idea popped into his head. Holding Touya's now cold and battered body close to his left side, Shouto activated a small amount of his quirk, hoping that his heat could transfer over to Touya. He turned around and scanned the crowd. "Someone please get recovery girl. May-maybe we're not too late, we can still save him. Please. Please save my brother!"

Shouto saw Aizawa-sensei walk up to him and press his fingers against Touya's neck. "Todoroki. I'm sorry. But there's nothing that anyone can do to save him now. Even with recovery girl's abilities. We won't be able to save him. I'm so sorry."

A week later

Classes had just resumed. With the incident a week ago, the school decided to give both the students and teachers some time off to rest and recover. The league of villains had been caught.

Throughout the week, everyone was oddly quiet, even the loudmouths like Kaminari had kept his jokes to a minimum. Shouto had spent the whole week at home with Fuyumi and Natsuo who were both in a worse state then him. Fuyumi and Natsuo had spent more time with Touya and they were simply devastated. Natsuo stayed in his room only coming out for meals. Fuyumi would break down randomly crying and Shouto was always there to hug her and give her the comfort that she needed. Hugging her not only comforted her, it was comforting to him as well. Endeavor was changing as well. He would occasionally bring back food that they liked for them. Everyone could see that he was trying to make up for his past mistakes and was trying to earn their forgiveness.

Slowly, everything was returning back to normal, Shouto and Natsuo went back to school, Fuyumi went back to work. Slowly, they decided to break the news to their mother. When she heard of everything that happened, she broke down saying "I knew he was alive this whole time. Why didn't he come see me." At that, they all pulled each other into a hug. Even Endeavor joined in. They just stayed there hugging each other, comforting each other. They suddenly felt a familiar warmth surround them and at that moment, they knew that Touya was with them, watching over them.

With that Shouto thought to himself, 'Everything is going to be fine. Thank you for everything, my brother.'

And this is the final end for 'My brother'! Sorry if this seemed rushed because I didn't have as much time to write this compared to the previous chapters. Once again thank you for reading my work and I hope that you will support my other pieces if I write anymore! Also I'm accepting any requests if anyone has:)

Kirikarma out^^